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Posts posted by StarStriker

  1. Only mistakes banda singh bahadur did in their short time as a sikh, was after destroyin muslims n bringin justice to sikhs, he began disobeyin the khalsa and khalsa instructions n wanted ppl to worship him more than the guru. A bit similar to wat ranjit singh did. Both banda n ranjit singh were supposed to make it sikh empires, but both got greedy/egotistical n both raj's failed. But banda singh bahadur did repay the khalsa back, with his shaheedi, which has and will go down in history, as the 1 of most courageous shaheedis.

  2. Well technically, according to the hindu caste system, most of the tribes who make up the sikh population, are of lower caste anyways. Brahmin, khatri, rajput sikhs, combined only make up around 10-14% of sikh population, n they r, under hindu caste system considered as higher. The majority tribe of jatts n the rest of ramgharias, chamars, saini, jalaha, kambhoj, chooras etc r all lowers.

    Those k@njars who turned away dr.ambedkar were completely anti-sikh in thinking. Just imagine if we had a sant jarnail singh, or akali phula, or a nawab kapur singh at the time of the 1920-1950s, partition, the sikh population, the present day slavery under hindutva wud of been SO different. 1 of the most crucial times in panjabs long history, n we lacked a no-nonsense leader.

  3. http://www.tribuneindia.com/news/punjab/late-cm-beant-singh-s-grandson-dies-of-gunshot-wounds/243798.html

    Former Punjab Chief Minister Beant Singh’s grandson Harkirat Singh is suspected to have committed suicide with his licenced pistol at his Sector 5 residence here on Sunday. The family, however, claimed that he was cleaning the pistol when the incident occurred. Sources said Harkirat Singh (40) reportedly shot himself around 10.30 am after returning from a walk at the Sukhna Lake. His wife was present in the house at that time. Harkirat was rushed to the PGIMER by his security guards, where he succumbed to his injury. He had been suffering from depression. The post-mortem will be conducted tomorrow. Harkirat was the sarpanch of Kotli village in Ludhiana. He had met with an accident some months ago and was not keeping well since then. He was younger brother of Congress MLA from Khanna Gurkirat Singh and cousin of Congress MP Ravneet Singh Bittu. Harkirat is survived by his wife. The couple did not have a child. A pall of gloom descended on the Payal area when the news of death of Harkirat Singh (40), grandson of former chief minister Beant Singh, reached. Harkirat, sarpanch of Kotli village, was son of former transport minister Tej Parkash Singh. As per area residents, although Harkirat was having some health problems he was running the affairs of village panchayat smoothly. Taj Mohammed, an area resident, said Harkirat had met with an accident about 7-8 months ago and was having some health problem due to injury he sustained in his head during the accident. He said though Harkirat was under depression and his memory was affected by the accident, he was often seen in high spirits. He was fond of trees and had planted a number of trees in his fields besides village, Mohammed said. He was equally fond of sports and would organise a sports tournament in the village every year. About two months ago, he had organised a tractor-tochan competition in the village, where a large number of tractor owners had participated.

    Harkirat’s grandfather Beant Singh was the Chief Minister of Punjab from 1992 to 1995.

    On August 31, 1995, 73-year-old Singh was killed in a suicide bomb blast at the entrance of the Civil Secretariat in Chandigarh.

    Meanwhile, Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal expressed profound grief and sorrow over the demise of Harkirat.

    Congress general secretary in-charge party’s Punjab Affairs Shakeel Ahmad and Punjab Congress president Capt Amarinder Singh also condoled Harkirat’s death.

    Leader of Opposition in the Punjab Assembly, Charanjit Singh Channi, also condoled the death of Harkirat Singh.

    “Harkirat was very polite and humble in nature and he was a very good human being,” Channi said in his condolence message here. With PTI inputs

    I was disappointed with this news....i was hoping it was the other grandson of h@rami beant, ravneet bittu, but oh well. That family is nutin short of a disgrace and embarassment. No sympathy from me and the panth no doubt

  4. I dunno wat it is bowt that k@njar dhumma, but his mere 4ft7 midget frame, n shitthar jeha mooh, makes me dispise him, irrespective of this latest foul play of his. When i c those pics of him massaging badals feet, i wudnt b suprised if that was him actually standing up n doing it!

    To think damdami taksal went from baba deep singh, to the 3 bhindrawales, all with strong tall imposing figures, to this fraudulent fat belly 11yr old lookin mug, shows u its the sign of the times! Infact, even look at how akal takht jathedar of the 80s like, gurbachan singh manochahal (btfk) went frm leaders, to kharku in a flash n were ready like a true warrior, n compare that to the current fatty arbuckles impersonator right now.

  5. That's fine, but if we genuinely had designs on a Sikh homeland, no Sikh country would've been possible with an 85% Muslim majority! So, what do you suppose would happen? You either throw them out or convert them. Those Muslims cheering for Ranjit Singh is irrelevant. They were still Muslims! It's actually that kind of flattery and pandering to our egos that has frigged us over time and time again. So they cheered their emancipators, big deal. How did that aid us in creating a Sikh majority state? We decided to conduct a multi-religious social experiment, the end result being made homeless in 47 and then raped and butchered in the 80's and 90's. Oh but those 19th century Muslims cheered for us back in the day(!)

    Listen i duno y ur gettin all sarcastic. U sed in ur post "if anyone believes - in my hypothetical situation above - that no proud Hindus or Muslims would've resisted Sikh armies that were determined to carve out a country and kingdom for Sikhs".

