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Posts posted by paramnamsingh

  1. Baba nand singh recommended meditating on a picture of Guru Nanak dev ji didnt he? Its not idol worship if you ask me... I dont do any of that but seeing pictures around does help my mind focus and it invokes devotion.
    i dont think we need to be so extreme about this stuff. strengthen what guru did say was important, simran, bani, seva, etc. and gurmat will blossom within us naturally. no need to tell other what to do, if you ask me. give these "problems" to guru and if its idol worship to you then dont do it but maybe it helps others come closer to Him.

  2. what i had found helpful is to stop reacting to the thoughts and urges. allow it to come up, feel it, dont react, from there do some simran, exercise, both maybe. you cannot push desires away otherwise like water being blocked, it will find another way out, most liekly a very perverted way. feel the desire, do some naam japna and elevate this desire, see it for what it is, be present to what it is without pushing it away. liberate the desire thorugh the name of god.
    please odnt feel bad about this, this is a human thing, deisres arent bad, elevate the desire by meditating without wanting it to change, the gurumantar will change it for you, our minds are limited how can we use our mind to change our own thoughts to what we think they should be?allow the guru to change it into what he wants.
    i know you said you did simran im saying to still do it because maybe you were doing it while wanted to avoid this desire, maybe you werent.
    i hope this helps, it has helped me tremendously. also dont look at porn and stuff like that, its hard at first (before i was blessed with this path i watched porn a lot) but it gets easy, doesnt even cross my mind anymore.
    of course ardaas is important too...
    may guru sahib bless you will the strength and control to elevate your desires to their highest potential
    wjkk wjkf

  3. just love it! what a blessing it is! thats a great beard if you ask me.
    heres some advice anyway... soak fennugreek seeds overnight, strain them and blend into a paste maybe with some curry leaves, simmer that in some coconut oil. apply to hair/beard. let it sit for a couplehours or overnight.
    ive been using almond oil every morning before isnaan and my beard started to thicken and grow much faster.

  4. i exerpience the sweetness as more of a whole body feeling. its not like eating honey but more like wanting more of it, my whole body craves it. it happens to me mostly when i say mul mantar, gurmantar, and shabad hazare... theres a feeling of not wanting to stop because it is so satisfying. i can feel it now writing about it. it has a similar sensation somatically as eating something sweet, a satisfaction but also wanting more.
    i hope this helps

    wjkk wjkf

  5. just make the decision not to do it anymore if thats what oyu really want. its hard for a while but then you wont even think about it. if it comes up and you feel the need to, go for a run, meditate, cold shower, paint, draw, play music, do something else. most importantly, watch what you put into your mind. looking at pictures of the sex you are attrated to will not serve you. i would even recommend pranayam practice although this will probably upset some people.
    are you reading your banis? that has helped me tremendously... watch what you eat too, eat more veggies and less processed food, that will help a lot.
    but really just make the decision to not do it, dont suppress rather, dont react, thats why im saying do something else which will transform that urge without suppressing it. youll probably have wet dreams but thatll pass in time too.
    i hope this helps, may guru sahib bless you with the strength to be sstrong in your commitment

  6. if you have a smart phone search in the app store "you are your own gym" i dont think thats the name of the app but you canf ind it that way. great workouts for a good type of fitness, by that i mean flexable yet strong, not bulky. lots of jaap sahib recitation as well! someone once said "it will put the power of the soul into the muscles of the body" and this is definitely my experience in reciting jaap sahib as well

  7. look into your diet... keeping steady blood sugar and eating less inflamatory foods have a lot to do with mental disorders. theres a very cheap book called "nutrition and mental disorders.' for depression heavy exercise such as burpees early in the morning right away can kick up dopeamine and other useful brain stuff dopeamine has to do with hopefulness, self esteem, self advocast, things like that.. ive seen dramatic changes in my own life and in other peoples lives through simple exercise early in the morning and stabilizing blood sugar.
    best of luck brother, know your not alone in these experiences

  8. wgjkk wgjkf
    i am not against medicine if needed but i really think diet and other practices can be used first. anxiety can be reduced when the body is given what it needs to survive. what does it need? not knowing what your diet, body type, and lifestyle are like i would recommend breathing more deeply, pranayam even. im assuming a lot here but id guessing your body type is skinnier? thats my body type. to make ATP (energy, chi, prana whatever you want to call it) oxygen is needed. kick up the oxygen absorbtion through exercise, yoga, or pranayam. also to create more atp good fuel is needed. when i adding much more fat with butter and ghee anxieties literally dissapeared. protein, assuming your vegetarian, eat heavier meals for example lots of kitcheree, beans and rice, good slow burning fuel will give the body what it needs to be strong and stable. also blood sugar, keeping steady blood sugar will make gigantic changes in your life.
    lots of other stuff i could recommend to but this would be a start. working out anxieties through meditation and diet would be best. medication should be a last resort.
    hopefully some of this helps i have plenty of other things to recommend if youd like too...
    chardi kala!

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