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Kaljug Singh

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Posts posted by Kaljug Singh

  1. Underestimating the power of the ancients are we ?

    Naga was not only a kingdom, they were a people .. a race of serpentine humanoids .. according to wikipedia. :p

    Pun aside, don't brush them away that easily. Why do you think the Chinese worship dragons (snakes with feet) and the Mexicans, Aztecs and Mayans worship snakes as well. In India there is Anant Nag in Kashmir and Nag-ercoil in KanyaKumari.

    There is Nag-pur in Maharashtra and Nag-aland in North East of India.

    The symbol of the Saxons of Europe is also a Dragon.


    The obvious reason is that it is a carry over (perhaps a genetic memory) from the fear and respect that our cavemen ancestors had for the dinosaurs (snakes with feet) who could kill them from the air, or from the waters depths, or on land.

    It's a pretty ancient human trait to worship and to offer sacrifices to dangerous things in the hopes that they will not kill you. It is the oldest form of religion.

    I agree that ancient myths can sometimes contain nuggets of historical truth, but its not acceptable to use them as the sole peice of evidence for your theory.


  2. Fateh!

    I did some research on this cult.

    There is a schism in the ranks and currently leadership is claimed by the dead guy's son and a fat auntie ji with a really irritating voice who has dubbed herself Maharani Pali Darshan Das. She claimed she received a letter from the cult leader a month before he got his just rewards to the effect that he authorised her to take up leadership.

    I have just finished reading his writings and they are filled with the all kinds of wisdom that you will never find anywhere else like - be nice to each other, don't do bad things, peace and love are quite nice, always remove your kachera before you take a poop.

    His status as a "Spiritual Master" meant that he didn't have to strive to have any original thoughts, and apart from the fact that it is his kachi bani that is read at meetings of his cult, the dress, the style of communal worship and the language that cult members use is very similar to Sikh practices.

    Like Naamdharis, Radhasoamis and other Dehdari cults, he misinterprets the words Guru or Satguru in Gurbani to mean someone who is too lazy to actually get a real job and earn his own living and who has therfore decided to take advantage of the stupid, the needy and the vulnerable.

    I seriously cannot understand how anyone can fall for his nonsense. His divinely inspired writings are something

    I'd expect to find on the inside of a Punjabi Hallmark card, they are that unoriginal and inane. He tells his devotees that lying is bad and they look at him wide-eyed with awe and nod their heads wildly as if he has just revealed some mysterious and profound secret.

    I am honestly tempted to walk into one of their meetings, look intently into the eyes of some random cult members and mutter some awesome nugget of esoteric wisdom like "Hey, did you know that brushing your teeth prevents acid erosion?" and see how many followers I can poach.

    The cult is registered in the UK as a charity and the headquarters of their cult, which they call Sachkhand Nanak Dham, can be found in the UK in Birmingham.


  3. Fateh.

    There is a discussion between Guru Gobind Singh and his Sikhs recorded by Rattan Singh Bhangu in his Panth Prakash (which he read in Sukha Singh's Gur Bilas).

    Guru Ji asks his Sikhs to gain sovereignty over as much territory as they wish (presumably in India) and exhorts them to accept sovereignty over distant lands also, but the Singhs wanted to stay in the Punjab alone, confined amongst their own kin and didn't have the vision for greater territorial Sikh rule.

    Whether that constitutes proof though, I don't know.


  4. Gurfateh!

    What a great title!

    My personal belief is that a Sikh is either a Lion and a King or a Lioness and a Princess, and should look the part.

    When a lion is awake and prowling, the whole jungle is aware of its magnificent presence and follows its every movement with baited breath. I believe the presence of a Sikh should have the same effect on his surroundings and the people around him, because he or she is a representative of the Lion of the Spiritual World, Shahenshah Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

    A Sikh is proud because he is in the form given by Dasmesh Pita, not for any other reason.

