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Everything posted by AstroSingh

  1. The conference is going to be awesome; hopefully you all can attend it ( I know I will :TH:
  2. I personally dont think that there will be a big crunch (WMAP data says so... i'm sure nobody will understand this unless your an physics or astro student) I actually believe that the universe is finite in size; i mean it had a beginning 13.7 billion years ago (once again the satellite WMAP has prooven this to a 99% accuracy) if the universe was infinte in size it would have to exist for an infinte length; the laws of physics dont allow this (everything would have decayed to pure energy except the fundamental particles (electron; quark; and the various quanta) also everything that could have happened had already happend if the universe was infinite (i know that i am using logic here where logic does not exist but what can you do) I personally dont think that this is anyway contradictory to gurbani or the teachings of the gurus...remember that this is juse our universe; there is probably a system of multiverses Also i believe that if there is data or a hypothesis that is in somewhat condrictory to gurbani we should not just toss the data/hypothesis away; thats poor science and blind faith; Einstein put this best: Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind (quote went something like that) anyways thats my rant, sorry bout the physics stuff but its fundamental in understanding the universe and its glory Fateh!
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