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Posts posted by JagsawSingh

  1. 7) Most politically active Sikh community overseas

    They have 2 Sikhs in the House of Lords and 1 Sikh in the British Parliament.

    That is so clearly not true. The Canadian Sikhs are by far much more mainstream political than us, with countless elected MPs, Government Ministers, Governers and Mayors etc. Granted, young UK born Sikhs are far more politicaly active in standing up for Sikh rights than young Canadian born Sikhs. That much is obvious in the fact that every June 80,000 Sikhs, mostly young, march against India in London whereby similar demonstrations in Canada have only a few dozen old men. But, as the first post alludes to mainsteam politics with the given examples of elected MPs etc, than the UK doesn't even come close to the situation in Canada.

  2. I've said it before and I'll say it again, it is a serious matter of shame and failure on the part of us Sikhs in west London. This is the area that has the highest number of Sikhs in the whole of the UK and yet our 2 MPs are both Hindu Punjabis that have steadfastly refused to stand up for the Sikhs and have consistently stood up for the government of India. These are the 2 local MPs (Sharma and Seema Malhotra), who refused to join in with the debate about the Sikh genocide. These are the 2 local MPs that refused last year to denounce the attack on the Golden Temple. These are the 2 local MPs that were forced upon the local Sikhs by Labour Party HQ in walworth road.

    This past year, white MPs all over the UK joined the Sikhs and stood up for the Sikhs and signed declarations supporting the Sikhs. The 2 that didn't are the ones that represent Europe's largest Sikh constituencies. That, in itself, is a matter of shame. Alone, it is doubtful we can kick these 2 to the kerb. But, if the Sikh and Pakistani communities stand together on a platform of fighting against India's atrocities in both Punjab and Kashmir these 2 scumbags can get the boot they so throughly deserve.

  3. People from the UK should not be confusing the UK 'drugs business' with west coast Canada's 'drug business'. Its like comparing the financial sector of London with Edmonton. One is so huge and hugely different it makes the other look insignificant. Whilst in the UK, there is a bit of money to be made from drugs, Canada, with it's BC Bud, is where we are talking about billions to be made. We're talking about Pablo Escobar riches and thats why we have Pablo Escobar Columbian type violence there (in west coast Canada). The mass middle class in America don't want mexican marijuana. They want Canadian BC Bud and they want it bad. So bad they're willing to pay top dollar for it and so bad that American and Mexican gangsters are lining up to swap large quantities of cocaine to the the Canadians in exchange for BC Bud. Thats why so many Canadians, a large proportion of them being Punjabis, get mixed up in this business and when you have this obscene amount of money involved obscene violence is never too far away.

  4. why doesn't he look into the camera when he speaks?

    He's being interviewed by a midget.

    But seriously, the guy goes around masquarading with an alter ego called 'Jat Singh' *edited*

    Which is ironic because he's also going around masquarading as a Singh whilst organising obscene drink and drug parties / orgies. He doesn't see the irony of having the appearance of the most moral of humans whilst simultanously instigating immoral activities. But....it does have an effect on his consience, hence even he is too embarrased to look into your eyes when talking to yo.

  5. nah ji , they'd probably use wigga slang 'battyboy' or the very desi 'he is of the gay' hehehe

    "He is of the Gay" . Ah ah...I like that one. :biggrin2: Is that really what apne lok say ?

    Anyway. I'm finding the sight of these camp effeminate sorry excuses for 'Singhs' in the videos totally nauseating. Just looking at them is making me physically sick.

    And sikhseeker:

    The young lad may indeed be doing a feminine dance, but who on here knows he is homosexual? In his past human life, he may have been a woman in which he has brought traits of femininity within this life, but do you or the other members here know him personally?

    Man, no straight man on planet earth would ever say that. If there was a desi amongst us right now I'm sure he'd turn around to you and say "you are of the g*y"

  6. I hate all those posters that are so utterly consumed with vicious hate, especially towards Islam, they turn every topic into a mental rant against a faith and entire group of people.

    Two of the worst ones are above this message kissing each other's backsides. Pathetic.

    But, those 2 (sheikh yer booty and sikhkosh) are so pathetic they're not even worth mentioning on the disagree list.

    The one I'm leaving off both lists is Daily Mail. I'm confused about that one because I tend to agree with him most of the time but I loathe myself for agreeing with anything associated with that anti-immigrant facist mouthpiece (daily mail the paper...not daily mail the man)

    Agree with mostly = Star Striker, Pakandi Baba, Johnny (sometimes), Lucky singh, jkvlondon,

    Diagree with mostly = N30 Singh, JSingnz,

  7. sorry baba ! I innocently suggested supporting the only major Punjabi airport but I was not aware of blanket ban on amritdhari staff ...

