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Posts posted by SSD

  1. Yes SSD ji.

    However, Ramanand was guided towards gurmat and worship of One formless lord by Kabirji himself !

    I believe it was the other way arround, Bhagat Ramanand was Kabir's Guru(teacher) and Bhagat Ramanand also taught Ravidas, Pipa, Dhana, and also many non-Bhagats.
  2. Ooh OK thanks for tht

    what part of the U.S. or Canada were you seeing to buy a house in because in the metropolitan areas the price will be different and in rural places it will be different, both countries are very big, 2nd and 3rd largest countries in the world,(after Russia, disputed with China).
  3. Exactly !

    This is where us moorakhs go wrong and have to attach the label of family/inherited religion to everyone.

    Even Kabirji didn't class himself the same as his master Ramanand; as he spoke against the many blind empty rituals.

    He founded a practice of Gurmat that gave him his ultimate realisation, but at the time this gurmat didn't come under any umbrella of current religion.

    Ramanand was a Bhagat himself from Gurbani"ਰਾਮਾਨੰਦ ਜੀ ਘਰੁ ੧ रामानंद जी घरु १ Rāmānanḏ jī gẖar 1 Raamaanand Jee, First House:

    ੴ ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ ॥ ੴ सतिगुर प्रसादि ॥ Ik▫oaʼnkār saṯgur parsāḏ. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

    ਕਤ ਜਾਈਐ ਰੇ ਘਰ ਲਾਗੋ ਰੰਗੁ ॥ कत जाईऐ रे घर लागो रंगु ॥ Kaṯ jā▫ī▫ai re gẖar lāgo rang. Where should I go? My home is filled with bliss.

    ਮੇਰਾ ਚਿਤੁ ਨ ਚਲੈ ਮਨੁ ਭਇਓ ਪੰਗੁ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ मेरा चितु न चलै मनु भइओ पंगु ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥ Merā cẖiṯ na cẖalai man bẖa▫i▫o pang. ||1|| rahā▫o. My consciousness does not go out wandering. My mind has become crippled. ||1||Pause||

    ਏਕ ਦਿਵਸ ਮਨ ਭਈ ਉਮੰਗ ॥ एक दिवस मन भई उमंग ॥ Ėk ḏivas man bẖa▫ī umang. One day, a desire welled up in my mind.

    ਘਸਿ ਚੰਦਨ ਚੋਆ ਬਹੁ ਸੁਗੰਧ ॥ घसि चंदन चोआ बहु सुगंध ॥ Gẖas cẖanḏan cẖo▫ā baho suganḏẖ. I ground up sandalwood, along with several fragrant oils.

    ਪੂਜਨ ਚਾਲੀ ਬ੍ਰਹਮ ਠਾਇ ॥ पूजन चाली ब्रहम ठाइ ॥ Pūjan cẖālī barahm ṯẖā▫e. I went to God's place, and worshipped Him there.

    ਸੋ ਬ੍ਰਹਮੁ ਬਤਾਇਓ ਗੁਰ ਮਨ ਹੀ ਮਾਹਿ ॥੧॥ सो ब्रहमु बताइओ गुर मन ही माहि ॥१॥ So barahm baṯā▫i▫o gur man hī māhi. ||1|| That God showed me the Guru, within my own mind. ||1||

    ਜਹਾ ਜਾਈਐ ਤਹ ਜਲ ਪਖਾਨ ॥ जहा जाईऐ तह जल पखान ॥ Jahā jā▫ī▫ai ṯah jal pakẖān. Wherever I go, I find water and stones.

    ਤੂ ਪੂਰਿ ਰਹਿਓ ਹੈ ਸਭ ਸਮਾਨ ॥ तू पूरि रहिओ है सभ समान ॥ Ŧū pūr rahi▫o hai sabẖ samān. You are totally pervading and permeating in all.

    ਬੇਦ ਪੁਰਾਨ ਸਭ ਦੇਖੇ ਜੋਇ ॥ बेद पुरान सभ देखे जोइ ॥ Beḏ purān sabẖ ḏekẖe jo▫e. I have searched through all the Vedas and the Puraanas.

