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hopeless singh

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Everything posted by hopeless singh

  1. First of all this Singh should have tried to avoid the situation. He should have gone to another washroom. Secondly he should have went to the management to complain. Thirdly never argue with a cop. I am sure if there is any charges of resisting arrest, they would probably be gone even if you personally talk to the head of the police in TO. Since all this whole situtation got messed up, you should still see the management of the centre, and the chief of TO Police directly to file charges of assulalt against the Security officials, because in Canada security officals have no right to touch anyone. They are only observers of peace not enforcers. If there is major trouble they are suposed to call the police, not take the law into their hands. I would also file a complaint against the security company that hired these security personal.
  2. To all you Singhs I did not use the word vanished, I used the word dying down. Racism in the open is when you are walking down the street and some one hurls racial words, throws rocks at you, spits at you and etc. The unopoen racism is in the work force, it could be in government. First of all the Sikh community is not united. Look at our Gurdwara situation. We are just as racist as the whites perhaps even worse - caste system. We are known as no remorse killers. When a gang wants to do a hit they perfer to use Punjabis. Punjabis have a taste for killing. Kim Bolan, why is she popular think is it because the white people love her. The answer I got from a Punjabi Policeman is No. He said she is in business because of us. We hate each other and use her to spread hate against us in the open media. Who the Indian Government if we are united. I am sure there are Hindu advisers for Mr. Obama. That is why he did not mention Sikhism. Canadian Immigration Policy our people are supporting not to bring more people from India here. We have Punjabi MPs why are they quiet because they support their parties policies. At the end we are all racist wheather we like it or not. Only way to get rid of tyranny aginst sikhism is "United We Stand Divided we Fall" I think this should be translated into Punjabi be permenatly add to our daily ardass.
  3. This is what Canada was like in the 70's specifily Vancouver and its suburbs. When I moved to Canada the first thing I learned was the middle finger because so many people would drive by and finger you or called you Hindus, Puns and etc. Paki was a word unheard of back then. We had drive by spitting by these racist people. We have had rocks thrown at us by other school children. We had our distars taken off. Guru Ghars were small in many areas. This one paticular one where we lived was a church converted into a Guru Ghar. Every night someone would drive by throw rocks at the Guru Ghar call out names. They even tried to set the Guru Ghar on fire. I remember one Guru Ghar in Vancouver was fire bombed. It was a terrifying experience. Sometimes my mother would be alone she was the only one to care for us because in the evening my father would go to school so he could get Canadian Education. As we grew up racism started to die down. In 1984 open racism had vanished. In the hard times our people used violence. Punjabis became famous for having grass hockey sticks in their cars. In one incident a woman in a rural area bought a gun and shot and killed one of the persons that came to their farm every night and burned crosses, or their barn. The person she shot was a son of a Police man. Even police back then were racist. Because Canada is a gun controlled country racial killing with guns was not heard of. Americans are known for being trigger happy. Education is one of the biggest weapon. Educating the youg is very important. In school someone went there and told about Sikh and even tied distars of on children, this was so they would know what it feels like to wear one and that a distar is not a rag. Some people that I met after 30 years questioned me. We see a lot of Sikh people that went to school with us have taken off their turbans and cut their hair. They ask me why have I not done that. One of my biggest answers is we paid a price to keep this identiy. Why give in to people who hate us. There is a saying I come to your contry you ask me to remove my turban, cut my hair because you don't like me. Then you tell me to convert into chirstiany because you don't like my religion. At the end you say I don't like your colour, that is something we can not change so you can not make anyone happy, why should I chage my ID because at the end you still don't like me. Unfortunately US has a long way to go, France and some other European countires are no better. It is sad to see this happening to Sikhs. One little note: We did not teach the other community Bhangra, or other silly traditions in the Punjabi culture. We told them about Sikhi. Our traditions have made us look like a buch of people out of control. pureee chatka... Oh ki hunda ji? lol it was a joke, as you must know chatka means kill with one blow...... OHHHH I got jhatka but was struck with puree as theres no such word in Punjabi except Puris (the one u eat with cholley) Now I get, you used Punglish :D
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