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x..Deep Kaur..x

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Everything posted by x..Deep Kaur..x

  1. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh, I also have a 'Jaggah' of my ancestors in my pind. However in my mind it is verfied as 'Shaheedan Di Jaggah'. I would not like to brag but i am in love with Sikhi and probably not like a normal girl my age i don't go out wearing small kapreh, clubbing or anything like that. I'd personally rather go Gurdwara everyday and do sewa:D:D. Anyways my taye ji like does alot of sewa at that 'Jaggah' and she started getting a 'pehra' (ancestoral spirit inside her), and she also infact predicted my brother's birth. She came to England and seen how at a young age a do so n so and paint portraits, wright poems about Sikhi. And she said to my mother that tell her to stop doing 'Parth' because she will start getting a 'pehra' at a really young age. Apparently even the slightest person they feel has got alot of lov 4 Guru Maharaaj, they visit them. I am not going to be biased but i i have infact felt a vibe and seen men with 'white choleh and white dastarr'. I've been told by my mother that when i get scared i should rememba 'Jathereh' from the 'Jaggah', they are there to protect me but have also been told by Babaji at Baba Vadbhag Singh Ji Gurdwara(bedworth, Coventry) that when i get scared i should read the Chaupai Sahib. So i decided okay fair enough, just like 2 weeks after i got so scared and believe it or not i was on the phone and i said, 'look i can see something running towards me'. I started getting really scared and i remembered what babaji said so i put the phone down, started saying Chaupai Sahib out aloud. Honest to God it felt like someone was breathing right infront of my face. I started panicing but carried on doing Chaupai Sahib, then when i finished and say, 'Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh'. I opened my eyes and i seen feet walking away from me in a semectrical way outwards ) ( < like that, just seeing the seam of a 'cholah'. This so far in life was the biggest life time experience!! But was wondering, were they actually 'Jathereh' or just my mind playing tricks. But i was definate i seen something running towards me because i blinked my eyes about 20times 2 see and it was surely there. Can anyone explain what that might have been please.. Thankyou, Deep Kaur :gatka-singhni: Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
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