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Posts posted by Malwai

  1. Now, if you were to present your views on the above and identify how we might attempt to tackle the issues facing Sikhs, we could start to get somewhere. The problems facing us are overwhelming but we need to start identifying and discussing them first!

    I'm always up for talking about the realities of the situation, even if I do sometimes let the "romantic" (not necessarily incorrect) thoughts dictate my appraisal of the situation.

    I appreciate your comments Bhai Ji, very constructive and discussion worthy. I think my views on the challenges faced by the Quam merit a separate thread so not to dilute the reality with idealism. It will take me some time but it is something I will do in the coming days.

  2. lol like i said religion has no room for a person with no faith, you dont need to worry about Sikhi, there is someone bigger than you worrying about it, looking at what you have to say one can clearly draw you have not gained knowledge Sikhi has to offer,, sad but Guru Jis will, if Sikhi was going to be defeated so easily like you say it would have in the 80's. You can believe what ever you want, its actually not going to get you anywhere, Guru Ji will always watch over Khalsa, and you Malwai will get to see the power of Khalsa in the coming years, as Kalyug comes to an end we will see then at what heights SIKHI will be.......

    How did you reach the conclusion that I have no faith? Maybe Khalistan is not the Hukam of Waheguru? My faith in Waheguru is not based on materialistic or worldly needs, and that includes Khalistan. What knowledge have I not gained? Can you articulate? I don't think you can claim Sikh victory for the 80's, we were firmly defeated and operations in Punjab against Sikhs still continue today in covert guises, e.g. rampant drug abuse, lack of economic development and denial of free speech. This list is by no means exhaustive and these heading all have sub-contexts that pose their own threats and challenges.

    One thing I do know is that Sikhi does not promote prophecies, but clearly your post appears to read like a Christian evangelical preaching the end of the world, we know nothing of Waheguru's Hukam and what the future of mankind holds. You also appear to underestimate Kalyug and its deep roots and devastating effects.

    I really don't want to sit here being critical, but it has to be said that there is a whole generation of Western Sikhs who appear to be "Internet Warriors", have never been to Punjab or have significantly experienced the grass roots reality, but continue to live in a romantic fantasy world. Sitting on your laptop and getting fired up watching YouTube video of Shaheeds is only healthy if it promotes positive action, i.e. Libya, Egypt, Syria or other charitable efforts to have some positive influence on the Sikh community. Believe me, 10 minutes in a thana (police station) being dished out a beating by Punjab Police would make 99% of you forget about Khalistan, like the famous saying goes "Talk Is Cheap".

  3. lol Malwai, i was reading a book on Sant Jarnail Singhs Jis speeches and converstations and you know I read something that can relate to your first comment on this thread, where you say there is no hope and Sikhi will die WOW... Sikhi will die, enough with that crap, Sikhi had faced harder times, where jungle living was the only resort, we will always make it, where does your mind go when you Here RAJ KAREGA KHALSA huh, religion has no use for a person with no faith... so back on to Sant Jits convo... A Singh had come to Sant Ji once and said "I dont think Guru Gobind Singh JI can still come and help its Khalsa" and sant ji asked him what his name was and he goes Ajmer Singh and sant ji laughs and goes instead of putting your last name as Singh you should have been called Ajmer Dass because GUru Ji says SATGURU MERA SADHA SADHA NA AAVAY NAA JAAYEH--My satuguru is always and forever with me. He does not come and go.

    I don't think you can quite grasp the unique challenges we are faced with today in a global/corporate/elitist/capitalist society, and to equate these with examples from the 1600/1700's is naive at best.

    Feel free to continue to romanticize about past glories, it’s not going to get us anywhere.

  4. This will be my last message on this forum, because it seems to be moderated by ninkenpoops:

    Just wondering....you know how in UK universities you take different units which add up to a final degree ?........Well a University in Canada....and this university is as large and respected as many of the UK red brick universities.....offers a unit worth 30 credits towards a final degree in....wait for it.....drum roll please......HOW TO CONVERT SIKHS INTO CHRISTIANITY !!!!!