    ਊਹਾਂ ਤਉ ਜਾਈਐ ਜਉ ਈਹਾਂ ਨ ਹੋਇ ॥੨॥ ऊहां तउ जाईऐ जउ ईहां न होइ ॥२॥ Ūhāʼn ṯa▫o jā▫ī▫ai ja▫o īhāʼn na ho▫e. ||2|| I would go there, only if the Lord were not here. ||2||

    ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਮੈ ਬਲਿਹਾਰੀ ਤੋਰ ॥ सतिगुर मै बलिहारी तोर ॥ Saṯgur mai balihārī ṯor. I am a sacrifice to You, O my True Guru.

    ਜਿਨਿ ਸਕਲ ਬਿਕਲ ਭ੍ਰਮ ਕਾਟੇ ਮੋਰ ॥ जिनि सकल बिकल भ्रम काटे मोर ॥ Jin sakal bikal bẖaram kāte mor. You have cut through all my confusion and doubt.

    ਰਾਮਾਨੰਦ ਸੁਆਮੀ ਰਮਤ ਬ੍ਰਹਮ ॥ रामानंद सुआमी रमत ब्रहम ॥ Rāmānanḏ su▫āmī ramaṯ barahm. Raamaanand's Lord and Master is the All-pervading Lord God.

    ਗੁਰ ਕਾ ਸਬਦੁ ਕਾਟੈ ਕੋਟਿ ਕਰਮ ॥੩॥੧॥ गुर का सबदु काटै कोटि करम ॥३॥१॥ Gur kā sabaḏ kātai kot karam. ||3||1|| The Word of the Guru's Shabad eradicates the karma of millions of past actions. ||3||1||"


    Not to be a downer, but this Panthic issue is not going to get resolved on Sikhsangat. Also, contrary to what many may assume, the Sikh Rehat Maryada is implemented and given out to the majority of Sikhs during the Amrit Sanchar, as that is the Maryada applied to Amrit Sanchars in most Gurudwaras. Whatever our world view may be of Sikhi, but the majority of Sikhs are not following Taksal/AKJ/Nanaksar Maryada - they are following the Sikh Rehat Maryada.

    The whole men vs. women issue - if there is a genuine need for any group, individual or institution to have women not do seva in the Punj Pyare, they would need to take this to the Akaal Takht Sahib to revise the Sikh Rehat Maryada (and applicable Hukamnama to the Panth) to get a unified application of standard. I do not see historical reference of any Mahapurakh from any institution flocking to the Akaal Takht Sahib to raise this issue, probably because the Panth has a LOT of other issues and a need for unity from then until now. There are many controversies that will not be solved until Khalsa Raj is established and a platform of power is available to the Sikhs to have these issues presented, resolved and come to one unified Maryada of the Panth.

    Otherwise, this is discussion that will not really lead anywhere. As for anyone who has issues with the Sikh Rehat Maryada, I would submit that if questioning and challenging that Maryada becomes commonplace, there will be more chaos in the Panth - Jathebandi vs. Jathebandi issues on what is the "real Maryada" and of course, each group will represent themselves as the real Maryada. It is a standard - a minimum that all Maryadas should be more or less in alignment with. All Jathebandis recognize that it exists, and though they may identify deficiencies in it, still respect those who follow it as fellow Gursikhs.

    Sant Jarnail Singh is often quoted as saying the statement about women and the Punj Pyare. Sant Ji also was very careful to not implement Taksal Maryada when he stayed in the Harmandir Sahib complex and maintain the sanctity of the Maryada in place there. He advocated for Taksal's Maryada, but also respected the Sikh Rehat Maryada and other Jathebandis who had their own Rehat Maryada without inviting (and actively condemning and physically punishing - slapping - those within Taksal) who would create controversy and disunity. We should take a lesson from this.

    Maryada is something you are given to follow, to apply a test of your own Sikhi and progress in Sikhi - it is not a weapon or gang manifesto that you debate over and war with your fellow Sikhs. Have some faith in Guru Sahib - The life stories of Mahapurakhs are full of examples where devoted Sikhs had questions or shortcomings in their Sikhi and Guru Sahib would guide that person towards Gurmat and true Maryada.

