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Everything posted by S4NGH

  1. Ok i see where your coming from now, though i strongly disagree with your opinion.Firstly, the time of the Gurus was in the past, the time is now and the future is theirs. It has always been their time. That is what makes sikhi so different to the other faiths which relate to the time they were established. In my opinion, theyre outdated. But thats a whole different discussion. You can have a "santan" any way you like. Adopt a child. Theres currently 150million orphans out there. Plenty of santan for the 30million sikhs out there. Unfortunately we're just too narrow minded. We'd rather produce more children when there are already enough here. In regards to the whole sadhsangat debate, i think you and I live in two very different worlds. When was the last time you came across such a sadhsangat?
  2. S4NGH

    Lazer Before Amrit

    Chitargupt and yamraj are your maharaj? ? eek
  3. Many young or old people due to illness or whatever medical reason are infertile. Sometimes as a result of an illness or trauma. So people obviously would know. Erm hitler was fertile. Gandhi was fertile. Were the sachay bhagat? I didnt say i think such a thing. why wouldnt you? Anand karaj is a spiritual journey. Your partner can help you progress spiritually. You cant possibly have half of your life experiences with the sadhsangat which youd experience with your LIFE partner. To assume that marriage is just about sex and reproduction is very shallow. Dim. Ignorant.
  4. S4NGH

    Lazer Before Amrit

    Never heard anything like it
  5. Right ok so thats back then. We're living today unless your suggesting sikhi is outdated? so my question was, is anand karaj not for people with infertility problems?
  6. S4NGH

    Lazer Before Amrit

    Where did you get that from? What if youre naturally bald do you get pulled out from your chest hairs?The body is left behind here. Burnt/buried/drowned at sea/rotten/eaten by animals. All that goes ahead is the jot. Your soul.
  7. Nobody knew back when? Lol infertility isnt a new phenomenon
  8. Sikhi isnt the cult of Guru Nanak. Your understanding of sikhi is far off if you think Guru Nanak is the Jesus/Mohammed equivalent. But then you judge with an abrahamic gaze...
  9. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/africaandindianocean/tunisia/11708084/Isil-linked-terror-group-warned-of-Tunisia-attack-one-month-before.html Atleast they had the decency to give you a warning unlike the leaders of your nation who sat waiting and watched
  10. Yes. This is a forum mate. It is all just talk. Ive no need to back my argument up. What are you, a QC? Please stop annoying me. Cheeri-bye
  11. Oh dear lord thou art in heaven... jeez how many idols do you have in your temples?!
  12. S4NGH


    Tera baap its a filmy dialogue before you get excited
  13. I dont need evidence my friend. Im a person on a forum. Not a man leading a nation
  14. S4NGH

    Lazer Before Amrit

    There really is no need to put sikhi above anything mate. Sikhi is where it is. Since genital mutilation is practiced my many christians in the west, i dont think theres much difference between islam and christianity on this matter...
  15. We're on the topic of modernising temples, lets modernise these white idols
  16. Did anyone hear about the local muslims who formed a human shield around tourists to protect them from the supposable isis gunman? Oh these bloody muslim terrorists what are they like ay. 1 minute silence on friday for the dead brits. Has a minutes silence ever been held for the thousands killed in afganistan or iraq? British media are like "tunisia beach attach: 30 brits killed". Do we give a flying fook what their nationality is?! And the rest of them dont matter?! Someones obviously stiring the pot yet we all jump on the wagon completely oblivious. Isis claim responsibility. Yes please forward this evidence to me. Some tunisian fanatics warned a month in advance of an attack on westeners visiting tunisia. If the government knew, why was there no warning to brits visiting tunisia of the potential risks?
  17. S4NGH

    Lazer Before Amrit

    "Bit extreme isn't it?" The comparison of genital mutilation to facial hair? Ironic how female genital mutilation has become a hot issue all of a sudden yet male genital mutilation is extensively practiced in the west. Hmm makes sense. Any excuse for the civilised white man to become the liberator of the barbaric people
  18. S4NGH

    Lazer Before Amrit

    Why is it that when you people talk about the muslim niqab or sikh facial hair, you automatically assume that its a male imposition? Is it a british thing? You civilised white people and us barbaric brown people?
  19. S4NGH


    HAHA the last bit
  20. Without the prophet mohammed there is no islam. How can a sufi be a part of islam yet reject the prophet? What are your views, as an islamophobic, of sufi islam? please dont copy and paste any of that christain missionary crap wherever you get it from lol lets try and get on?
  21. Question- 1) Many of us seem to think the sole or main goal of anand karaj is to reproduce. Off-spring. Is anand karaj not for people with fertility problems? 2) Must a marriage/ a relationship involve sex? What is the Sikh stand on asexuals? 3) If anand karaj is solely for a man and woman (though maharaaj specifically states that the union is of 2 genderless souls), what is the Sikh stand on Intersexuals/ Hermaphrodites. 4) Is sikhi then an exclusive faith just like the rest? P.s. not trying to be clever so dont go gay-bashing me. If your opinion differs, lets agree to disagree
  22. You say your far too young to consider marriage...yet your so wise. That was a beautiful read
  23. So theres no room in sikhi/anand karaj for infertile people? Since the goal of anand karaj is reproduction...
  24. How has this guy not been banned yet?! Admin...?
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