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Everything posted by MHS

  1. In the middle east people coming from the Indian sub-continent are looked down upon regardless of their religion or color of their skins. They look up to caucasians, in fact, they worship them. In some countries the indigenous people regarded the white people as gods before they succumbed to colonialism.
  2. He had to repeat himself so many times too. It just goes to show how hard it was to get his replies across to these people. Did the police go inside the gurdwara with their shoes on or did they remove them beforehand? So humiliating!
  3. Young desi bibis don't need any motivation, they are already motivated enough to know their priorities. They are very intelligent. If they feel their punjabi families are hypocrites and liars, they have the right to express their feelings freely without being judged and criticized. They are human too just like the bibis of the previous generations. They have right to speak out about their feelings just like any other bibi whether black or white. Our bibis in the west are very smart and far sighted. They know exactly what they want. They are educated and well informed. There are liars and hypocrites in every race and culture so there is nothing wrong if bibis feel they need to express it. It is a universal trait. As to gender equality, sikh Gurus have already given equality to all sikh women through their edicts. Sadly these edicts fell on the ears of punjabi culture. They have no urgency to look at the goriyaan for role models, they have plenty examples in their own race and culture. Let our bibis be themselves without aping the goriies. If these gori sardaneea are that wonderful then why are they mimicking the singhineeas of punjab by wearing their baana? Are they wearing the bana and turban just to look pretty and attract attention? Why, have they no confidence to be who they are in their western clothes? Do they live in punjab that they have to dress like this? We dress like the western people because we live in their countries. If we didn't, we will be treated and looked upon like aliens. They are not living in India in punjab, so why are they copying us? Are they not happy with themselves as to who they are? I am very confused about who these people are. Our brown sikh brothers face so many problems with their turbans in the west. They face problems at the airports, at the gas stations and even on the streets. They are attacked, killed and racially abused for wearing turbans and mistaken for muslims. What about these goreys that claim to be sikhs. With their full sikh bana on plus the turbans, do they also experience the same problems and if no, why, not? Has any of these gorra turbaned sikh stood up for the brown turbaned sikh to educate the western world as to who they are and why they have to wear the turbans especially at the airports? In the western countries where they live do their fellow citizens know who the sikhs are and have these white gorra sikhs made any effort to teach them and stand side by side with the brown sikhs in support? It is just so shocking if they haven't.
  4. 100 per cent spot on! Our bibis are very clever at almost everything. They are smashing cooks, mothers, wives, friends, daughters, doctors, nurses, soldiers and so on. They are women with many wonderful talents which never get mentioned or appreciated by anyone in our kaum. They are hard working and ambitious for their families, Our bibis have been sikhs longer than these goriyan so where is the competition? Our bibis are wonderful mothers with a capital'M' and don't let anyone take that away from them, for the sake of god. They are also faithful wives.
  5. Don't you believe in saving yourself for that special person, the person you will marry, love and respect and have children with one day? I don't think it is permissible for a sikh to have sex before marriage with anyone unless he/she is married to that person. Don't mistake lust with love,there is a world of difference between the two.
  6. MHS

    Dad Issues

    We don't know the age of the person in the original post. No one is asking an 11 year old to confront /his her father. Messeduplife is not an 11 year old, he/she has an 11 year old child. Besides you would expect a 11 year old to be more candid than an adult.
  7. MHS