    You're not aware of much at all bibi ji. So none of us are surprised by the same old thing from you. People have been kind to you 'coz you've been saying all the right right things and pressing all the right buttons but....do you think you may have diggen your grave with that 'baba' comment ?

  8. The only reason for the price difference is extra Airport taxes put on Amritsar , that is according to the airline companies I talked to , so understand this and go direct to Amritsar support its development , most people who go to Dehli end up in Punjab if we supported Amritsar then more airlines would compete to go there and that will mean price drops.

    Who's 'development' are you talking about ?

    Remember, whilst the worldwide Sikh diaspora, specificaly London and Toronto, is noted for its Amritdhari Sikhs working at it's inernational airports, Amritsar is notorious as the airport that officialy banned amritdhari sikhs from working there as a security risk.

    So tell me.....Who exactly am I supporting when I stupidly and ignorantly pay the extra $200 for the priviledge of flying with an airline with a bad safety record to an airport without safety infrastructure?

    Do you think I'm so stupid that I'm going to finance the economic progression of a staff that are 90% Hindu and a 90% Hindu Airport management that ban true Sikhs from working there ?

    Do you ?

  9. what job is good for a person who have done no uni, or college, and also what do u guys do and how u find ur job

    I'm intrigued 'stingers12'. Although I'm not surprised that someone that didn't bother at all with education is starting threads asking what job, any job, is good I'm intrigued as to why you didn't bother. I said something about this yesterday in the thread about the Sikh lady in Singapore in the news and politics page of this forum and the point I raised there was about how we Sikhs seem to now be not living up to the very definition of our existence. Sikh...means learner. One could rightly interpret that as 'scholar'. Meaning you're the one that is supposed to be studying medicine so much that you find a cure for cancer...You're the one that is supposed to be burying your head in the Law books so much that you can stand up for and fight for the oppressed....You're the one that is so politcaly and commercialy aware that you can take you, and by default your community, ahead in the business world.

    How is it then, when Hindu forums are discussing medical advancements...muslims forums are discussing the relevance of Descarte's philosophy vs Islam....how is it that the average good Sikh on our Sikh forums wants to know 'what job is good' ?

  10. I understand that, but it was an attack on her feminity, u guys just probably need to read his post again to realise it.

    Short answer, No.

    No, what I said was not an attack on her feminimity and, as someone above already pointed out, I have been very consistent here in my firm belief in equality between the sexes as per Sikhi.

    I merely pointed out a very obvious fact, i.e the fact that a very large percentage of Punjabi Hindu women seem to have their hair cut and styled short like a ugly British schoolboys from the 1950's. I am therefore, finding it difficult to see how these women are expressing their femininity by making themselves look like ugly old fashioned british boys ? Was there a special piece on this in 'Elle' and 'Cosmopolitan' that I missed ?

    The bottom line is that this hideously ugly 'woman disguised as a boy' was an integral part of the notorious Delhi Police that committed so many atrocities against my brothers and sisters in the 1980's. The minute you forget that and start focussing on imaginary 'feminism' issues is the day people like her win the day.

  11. Ah.....the lady with the hairstyle of a boy (btw...what is it with Hindu women in Punjab...........Am I the only one that has noticed a large proportion of them have their hair cut like fat British schoolboys from the 1950's? I mean is there a plethora of salons in Punjab geared towards Hindu women in the cities with a sign saying 'come on in.......we gurantee we'll make you like like an ugly outdated boy))

    From day one we Sikhs have saved India. But....they (the Indians) are too stupid to know it. They're too stupid to know anything.

    A couple of years ago they come out in the street en masse because of an internationaly publicised gang-rape in Delhi and ask "how could this happen ?". We Sikhs can tell them why it happened. We Sikhs can tell them that its because in '84 10000 Sikh women and girls were gang-raped on your streets and to date none of the rapists have been charged because your police and politicians did it and sanctioned it, your government either ban or arrest any Sikh that mentions it, your media call anyone that mentions it a 'sikh extremist' and YOU, the Indian, have kept your mouth shut and not even thought about it once...so YOU, the stupid Indian, is as guilty as today's Delhi rapists because it is YOU, the stupid Indian, that gave the green light for the sons of those rapists to keep doing it through your silence. So please, don't ever ask 'how could this happen'. :stupidme:

    Today, throughout the nothern Indian states of Haryana an HP there's a big news story going on about drugs, because those states have started to experience a bit of a drugs epidemic...and they're blaming the drugs that came through Punjab. They ask "how could this happen?". We Sikhs can tell them why it happened. We Sikhs can tell them that it is because the man who stopped this 'Afghan / Pakistan' menace crossing over into Punjab completely was labelled a terrorist by you and subsequently killed as you turned your tanks towards Amritsar and every Sikh since then who has tried to stop it has been termed a 'extremist' by you, your media, your government and OUR Punjab govt who is relying on the ignorance of YOU, the Indian, to keep him in power. And THAT, dear Indian father, is why your son in Haryana and Himachal Pardesh is wasting his life hooked on heroin. Dear north Indian father, there was only one group of people trying to protect your sons and daughters from this menace. That group were the true Sikhs but....alas....you fell into the trap of labelling them 'extremists'....'radicals'....'terrorists'.. And now, dear Indian father, you can sit down with Badal (the man that got rich from bringing the drugs to your son) and together you can watch your son and his generation waste away just like Punjab's generation.