    Yes you heard me right. The university course teaches its students how to tempt sikhs away from Sikhism.

    You know what....I've come to the conclusion that I know too much to be here. My knowledge is not appreciated here. There seems to be too many people here...especially the mods....that prefer to keep their head empty. So....I'll bid you farewell with this :


    Enlightening post, wasn't aware of this.

    Your sane and balanced views are required, please don't leave!





    Bhai Ji,

    You don't have to apologies for your thread, no problem. I admire your passion, but I feel it is misdirected, you need to channel it into doing something that will make a tangible difference.


    Reality is a harsh word to use in this context...

    How much you believe sikhi is dead is upto you, but how can the panth that was created by the true guru,

    Our true guru that sat on a thatee tavee (hot iron plate),

    Our true guru that gave their seis (head) for another faith,

    Our true guru that gave up their everything, all their family, their comforts and even their shoes and still walked around Machiwara praising Akaal Purakh Waheguru,

    Our true guru that sacrificed themselves over 2,500 times during the horrific hours of November 1984,



    Our true brothers that were bricked alive,

    Our true brothers that fought 1 on 125,000 and still fought to the end,

    Our true brother that fought with their seis in their hands and still defended the purity of Sri Harmandir Sahib,

    Our true sisters that became shaheed at the ages of 8 and 6 (Bibi Waheguru Kaur and Bibi Satnam Kaur) they held grenades and destroyed the tanks making their way to harmandir sahib,

    Our true sisters and brothers that gave up their everything and gained matrydom to defend the purity of Sri Harmandir Sahib,

    Our true sisters and brothers that became shaheed on the cold streets of Delhi in November 1984,






    "Baba Ji did a Sampat Paath at Mehta for Sant Ji to come back, after the Paath’s bhog Baba Ji said that, if Sant Ji comes back right now that their will be a nuksaan on the Singh’s, the government will not let the Singh’s live. Sant Ji will return when their will be a Jang. Baba Ji also said that Sant Ji has a duty from Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib Ji to get Khalsa Raj and put a Kesri Nishan Sahib on Laal Kila."

    "In Toronto, Canada. Bhai Nishan Singh was telling Baba Ji about Sant Giani Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale’s speech that they made regarding Baba Ji. After Bhai Nishan Singh finishes talking about Sant Ji’s speech, Baba said that some people say that Sant Ji is not around no more. Baba Ji also said that all the biadbee that’s happening, that when Sant Ji comes back, that they will sort everything out. A Singh then asked Baba Ji that when will Sant Ji come back, Baba laughed and replied that when Sant Ji left that they told them not to tell anyone where they are or when they will be back. Baba Ji then said that they are not telling lies, that Sant Ji will definetly come back but they can’t tell anyone when they will be back. Baba Ji also said that people think that they are an old man that is lieing, but when Sant Ji returns that everyone will remember Thakur Singh was telling the truth."





    Whilst I don’t dispute some of your historical statements you make, you do have a very one dimensional view of Sikh history. What you fail to realize is, that all our troubles we face today, including being homeless is OUR fault, not the Muslims, British or the Hindus.

    Sikh Quam = Quam of Gaddars (Back-stabbers)

  7. Was it a delusion when 40 Singhs believed they would triumph against a fauj of 10Lakh? Sometimes the journey is more important than the destination.

    A completely inappropriate example of the challenges we are faced with today, or more to the point by the aspirations of the thread creator.

  8. Sorry to bring you back down to reality, but nothing is going to happen, not in 2011, 2012, 2015 and so on.

    There are so many reasons why nothing will ever happen, almost too many to list.

    Sikhi will die out, at minimum in its truest form, arguably this has already happened.

    What a shame.

