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Posts posted by SantLUCIFER

  1. Mohkam Singh Jee,

    Thanks for your efforts. Please provide one Vaak from the true Gurus confirming that Satigur is Sri Guru Granth Saahib Jee.

    Balbir Singh

    I'm guessing you're a Namdhari or Nirankari....[other cult/sect...]

    Satguru is Waheguru. When the Guru Sahibs were here they were the Satgurus as they were the vessel to carry the name of the Lord within them. Currently Shri Guru Granth Sahib is the Guru, but is not to be worshipped as an idol, as it too is a vessel to carry the verses of God.

    Satguru mera sada sada, na avai na javai. [True Guru is forever and ever, he neither comes, nor goes] this attribute can only be affliated with Waheguru.

  2. If you actually took the time to search this site you'll find this topic has been done more times than I can count!

    yes it happens, it happens to many. Muslims don't like Kurdish Muslims so when they elope with them they refuse it or 'honour kill' so educate the silly girls, if they don't understand with love take of the joothi and deh teri jor naal. :ipunchyou: Watch them abide!

  3. it makes me laf when we want to seperate from cremation grounds - does it really matter when your dead - id be more happier to be cremated then to be rotting 6 foot under ...... so we dont do it for the better of the earth what plannet are you on .. and wasent siki originated from hinduism so does that been we also talk mumbo jumbo ?? racist bigot comes to mind .......

    Yes, like you're going to FEEL yourself rotting! :rolleyes2:

    It matters not if we are cremated or buried. If the burial there seems to be a lack of places even of Christians, Muslims these days so much of the Earth has been taken up. Dhan Guru Nanak Dev Ji did not instruct his last rites, the burial and cremation of two parts of his shroud emphasise that.

  4. Dhan Dhan Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaaj Sahib Nirankar, was offered Alcohol by the Yogis, he refused, saying ''I'm intoxicated on the name of the Lord, the intoxicant NEVER stops, it is continous unlike the one you drink and smoke'' :respect:

    Waheguru Ji Ke Fateh Ji!

  5. Are you a devil worshipper? sant lucifer? ie saint lucifer? is this some kinda sick joke?

    No Sikh should be promoting anti-Sikh ideologies / names especially those that praise demons and evilness.

    Are u literally Cool Water....? :doh:

  6. Please see this video taken from last nights 'have i got abit more news for you.' (9.7.2011)


    In the footage the presenter calls Sikhs 'towelheads'.

    Please make a complaint to the BBC. If it was a remark about black people or anti-semitic remarks then the person would be crucified by the media. At the very least he should make a public apology


    Erm stop making a song and dance about every trivial thing. Sikhs have much more greater issues than a remark directed at anybody with a turban [sikhs, Arabs etc]

    HIGNFY is an ace programme. His remarks were in sarcasm at the person who made the statement about Obama being a 'Raghead' listen to the last remark he says 'D***head'

    At least try and understand the satire before throwing a wobbly!


  7. You don't need an army, look at the Middle East uprising are they soldiers? no they are mere students, people of all walks of life. Let the Revolution begin in the Panjab if they really want it and then the rest of the Sikhs worldwide support them. I fear they do not want it in the Panjab....

  8. naw im not a keyword warrior, but weren't you the one asking someone to meet you in person over the internet lol, that sounds like a keyboard warrior

    ahhhhhhh pretty easy to get into punjab and no one would have to kiss up to pakistan but you can, what a person can do is fly into delhi which most punjabis do or fly into anyother city/state and go into punjab

    and no we don't need help from pakistan, and america helped to have the soviet union kicked out of afghanistan and pay back for vietnam, pakistan helps these guys to spread islamic extremism and presently have beheaded sikhs

    like i said anysikh that thinks kissing up to pakistan like yourself is the way for sikhs to stand up to the indian govt is just an <banned word filter activated>

    And that same Pakistan protects the likes of Dhan Nanakana Sahib and other Sikh Gurdwaras!

  9. Be a Soldier by all means. It's good to see a Sikh doing so. But don't think you're going to be always fighting for the good of all, the West picks and chooses it's friends and foes. South Americans, ask them what the US has done to their countries, trying to topple any democratically elected leader who does not agree with the US. Cuba, Venezuela and so on.

    UK rejected the idea of having a Sikh Regiment, yet the Gurkhas are allowed, but hey we were good enough to fight for the Brits in the world wars but not good enough to have our own regiment. I guess they fear the Sikhs may rise once again. I hope they do!!


    Look at the Sikhs looking galliant and smart.


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