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Posts posted by Boy4321

  1. sat Sri AKAL Sub Nu,

    I Been vegetarian all life. No milk anymore. (Makhan sometimes with protthay bad addiction)

    No problems so far 31 years. In America hard. Eat fries,pizza,pasta, noodles, rice and punjabi Khana :) and vegi subs, porta Bella mushrooms,

    So much dead animals in stores and restaurants only eat potatoes and pancakes for breakfast.

    My baby's doctors told us she needs protein she need to eat meat when she's 8 months.

    Now she's 2 year old (no meat looking like Sooraj Moki da Full)

    Just eat all types of fruits weekly. Not same everyday. Eat past ho,almonds,peanuts.

    Happy mind happy body. Sad mind. Sick body.

  2. Plant grows back. And when u <banned word filter activated> the seeds grow with natural fertilizer!

    Milk is not good it's for calfs (baby animals)

    Fish is not green vegetable

    Animal are gods children too. White black brown man woman cow and maaj feel pain.

    Egg is future (kill egg no life)Seed

    Be human and protect those who have no voice

  3. 6 months farming 6 months Dharam seva.

    He was preecher for damdali tarsal and later became its Jatedaar. He and few other Singhs would go in jeep village to village and teach sikhi. Later in 1978 the 13 sikh soormay were killed around that time 1979 or so jattaydar of damdali tarsal was also killed and then sant Ji became the next jattaydar.

  4. I am known as the best person on job or called most knowledgeable! My coworkers and manager hates it! I just do what I do it's there problem not mine. I don't ask for help I just do my work and have good conversations with everyone.

    Whites don't like arabic and blacks,blacks don't like Spanish and Asians and us asian don't like blacks and Asians and love white people?

    Just be nice to all and say no often and you be ok.

    Tensions are to give not receive!! Remember that for life!

  5. You already spent 6 months is that not wrong? If u leave her now it be like she had 2 boyfriends instead of 1? And your future wife what if she feels sad that u spent 6 months with a girl? Will she forgive u I don't think so!! Always stick with good honest people. Chicks uselly lie about this stuff trust me!

    Forgive my Canadian sister past is past it will only separate u two. No magic answer bro. Only u know what's rights for u

  6. God is not he or she (no one ever seen AKAL PURAKH)

    Guru shabad. Shabad guru means knowledge is guru.

    Don't beg for help you are born to help others. Stop complaining start doing!

    Bad people always do,take,steal but good people stand around being nice? Who's at fault God or You?

  7. Dating as far as getting to know each other is good but touching etc... Then it's lust. lust is not good.

    Love key is to join forever. Saving your self for your spouse. Get engaged then I don't see it as wrong but

    as a father how can I let a boy touch my daughter who is not her husband? It's greatest shame for parents. What if she gets pregnant? Who's responsible? How will she be viewed by relatives? Etc...

    Just finish college first is master key to life

  8. I got arranged marriage, I talk to my my wife for about 5 days on phone and 2 dates with her and her friend to get know each other. And then we got engaged and later married and year later now we have beautiful little princess . Our family's are happy and now my family is happy as well. So it's like not unknow person.

    You meet get to know each other see if you two like each other or not then decide. What's the rush? Rushing is for gold diggers!

    I love my wife and I will never cheet on her for me if I lie to her then how can I be honest with rest of the world?

    Lastly evil person will lie from start to end so u can be in love or get arranged it don't matter he/she will do their best to get all they can from u! But I think key is to save your self for the one who will care for u all life.

  9. Sometimes it's best to express your feelings directly. No matter what.

    Sad person cannot make others happy!

    Females always hide their emotions and keep the man confused. So tell him how u feel if he don't care then he simply don't care.

    You do whatever u can to make ur life better and happy. Just say NO xxx, after all u have right to be HIV free life!

    Careless people are good drama kings and very good in pleasing people.

    His family don't matter all they want to see their SON happy not u clearly!

    You both already know what can really be done to resolve

    Same issues al, over the world, no magic solution.

    I wish one day soon he sees how much u cared for that fool.

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