  9. What a bunch of fraudsters.

    Almost the perfect staged act, but not quite, play the video to 4:42 when the woman in question is lying down on the floor shaking, at exactly on 4:47 you will see the woman reaching for her salwaar (top) to adjust it to cover her modesty!!!! But I suppose the spirit possessing her could have a modesty complex in public!!!

    We all know the SGGS makes it clear that only one Atma (Soul) can reside in the human body, hence this possession business is complete utter nonsense.

    Christianity has been exposed many times over with numerous flaws in its history, theology, philosophy and religious texts. These missionaries are adept and well-honed in taping into and misleading illiterate and poor communities all across the globe, including Punjab.

    As for the educated Punjabi folk in the West converting or dabbling with Christianity, well it’s quite clear, these families/individuals cannot hack Sikhi, they look for something easier to justify their lifestyles or attitudes. However some cannot be blamed as parents have no interest in today’s materialistic society in teaching their children the importance of religion and underpinning values, just as they teach them the importance of education and wealth accumulation. These children then grow up learning the values and belief systems of their countries of birth and end up looking to Christianity.

    On a final note, the Sikh religion will erode either in its pure form (as is happening right now) or entirely in the absence of a focal point for the religion, i.e. KHALISTAN.

  10. I also saw this and was quite disturbed. The chap in question was from Khalsa Aid. His word went along the lines of Jatts gave 95% of Kubanis and now people dislike/question them, Is this a suitable view for a senior charity worker to have? Secondly where does he get his figures from (can he back them up), is he really saying all the other castes put together only contributed 5% to Sikhi?

    Khalistan is a contentious issue which I don’t want to go into now. The fact that Jatts predominantly led and supported Khalistan should tell you something, is it possible they had the most to gain? Ultimately it was two non Jatt, low castes bodyguards of Indera Gandhi who got the greatest prize for the Khalistan movement, surly that alone should qualify for a 5% contribution if Khalistan is the measure

    I don’t believe any other sikh community seriously considers themselves above Jatts, you may get the odd deluded person but this superiority complex is a Jatt thing and you argue all you want about ethnic tribes etc. With the media being mainly jatt controlled and nearly every Punjabi song with the word Jatt in it the situation is getting worse, not saying all Jatts but a good majority, certainly way more than other castes, tribes etc.

    I'm willing to bet that Bhai Sahib from Khalsa Aid has done more charitable acts in one lifetime then the people criticising him will do in several, sad really.

    You want figures demonstrating the kurbani of Jatts, I'll give you something, refer to below link that looks at over 800 registered cases of fake encounters and police murders during the 80's, of the 800 cases, nearly 600 cases belong to Jatt Sikh Shaheeds, my maths makes that over 70%:

    Jatt Kurbani

    This is only one, there are plenty more, I suggest you spend some time in the rural belts of Punjab to understand the disposition of Jatts and their contribution to Sikh struggles.

    How dare you refer to Shaheed Bhai Satwant Singh & Beant Singh as low caste! Firstly like I've previously mentioned there is no organised caste system in Sikhism.

    Let me also set the record straight, I know Bhai Satwant Singh's family very well and I regularly attend Bhai Sahib's barsi, perhaps you should pay a visit next time in Punjab and use the words "low caste", Bhai Sahib belonged to the brave and well respected Kamboj tribe, you should get your facts straight before spouting your lies.

    As for Punjabi songs, West London Singh explained this well previously and their historical context during harvest season.

  11. Here is my understanding of the entire situation....

    The most shaheedian have been done by the Khalsa, who dont belong to any caste. Before 1984 90% of all shaheedian were done by the khalsa army. In order to become a true khalsa warrior you must forget what you know i.e. farming to understand warfare, if we had jats (term used as reference to a farmer) stratgising warfare we wouldnt be here right now. Yes if i wanted to grow corn or wheat i would most defitantley contact a farmer...do you see where i am going with this...i am not trying to be disrespectful...far from it. I am just trying to making a point that once you take Khandeh da Amrit your entire profession, lineage, background and society changes. If not then we can never fight as one unit on the battlefield.