    Focus on yourself and self-progression. Have faith that Guru Sahib gave you the Maryada and Amrit Sanchar that you were destined for and that Guru Sahib will take to down the right path as long as you remain faithful and true to Sikhi.

    your right, we can't let this be a Jatha issue, or else Khalsa Raj will be a dream, the youth is probably in the risk of killing of Sikhi if this Jatha issue doesn't get solved. Let me say an example. Jugraj Singh from Basics of Sikhi said in a video that he doesn't fully want to force anyone to have a female member in the Punj Pyare, but if that is their individual choice then so be it. Our future must stay neutral on this issue or else another 1978 will happen and unlike those great Shaheeds instead of setting of our differences for the Guru we will be killing each other. Bhai Fauja Singh didn't read Raagmala but even today on Taksal's website they still honor his Shaheedi. The Panth is the most important thing not our Jathas.
    • so you mean we should not trust history ? you even remember your mothers name "mata jito ji" who put patashe in amrit sanchar and you question it?
    • you want to compare a gursikh to guru gobind singh ji , what kind of non sense you taking ?
    • No i never wore red or green as per maryada nor i am going too , and yes i follow it. !!!
    • who said jathas came together? mate you need your knowledge updated !!
    • heres , sant gurbachan singh ji's reply to your raagmala issue >>>> https://soundcloud.com/gurmat-parchar/bhairandheersinghraagmalasobha?in=gurmat-parchar/sets/sarvan-darshan-1
    • that image was only on the day , yogi bhajan got jathedar hariyan vela vailed out , you wana see his face? see 1970 movie of yogi bhajan , you will want to kill him if he was alive
    • sant jarnail singh ji didnt beat up , if you want more info on raag mala and other's , heres all clarifications !! https://soundcloud.com/gurmat-parchar/sets/sarvan-darshan-1
    • and mata ji put patashe inamrit because the singh saw , birds fighting , he thought if singhs were like this, he requested mata jito ji and she put patashe init.would having extra sewadar as for patashe in amritsanchar make you happy?

    read your history more !!</p>

    I wasn't obsessed with history and our mother is Mata Sahib Kaur. There is a Sakhi on why this is, also just to make it clear the first Maryada was not Taksal, it was Guru Nanak's through Charan Pahul. I'm not a tradition fanatic, Bhai Randhir Singh actually did not do something unless it was backed up with previous Maryada decessions: don't bring your Jatha or I can mention my Jatha argument. It is true that Jarnail Singh did slap his nephew for reading Raagmala at the Akal Takht why do you not read Gurbani? Instead of arguing on my sant said this or my sant said that. Bhai Randhir Singh was a great Gursikh, only Gursikh to be given a Siropa by the then 4 Takhts, he allowed women to give Amrit as Punj Pyare.
  5. For Punj Piyaras you could say Marriage is Khandey da Amrit but why did Guru Sahibaan's, Bhagat's, Pir's, Holy people get married ?

    They did get married, Yes, but they didn't get married for the silly ideas we normal people have. They married to live a family life, not because they thought the woman was attractive, or because she was smart, or even the fact that she was wealthy. They did it solely because of their family life philosophy, and would have married anyone. Best example of this is Guru Hargobind who we all should accept that he had 3 wives, (this is a fact, don't argue against it), he ultimately did so because of the Sangats desire to give their daughters in marriage. Guru Sahib respects the Sangat and did so our of his love of Sangat.
  6. SGPC are the idiots , no one cares for them outside punjab lol

    if you read the news articles of 2006 you will see SGPC was the one who opposed it .

    Sant jarnail singh ji talks about puratan maryada ,

    i dont disrespect Bhai Randhir Singh ji

    but jarnail singh ji followed old maryada not some man made thing

    every sant wherether nanaksar or other bhramgiani's always said it was singhs to be panj pyaare

    also, all of the orignal panj pyaare were , bhagats in previous life's they took human form again , which was all in devine order of akal purakh to make panj pyaare

    you can read it in "khalsa moon mantar"

    to respect that we have only 5 singhs as panj pyaare

    besides mata sahib kaur ji nor any other famous bibi or bhramgiani opposed this .

    why is the new generation too fanatic about it !!

