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Posts posted by H4RPAL

  1. According to tria chariter, Guru Ji got fooled, therfore, those believing in tria chhariter aren't Sikh. Safe! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


    lol- was waiting for your input on this one. Was sure you'd tell us milk is like egg without the shell as science tells us etc ( although I argue something else is more similar to egg without the shell), didn't see the Treh Charriter angle coming lol. Nice touch!

  2. Here are some reasons

    Milk is a food product.  The cow produces it with the intention that it will be consumed for food.  Herbivores like cows, goats, etc. drink milk.  The fact that cows are mistreated now by the milk industry has lead many Gursikhs to go to organic milk, but our own Guru Sahibs drank milk.

    Eggs are produced as a form of life.  They are not meant to be food.  The only things that eat the eggs are carnivores who steal them, like wolves, dogs, etc.  No herbivore eats eggs.  Hens do regularly give eggs that aren't fertilized.  So do human women.  You are eating the equivalent of a period (sorry to be so graphic). 

    Does that sound yummy?


    Why do people eat eggs, but not rooster sperm?? Same thing kinda, just without the shell.

  3. In response to my Veer Pheena Ji, yes this is a different composition to Raag Mala. Rattan means Jewel or Gem so Rattan Mala is like a rosary or sequence of Jewels.

    I don't understand why you would want to read Rattan Mala. There are hundreds of Angs of Gurbani to read, written by our Gurus. Least of all should a controversy on Rattan Mala's status as Bani be restarted as it has been on Raag Mala.

    If you really wanted to read Rattan Mala then you can find it in many Puratan Birs at the end with other additional compositions. I think, also once it was printed in a Gutka by a certain group.


    What group was that?? Just out of interest, nothing more sinister. Do any "groups" still believe it to be bani?

  4. Ok thank you but how do we stop them?


    We shall sellotape their mouths. Sellotape is hard to get off of your muchaaan I hear, its painful.


    what a sick joke and you call yourself sikh that you are ready to pull out nihang singhs kesh with sellotape.

    you are really sick man.



    The whole point is they wont remove the sellotape because it would pull their "kesh" out, and as such they can be kept quiet for the duration of the brainwashing programme/education initiative. After this space of time, the adhesion capabilities of the said tape would fade to the point where it could be removed without beadbi of hair. There are admittedly some kinks as of yet in the system, such as how individuals will be fed during the course of the programme, but these are being addressed as we speak.

    Also, I didn't call myself a Sikh, I don't like name calling as it always ends bad.

  5. Ok thank you but how do we stop them?


    We shall sellotape their mouths. Sellotape is hard to get off of your muchaaan I hear, its painful.


    Isn't that cruel though. I think educatiing them nicely with respect is a great choice.


    Yeah, we'll do that first, and if they keep replying by telling us it was the maryada of Guru Ji, then we'll sellotape their mouths and proceed with the education programme uninterrupted. Agreed??

  6. i was just geting ready 4 school, so a quick post.

    he called you a khatri because guru nanak dev jis surname was Rai...Rai back in the day was a khatri name.

    thats what i think anyhow.

    gustaphi maaf


    Is this correct?? Guru Nanak's surname was Rai?? Or did you mean to say Guru Gobind Singh Ji's surname WAS Rai.

  7. yep, thats why you have static build up. you're making friction, and normallyl when the electrons would transfer through the comb to your hand, which then transfers to the ground (gotta be bare foot.... and on floor, not carpet, haha, for max benefit).

    you can also help by

    brush your hair

    take other hand and smooth out the path you just brushed

    like one after the other

    and make sure your feet are touching the ground (that way you're grounded and the electrons CONDUCT through your skin to the ground, lol)


    I think in terms of comparison with a plastic comb, you get less static build up with a wooden one.

  8. for jaspaul:

    why not mind ur business and stop bullying people.... :lol: ..its over buddy

    return of the gyanawale

    I think he's the  current Jathedar of the AKaal Takht sahib.


    Oh Okay! Thanks a lot. When did he become the Jathaydaar and how long is he going to be the Jathaydaar?


    I think the general rule is the more jathedars the better, and he's been jathedar a while, so hopefully not too long till we get a new one!!

  9. There could also be the issue regarding confusion of duality. The word tun as opposed to tusi may have been used to emphasise the singular nature of God, as the term tusi could be mistaken as a plural refrence.

    In this way, the use of tun ensures it is clear that it is one entity being reffered to in Gurbani, and thus the oneness of God is forwarded.

  10. Here we go!


    Look at the buddy above and the aunty below.


    Another pic.


    Whoooooo. Mega cool. Whos the dead blue guy in the bottom pic?? These are much better than the other guys pic- his was too peaceful. These are way better. But I dont get it, is the guy with his tongue out kali or Shiva? That guy under the guy labbeled Kali looks like Shiva. Have you got any pics of Shiva with his tongue out?

  11. Heading says Sri Kaal Ji Ki Ustat!

    Ustat means praise. Why praise something you don't worship. Guru Granth Sahib Ji strictly prohibits worship of anyone other than God.

    Kaal Pae Brahma Bup Dhara|| Kaal Pae Sivjoo Avtara||

    So that is wrong also then.

    Also if you read chariter 405, last one, it says that from the fire of the mouth of MahaKaal

    Khans, Shaiks, etc. were born.

    Also the writer sometimes uses Mahakaal, some times kaal so it is the same thing and both have the same characteristics. Drugged up writer of bachitter natak made a big mistake by saying raamnand and gorakh came before Mohammed. The fact is that they actually came like 800 years after Mohammed. Moammed told Muslims to worship Allah not him so that is also wrong when the writer says no one got people to worship Akaal.

    Raamanand also has a Shabad is Guru Granth Sahib Ji, looks like the writer didn't know it.

    Also the writer doesn't even mention Shaheedi of Guru Arjan Ji. Why? Because he didn't know too much about it.

    Don't tell me that Guru Gobind SIngh Ji made all those mistakes.

    As for Mur Pit Poorabh Keeyas Pyana

    Bathing at hindu sacred places is Manmat. Teerath Ishnaan is strictly against the teaching of Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Same for giving donations to brahmans. What you are saying is Guru Ji wasted money of Sikhs by giving it to Brahmans? Shake your head 5 times and think again about this shund Mur Pit Poorabh ...

    Guru tegh Bahadur Ji went to hindu pilgrimage for sacred bathings and gave donations at Tirveni (Paryag) to Brahmans.


    You say there is no difference between Kaal and Mahakaal, and thus the quote previously applied to mahakaal can be considered such due to this interchangeable vocabulary.

    However, the later quotation you provided contradicts this, as it states "He is the knower of the knowledge, the giver-god of he supreme intellect; He is the death of death and also the death of the supreme death (MahaKal).1.253."

    In this extract, it is clear the language is not interchangeable, and that Kaal and Mahakaal must be considered as seperate entities.

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