    I told u panjabi muslims have never been rulers of panjab or started an uprising off their own accord, so how wud they have done so under sikh ruler over time? They cant even handle sikh soldiers in ind/pak wars. U mentioning panjabi muslims cheering us, was a comment i included coz i was talkin bowt the end of the afghans. Y ur mentioning this as if its my main point, n being all sarcastic n childish, i have no idea.

    Well ppl have said b4, ranjit singh shud of done mass sikhi parchar to convert non-sikhs, so we deffo missed r opportunity there.

  6. Btw, if anyone believes - in my hypothetical situation above - that no proud Hindus or Muslims would've resisted Sikh armies that were determined to carve out a country and kingdom for Sikhs, then we're living in cloud cuckoo land.

    Thats nonsense, panjabi muslims made up 85%+ of panjab, wen ranjit singh ruled and they welcomed him openly in the streets of lahore. Remember they were joyous at the fact they were no longer ruled by afghans (muslims), who wud kidnap panjabi muslim/hindu women, which the singhs wud bring back. Also remember, panjabi muslims have NEVER EVER EVER ruled panjab, and have only ever taken part in any attempted coup/kabza of the 5 rivers, once in 1946/47, n we butchered them good and proper. Had the british not been there drawing up lines and givin muslims panjab on a plate, we wud of captured the whole of w.panjab by the time 1948 came around.

  7. Deffo leave eu!! 60% of the uk law/powers r not even made in bloody uk! That shud b enuff of a reason on its own, to make every1 say NO to eu. 1 of those dumb laws, is the whole, 'human rights law'. This law basically allows criminals to have more rights n basically allows them to chaamall/take the p!ss out of the law, coz its so soft. For eg, if a burgular breaks into ur house, and you beat him up, YOU can be put in prison for assault! In america/canada, ur local newspaper/sheriff wud reward u for beating up the burgular, but here, we get punished, for protecting our family. This is all down to this 'human rights law'. I remember reading somewhere a while back, that this country gives eu, £55m a day to b a member....£55m!!! Think where that dosh cud go to?

  8. I'm guessing I'm the only one that noticed that 3 (including the Lineker bro) of the stars on show were either married or dating a Sikh girl. Indeed, the french Arab Riyaz Mahrez even has a daughter with his Sikh wife, Rita Johal. Lets just be glad the muslim one direction star Zain Malik wasn't there as well because he would have made it 4 (his girlfriend is another Sikh girl: neelam gill).

    Can u explain this again, im confused as to who else u r referring to. Riyadh mahrez aside, who else were u talking about? Also neelam gill was never with zayne malik, that was a lie, which nobody had any evidence of, as they kept linking every women under the sun to him. Neelam ive seen on her twitter, is actually quite religious and quite aware politically of sikh plight in india.

    Oh n mrs mahrez is a $lut.

  9. Whites never looted anything from colonies. This is a lie. There was nothing to loot as the east was largely agrarian societies. If anything they brought industry to the east.

    So can u please explain, WHY are so many sikh/mahraja ranjit singh artefacts/paintings/jewels/historic items/cannons/weapons in the british museum, tower of london, V&A museums? Also u say there was nothing to loot, then how come, pre-british raj, s.asia accounted for 20-25% of the WORLD GDP/economy, yet when the brits buggered off after WW2/1947, s.asia's GDP was less than 1%?

    I never forget the time i went to the museum in cairo, egypt, having seen the pyramids/sphinx, and looking forward to seeing the historical artefacts of the pharoahs etc. Then the tour guide of the museum, havin shown us around for about 15mins cut the tour short and saying... "and there u have it guys, thats all we have, if u want to see the rest, go to ur F***** british museum and see the rest of wat u white ppl have stolen". I was 13 at the time, so i wasnt totally aware of the robbery of the colonial powers, but coincidentally, the nxt year at school, we went to the british museum and i was amazed to see, just how much foreign stuff was in the "british" museum.

  10. There is no fun in being colonized or conquered. In previous centuries nations were colonized with the help of armies, present day colonization is different. Nowadays, media plays a vital role when conquering peoples' minds and how they live. Conquering people's minds into submission or subjugation has far reaching and highly damaging results. For instance, people are mimicking the west without questioning or reasoning. They are losing their ethnic/national identities in trying to fit in with global/one identity, which is a sole creation of New World Order. Soon there will be one religion too to fit in with the NWO.

    Bro theres no point discussing/mentioning NWO/secret societies/13 bloodlines of the Illuminati on sikhsangat, most ppl here will just laugh/mock u, bcoz they think its all bollox conspiracies, without doing any research. The american presidency itself is all a sham too. The president is selected, NOT elected.

  11. I am saddened at sikhs eating halal. There is this place called Roosters piri piri in uk just like nandos but is moslim owned, prices are similar to nandos and I see alot of singhs in there. I remember their outside shop dont appear to have a halal sign. They covertly don't show this to draw in non-moslim customers, especially alot of sikhs in west london.

    Has basicsofsikhi addressed this issue? How good it would be to have Jagraj singh outside a few of these stores to speak to some of these singhs that go there who are lacking knowledge.or awareness.

    I tend to find, most of the sikhs who eat dirty halal meat,are the new arrival freshys, who say they havnt heard of halal back in panjab/haryana. If u say to them its 'kuttha maas' then they may understand. But they seem completely oblivious to the fact that we cannot eat halal/kosher.
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