    Dad Issues

    Yes, you should talk to him about the picture and tell him how you felt. I repeat, tell him what you felt, ok? I think it will be little difficult if you are a daughter but still try. I can't fathom why would a sensible/insensible father leave these photographs unguarded and exposed. Besides why would he be involved in doing 'nasty things' as you put it? I am sure he did not expect it to be seen by his own children even if accidently. He never imagined his little secret will get caught out ever, did he? You mention your 11 year so that means your father is really a grandfather now. Being angry, ashamed or lost will not help. You will have to replace this with diplomacy when you approach your father and then tell him how you feel. Just say to your father, dad, I came across some old photos of yours and this is what I saw. Say this in privacy and he might be able to explain to you better and also inform you whether you should be telling your mother or not. While you are asking, ask him what kind of example has he set for you, your 11 year and your siblings. Also ask him about his responsibilities towards your mum in terms of trust, loyalty and fidelty? My heart goes out to all of you. Your poor mum must be that age where she has reared her family and has settled into a quieter life. So be careful as to what you divulge to her or should divulge to her. I think it is not only your 11 year old and your siblings that need to be protected but you need to protect your mother from being hurt as well. First find out if your father is aware of this picture then ask if your mum already knows and then decide what you wish to do next, but talk to him first as his child. If your father's been cheating, I have a feeling your mother must already know, because women have that special sense that vaheguru ji has gifted them with. She might not wish to confront him for the sake of her children but that is a different matter altogether and her choice. Women always know if something is not right or if their husbands are fooling or flirting around! Take my word for it. Men think they are so clever but when it is actually the women that are born with that inexplicable intelligence, also known as female intuition. Good luck.
  8. Come off it!!! Which century do you or your parents belong to for god's sake? Are they jealous because the wife's parents have offered to take her there without you? Perhaps they had a dream to take their son there first and could not do so! Do you know it is this reluctance to change oneself that is causing a lot of problems in our sikh community all over the world. Older generations don't want to change with times does not matter where they live. Is it an old sikhi precept that states that it should be the boys parents to take his wife to the holy places of worship for sikhs? If it is then why don't they teach you that at the Gurdwaras around the world? It is a cultural thing isn't it? Tell your parents they need to wake up and move into 21st century and live their lives only according to sikhi asools and not some old mumbo jumbo that does not belong to this century or the countries they are living in. This kind of old thinking does not even belong in India anymore! People have moved on. We are living in countries where our cultural thinking/reasoning has become 'rubbish' and obsolete. The only thing we should be living our lives according to is our sikhi and sikhism! We are unable to pass on true sikh values to our children and that's why they are losing their identity. Our youth is lost and confused. Our parents are failing to acknowledge this by turning a blind eye to grooming, drug addictions, promiscuous sexual habits, female infanticides, dowry demands and belief in caste system. They simply do not want to accord equal treatment to their boys and girls. They have one rule for the boys and one for the girls! Our women need to spend less time gossipping and backstabbing and get out more and see what kind of environment their children are being brought up in!! Go, visit their schools and make a point of talking to other parents, your children's friends and particularly to the teachers as well. Don't let your children rot in front of a computer. Initiate decipline and regulate their times spent in front of their laptops. Make them physically active by encouraging them to play sport. This should be done regardless of their gender! Instead, we are more keen and determined to teach them some mumbo jumbo that belongs to god only knows which century! Our parents need to change. They need to let go off their burdonsome old customs and breathe fresh air of their respective countries. It is NOT THE SIKH RELIGION OR SIKHISM THAT IS OPPRESSIVE, IT IS THE CULTURE SIKHS FOLLOW IS CAUSING THE OPPERESSION! Their objection is definitely cultural orieted and not sikhi oriented!
  9. MHS

    I want to cut my hair

    You should really read the sikh history. Perhaps you are unparr, I suggest you ask someone else to read it for you. It is morons like you that give a bad reputation to the great sikh faith. You are going to burn in hell you know that don't you? Are you saying that no girl would look at you with a turban? You just shock me! Perhaps it wasn't your turban that was keeping them away it was your unparrtta and paindooness. I wonder if your girl as you claim you have managed to find is as stupid and rubbish as yourself? They do say like attracts like don't they? Oh, I forgot, you are unparr so you won't really understand what that means! I hope you don't show your stupid face to me ever with or without a turban!! You come across as a shallow pathetic individual who is incapable, inconfident, insecure and insufficiently educated to stand by his sikhi asools!!!!!!!!! People like you are the daag on our turbans!
  10. MHS