    And so we come to the woman with that looks like a deformed version of a 1940's boy. Trickery and deceipt. Are they going to listen to us now ?

    After all that has happened....with time and time again we Sikhs proving right and them Indians proving ignorant and wrong are they finally gonna listen to us ?


    Brothers, be serious now. This is Indians we are talking about. This boy disguised as an ugly middle aged man looking like an old'ish type woman is standing on a platform of 'change'....of 'truth'....of 'justice'. And the Indians, as ever, fall for it.

    As ever, it is only Sikhs that know the truth. As ever, it is only we Sikhs that never forget the truth. As ever, we Sikhs will not bother standing up for it.....Kiran Bedi will become the Mayor of Delhi......She'll get more brazen because she got away with it....and our children will see the suffering of Sikhs in India and log onto sikhsangat forum and ask how 'they' can get away with it' and this perpetual scenerio will go on........an on....and on...........Nothing ever changes.

    They (the Indians) will go on being the idiots that they are and we (the Sikhs) will go on waxing lyrical bout what happened in '84 in Delhi whilst being just as 'idiots' as them for not seeing how one of that era's top policemen and judiciary is, right in front of our eyes, on the cusp of becoming India's most powerful person.

    Nothing ever changes.

  12. I always fly Qatar Airways to Delhi and then take the fast train to Jalandhar (4-5 hours) and travel in first class comfort....very cheaply.

    A number of reasons for this:

    1. Flying Delhi is about £100 + cheaper than flying to Amritsar
    2. Flying to Delhi is safer than flying to Amritsar because Amritsar truly does not have the safety mechanisms in place to prevent things such as debris on the runway and landing lights for fog etc.
    3. Flying Qatar Airways is safer because their fleet of aircraft are the newest fleet and thus statisticaly less like to develop major faults.
    4. The stopover in Qatar is only an hour or so.
  13. This 'Mandarin' speaking story (above) is quite interesting because I used to have close family in Singapore (they've since moved to Vancouver) and I remember when we used to visit (when I was little) the government there were trying to get everyone to learn Mandarin because they could see that China was very up and coming and the Mandarin would give Singaporeans an initial advantage over the rest of the world when it comes to doing business with China. What you gotta understand is that hardly any of the chinese people of Singapore were actually Mandarin speakers, for Singapore is, as a nation, a nation of chinese that speak, or rather 'spoke', mostly Hokkien. Hardly anyone knew a word of Mandarin. But the government were determined to push ahead with this transformation and there were signs and posters everywhere telling people to learn and speak Mandarin. It started in nursery school all the way up to adult classes and they done it. Within a generation Singapore became a nation of Mandarin speakers and as China became a powerful global economy Singapore was well placed to take advtantage of it and make serious money.

    All I'm saying is that everyone in that country started from scratch and having learned the language done well for themselves in monetary terms. The 'Punjabi' woman in the news story (above) didn't bother....and now she's looking for, and struggling to find, a job in a yogurt shop. There is a moral here. Not entirely sure what it is but there is a moral here.

  14. Satire is a way to humorously criticize an ideology/system/belief which threatens to suffocate societal rights. At the end of the day it would be more prudent to ask what made Charlie Hebdo do what it did, rather than expressing sympathy with Muslims over this issue.

    Charlie Hebdo did what it did not for some noble reason. It did what it did because it is a rag with a long tradition of very racist journalism. You see this is what the people around the world now describing themselves as 'je suis charlie' don't understand. They're too stupid to even take a minute to understand that they're actually supporting a very ignorant and racist magazine. There is areason why this magazine only had a readership on a par with local parish newsletters (60,000), and that reason is because it was because it was a shoddy rag full of shoddy articles. For example, do you remember a couple of years ago there was a furure in France because a female French Minister (who just happened to be black) was depicted in a French magazine as a monkey ? Well guess what magazine that was ? Yes, it was Charlie Hebdo.

    Be careful who and what you're standing up for my friend.

  15. Malkit Singh's character (as described above) demonstrates clearly how the apple rarely falls far from the tree. There is nothing truly surprising in the fact that an unprincipled immoral father begat and raised an unprincipled immoral daughter.

