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Posts posted by curioustoknow

  1. How can you look white and native at the same time? People call you cracker and Pocahontas? Doesn't make sense.

    Why would they even call you those things if you wear a hijab? If anything, people would think you are middle-eastern.

    You're digging yourself deeper into the hole.

    Still haven't answered why you don't ask your Sikh friends or your Sikh lover about Sikhi. If they are passing judgement on us, then they must know enough to answer your questions.

    If a religion teaches you that reading other holy books will take you to hell, then that is pretty sad.

    do me a favor and look up the song half breed by cher..she talks about the plight of the native American in todays society

    Thus its what I mean by letting go of your ego, for some reason you draw pleasure from saying the words sikh lover to me to make me feel uncomfortable and for you to boost your ego.even after I have made it so clear that we have not been intimate for months now and have and still are repenting for our actions. Do you get a little smile on your face when you say that? Does it give you a warm tingly feeling deep in your heart to know that someone us suffering from your choice of word and thought?

    Think it over, I'm over your insults because I'm realizing you are doing it for no other reason than pleasure...haha let's all have a big laugh...with you...or at your relentless poking fun? You can only pike a wolf so many times before it gets up and walks away.

    Don't worry I ain't gonna bite you, I'm too civilized for that kind of unacceptable behavior which you find so proper

  2. One of the things I find really cool about Cherokee culture is the names.

    I wonder what name I would have got if I was a Cherokee?

    Maybe something like 'Chased by dogs'? Because they used to let dogs run around feral on the streets when I was a kid and I was always getting chased by them!!

    hee hee

    haha funny :)

    actually names are given based on the spirit animal you are born with, basically your previous life...it carries over to your human life and you keep some of the traits of that life.

    My spirit animal is the wolf, even though I was born under a Jaguar star, I am in tune more with the wolves. Even growing up on the farm, we always had wolves and always felt like part of the pack. I slept with them at night and ran with them during the day.

  3. It was Sequoyah who drafted the Cherokee alphabet. Ah I remember having an online course on the history of Oklahoma, the 5 civilized tribes and how many of the tribes were all displaced and then also came into the fold of Christianity, gave up their ancient traditions, cut their hair locks and adapted to the western dressing styles. Hey Lori, you say you're Cherokee but also white? How does that work out? Just curious :)

    when I tan I get super dee duper dark...but I have been covering my body fully for about 4 years now and just haven't gotten any sun...this may sound silly to yall...but its true...I'm not fully white like a white person, but I do have some small percentage of Danish...thats from my great grandmother's husband, the one who married her at 12. but he was mainly Cherokee too...

    but thats my mom's side, my dad's side is Creek Nation, I really don't know much about them, but I know it's very similar to Cherokee...

    Yes the five nations are based in Oklahoma, but thats not where we are from, thats just where we were "put", Creek came from the Pennsylvania area

  4. howdy! I know where stillwater is! My parents live in the reservation just about an hour west of siloam springs

    What kind of rituals and chanting is done in Cherokee culture?

    I really couldn't tell you, sorry, Like I said, I wasn't allowed to learn about it as a kid, I just learned what I could from the older generations

  5. Definetly dont stop asking questions but be prepared to field a few of your own.

    Its hardly 'racist' if you cant see even a hint of perhaps 'trolling' than your better than most of us.

    some of the funnier points you raise above

    1) you have researched sikhism going as far as quoting stories about Guru Nanak Dev Ji but you are scared to read the SGGS because you might go to hell - not an logical response in the slightest

    2) you are not accepted by the world because you are WHITE? :)

    3) you cant leave america but your kids are on some sort of no fly list?

    Smells like trolling, i hppe if your not a troll you can put this behind you and start asking some questions that help both yourself and the rest of the cyber sangat

    who are you to judge me?

    Yes my kids are on a no fly list...you wanna know why? Because my ex husband is a violent man from Morocco and has threatened to take them to morocco and never let me see them again...he told this to a judge now...continue judging me please...go right ahead judge me, if you think you are good enough in life to do so...then please go right ahead

    And as far as me being afraid I might go to hell, I have stated many many many times that I am a Muslim right? And in Islam to read other holy books, even the prior books brought down by God (because of the corruption of God's words) holds a serious punishment, if I am wrong about my curiosity into Sikhism, I am already facing punishment...so please continue judging me...

    And yes, the world HATES white people, maybe you don't know this because you are not white...I don't know, but please understand I have been the butt of many jokes, I have been told that I am killing people in Palestine and syria and Afghanistan and iraq...me...just because I am white and American...I have been accused of Atheism by people who don't even know me because I am white. I have been accused of incest because I am American...if you don't know DON"T SPEAK!!! you have no idea the racsim I face on a daily basis! I'm called Cracker, whitey, snowball, richey b**** (and I am like the poorest person I know) On top of that I am called a drunk (I do NOT drink) because it is a stereotype that all native americans are drunks, a gambler (because it is said that all naitve americans gamble),dirty, Pocahontas, Injun, Indian (not that there's anything wrong with it, but I'm not from India...) so please, if you don't have anything encouraging to say to me, please don't say anything...why do I want to read that I am a troll EVERY post?