    I want to cut my hair

    You are basically rebelling against your father for 'violating your human rights' and this is the bit that is a real garbage! In fact it is just laughable! You think your human rights are above vaheguru, don't you? Firstly, thank your father for teaching you about your sikh identity. If I understand correctly the law says that every citizen should have a 'freedom to practice his/her religion' without any state sanctions. I think it can also be construed as without being bullied or dicrimination. It is not your father that has violated your human right to be youself but it is your 'mates' that are violating your very human right to practice your religion freely! They are the ones that are so jealous of your freedom to stick to your belief and identity that they will go to any lengths to destroy that and violate your 'human right to practise your religion' and let you be who you are. They feel threatened by your identity, because they lack what you have, ie confidence! Even if you cut your hair and start looking like them they will still not accept you, they will find something else to pick on you. Are all your friends white people? If they are then it will be your color, your culture and food they will find opportuinities to pick on you, don't worry. They will not let you settle and be yourself. If you cut your hair because of them or the sport you play or the people on the street or your employers etc then don't EVER forget that it is not your father that has violated your right to practise your religion instead it is all the aforesaid entities above and it will not stop once you have done what you intend to do with your turban and hair, full stop! Don't accuse others particularly your parents for the way you think or feel, blame those that are responsible for intilling this inferiority complex in you, in orther words lay the blame where it belongs. You owe everything including your life to your parents and nothing to these strangers or mates that you play a sport with only for a short period of time. Keep your turban even if it 'pisses' them off. Your reason for coming into this world is not to please these shallow idiots but to please vaheguru. Friends like these are not worth it. True friends should not cost your religious beliefs and make you rebel towards against your parents or father! What if you had mates that wanted you to steal, mug and attack others on streets? Would you join in and forget about your sikh principles just to please them? Would you blame your father for teaching you about sikhi and your sikh identity then? You really have to sort out your priorities and grow up! Yes, you should talk to your dad how you feel. Yes, you should tell him what you intend to do. Yes, you should ask for his permission. Yes, you owe it to him and your mum. If you do it without telling them behind their backs where will you draw the line when it comes to doing other things in the future? Do you know that we are not suppose to do anything behind our parents' back, once we do one thing behind their back we get the habit of lying to them and then only vaheguru knows what happens next. One lie leads to another then another then another till our whole life becomes one big mess and then we don't know where or who to turn to. Speak the truth. Speak to your mum and dad and even your siblings but in front of each other. Even if it means being rebuked or shouted at. You have to be strong enough and big enough to face the consequences. Don't lie to your parents, ever!
  11. 'If you guys do not make it haram for a punjaban of Sikh family background to date a non-sikh and live in that lifestyle then it will become the norm and you will see a further dilution and destruction of the once strong proud vibrant upstanding Sikh community. Why are all western societies in disarray? Cos of feminist extremists!!!! Give them an inch and they take a mile and the result is marriage, sex, demographic numbers of your community on their terms and not on the terms of how civilisation has survived since it was founded 10,000 years ago.' 'We as a human society are facing deep problems due to feminist extremists undermining each community they belong to and their infiltration into media and politics. If you guys cant see it then your fools' (Aman kaur1867) I wish you had posted this one at least 10 years ago! Look at the state of sikh community now? Sikh boys marrying muslim girls and vice versa. Sikh people have a huge problem now. Their girls are targetted for grooming because of the ignorance that breeds in their community which remains deliberately unchecked for long periods of time. Also, the fact their failure to listen to others when someone tries to point out something very important to them. Yes, no denying, there is gender equality in this religion. There is no doubt about it. This does not mean that men and women have become so equal that their roles have now become totally undefined and confusing, does it? How many sikh men can carry a baby full term or breast feed? How many sikh men are housewives(househusbands) How many sikh men can change a baby's nappy, bottle feed a baby or even cook a nice dinner for the whole family? When it comes to playing these roles they look towards a woman's direction. On the other hand, how many sikh women can impregnate a woman? How many sikh women do we see digging up the garden to plant a tree or a shrub? Have you ever seen sikh women electricians, construction workers or window cleaners in the west anywhere? Most sikh women are still doings jobs that are considered women's jobs! How many sikh women can change a bulb let alone repair a fuse at home. How many sikh women can check the tyre pressure on even carry bricks on their backs from the boot of a car? There is gender equality in terms of spirituality because in the times of our Gurus women were not allowed to become priests and mullahs. They were treated as social pariahs! The Sikh Gurus introduced a concept of equal status for both genders, a concept which was never heard of in those days by either hindus or the muslim rulers. Our Gurus stopped the vile customs of widow burning and wearing of full facial veils that pervaded everywhere in the Indian society in those days. There is equality but at the same time we are suppose to celebrate each others' differences without ridiculing them. Sikh men need to wake up to what is happening in their society. They are losing a huge proportion of vital component that is needed for the progress of their faith and community. They are losing it to another religion because of their stupidity. They need to respect and LOVE their women. Why can't sikh boys socialise with sikh girls when they are at school and become long term friends. Why can't they protect their girls when they are growing up and vulnerable to all kinds of exploitation? What if they were living in the Punjab? Who would their first love be? Who would they be associating with most of the times at schools or at universities? How come the older generations did not marry non sikhs or came to be groomed or converted? They have to pass on their strenghts to their children and not let their children run wild. They need to put their their newly accumulated wealth on one side and take notice of their boys and girls for once. Sending them off to universities and brainwashing them into becoming doctors, lawyers, engineers and accountants is of no use if at the end of the they simply don't know who they are. Loosing and not standing by their sikh identity and the responsibilities it entails is no progress! We educate ourselves for our advancement and not for our demise. Great accumulations of weath and social/professional staus is all temporary and we don't take it with us. What helps us in our journey here and beyond is our thoughts, words and actions. Why are you blaming the law and the media for destroying the sikh community? Where does the law say that it is against the law of England to stick to your sikhi asools? Where does it say in the law books now every citizen of GB should surrender their ethnic and religious identies and convert, sleep around to their hearts content and do everything under the sun which your previous ethic and religious identities prohibited you from doing? If you don't conform you will suffer the harshest punishment (s) the law can deliver? I have never seen anything negative about the sikh faith in the media either!! I have not seen any documentaries to this effect. So where is this blame culture coming from?
  12. The muslas have a curse of honour killings in their community too. So why did she chose this religion and not christianity or buddhism instead?
  13. MHS

