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Big_Tera last won the day on October 11 2023

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  1. That's the exact attitude that extremist muslims want. They want a divided non muslim world. A world that looks the other way when things like this happene. We need more non muslim unity as that is the only way we can defeat this extremist ideology by supporting all non muslims when they are being driven out of their own homeland. There's so many countries being threatened by these people. We are only going tk be next on the list. Everytime a non muslim is attacked by the extremist its a direct attack on us all. That's how we should see it. Instead of thinking I'm not getting involved. We don't need to do big public statements. We can do this support covertly also. Hence why there's needs to be a global non muslim defence force or something along those lines. Ready to defend the non muslims rights and freedoms.
  2. They have gone a step further then their usual cruelty and evilness. It seems Hamas did this to up the stakes. They have realised that their usual bombings are not making any impact. So this new level of brutality shows that they are becoming more desperate. What they are hoping for is that isrealis leave on their own accord by striking a new level of fear into them by beheading babies and killing children to break their resolve. Even so many of our own people support palestine and hamas. These same people need to see who they are supporting.
  3. We are all shocked to hear and read about the sickening terror attacks on Isreal by mindless, crazed religious fanatics of Hamas that are supported by Iran and others. I am not saying isreal are angels but theres no justification for they did to children, elderly and women. What Hamas did was what many have faced in times gone by when sword of islam wiped out whole religions and peoples as they were considered a "non believer" with devestating consquences. We witneseed babies throats being slit, children shot, beheadings and cruelty the world has never seen at the hands of these low life scum of the earth. But what happened in isreal only a few days ago was not just an attack on Jews or Isreal. This was an attack on the whole of Humanity. But most importantly and significantly this was not just an attack on the Jewish community alone, but on the whole non muslim world. Yes you and me were attacked only a few days ago. The way the world is at the moment is that it is split in 2 distinct enties and peoples. There are two distinct and very different kinds of people on earth. A non muslim and a Muslim. A clear divide has emerged and it is time people decided which side of the fence they are sitting on. Any attack on a non muslim by muslims is an attack on us all. The whole world needs to unite to eradicate the extremist element of islam. Its going to take unity from Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs and even people that dont have a faith to unite against these evil doers. Non of us can single handedly take on the extremist. When a Buddhist is attacked it is an attack on us. Thats how we should see it. The muslims have unity yet we non muslims are un unified and that is whats is making us weak. Anywhere in the world when the sword of islam strikes on a non muslim all non muslims need to get together and fight these people. Or other wise we are just going to be the next target down the line. Its time we set up a non muslim global defense league or combat force to stand togther in times when minorities are attacked by these fanatics All over the world. Currently muslims are trying to take over countries and enforcing sharia and their religion on others. While us non muslims sit back and watch it happen. Its time for actions. But what lacking is unity. We non muslims dont have its time all non muslims looked at each other and see our common beliefs that we share and try and become more unified and strong. Otherwise prepare for a an islamic world in every country.
  4. Not sure if this is correct section. But thinking of doing some investments.
  5. I have come a few questions that get asked on Sikhi. Is Sikh faith an actual religion? Not sure what people mean when they ask this or what they are getting at. Did Guru Nanak Create Sikh religion? Or is Sikhi based on Guru Ji Philosophy.. Why does Sikhi have so much similarity with Hinduism? I've reincarnation, Karma? Where did Sikhs get the one God belief. Did they copy this from Islam. Some say Guru Nanak was influenced by Islam?? Btw these are just questions I've come across. I'm not saying these a valid questions.
  6. Religion has also become our political badge. Who we vote for what we stand for ect. All religions are definantly fading even Islam. Many Muslims like to put up a front that they are religious. But we all know that many from that faith engage in activities that are far from religious. I guess Islam will just take a little longer to fade then the rest.
  7. I think we have all come across this quote from Guru Nanak Ji. " If your a Hindu be a good Hindu. if your a Muslim be a good Muslim". But what is the true meaning of this quote? I've heard some say that this means Guru Nanak is saying all religions are good and lead to the same one God for all. Hence there is no need to convert to any religion . Just stay in your own one. But I have also heard alternative meanings for the quote. Some say it means Guru Ji is only saying be the best Hindu and Muslim you can be. Ie. follow your own religion correctly and not the first meaning I gave. So which is it?
  8. Although the factors you mentioned are no doubt detrimental to the prosperity and success of the Sikh community. Alcohol problem trump's all those reasons for me. Sikhs or should I say Punjabis. Have big time alcohol issues that have destroyed the family.
  9. Well he is Punjabi. If he was Gujurati. The gujis would be celebrating all over. It could be worse . We could have had savid javid. Lol.
  10. I have not read all the background information about what has caused these riots. Or how it all started cricket, Hinduvata or a group of boosed up people. ect. But from my gut feeling is Muslims in the UK have been waiting for an opportunity to do some public demonstrations and protests against the BJP or Hinduvata and they finally found it. But there are reports of false information being shared on WhatsApp to stir up tensions. I have also seen that guy Anjum Choudhary back again. no doubt to stir up.
  11. As Sikhs or even South Asian for that matter. We should never celebrate or like the royals or the history of them. Their ancestors trampled all over our lands and the sub continent. Killing millions. The British Raj was discraceful. They looted South Asia, what is Britain today. Is all the wealth they stole from all the colonies they ruled all around the world. Asia, Africa,far east even America and Canada. These pesky people stole and looted where ever the greedy muddy hands took them. It's in their DNA to steal and loot. She is not our queen and Charles is not our King. Our only King of Kings is Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Abolish the monarchy I say. I don't even think the so called "Royals" want to even continue with it themselves. Look at Prince Harry he's left and exposed the royals. They all feel trapped and have become puppets for the government. I bet so many older generation gorafied Punjabis will be wishing they get as far up the royals bund as possible in the new few days.
  12. Well done to that Singh for all his technical skills and hard work. As members of the forums. I think we sometimes take for granted the Sikh Sangat forum which for over 20 years has been the number one Sikh forum for Sikhs all around the world. We don't know the hard work that goes into running a site. As someone myself who has some experience of website making and running I know it involves alot of time and skills so well done guys you have done a great job and long may it continue. if you need any help don't hesitate to contact me.
  13. Oh I see. Just want to take this opportunity to thank the owners of Sikhsangat for running this site and doing a great job over the years. I wonder if you guys get any funding? As there should be something set up for contributing. Sikhsangat has helped thousands of people around the world from all backgrounds learn about Sikhi. So there should be fund raisers in place to keep the site going and even expanding.
  14. Yes I have noticed this as well. It has also happened a few times previously before this. There was a message to say hackers could steal personal info. I wonder what happened. I did not proceed. lol. .
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