  6. Lori some people are ignorant and some aren't in all races and religions.If there was no ignorance this world would be a better place.

    Dont stop asking questions.

    A saint was told to grab something from the water where a snake lived.When he put his hand in the water the snake bit him.Then he put his hand in again and it bit him again.This kept on happening.After half an hour a villager asked why he was doing it the saint replied by saying" I have to get that thing even if it kills me"

    Now the morale of this story is never give up.

    You are trying to get answers to find god and how many bites you recive you should keep trying.

    Also to the haters.Guru maharaj Ji would never reject some one because they were of different religion or race.What you guys are doing is racist.

    Thank you...thank you...thank you!

    And the story was cute :) And I say that as a good thing, I could just picture it in my mind.

  7. What's the need to even declare that you are a Muslim? Why do you have to put that Muslim slogan in your signature?

    If you really didn't want to ruffle any feathers, then you would just come here and ask about Sikhism, without indirectly promoting your own faith.

    People have directed you towards videos and other things, but you say "Oh, I watched it but I didn't gain anything, and everyone was attacking me because I am a Muslim." People aren't crazy, they won't attack you unless you give them a reason. I doubt you even watched the videos.

    You quote Sakhis of Guru Nanak, but then don't give sources. You say, "Oh, it was in all the books I read about him." Really? You can't give us a name of a single one of them?

    You still haven't answered why your avatar is a picture if you without a hijab, when you stated in your original post you have started to wear your hijab. Also, what about your Sikh friends? Why haven't you asked them these questions? You haven't even asked your Sikh "lover". You said he was more religious now, so he should be able to answer some of your queries.

    All these things considered, lead me to believe that you are here to waste our time and question our own faith. When you ask a question, you are not satisfied with any of the answers. So your aim seems to be to question Sikh beliefs, and not actually learn anything.


    We respect all other holy men before and after Sri guru Nanak dev Ji. We accept their existence as positive to humankind. However, if you are asking that whether we believe in their teachings then personally I have to say that I do not.

    Why and why not?

    1. No other religious head wrote text and many fail in trying to authenticate that religious Scriptures written by holy man itself. This is different with sikhi as our gurus took extra step of noting down every teaching they taught in most practical form. Whole Sri Guru Granth Sahib jee is by our gurus in 100%.

    2. No religion or society ever given 100% equal rights to female gender. Even USA who is well known as defender of women right around the world, gave women voting right some 60 yrs ago. In sikhi this happened in 1400's. Many of our religious institutions ran solely by women folks since 1469. We have female granthi (priest), head of sgpc (sikh org like Vatican). I don't see female iman/mullah or priest. neither we will see female gender running Mecca or Vatican.

    3. Earth is flat. Many religious scripts are not inline with most of today's scientist discoveries. Just few months ago, there was a news saying that there are Xxxx amount species living on our earth. Though they are not total accurate but very close to what our religious scripts pointed out number of species living on our earth. Only in this century human or west discovered truth about universe and Big Bang theory but all of this was already mentioned by our gurus ages ago.

    4. Sikh gurus said that if you are Muslim then be a good Muslim, if Hindu then be a good Hindu. This shows the respect our gurus had for other religion. However we all know what other current religious practice thinks of other religion followers. Muslim says that if u r not Muslim then u r kafir or christian says that 'you are going to hell' if u do not hold Christ as your guru.

    Above are just few things that differentiate sikh gurus with other religious heads.

    So to your question of sukhs believing in teachings of other holy men. No, we don't but in reality we do respect all religions and this can be practically proven by our gurus handwritten scripture. Point me official document from Vatican or from Mecca which shows acceptance of other religion?

    Lori, I can suggest you to do independent research by start reading our gurus written scripture online and then only you can find answers for your questions. You must try to free your mind from thoughts before reading any scriptures.

    Okay so I wrote a whole long post but it got deleted so in summary

    1. Do as your Guru told you to do, let go of ego. If it boosts your ego to insult me or to judge me based on my shortcomings, which I am truly repentant for and will probably be judged for by God, then hurray for you, but I am just encouraging you glisten to your own spiritual leader

    2. I do not have a sikh"lover" it has been months since I decided to change, so really get a life and look at your own fails before judging someone else.

    3. Do research on Guru Nanaak...I have brought up things that are supposed to be widely known by the sikh community about Guru Nanaak that you guys insist on me referencing...if you don't even know three history of your own Guru, don't throw insults this way, look into your own faults and maybe see before you speak that you don't know everything either.

    4. As far as reading the sikh holy books,I want to but I'm scared to. If I'm wrong in my curiosity about sikhism,I could go to hell, don't insist on me reading them and push them on me,I will read them when I am ready to.

    5. I am not preaching Islam our I would find a way to quote the quran or prophet Muhammad PBUH in every post and maybe you are thinking if someone else who is doing this, but I am not.