    The shame and chagrin he is now facing is well and truly deserved and my only hope is that the worldwide Punjabi community never forget it and continue to throw tomatos at his face at every opportunity. The irony here is that he turned his back on the Sikhs thinking he had enough support among the 'Punjabis' to not need to care about Sikh causes. But, what goes around comes around. Now facing the indignation and pointed laughter of Sikhs, Punjabis and polite society as a whole the cornered rat has nowhere to run and no people to hide behind. Well and truly got his comeuppence.

  16. None of the earlier incidents on social media you mentioned, superkaur, are the fault of the 'black christian twitter user' you started this thread about. The fact is, he saw this pathetic excuse of a 'Sikh' at the bus stop and because he epected better behaviour from a Sikh he took a picture and made a harmless joke about it....harmless in that it doesn't really hurt anybody and is not in any way 'racist'.

    Just like this 'black christian man' we too should find the sight of a 'Sikh' in this situation shocking.

    With this thread you've gone after the wrong target. What you should have done was started a thread where you ask if anyone knows this pathetic 'Singh' and that way we could have all hunted him down and given him the beatings he deserves.

  17. Jagsaw,

    One doesn't require qualified teacher status (QTS) to teach in a private school. A qualification in the subject you wish to teach is all that is required. A pgce or equivalent is required in public schools.

    OK thank you for that.

    As 'academies' are funded by us...through our taxes...I had no idea they were considered 'independant'. If nothing else good comes from this case, at least it will educate other parents that most of the teachers in their childrens 'academy' schools are not even qualified teachers. This fact needs to be more widely publicised and Malkit Singh needs to be publicly ridiculed.

  18. She had got a job at the school without any teaching qualifications

    How does one even go about getting a job as a teacher without a teaching qualification ?

    And I thought we wern't part of the 3rd world. :wow:

    Malkit Sikh golden star has alot to answer for. He needs to sit down and analyse how and why he raised his child to be a registered sex offender dirty peadophile. Until he figures that one out, I for one would appreciate it if he would refrain from releasing any more records where he tries to lecture me on morals, such as respecting and honouring 'maa'. His time might be better spent away from the recording studio at home with his children, where he could perhaps teach them that the honour of being 'maa' does not mean forcing young boys young enough to be your son to drink vodka before having sex with them in public.

  19. Until the Clouds {Badals] are not ousted things won't change. He's an 86? year old cretin and hanging onto the CM throne like the dictators are in Africa and the Middle East, yet the silly people keep voting him and his gundi aulad in each time, why? I know they say punjabis have their akul/sense in their ankles, but this proves it to be a fact.

    The last time a Sikh rennaisaance came to Punjab (in the 1980's) it was very very highly educated Sikhs that spearheaded. Sant Jarnail Singhs boys were the educated elite in the All India Sikh Students Federation. Extremely well educated, extremely well read. These boys could quote Neitzche and Kant as good as they could quote Gurbani. It was them that went from village to village spreading the message.

    The problem today is that our movement seems not only to be the preserve of the unpadhs but seems to be led by largley unpadhs. All freedom movements throughout the world, have always been led by the intelligentsia. Until that changes we won't be going anywhere.

  20. Those saying the little business benefit, well they don't because it's the same suits and shirts that are in circulation form weddings and what not from years ago lol

    Yeah it was a joke. Unless, of course, a small business called the 'Van Haussen Rubbish Cheap Shirt in a Box Company' actually exists ! :omg:

    OK for the kids it's fie, but the adults do it too. And as they give you pyar, you return it by giving them pyar, so it call comes back instantly but it's very bizarre. You can understand going for the first time and it's done, but not EACH time.

    I'm actually an authority on this whole lainha denha business. When loud arguments start on the doorsteps of Punjabis houses, as guests leave...as the guest says 'banadha ah' and the host says 'Neih'yn....nein banadha'. It is then that they call me, for I am an expert in kerdhi cheej banadhi 'ah and kerdhi cheej banadhi nein. In the example you stated , I will inform that, as the guests have previously visited and left pyar for the kids, they are not obliged to do so again on subsequent visits. Unless, of course, the hosts have had a new kid since the guests last visited. In that case, that kid didn't get his or her pyar last time around and it would be a grave insult if the guests gave no pyar on this visit.

    So, now that we've established that pyar will be given we need to know how much is to be given. Agian, at this point, they call me for I am an an authority on these matters. I will tell them kerdhi cheek banadhi 'ah and kerdhi cheej banadhi nein. I will tell them banadhi ah to give either a £10 or £20 note to a child as pyar. If however, it is that kid's birthday and you are giving a card then banadhi 'ah to add a £ to any note you give, so it should always be either £11 or £21 for example. The same with the money you give with the lovely suits and the rubbish men's shirts. That money should always end in the number 1, so either £21, £31 or £51 etc.

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