    answer is simple

    the new generation is idiotic , everyone reads a few books or articles and they think they know everything

    everyone talks on the base of tat gian

    me too,, but heed to puratan maryada and what patshah ji says

    But if its fully based on history, then I can say that a woman should put the sugar pieces(please tell me the proper word for this), does Taksal do that? No. So at the end of the day that isn't really following the Historic Amrit Sanchar, the first Amrit Sanchar was also given by one individual:Guru Gobind Singh Ji to Punj Pyare. If one person gave Amrit today, it would be unofficial. You can't base everything from history because it doesn't work that way. Have you ever worn red? According to the Taksal you Bhujer Kurehiti! SGPC didn't make the Maryada, the Panth did, all the Jathas came together to set an agreement(this is why Raagmala may or may not be read) http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.sikhnn.com/images/images2014/SantBhindranwale_Three.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.sikhnn.com/headlines/2689/american-who-lived-bhindranwale?page%3D2&h=421&w=670&tbnid=BK20mQIbaFDbfM:&zoom=1&docid=DGFiZnEz0s_M-M&hl=en&ei=y4kRVMeCCJHisASZ4ILADA&tbm=isch&client=safari you can see in the image I posted that Jarnail Singh and Yogi Bhajan were close. Yogi Bhajan really showed the Panthic decession of a women doing Punj Pyare Sewa, Jarnail Singh didn't beat him up. You know who Jarnail Singh beat up? His Nephew for reading Raagmala in the Akal Takht!
  7. Women can not be punj pyre that is it , sant jarnail Singh as said in a video should watch it

    please, I respect Sant Jarnail Singh Bhinderwale, but unless his name is Guru Gobind Singh Ji he really can't know who the Punj Pyare should be. I watched his speech and according to him, the only reason the 5 have to be men is because of history. But he forgot that historically who put the large pieces of sugar(sorry I don't know the name of it), but it was a woman. Now in a Taksal Amrit Sanchar do they do that? No. Therefore, he had a flawed logic, if you use Jarnail Singh then I can use Randhir Singh to defend women being in the Punj Pyare, or more famously the Akal Takht Rehat Maryada! The official code of conduct! Lets stay to the rules and not use some Sant said this or another Sant said that, or Yogi Bhajan said. All of this is silly nonsense, does anyone say Guru Sahib said? Do we read Gurbani anymore? Are we so dependent on other people that we can't think for ourselves? According to the Akal Takht Maryada a woman can be in the Punj Pyare! Done Discussion!
  8. I don't agree with arranged marriage; however, I don't insult those who do because true marriage is arranged to Vaheguru. When you insult an arranged marriage your insulting your soul(bride) and the Vaheguru(groom). I do dislike the idea of arranged marriage and would prefer not going through one, but won't insult the concept of the marriage. Also don't insult love marriage,(which I personally don't appreaciate in the way it's done), as you also already had a love marriage arranged (with the Guru) you choose to be with the Guru or not through your relationship and ultimately the marriage is the Amrit.

  9. The thing about Ardas is that the official Ardas has changed very drastically over the centuries. The Ardas Guru Nanak Dev Ji would do isn't even the same form of Ardas: Guru Angad Dev Ji would do, because Ardas is personal and as a personal prayer it should be with you and VaheguruJi. It's like he can be called God, Allah, Vaheguru, Ram, or any other name because this Vaheguru doesn't care about what you say it's in the heart. And because this truth is for everyone Vaheguru cares for all. Also when you go to Mehta Tekhen you should do a small personal Ardas, now it can't be the big official one because you'd be taking up the time. Do you understand the power of Ardas?

  10. Since I joined this forum I have grown more mature and understanding of relationships. Firstly I am going to answer the title of this thread, regarding dating.

    To begin with, I think we should also understand things like puberty, hormones as well as peer pressure from media and society, and over-sexualisation from media. Also understand that in the western perspective, the dating terms girlfriend and boyfriend actually describe being partners, similar to what a husband and wife is.

    I have pondered, contemplated and understood some things:

    • One thing is that, historically and world-wide, people used to get married usually in their teenage years or perhaps early adulthood/ early 20s, and this was in tune with human nature (hormones, puberty etc). Look at the ages Guru jis got married. I do not even think the Guru jis or purataan sikhs/Singhs would consider it appropriate for anyone to marry at the ages people marry now, including the ages sikhs are now getting married at, especially in the west. We can exclude non grihast ashram following celibate/Behingam purash such as Baba Sri Chand, Nihang Singhs committed to doing sewa, sants committed to sewa etc.
    • Previous generations, such as sikh migrants to the uk, probably married at suitable ages. Parents from both western countries and India have not been able to well adapt these marital traditions to the desire to get married later due to issues such as studying at University. Only a minority of students are already married when they start university. I also know of a gursikh family whose daughter got married during university.
    • Human nature desires a partner (again due to puberty, hormones etc), but the pressure is again increased due to peer pressure, society, media, and of course age as well. Traditional arranged marriage provided a partner at an appropriate age. Modern arranged marriage is no longer age-friendly. The desire for a partner leads to getting a boyfriend/girlfriend, which of course is a partner as well isn't it? This is definitely not the gurmatt way or grihasti way, but sometimes this can lead to a grihast marital lifestyle. But in alot of cases it is a replacement. I can even say, for many people dating is now a marital type lifestyle as well, living in a family and having children, just like a married couple. But if you are sikh, then this isn't Anand Karaj though is it? It's more of a cultural thing in the west.
    • In punjabi culture, (I have also seen this in older punjabi movies) an unmarried man past his early 20s would become known as "Sharrah". That's like saying this person is past his marital age now. I actually saw in these older movies Mehar Mittal used to be the Sharrah flirting with single girls in a comedy way, sometimes getting married to one.
    So to conclude, people are dating because children go past the age that tradition and gurmatt would recommend for marriage, and human nature and societal influences takes over.

    OK, so many sikhs including amritdharis are not going for arranged marriages anymore. In that case, parents need to explain to the children concentrate on looking for a husband and wife, not to look for a boyfriend and girlfriend which is the western cultural norm.

    Getting to know someone is very good for marriage, but there is no point in becoming constrained in a boyfriend-girlfriend partnership if your aim is to be in a marital grihast partnership such as through Anand Karaj.

    FInally I will refer to the context of middle school. Are middle schoolers teenagers? I think at this age hormones and puberty start. Back in old times some people got married at these ages I guess. I reckon peer pressure is also leading to people dating at this age but then again, in the UK girls get pregnant at 12 in deprived areas yet people will say it is backwards to marry at similar ages. I would say marriage was mutually exclusive to bodily changes. As the law now dictates when someone may marry, then dating has replaced teenage partnerships in society.

    I think your friend is either one of those "chalak" girls, or her hormones have taken over, such things happen to some young people earlier than others. I would be careful if I were you.

    In the context of amrit-dharis dating. I know amrit-dhari families from indian backgrounds who would not dare date. I myself don't come from a gursikh family, but we wear turbans and are very traditional. Most amrit-dharis I have seen that date are ones that don't come from families that have a recent link to India or Punjab, like I had friends that were Amrit-Dharis but they weren't very traditional, their families came from other countries where the sikh sangat had become very modern and no longer frowned on dating, they aren't very desi and use condescending terms to describe punjabis such as "Indian Mentality". Just remember, Guru jis and purataan Singhs lived in desi society, and even the history in Gurbaani references this society as well.

    I personally have nothing against dating; though, I highly discourage the reason for dating-I wanted her or I wanted him, that's just a childish excuse for dating(I'm a teenager by the way). That is not how love works, it just your endorphins telling you or your hormones telling you stuff. Also these same hormones will tell you: " I can't live with this person anymore they aren't fun anymore." That is just the reality of these hormones they always change: you have to really be committed, (not most people's definition of commuted), to actually think of having a girlfriend or boyfriend. If you don't think about that then it will all be just an emotional play. Emotions change, as will the relationships of these people.

    I don't support arranged marriages either or assisted marriages because you really don't know the other person; and can you imagine living with someone you don't know of the opposite gender?

  11. guru fateh sadh sangat ji

    when daas tries to do simran his mind stars travelling a lot.. the moment daas sit to do simran random images tries to start popping up in daas mind sometimes random person,school,hazoor sahib,any shop or sometimes simran audio of dhariawale simran starts playing......what is it?... daas is not able to concentrate.....daas doesnt try to think something but these things are in some auto mode

    I honestly had the same thing, I think it's totally natural and as you focus more on the Naam you'll feel less of it. (From my understanding of previous discussions).
  12. This is good, hopefully Punjabi's who have lost their Sikhi way, will get inspired to come back to Sikhi. The more non-Punjabis that become Sikhs and follow Guru Ji's path the better.