    6. I came here because I was tired of the racism of muslims...do you know that even muslims call me kafr ONLY because I live in America? Forget that it is my native nation, but I really cannot even leave America without abandoning my children because the courts have ordered that they cannot leave America, I'm not going to get into detail about this, its personal.

    7. I'm not accepted by Americans because I an native, I'm not accepted by muslims because I am American,I am not accepted by most of the world because I am white, and I'm nor accepted by white because I an Muslim...I thought the one place I could go to some kind of understanding would be the sikhs because they are so misunderstood themselves.

    8. I'm not 100% sure about Islam because of how muslims act but the one thing I am sure of is God and that I want to submit to his will.

    9. I'm sorry for posting my pic, but I got so many saying they didn't believe my nationality that I just wanted everyone to kinda have an idea...yes I should've been wearing my scarf, but you couldn't see what I looked like then...I'm sorry if it offended you, I'm not here to offend anyone

    10. And I saved this for last because it is the most important to me...I am beginning to Getty a better knowledge of sikhism even with all the insults. Thank you for those who have tolerance and are trying to help me understand further, it means a lot to me.

    One last thing...what"behavior" are you talking about that wouldn't be accepted if I was a man? And how am I using my status as a female to"get by" with this unacceptable "behavior"?

  8. Thank you, I just wish it to be known that I am really trying to humble myself and I'm really out of my element here...my sikh friends read the posts you guys have posted towards me and they say that sikhs should never talk to anyone, especially women that way, all I'm asking foris a little but if respect andsome information...if it is too much to ask for then I will leave, I cannot continue to be disrespected as I an really just trying to learn and find truth...especially when I am trying so hard to respect you guys

  9. To send Singhs weak at the knees so we take it easy on her when she bombards this site with her "questions". :biggrin2:

    Aint gonna work on me! Like Ganga Puttar Bhishma I've taken a Brahmchari ki pratigya! If you smell what the Brahmchari is cooking!!!

    Well I should hope not because I should hope that your faith is pretty strong to make such accusations and feel comfortable about it...why not ask me nicely to change my picture instead of insulting me?

    I'm starting to think that skihs are just as rude and inconsiderate as everyone else...as many times as I have been insulted on this forum...how hard is it to have some tact?

  10. First of all I don't know why you mentioned Arabic, because practically no Sikh speaks it.

    Tell the guy to ease up on the spices and the oil/butter those are the two things that cause digestion problems.

    It's the reason I don't like eating out at Indian restaurants. I always end up with a stomach ache the next day. But lot's of people eat similar style of food at home and consequently end up fat.

    My mother's food is a lot more healthy because she doesn't load it with oil or chillies.

    he speaks arabic...

  11. Okay so a little ease up off the serious stuff....

    As a Native American, the foods we eat are a LOT different than Punjabi food...

    We eat lots of corn and potatoes and ...yes...meat...and greens and breads and so on...but, as you may or may not be able to imagine, our food does not have NEARLY as many spices as Punjabi food

    So before about 6 months ago, I never even had Punjabi food before....well now, in the last month I have eaten it everyday!

    I miss my tasteless potatoes

    I miss my neutral corn

    My yummy cornbread

    But I don't have a kitchen right now, so my friends cook for me and invite me to their house to eat. I am soooooooo appreciative!

    But i have found lately that I cannot eat the food anymore!

    No matter how hungry I get, as soon as I put the food in my mouth, I want to spit it out! And its not because it tastes bad, but I just think my body can't handle it anymore.

    I have a feeling that the guy who does most of the cooking is starting to feel disrespected because I put VERY little on my plate and I can't even finish that!

    He doesn't speak great English, and I don't speak any Punjabi and very little Arabic, so I cannot express to him that the food is good, I just can't handle it. and no one else will translate it for me, they just say don't worry about it, but I see the contempt on his face when I throw away the food on my plate....I'm sorry!

    Any tips you guys might have for me on digesting the food? Oh and many times I have woken up in the morning after eating the food, puking my guts out....its not fun!

  12. It's similar to Christians who say "Jesus is God" when in reality Jesus had said that he was the son of God.

    Guru Nanak Dev Ji never said he was God, but what he was was the Avtaar of Akaal Purakh.

    In Sikhi our ultimate goal is to become one with Waheguru - merge back into Waheguru after we die. Prior to the creation of the Universe there was nothing at all only the Hukam (infinite command) of Waheguru according to Guru Sahib. In this state prior to anything being created there was no concept of love, hate, bliss, pain, pleasure, live, death, no truth. The creation of the Universe created both falsehood and the truth. Prior to the creation of the Universe truth had no value and in order to put value on Truth you must experience false hood. Kalyug is the false age where many people are trapped in worldly illusion and forget spiritual meditation on Waheguru.

    As for the contradictions, you can't base opinions of people to reflect Sikhi. Although it would be nice, people posting on this website aren't automatically class A Sikhs. Many amazing Sikhs prefer not to post here, but here and there you get a diamond in the rough. The mods and admins probably have a dilemma as to whether some posts should be allowed and whether some shouldn't.

    Thank you, this was very informative

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