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Posts posted by TheFancyBanana

  1. Educate yourselves watch RajoanaTV episodes..This is all part of the "faceless war", Ask yourselves..why has Punjab got the highest number of illegal abortion clinics out of any indian state ? Why are drugs and government alcohol stores being pumped in Punjab ? Why are there so many fake government sponsred fake sants and babay like Sacha Sauda, Austosh etc etc..who are allowed under police protection to spread fake parchaar and attack Sikhs...when real parcharaks like Sant Baljit Singh Daduwal are arrested and jalied for speaping the truth ?? Why are hundreds of Sikhs rotting in jails with fake cases ??

    These are all facets of the faceless war, the government cant be seen to massacre people in the streets, these are the new undercover avenues of attack..

    The diferences in Sex ratios mean .. more and more people will be forced to find partners outside of their own faith and culture...hence diluting and losing their faith slowly but surely...

    It is also our culture, we are killing our own daughters. Parents want that one golden child, a boy who will inherit the jameen. Many poor families can't deal with dowry, preferring a boy over a girl. If a boy is born ladoos are given out, for a girl there is nothing.

    Punjabi Sikh Men 52.72%

    Punjabi Sikh Women 47.28%

    correct?? or wrong??

    Its something like 893women to 1000men in Punjab.

    Sad state of affairs.

  2. Physical look I hope I am not getting u wrong, u really mean Five K's of a sikh.

    It is all about culture of from where religion developed. In India hindu's had long hair and beard but muslim rulers never allowed them to keep hair and even Aurangzeb fixed the size of beard. Guru Gobind Singh ji was first and only Guru which gave this rehit because of socio-political reasons. Rest other members can explain better.

    Not all Hindus kept a beard and hair. Only sadhus and sants did. Normal people didn't. That's why you had kasais or barbars. The reason hair was kept is for a seperate identity so Sikhs could never hide in a crowd. So they could never shy away from their duty, and so people could recognise and Sikh and ask for help. Also hair helps with spirituality. When doing simran or meditation you will reach a stage where your hairs will vibrate with simran or rom simran. The rules given to us by the guru's is to reach this state of a sant.

  3. I'm confused? So we have to take care with all things but then we can EAT vegetables?

    Also what about bacteria in all things e.g. yogurt (dhahey), it's made with bacteria. It's a living organism it multiplies why is there no controversey over eating it. I mean it's living, reproduces etc. So an animal right?

    If you don't eat meat then also refrain from using animal products in alot of things. Just examples I have seen in all Gurdwareh I been too. Some musical instuments are made with animal products. Also so are some clothes and alot of shoes i.e leather.

    Also an argument I have read in this thread is that you should not eat meat for taste only if you need for survival. Like think about it when the Khalsa were in the mountains or Ladkhi jungles do you think an army who had no other means of food lived off leaves? They were soldiers, they needed strength to eat. Don't no if true but when Banda Singh Bhahdurs army was engulfed by the mouguls and food ran out they ate animals including oxon, which Indians usally refrain from. So my question is you can eat it to survive not for taste, but what about Shaheeds like Shaheed Taru Singh, they would rather face death than cut their hair. So either it is you can or can not eat meat. Either face death or live.

    On a side note theres been some scientific views posted. a point I like to make is we cut nails as they are dead, that's the justification as taht is also how god made us with growing nails. But it's ok to cut. But why the same logic not applied to hair. All hair that grows out of the skin is dead. So guys don't make silly claims, there must are other reasons why we keep hair, such as to be easily identifiable. (Well that's the only one I can think off).

    We need to eat something. The Guru was sad because he broke the flower off for no reason other than being clumsy, even though the plant cannot feel anything, Guru Har Rai felt sad that he had damaged it.

    Bacteria are NOT animals. Bacteria is neither plant nor animal. Plants are in Kingdom Plantae. Animals are in Kingdom Animalia. In a five-kingdom classification system, bacteria are in Kingdom Monera. Bacteria are not plants mainly because bacteria are prokaryotic -- no nuclei or membrane-bound organelles inside their cells. Besides I've never seen a bacteria or plant pull its roots out and start running when I approach it. Have you?

    The musical instruments are supposed to be made of already dead animals? In India dead cows were put in a field for vultures to eat. The tanners would come and take the skin. I asked this question at the place I purchased my tabla and the owner said it was from animals that died a natural death.

    I am not sure about the survival bit. From katha I have heard Singhs survived off tree and bark while hiding out in forests and small amounts of cholay. I guess they didn't need food to sustain them. They just needed naam.

    I have asked myself the hair question. I think it is for spiritual reasons. All sants and holy men would keep their hair. Rom simran happens when hair vibrates to simran. Also the identity part. We are sants and soldiers so we have the hair and the weapons for it.

  4. Let's take a look at Guru Har Rai Ji.

    As a young child Guru Sahib was running in the flower garden at Kiratpur Sahib. He was wearing a Chola (cloak). While running the cloak brushed passed some flowers, thus the flowers were damaged. Guru Hargobind ji explained: "Always walk and move with care. Look after and manage your cloak and ensurtre that it doesn't hurt or damage anything in its path. Guru Sahib promised his grandfather, that he would in the future be careful in his responsibilities towards man, animals and plants.
    This was just for a flower. What do you expect would happen if it was an animal?

    ਨਿਰਦਇਆ ਨਹੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਉਜਾਲਾ ॥ ਬੂਡਤ ਬੂਡੇ ਸਰਬ ਜੰਜਾਲਾ ॥੪॥
    You have no compassion; the Lord’s Light does not shine in you.

    You are drowned, drowned in worldly entanglements.(4)

  5. Definately have langar. I only eat at home, reshtidaars or at a gurdwara. I drank bottled water but it may have been tampered with. Try get water from shops that look trustworthy. DO NOT EAT FROM DHABAS OR BHAIYE WITH THEIR LITTLE WOODEN CARTS SELLING GOL GUPPE. These places will probably make you ill. Trust me, they made life a misery for me for a few days. Hazoor sahib is a great trip. We hired a minibus and slept/ate at gurdware on the way. Saw many gurdware and beautiful sights I would never have got the chance to see. Definately recomend it. Watch out for the machar (mosquito). Watch out for the ownerless kutte as well. Some don't like foreign people. Hopefully you have a great trip. :D

  6. I suppose dhaeen and milk would have Vitamin B-12. Perhaps not enough as the fortified cereals?

    I had a professor that was a strict vegetarian (Hindu), and he had to take weekly Vit B -12 shots. Maybe some people are more genetically predisposed than others.

    You can have Bowel problems or if your immune system attacks the lining of the stomach. Intrinsic factor is a substance that is secreted by the lining of the stomach and is needed for the absorption of vitamin B12 in the intestines. If the intrinsic factor isn't produced, vitamin B12 cannot be absorbed into the body properly. I personally have never seen anyone have b-12 defficiancy. There is plenty in milk and dairy products. You don't even need forified cereals. I think bacteria produce B-12 too. So it can get into plants and on food.

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