    Here's what Yamamoto Tsunetomo says about taking care of one's appearance in his Hagakure, a book which was used as a guide book by Samurai:

    "Every morning, the samurai of fifty or sixty years ago would bathe, shave their foreheads, put lotion in their hair, cut their fingernails and toenails rubbing them with pumice and then with wood sorrel, and without fail pay attention to their personal appearance. It goes without saying that their armour in general was kept free from rust, that it was dusted, shined, and arranged.

    Although it seems that taking special care of one's appearance is similar to showiness, it is nothing akin to elegance. Even if you are aware that you may be struck down today and are firmly resolved to an inevitable death, if you are slain with an unseemly appearance, you will show your lack of resolve, will be despised by your enemy and will appear unclean."



  5. OK. I am glad a discussion has been started on this point and it is evident that there are naamdharis on this thread too.

    The katha of the Naamdhari was OK, he tactfully talked about the right things and made no reference to his own Guru. He obviously had full awarness of who is audience was and made sure they heard what they wanted to hear. No great surprises there as most of our Granthis use the same tactic anyway.

    From a panthic stand, Sri Akal Takht Sahib has given clear instructions in the form of a familiar Hukumnama (which I believe in the Rehat/Maryada section of this website) that Naamdharis and blatant followers of living Gurus should not be allowed to perform keertan or katha on the stages of Gurdwaras. This mata was passed by the Punj Singh Sahibs and signed by the Jathedar.

    Naamdharis do not fall in the same category of jathebhandis, dals or sampardays as do the SGPC, AKJ, GNSSJ, Nihang Dals, Taksals, Nanaksar, Missionaries etc. The simple criteria being the accpetance that Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj finished the dehdhari Guru lineage and passed the GurGadi onto Shabad Guru in the form of Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj. There were no 11, 12, 13, 14 or 15th Gurus there on after. The dehdhari belief breaks this parampara allowing the acceptance of a Human form of the Guru to exist, which Naamdharis openly do parchaar and vichaar of.

    It is essential that the Sikh Channel adheres to our parampara and ensures that their representation is not only whiter than white, but also within the mainstream of Sikh maryada which is essentially adhering to the standardised Sri Akal Takht maryada and Sikh belief.

    Careful consideration must be made when chosing a parcharak or presenter and their affiliation to non Sikh groups must also be taken into consideration. I have a slight concern that the management of the Sikh Channel may fail to take this on board.

    Excellent post.

    To the person who compared this Naamdhari guy to Bhai Lall Ji and previous Muslim Rababis who used to perform in Harimandir Sahib: there is a huge difference between inviting Muslim followers of Guru Nanak Ji to perform kirtan and allowing the chela of some man who claims that he, and not Sri Guru Granth Sahib, is the light of Sri Guru Nanak Ji the opportunity to be part of a channel that is supposed to represent Sikhi.



  6. ^

    I'm sure its just a coincidence.....but the Bow Gurdwara....the Manchester Gurdware...AND the Doncaster Gurdwara are Bhatra Gurdware.

    I'm sure it doesn't mean anything....Just something to give us food for thought.


    What do you think the fact that they are all Bhatre gurdware means? I'm not accusing you of anything, I'm just genuinely curious if you are aware of anything going on in the Bhatra community that might offer some explanation into the situation.

    Maybe we should all take this as a sign to trot down to our local gurdwara and make the committee members and sangat aware of these incidents if they do not already know, and to ensure that the gurdwara has adequate safeguards (sprinkler systems, fire extinguishers, smoke alarms, CCTV cameras, 24 hour security perhaps organised by the sangat).



  7. Fateh!

    If Sikhs can chose not to wear helmets and die in wars for the UK, I don't see why the police should have a problem with Sikh firearms officers choosing to take the risk of being killed on the job. I don't believe that this is anything more than racism on the part of the MET.

    On a note of pure levity, a kevlar dumalla would be pretty frickin awesome.


