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Everything posted by deadquoteolympian

  1. if it were me, dont even talk to him about sikhi, that would basically be preaching. Preaching is bad, unless they ask.
  2. doesent that mean be true to YOURSELF and not follow anyone's rules? So you're basically saying disregard all rules and be yourself i knew that..
  3. inspiring me wont work at all, trust me and no one preach to me please, ive heard it all my life. if i ever make the decision, I will make it myself.
  4. possible? maybe, probably not gonna happen though, since ive always been this way.. this is offtopic but.. Amrit Peeaa Satgur Deeaa || Avar Naa Jaanaa Dooaa Theeaa || what does that mean and why is it under my name?
  5. does that mean im gonna become a hardcore religious person later?
  6. what are the exact words on boyfriends/girlfriends in Sikhism? seems to me that it should be allowed
  7. what do you hope to accomplish through the petition? sorry i cant find the other thread, im just wondering..
  8. im not saying become a doormat, im saying learn to let things roll off your back. no sense in being so anal you cant laugh about anything
  9. my two cents will probably anger someone: if its there, and you dont like it, get rid of it it doesent mean your conforming to western society or whatever.. however, this is coming from someone who isint exactly the most religious person ever...
  10. heh, well, i tend not to listen to anyone/anything, so i probably wont take up amrit in the near future, but maybe one day. i got the vegetarian and hair parts locked down, so i dont think the transition would be overly difficult...
  11. I dont wear a Kara, and i shave, but i rarely cut my hair. im here pretty much just to learn about this religion and others. btw, i am Sikh and indian.. and let the blasting of me begin!
  12. dont EVER CALL SIMPLE PLAN PUNK they are NOT punk, but at the same time neither are the hives. both bands are pop punk, but the hives are way better musically and have better messages in their songs. anywho religious music is usually very overrated in terms of musicianship because i think hard times are what fuels music. look at blues. nothing but hard times created that music.
  13. im a joke? what does your tirade about movement mean? i dont understand your language. i know there are more people here who think bhangra is garbage. they may not love rock like me but I know at least someone here agrees to my comment about bhangra being against basic principles of Sikhism.
  14. bhangra is all about alcohol and caste which is against Sikhism the hives have clean content, all they write are songs about selling your body for medical experiments and becoming a boring office worker. btw, im calm :TH:
  15. bhangra is a stupid type of music involving a crappy percussion tom tom with no hard sound and other bad instruments. the dohl i just a big tom tom. any drummer could play that, but how manny dohlers can play the drums? even in the past bhangra sucked. nothing is better than classic rock like Led Zeppelin and The Who. imagine keith moon on the dhol. yea, hed actually play something that sounds GOOD. Age range for hives fans is probably 15-30.
  16. dude/dudette, im a dude bhangra isint good at all in my eyes, id take good ol hate to say i told you so or another good song by another good punk or rock band over pao bhangra any day
  17. Hellllo!!!! Im a newbie here, but I thought I'd starty by posting a good ol thread about my good ol faviroute band of swedes from sweden, THE HIVES!! They're a punk rock outfit who outfit themselves in all black and white! Check em out! P.S. I'm actually really gonna post regularily about serious topics, I just want to gauge everyone's reaction to something as stupid as some one posting about their faviroute band on a Sikh board. P.S.S. I really do like the hives, btw P.S.S.S. bhul chuck maaf
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