    Wise up...

    The above is just my knowledge, you dont have to agree with it..

    I'm sorry but your post makes no sense whatsoever - it's very naive, I'm not being disrespectful. First of all Jatt does NOT mean farmer, this is totally incorrect and a lie, the Punjabi word for farmer is "kissan". To prove this, Jatts are not the only farming tribe in Punjab - but the largest. What about the equally commendable Kamboj Sikh farmers belonging predominantly to the Majha belt of Punjab, also there are notable numbers of Saini Sikh farmers in Punjab.

  12. This Jatt being an ethnicity is all fine and dandy but majority of jatts ive come across see it as a caste, oh and they also think jatts are better than everyone else.

    Maybe this is what jattism is all about


    These Jatts are just as ignorant as others when it comes to their heritage and background - it's easily done living in a rural homogeneous society for centuries. We are hardly known for our scholars or academics and as such failed miserably to accurately record our long history, pre-dating Sikhi, but research objectively without ignorance and you will find all the necessary evidence to prove my point. I've yet to meet anybody that can intellectually disprove what I am saying.

    With regards to your video, why are you preaching to the converted, if you weren't so ignorant you would know I stated the following in my very first post in this thread:

    Cultural heritages can be maintained without discriminating against others, things like separate gurdwaras in villages based on caste/ethnic/social lines is very wrong, and any other such practices that Guru Ji was against.

    Ego is not something exclusively limited to Jatts as everyone is so keen to propagate, one of most poignant examples I can recall is a Punjabi Chamar family that looked at "Churas" with contempt and as inferior, says it all really. Dalits in Punjab are socially and economically vastly better off than their counterparts in other parts of India, this needs to be acknowledged, and this is simply down to the fact that there is no organised caste system in Sikhism, despite what anybody wants to think.

  13. There is the point about banging on about one's caste which is just really a manifestation of ego (from my experience that's what it turns into whenever it gets started). Plus it is pretty divisive in terms of panthic cohesion and let's be frank, it is something that negatively influences many things in the panth - from politics and Gurdwara committee stuff.

    If we accept that then where do we draw the line? Can not Sikhs from Bhatra backgrounds say we have our own unique culture/traits we want to preserve, the Tarkhans too etc etc. Then you will get the argument that one caste is trying to unfairly change other smaller one's 'culture/traits' etc. whilst keeping their own.

    Even if we were to accept the ethnic group argument (which I don't and think is full of more holes than Swiss cheese, as well as very likely instigated by the British for colonial purposes). Everyone can start to play that game.

    I guess it points down to whether we want to highlight differences between us or our commonality. But if Jatts are really adamant about pushing for their own distinctive identity in Sikhi, they shouldn't complain when others do the same. Seriously, I don't know how much of this 'I want to keep my culture' argument really just hides a more supremacist agenda sometimes? Most people I have met like that in the UK are usually not very nice people and quite hate filled underneath the surface.

    It is sad that a so-called 'Sikh' Channel itself can't get over this jaat paat stuff. But I know it will get less and less important between Sikhs in the west over the next few generations. Of that much I am sure.

    Dal Singh Veer Ji,

    First of all I've yet to meet a Jatt that has a problem with other Sikhs asserting any cultural or ethnic identity, it's always the other way round, and so your point is completely invalid. Tharkhans or Bhatras are more than welcome to have their own identity and welcome to express it so long as it doesn't violate the fundamental rights of other Sikhs as per the SGGS, this applies to Jatts too I might add.

    What's there to accept about the ethnic group statement, it's a FACT, nothing to do with the British, yes they exploited caste/ethnic/social divisions on the sub-continent, but the FACT still stands that Jatts are not a caste, I challenge you to disprove me otherwise. My field of expertise is Anthropology, and in my time I have studied the composition of the Indian sub-continent, so please can you let me know what these "holes" are so that I can enlighten you.

