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Posts posted by Ranjeet01

  1. Kharkusingh1996

    A Sikh will go against another Sikh to protect a non-Sikh, our priority has always been truth and doing what is righteous, it is called being an upholder of dharma, it is something that is built into us.

    A moderate muslim will not speak out against an extremist muslim because their priorities are different. Truth is not the priority, a muslim will stick up for another muslim in front of a non-muslim even though that muslim is in the wrong. Solidarity for them is the most important because they would consider that their honour and dignity is impacted.

    Reason is that Islam is derived from Arab cultural values: me against my brother, me and my brother against my father, my father and brothers against my cousins, my family against my clan, my clan against my tribe, my tribe against other tribes.

    Our way of thinking is very different from the Islamic way of thinking.

  2. Good point.

    I would guess they're mostly Gujarati and that goes along way in explaining the almost total 'anglification' of the current generation of UK Guaratis. With the exception of those in Leicester and Wembley, this current generation is 'Asian' in skin colour only. Deep down, they have been totally whitewashed. For example, a friend of mine who works in social care told me how surprised he was to find how such a large proportion of elederly Gujaratis have been placed in care homes by their families rather than be looked after by the family at home.

    But yeah....thats a good point you make DailyFilth.

  3. The Bangladeshi community like the Pakistani community with the mirpuris predominately come from one area and that is Sylhet, not Dhaka or the other major cities in Bangladesh.

    I personally do not know inner dynamics of the Bangladeshi community, but would guestimate that the Sylhetis may be seen as bumpkins in the wider Bangladeshi community.

  4. To reverse the de-evolution of humanity which this 'perfect man' has initiated firstly would require to cut the monetry funding from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries such as Qatar.

    Unfortunately the West is in bed with these fellows. Islam is a top-down system, you cut the funding from the top of the pyramid, chaos would be created. Funny thing about ISIS is that they have come about so quickly, it is no co-incidence.

    The world needs to find alternative power sources to oil, the problem you have is that the Saudis and Qataris are fully aware that oil is running out and are investing in other countries and in non oil based industries such as construction, real estate etc etc. The key would be to have all the money sucked out of the Arabian peninsular , get these sheikhs back to living in their tents back in the desert.

    The next step would be to tackle the clergy. These guys are the stirrers and instigators. They get the younger lot riled up and use them as cannon fodder. They would need to be dealt with in a very public way so that it will be shown that this particular type of mischief making will not be tolerated.

    That is for starters.

  5. Starstriker

    What you must realise is that the west does not do anything if there is no benefit to them.

    The question you must ask yourself, what benefit from a geopolitical/strategic point of view would the west have to support Sikh equality and Sikh independence.

    Pakistan was created by the British to counter any influence a United India (if you go by the British Raj India), it would have far greater influence from South East Asia, Indian Ocean, Middle East and Central Asia. In an ideal situation, the west would love break up the subcontinent into more nation states, because then could play the divide and rule once more and it would provide more markets to sell military hardware. However, a subcontinent with too many nation states would mean a lot more anarchy,and this would play into China's hand. Therefore,for the west having India as it is has a counterbalance to China.

    Supporting a Sikh independent nation ( since we tend to be pioneers) would mean other parts of India would follow suit.

  6. I knew a guy who now lives in Canada who was brought over by some Christian Missionary group from Punjab, they used to push for him to convert, they even had a driver to come and take him to church.

    But he stayed Sikh. He used them to emigrate.

    The most effective way to stop these conversions from a temporal,pragmatic perspective is to cut the funding from these NGO's. You cut out the money, you prevent their operations.

    It seems that this Christianity conversion business is like a welfare system. People are being duped into free food, free education etc etc and they become dependent on them, this is how drug dealers operate. What happened to the Sikh work ethic?

  7. GhettoSikh

    The Somali community in the UK arrived around 1991 after their civil war as refugees. Don't really know too much about them, they are not very much liked. They are not liked by fellow black people (Africans and Afro Carribeans)

    The Pakistani community had their men come over in the 1960s, kind of at the same time as the Sikhs. Main difference being is that most of the Sikh families came inthe 60s whereas the Pakistani men bought their families much later in the later 1970s.

    Having an established Sikh community attracts Pakistani

    because of the cultural affinity, wherever we go they will follow.

    They will not show hate if their numbers are small, once they start to breed and increase their numbers things will change very quickly.

    They also take up taxi cabbing and this works very closely with the pimping and the drug dealing, particularly if people are going out for the night. Pakistanis in the UK are very good at playing the system, whether it be claiming welfare or whether cosying up to the politicians and police forces so that they can get away with their grooming.

    But from what I understand is that Alberta is a right-wing province compared to the rest of Canada. I am sure that if too many problems are created the good ol' boys will take them up north and feed them to the bears and wolves.


  8. Daily Mail

    The reason some of our folk will disassociate themselves is because they are worried that if the white majority finishes off the muslims, we will be the next target.

    Ironically, Bhai Mohan Singh of Sikh Awareness Society shared a stage with Tommy Robinson at Swaminayaran Temple in Neasden.

    There seems to be a convergence of different ethnic and religious groups who want to combat this menace.

  9. referring to bollywood making singhs looks bad, even hollywood seems to be doing it look at the last star trek movie - khan noonien singh was the baddie and in the end scene he even crashes a space ship and demolishes downtown san francisco and several skyscrapers!

    Khan was arround in the original 60's series as well as Star Trek 2 "Wrath of Khan" with William Shatner

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