    the Khalsa is truly part of the solution: Raj Kaerga Khalsa Agai Rahe Na Koi.
  13. In the shabad quoted above about it being foolish to argue about meat and flesh, Guru Ji is explaining the hypocrisy of hindu brahmins/pandits just as I explained previously. Giani Takur Singh Ji has done Katha on this shabad. Please go and listen to it. PLEASE TELL ME WHERE THE SHABAD TELLS YOU TO GO AND KILL AN ANIMAL AND EAT IT'S DEAD CARCASS SPECIFICALLY. I just want to know because all I can find is shabads guiding to eat roti, beans, lentils etc... NOT ANIMALS. It is understandable that where there is no other food source available then one would have to hunt and consume a dead carcass. BUT I doubt this is the case for the 99.99999999% of Sikhs. Why show the above quote to Guru Gobind Singh Ji when it was he who dictated the Bani to Bhai Mani Singh Ji. Also please stick to the topic of diet. Thank you.

    I'm willing to listen to the Katha, but couldn't find it, please show it to me so I can hopefully get more knowledge on this issue,(I don't really know much about it), I apologize for mentioning the Sant Siphai issue, but a Saint Soldier has to kill! It can't be any other way.
  14. Soz mate, wat i meant to say is, that sikhi is dying slow IN PANJAB, hence the reason for givin the jagraj singh reference, my apologies

    I know you mentioned Jugraj Singh, but at the end of the day Sikhi is the same whether it be in Saudi Arabia, India, China, North Korea, Cuba, Nazi Germany, or anywhere else for that matter. In the same sense Sikhi is not dying in Punjab: my reason for defense is Naam can't die, neither can the Guru. I can bet that there are still some GurSikhs and Sants still in Punjab: as there is in every country, I'll use an example with something a little simpler. Vaheguru is everywhere, you start feeling less of Vaheguru while you go into the path of evil: Does that mean Vaheguru is not with you? In the same aspect just because people don't accept Sikhi doesn't mean it's not there.
  15. Why rely on committees who have other agendas ...there are many masters of different arts out there why not create a knowledge net for sikhs to plug into so that we can learn as much as possible from all the martial arts places..I wouldn't mind paying for outside classes if I knew they were quality. Plus if we hire spaces for our akaras no committee politics will interfere with our job of learning. It is obvious GOI wants SIkhi warrior spirit to deflate and die that's why their agents here infiltrate and mess with our sangat's learning and actioning these skills even teaching dasam bani arth.

    join Tera Panth Vasse, help them lead your Gurdwaras to the future.
  16. Indeed ur right, no arguement. But u have forgotten 1 thing...sikhs in panjab r no longer the sikhs they were, and sikhi itself is dying slowly, no thanks to various reasons. as jagraj singh says on basics of sikhi, "if i meet any1 who interested in sikhi, i wouldnt send them to panjab, definitely outside of panjab".

    Givin shaheedi at all costs, is a distant dream it seems at times, especially judging by sikh institutions who r brown nosing badals.

    Sikhi can't die, those who try to finish Sikhi die themselves:Aurangzeb,O'Dywer, Gutbachana Sio, Indria Gandhi, Beant Sio. The people I've listed have all tried to finish Sikhi, but all of them have been finished by the Sikhs of the Guru. The reason it looks like Sikhi is dying out in your eyes is because:most people don't know what Sikhi really is? What is Sikhi? 9/10 people will answer something along these lines," it's a religion from northern India that's Monotheistic and keeps 5 articles of faith, most visibly the hair", now there are clearly a lot of monotheistic faiths that believe in keeping hair. What makes Sikhi? The real answer to the question is Naam! We can't know Sikhi if we don't know about Naam Japna. Sikhs have always been of small number in my eyes it's actually growing especially in the Diaspora. The only reason it looks so big is because of the ages of the Misls and Ranjit Singh and their descendants all of which required some allegiance to Sikh faith to be promoted: They never(few exceptions),became Sikhs because they loved the Guru: they did it for political gain(modern equalevent of Badal). So Sikhi(in truest form) is actually growing. It's just so many people calling themselves Sikhs are doing what is considered apostasy: because at the end of the day they don't know.
  17. It's said that he received a fatal wound, but the shady part is when he died. At the time I think they didn't associate his death with that wound, but his health declined a lot before he reached home. I think he died a couple weeks later in Iraq. I'm not sure how true this is, but some historians argue this version to be true.

    Doesn't really matter who killed him, just showing that Punjab did have a history of martial warfare, but a lot of the military might was fueled by petty tribalism.

    it's still nothing compared to the power of Amrit and Gurbani.
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