    Jatts have never complained about anybody else expressing their identity, it's laughable to even suggest this! It's always the other way around, with peoples own inferiority complex.

    Please don't take any offence to my post, I don't have any hatred or supremacist agenda, I'm just interested in the facts and the truth. I openly admit there are Jatts who view themselves to be of a higher disposition in comparison with others because of their superior economic standing in society, but this is not limited to other non-Jatts, this attitude also extends to poor Jatts too, I have seen this myself many times.

    I don't think the actions of one or two speakers on Sikh Channel should discredit the channel, they have done a great service, they openly discuss controversial Panthic issues, and might I add I have seen adverts for Ravidassia functions/programs, so I think this is being blown out of proportion perhaps?


    I don't see the problem with mentioning the FACT that Bhagat Singh was a Sandhu, I really don't understand where caste comes into the equation. Jatts are not a caste but a ethnic tribal group, divided into clans, much like the Pashtuns. I don't see the problem with mentioning someone's ethnic/clan origin?

    Look whether you like it or not, Jatts have distinct social, cultural and ethnic traits, even the Gurus maintained their Khatri marriage customs/traditions. Cultural heritages can be maintained without discriminating against others, things like separate gurdwaras in villages based on caste/ethnic/social lines is very wrong, and any other such practices that Guru Ji was against.

    As for Jatt Sikhs making most of the Kurbani, well if I'm being honest, it's partially true. Speaking from first hand experience of Khalistani Sikhs in Punjab during the 80's, the movement was Jatt Sikh led and predominantly Jatt Sikh in support and numbers, this is not to discredit or lessen the contribution of other great Sikh Shaheeds were not from a Jatt background, I want to make this point very clear.

    But I take the point, if it was repeated unnecessarily, then I find that rather pointless and annoying.

  15. Please read the following comments made by this RSS agent or whoever he is on another forum:

    Some of my Sikh Brothers want Khalistan.

    Suppose they get it. What next?

    What will happen in your Khalistan?

    Who will like to Live in your Khalistan?

    Will the People who are well settled outside Punjab & in foriegn Countries like USA,Canada,UK,Australia etc.come to live in your Khalistan?

    We are acting like Kids who wants to have a certain toy.

    The Child Cries,he fights, he shows his anger & unhappiness to get the toy.

    But when he gets the Toy he plays for a while & when he is fed of the toy,

    he looks up for something else.

    This is the reality of Khalistan.

    We will only bring disgrace & shame to our Gurus.

    Cause our Gurus always wanted us to Stay together with each & every community & religion.

    That is the Reason why our Guru Granth Sahebji has the teachings of the Saints from all types of Religions.

    Hope I could have changed the thinking of atleast one Khalistani.

    Dont be a Khalistani be a Sikh.

    That is the order of your Gurus.

    Gursikh of Universe

    (please email this message to every Sikh u know)


    There seems to be a number of similar comments being made by people posting behind so called Sikh identities. This particular guy has been posting under two names over on the other forum:

    Hi sikh_a_disciple,

    I am not anti or pro Khalistan cos I am Non-Political when it comes to anything relating to Third World stupid country i.e. India. However, the reason I am posting this is that looking at ur IP address, you are also posting with another id called - "Diljeet_stud".

    Again, I am not on some religious/political propaganda, but Are u on that Damn Hindutva Agenda? How come I dont see a single post of yours condemning 1984 Sikh Holocaust or 2002 Muslim Holocaust in Gujarat?

    What is ur opinion on the Killing and burning alive of Christian Missionary Graham Staines and his two Children by Hindus? Do you condemn that?

