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Everything posted by hsingh68

  1. This does not make a red a bad colour. Here I believe it is talking about TRUE marriage. Getting married in hinduism and sometimes sikhism involves wearing a red dress. But the marriage is temporary and not true as it doesn't make you married to God as back then when getting married people (especially hindus) used to call their husbands GOD/pARMESHAR and getting married with them would grant you mukhti but this is superstitious. Getting married to God is about losing the egotism therefore TRUE marriage. A red dress can not be blamed.
  2. Yes but rehatnamas are still not Gurbani. According GGS there isn't
  3. ਕਬੀਰ ਪ੍ਰੀਤਿ ਇਕ ਸਿਉ ਕੀਏ ਆਨ ਦੁਬਿਧਾ ਜਾਇ ॥ Kabīr parīṯ ik si▫o kī▫e ān ḏubiḏẖā jā▫e. Kabeer, when you are in love with the One Lord, duality and alienation depart. ਭਾਵੈ ਲਾਂਬੇ ਕੇਸ ਕਰੁ ਭਾਵੈ ਘਰਰਿ ਮੁਡਾਇ ॥੨੫॥ Bẖāvai lāʼnbe kes kar bẖāvai gẖarar mudā▫e. ||25|| You may have long hair, or you may shave your head bald. ||25|| In the above kabeer is saying it doesn't matter if your bald or shave your hair. Only the love for God matters
  4. That describes when God came as krishna and that is one form. But another form is buddha? Bald he was
  5. God is everything so he has hair, yet he has no hair so he can be the bald person as well. He is everything how can you limit him to only having hair.
  6. You are talking about rishi's who had a top knot and what. Buddhists shave their hair. It doesnt matter what you do. The hair is temporary and part of maya it will perish in the end. Love God and do good actions and live by the truth. Thats what matters.
  7. Still doesn't say you got to keep kes it talks about pandits who had long hair who did katha of god. And....
  8. This doesn't say not to cut your hair the above shows with god's protection not even hair can be touched. Meaning that you are protected if he wills. Please provide the whole shabads in GGS as single liners can be taken out of context.
  9. please provide all the tuks not just one liners
  10. Rom doesn't mean hair that's a common mistake people make they take rom to mean hair. Dalbir singh provided a good definition of what rom meant earlier in another post.
  11. Yes and why not doesn't make me any less of sikh. My guru is the shabad and my guru doesn't care if I keep my hair or not. He loves me unconditionally and for that i am his. :respect:
  12. He gives me breath, he makes me move, he makes me happy without him i am dead. He is my only support and there is no other than him and he has always been supporting me. Yes according to GGS I am.
  13. Guru supported me when I was amridhari and he also supports me now :biggrin2: I Guess my guru loves me too much to not support and protect me.
  14. My interpretation of rehat is very different than yours. My rehat is to love God only and I am free to love him without following any rituals. That is my rehat to remember him all the time. My guru is shabad only.
  15. Don't believe the stories and from reading the previous thread I believe anyone can reach God. Like ganeika who was a prostitute and naraayan who used to see prostitutes all reached God and they were not amritdhari. Also this is written about in the GGS but the stories you mentioned are not. So no for taking amrit is the only way. I wouldn't follow rehat if i was on a desserted island don't see why i would. Hair I would grow because i prob be lying on my arse all day wouldn't see why i would cut it as my lifestyle would be so diff from now, won't even bother combing it just prob get it all tangled up. I don't care about the views of other people so I have no pressure from them.
  16. Yes it was easier and more practical. I like the look of both short and long hair it isn't about the looks. It's not about being lazy it was more practical according to my lifestyle. Some of the rehats I think are impractical and don't apply to now but that just my opinion and you are entitled to yours. But I respect your lifestyle as well its your choice at the end of the day and me and you are not hurting anyone by living it. Plus I believe guru's love is unconditional and not conditional.
  17. Because I didn't like keeping the physical identity, rehats and eating out of sarbloh, only eating from amritdharis (just made my life hard and sad). I just didn't like the lifestyle mainly i felt like I was being suffocated all the time by it. Tying pagh and combing my hair twice a day and burning your hair once it falls out was too too tedious. Cutting your hair so simple to take care of it, i cut it once a month and thats it! Don't need to spend ages tying a dastaar, tucking my hair in with a salaee and the best thing is when you wash short hair it dries so quickly. Long hair takes so long! Another factor is that I can get some extra sleep as getting ready took longer when I had long hair.
  18. Not for fashion either, stop judging me without knowing the facts :nono:
  19. What a poor judgement!! I have never ever drunk in my life, ate meat or done drugs and I don't ever intend to. Stop stereotyping people who cut their hair.
  20. In the tuks you provided I don't think God cares if I cut my hair or not. Why was I more sad when I was amritdhari for 15 years than compared to now? If God cared he would of punished me for cutting my hair but he has made my life so much better. I did take amrit seriously for 15 years I put my heart into it and not for a moment can I say i never took it seriously. I respect your decision for taking amrit and I'm glad that you are enjoying the lifestyle but its just not for me.
  21. Yes really happy before my life was really depressing and sad. But now I couldn't be happier each moment feels like a gift and everyday I am always grateful to God. Before I just wanted to die, everything felt tedious and dull. The lifestyle didn't suit me at all but maybe for you it might be great but not me.
  22. A possible and valid reason but rehatnamas stating that wearing red will get you punished by the messenger of death is still incorrect. I don't think our guru would be so obsessed over what colour we wear and especially now. What do you mean?
  23. Just to clarify its not that I don't believe in rehatnamas but when there are contradictory lines in them that go against gurmat it shows it can't be our guru's words. Can we really believe our guru would say that wearing red will get you punished by the messenger of death? Our Guru's were intelligent and not some superstitious pandits or fakirs. And it was the same guru who explained to the muslims that God is everywhere when he was pointing his feet towards the Kabah? But some of the sikhs have become so blind they still can't distinguish between what our Gurus words were and some tampering in rehatnamas.
  24. Thanks I guess but I really don't want to come back. Life is so much better than before I could explain why but I don't think it would be a good idea to write why on this forum. This forum is about promoting the identity and not deterring people away from it.
  25. So you not going to have kid when you are married? So you don't carry a walking stick now? True but it doesn't make me a guru/saint.
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