  8. It is quite unfortunate that in even such a serious topic, discussing the loss of human lives - that some are so consumed by hate that they cannot resist making personal attacks and comments about their own brothers.

    For those who attempt to slander I guess an explanation is owed and hopefully an apology will be rendered.- The Sikh Activist Network has been taking part in Tamil Solidarity. Langar was distributed in the spirit of Bhai Ghaniya Ji to Tamil Demonstrators in Toronto, Ontario on Saturday. During this seva hundreds were fed. Additionally, this upcoming Saturday The Sikh Activist Network has been invited for the second time to speak at a Tamil Rally. We will taking part with a speech of Solidarity.

    Now some may choose not to be in solidarity and they have every right to exercise this freedom and I respect their opinion. I hope they will respect mine and those of my comrades.

    Also, It is quite obvious who the comments by Proactive and Kaljug Singh were directed at. So I humbly ask for your forgiveness for not spending my time to update you on status of Sikh Activist Network's solidarity and work on this issue. I also must ask for forgiveness because I have been tempted to not post out of a belief that it would lead to unnecessary accusations, slander and fingerpointing based on ideological differences - I was wrong, because it took place anyways.

    So, I would like to take this opportunity to request that in the future, instead of assuming or attempting to slander by creating a false impression of others - that if I have not posted regarding the status of SAN to please contact me and ask what the status of the solidarity is and if there is none to inspire such.

    Kaljug Singh, I have had very good and civil discourse with you via PM in the past. Admittedly some of our discourse encouraged me to continue developing my understanding of the world that surrounds me - so to see such a post from you is not only hurtful but rather disappointing. Proactive, I feel that I may have done something to deeply offend you on a personal level as you continuously attack me personally, even when it irrelevant and unneeded, so I send my love and apologies - let's stop this crab in the bucket mentality and instead agree to disagree.

    Fateh, Veer ji!

    It is good to know that you will be serving the Tamil community with as much passion, energy and focus as you did the Palestinian people.

    Yes, I still disagree with your stance on the Palestinian/Israeli conflict as your actions will be politicised and you will be serving the cause of Arab and Islamic imperialism whether you want to or not. In the long term I believe that this will harm Sikhi.

    But I apologise for misunderstanding your intentions. It is good to know that you are not applying the Sevapanthi ideals solely to populist causes.

    Please continue to inform us here what causes the Sikh Activist Network is fighting for and how, as it will allow everyone here to support you when they feel they are able.



  9. "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued." -- Qur'an 9:29

    This is the first public mention in a protest (that I know of anyway) of the plight of Sikhs in Pakistan. See here for a transcript of Arish Sahani's speech:


    It's nice that the public are being made aware of this and that there are people willing to speak out.


  10. i wonder where our activist friend and all the other professional protesters are who were so prominent when the Gaza was being bombed? It looks like the Tamils are being massacred is much larger number than the number of Palestinians and yet apart from the Tamils themselves no one else has taken much notice.

    Heh, I was wondering the same.

    I suppose the truth of the matter is that defending Tamils is not fashionable, probably because they are not being "oppressed" by Evil White Capitalists or Jews.



  11. Numerous studies have suggested that moderate alcohol drinking helps to reduce the likelihood of heart disease. The so-called Mediterranean diet, which includes a larger intake of wine, has been credited with lower rates of heart disease in those countries, despite a higher intake of saturated fats.

    Ah, the so-called French Paradox. See here:


    There is not sufficient evidence to determine that the resveratrol in wine is responsible for the lower rates of coronary disease in the Med.  Most researchers believe that it has more to do with the lack of hydrogenated and trans fats in the Mediterranean diet.



  12. Training for hypertrophy (mass) is different to training for strength is different to training for power is different to training for weight loss.

    One's genes may naturally incline one to be big and bulky or slim and wiry, but there's no reason one cannot overcome these natural obstacles. If you are naturally big and want to lose weight you are going to have to put some serious work into your diet and training routine, and you will most definitely lose muscle and strength in your quest to get shredded.