  16. Malwi part of what you say is a repeated theme which is an insult to sikhi. Leave your racist caste c#$ out of it please. If you must start being technical about lineage, your guruji's were much closer to being 'bhapa' than being jatt. Of course this is irrelevant other than to shock your musty caste pride.

    There have been so many who have gave their lives to sikhi. I personally know the stories of those, NOT RURAL, who put their head on a platter to give up everything for the panth, ended up spending the majority of thier lives in jail cells still unknown to the world and holding in the pains of their tortures, while others beat their chests, collected donations, and made speeches... only for you to come along and reduce things to caste labels.

    Did you actually bother reading my post in full or did you feel your inner inferiority complex coming out when you saw the word bhapa???

    You show your intelligence and stereotyping by assuming I am a Jatt, did I say I was a Jatt?? However if you would like to know I am a Jatt and I am very comfortable with saying it, as it is my ethnic background which I can not change.

    Now let me break down what I did say for your brain (or lack of it) to understand:

    Another thing I would like to say this that I am sick and tired of all these people that comment that the militants were not popular or supported in Punjab.

    Ok which bit did you not understand or have offence with??? By "these people" I mean Hindu commentators who portray this lie.

    What the hell do these people know about the rural Sikh people, NOTHING!

    Yes, what do Hindu commentators know about rural Punjab and it's people??

    These bhapa they meet in the cities that are neo-Sikhs that have mixed marriages with their Hindu counterparts (one brother Sikh and the other Hindu) and they are the "Sikhs" who claim to love India en mass.

    This is the part I believe that touched the nerve? Well the truth hurts. Now let me explain the context in which I said this. These Hindu commentators interact with Sikhs based in the cities on whom they base their opinions on regarding support for the militants. These same bhapa for a FACT have no problem with marrying Hindus of the same "caste". This is undeniable, you only have to look at various matrimonial sites, on the same note, you will never find a Jatt Sikh even considering a Hindu Jatt for marriage. There lies the gulf in mentality and culture. This is not the case for all urban class Sikhs, however it is the majority that accept this neo-Sikh culture.

    Now that leads to asking the question what have I said that is offence or racist?? I stated the truth, and I will continue to do so even if that means stepping on other peoples toes.

  17. I might well be crucified for saying this on the forum but even with my rudimentary knowledge of history I can recollect General Dyer who was the murderer of Jallianwala Bagh killed 20,000 people in one evening. The British committed countless atrocities on the Sikhs yet many on this forum are shamelessly sitting in UK. how should one decipher that ??

    General Dyer was a protestant Christian...so how come today Christians are your brothers and you are sitting in their countries ??

    What a load of utter rubbish. To compare the British and their Raj to the last 20+ years of tyrannical Brahmin India is a complete joke.

    Firstly about 500+ people died as a result of the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre, where then did you get that ridiculous figure of 20,000.

    In general the British did there fair share for Punjab and Sikhs, with great advancements of agriculture taking place. Sikhs in the UK are the most successful ethnic minority in Britain, that including the Whites.

    The only countless atrocities I remember is the murder of 100,000+ Sikhs since the early 80's. Today we face a different kind of war in Punjab, our History, Religion, People (Drugs & Alcohol) and Economy is being killed, this is the direct result of Government policies that are aimed at eradicating the Sikhs as an independent nation.

    Another thing I would like to say this that I am sick and tired of all these people that comment that the militants were not popular or supported in Punjab. What the hell do these people know about the rural Sikh people, NOTHING! These bhapa they meet in the cities that are neo-Sikhs that have mixed marriages with their Hindu counterparts (one brother Sikh and the other Hindu) and they are the "Sikhs" who claim to love India en mass.


  18. why put yourself in a situation where you "could " develop kaam or put kaam in another perrsons mind, look at the jeevans of chardikala Gurisikhs, htye have never flet the need to be friendly with the opposite sex, to the point at which many would even cross over the road if they saw a bibi coming

    In the above example, you have not conquered kaam, you are simply avoiding it.

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