    girl using turban

    You claim you are a sikh girl but do you know what it means to be a sikh whether you live in Europe or some pind in Punjab in India? You are not a sikh girl but totally and altogether an ignorant and confused girl! A sikh girl or boy does not have to be an amritdhari to behave decently first of all. Decent behaviour is mandatory upon all sikh girls and boys, all grown men and women amritdhari or not!!! You claim you are a sikh. Tell the sangat here when did any of the Sikh Gurus tell their followers to cut their hair? Which Guru was it, we would all like to know. Again which Sikh Guru and when did they say consuming meat is fine. Go ahead and devour it? Which Sikh Guru and when did they say partial nudity, even if it is only your shoulders and legs and strutting around in bikinies is all fine with us? You are not a sikh girl. You are a girl who does not know who she is. You are a wannabe sikh girl and there are plenty more like you in this world. You are basically a girl who wishes she were a sikh without the responsibilities that come along with it. Don't tell me about the boys that are doing what you intend to do as well. These boys are not sikhs, they are just like you. They are also lost and confused just like yourself. If you asked these very boys what it meant to be seen as a sikh you will find no joy in their answers! I hope you are already aware of many muslim boys impersonating sikh boys these days with karra on, a sikh name and even a khanda bandana on their heads to lure lost souls like you into their clutches. So be aware of them! The sikh Guru Ji gave to sikh girls/boys/men/women a dastaar upon their heads. We were given this with their blessings and that is the reason a sikh dastaar is not like any other dastaar around the world. They donot have the halo of our Gurus ji's blessings upon them. When someone asks a sikh man/women about their dastaar the immediate answer is it is 'our Guru's nishaani.' A sikh dastaar is a sign of our Guru jis' BLESSINGS for which many precious lives have been sacrificed and we should feel totally indebted to these great Souls. We are the envy of the muslim world. We are the envy of the whole world! Why would any sikh girl or boy want to wear a dastar and behave the way you are planning to do is beyond me? Find out what it means to wear a sikh dastar and its SIGNIFICANCE before you even let your head touch it. God help and save us all!! If other sikhs are doing bad things and you believe deep down in your heart that you are the daughter of the bestowers of the sikh dastar then set an example for these idiots. Tell them they look and behave more like sullahs than sikhs! THEY HAVE NO RESEMBLANCE TO OUR GURUS IN ANY SHAPE OR FORM!
  14. MHS

    girl using turban

    I think we should encourage sikh girls to wear a turban from a young age. Sikh girls grow up watching their younger or older brothers wearing a turban thinking it is only meant for boys and not for girls. Our parents are suppose to teach us the sikh values from the very start of our young lives regardless of which gender we belong to because this helps us to put our lives into perspective as we grow older. What is the point in telling our children they are sikhs when we don't even teach them what it means to be one? Our parents don't teach us the underlying message contained in the teachings? Why should the teachings of all our Gurus be passed on differently to different genders? We are suppose to receive them equally aren't we? Why are our parents not teaching us the values, norms and customs that are entrenched within the these teachings. Sikh Gurus banned koori mar, jaat paat, earning your livelihood through dishonest means. They also banned use of tobacco and alcohol. They also said that a sikh should only marry a sikh and so on. So why are parents not teaching their children the reasoning behind these teachings? Rather than becoming too smug because they have too much money now and are free of Punjab and the inujustices of the Indian government they should take their parental responsibilities extremely seriously. The policy of the Indian government to destroy sikhism by dislocating or displacing the sikh populations and demoralizing them in a manner which is so cruel and vindictive is succeeding as I type. This should not discourage the sikhs abroad from keeping sikhism alive for their future generations. In fact this should force them to become even more vigilant and determined. They need to do this because they owe it to their future pirri. Why are they losing their children to muslims by allowing them to marry them? Is this why our Gurus sacrificed their lives and families for us? Was it ever their wish for us or our children to convert to muslim religion? NEVER! So why are our children converting to the most hated and destructive religion in the world? Have the sikhs forgotton their sikh history so soon? I totally abhor those idiots that wear a dastar, a karra and trim their beards. May they burn in hell. In fact they do look exactly like sullah men with turbans when you inspect or study them closely! If they are not then I suggest that they should be tied up like a bundle of sticks and thrown at the doorsteps of a mosque for kalamas! We should really concentrate on the genuine ones that hope to follow the path someday genuinely! We should openly commend and honour the champions of the sikh faith. These champions should be extoled to such an extent that they bcome role models for our children. No one should be allowed to disrespect sikhi and its teachings. We are each responsible for our behavior and how it is construed by others. If our conduct with a dastar on is not decent than we should hold ourselves responsible. The way we conduct ourselves as sikhs or not tells a lot about ourselves to others. The sikh dastaar and bad conduct does not mix and should be avoided at all times for it can be very harmful. It affects the whole sikh panth/ community/Family all over the world.
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