    But FYI, it's not a natural state for anyone to be big and shredded - most people who are in such a condition are using roids and drugs like diuretics and estrogen-blockers to get rid of excess water, and even professional bodybuilders will only keep their peak condition for a very short period of time after competing or a photoshoot. Check out photos of bbers like Lee Priest, Jay Cutler, Ronnie Coleman and Jay Cutler in their off-season.

    The question is why would anyone want to look ripped just for cosmetic purposes? I'd rather be big, strong, powerful and have great cardio fitness. That way I can either fight if the need arises or run like hell (e.g., if I'm being chased by some drunk ugly woman looking for companionship on the way back from work). In Jang, you can't flash your abs at an enemy and hope that they will forget that they are trying to kill you as they lose themselves in admiration of your 6-pack.



  13. Harjeet Singh,

    The example of the Gurus shows us that bhagti and shakti need to be cultivated simultaneously.

    It has been the same message from Guru Nanak's rejection of the renunciate's life and his concepts of service, free kitchen, and living the householder's life to Dasmesh Pita's creation of the Khalsa Panth to destroy oppressive Mughal rule in the Punjab.

    Do you understand the concept of Miri Piri? Sikhs are supposed to be Shastardhari Sant Siphai not Bahmans trying to solve life's problems by sitting in a cave for 41 days and japping mantras 108,000 times with one's limbs tied up like a yogic pretzel.

    What do you think Dasmesh Pita was trying to teach his Sikhs when he administered Khande de Pahul, taught them the use of arms, and gave each Singh the spiritual authority, courage and will to wage a war of righteousness against a superior and oppressive force in order to obtain freedom and the right to self-rule and self-determination?

    If He had wanted us to wait for Divine Intervention or metaphysical revenge through karmic retribution, He could have clicked His fingers and destroyed Mughal sovereignty in instant. Do you doubt that Dasmesh Pita could have done this?

    Instead, He wanted us to be free of such superstitions and the scorn the empty promises of Brahmin priests who thought they could compel the Devis and Devatas through their rituals and to rely on gifts that are accessible to every human being to achieve this almost impossible feat, gifts like faith, bravery, ingenuity, physical strenth and resilience, skill in arms (gained through hard work and continuous practice) and the mastery of techniques of modern (for that time) warfare.

    Do you understand?

  14. Whilst your here Bijla.

    Why do you think he banned onions and garlic? Seems sort of strange to me? Ok, I know thay can make you a bit smelly but still, that is an overreaction!

    Onions and garlic arouse one's passions, not a good thing when one is trying to attain a Sattvic lifestyle and state of being. They are banned in many Indian systems of mysticism, for example they are completely forbidden for Zen monks.

    In my opninion, he was trying to force a Sadhu's diet and lifestyle on Sikhs while they were still at war.



  15. Thanks Brother,

    The 'center' is opening in a go-kart place on Steeles,

    I doubt any but the founder's family and freiends will attend

    as most Sikhs in the gta are unaware of it,

    Fateh, Ji.

    That's good to hear, but in my experience Sikhs are generous to a fault. If they hear about a new gurdwara opening, they will donate funds without asking questions.

    I would just ask the Sangat there to remain vigilant about Singhs asking for money to open a new gurdwara. Let them be aware the these Singh Sabha Canada goons may be soliciting funds to finance their anti-Sikhi parchaar.

    Stay well,


  16. I posted links before but they were rightfully removed by Admin

    so that others younger people don't get influenced/give them hits,

    I think all their videos have been removed from youtube

    there's already a massive topic on thids forum called 'Alert!Slander of Dasam Bani and Taksal!'

    I believe they are still up on youtube, Veer Ji.

    Also, see this link as well:


    There is a gurdwara opening in Ontario to promote their rubbish. I'd ask the Canadian Sangat to raise awareness in the local Sangat there about these people.



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