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Posts posted by ASKhalsa1

  1. The head of budha dal right now is baba prem Singh ji. I think Baba joginder Singh is vice jathedar but he is pissed. I know this cause I was in India and met with nihang dals.

    I wasn't even aware of this development. I didn't even know that Baba Surjit Singh Ji passed away in September last year.

    Surprisingly little publicity for the death of the rightful head of Panth Khalsa I should think.

  2. Rominans are only in to the scrap business from what I've sceen. They're gettohised And will increase the slum image of uk towns and cities. Them and Bulgarians are criminal oriented. I'm glad to see though some them have chosen a park opposite the houses of Parliament to squat and other areas of central and business London. So at least the rich and establishment can see what they the ruling elite have turned this country in to.

    Romanians in the scrap business? Are you're sure you're not confusing them with the Irish travelers brother? I thought the Irish 'gypsies', who by the way are of comparatively better character than the Romanys with whom they are unfortunately grouped, dominated the scrap market.

  3. Daaayyum!! That mustve been awkward

    Lol, you couldn't even comprehend how right you are.

    She calls me downstairs and out of a kitchen drawer she extracts my dirty little secret and holds it up in front of her, saying nothing for the best part of 10 seconds.

    I may have cried.

  4. Never understood how good deeds are "given to us", and bad deeds are all our fault, but we are still judged by Vaheguru?

    Seems like all we can do is bad deeds?

    Some please help me understand- I'm super confused.

    I don't believe that good deeds are literally given to us. God has equipped us with the knowledge of what is good, without which we would not know it and therefore would not be able to do it. Without it we would be indistinguishable from all the other animals in God's creation. He has provided us the tools for the performance of good deeds, whether we put to them to good use is entirely up to us.

  5. my dear bro :

    You written a verse of Holy Quran about "Jizya".That's absolutely write.We accept it.But It is not only for muslim this coondition is also aplied on muslims in the way of Taxes .Muslims also pay zakat ,which is not given by non muslims.

    In Holy Quran Allah Almighty says:

    "If anyone killed a Person, it would be as if he killed all mankind.(al maida 5:32)"

    2nd point you have given example of bani quraiza ,please read what is the situation behind their killing.

    They Promised muslims to protect madina by standind shoulder to shoulder with muslims but after they betrayed us and became agent of enemies. In return they were treated as a revolt is treated.

    Islam is a religeon of peace and love.We respect all religions.

    Agents of the enemies? After Muhammad repelled the Meccans, the battle was thought to be over. There was no fighting between the Muslims and Banu Quraiza until Muhammad declared that the Angel Gabriel instructed him to take up arms against them. The Quraiza never said that they would fight alongside Muhammad, only that they would offer assistance, which they did. The rumours of the Quraiza's betrayal only began to spread because the Muslims were convinced that their refusal to fight was a sign of defection.

    There is no comparison between the Zakat and Jizya. The Zakat is given in order that a Muslim might feel spiritually uplifted. The Jizya is given so that the non-Muslim will feel 'subdued', to use the words of Muhammad/Allah. In order that they know they are second class citizens.

    Lol, and your quotation of Surah Al Maidah 5:32 is entirely out of context. Here is what is written immediately after it in Surah Al Maidah 5:33 -

    Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment,

    Whenever Muslims quote 'peaceful' verses from the Quran, they always leave off the next bit where something horrible happens.

  6. If IBM decide to offer you the position of Chief of Operations with a salary of £130,000 because they've had recent criticism of not employing enough ethnic minorities are you going to turn around and say "No. I won't take it. I won't because I can see quite clearly you're only offering it to me for your own self interests" ?

    No. You're not gonna say that are you. You're going to look after number 1. To hell with their motives, the important thing is whether or not it is beneficial to yourself.

    That is a fair point. And if Sikhs are willing to join in order that they might better the lot of their people and forward our political motives, then I should be proud of them.

    But I am highly skeptical that the young Sikhs who will flock to this regiment, if it is indeed established, will do so for the more nuanced reasons you have given. Considering the youth of today, comprised of individuals who like to play dress up with the Nihang Bana, play gatka and twirl around swords in the belief that they are accomplished fighters, I think they will buy into the British propaganda and join the regiment out of some misplaced sense of patriotism, cockiness in their self-professed martial abilities and hunger for glory. I do not want our people to die for that.

  7. They wouldn't have a 'Muslim Regiment' because a 'Muslim Regiment' has never existed and so is not part of the British military make up.

    They wouldn't have a 'Hindu Regiment' because a 'Hindu Regiment' has never existed and so is not part of the British military make up.

    They wouldn't have a 'Jewish Regiment' because a 'Jewish Regiment' has never existed and so is not part of the British military make up.

    A Sikh Regiment however, like the Gurkha Regiment, is an integral part of the British military history and is something that gets people like judges, politicians and historians extremely excited. As I said before, the last time it was going to happen the Indian High Commission kicked up a fuss to get it scrapped because they could see how it strengthen the Sikhs cause for seperation and difference from India / Hindus. This time around however, judging by yours and others comments, India doesn't even need to get involved. We as a community seem determined to do their dirty work for them. We are now so stupid as community we're prepared to do our enemies work against us for them, on their behalf.


    For all this talk of playing into Hindu and Indian hands, you don't appear to have considered the possibility that you are playing into the white man's hands. The judges, politicians and historians, largely elderly old-fashioned conservative men, are keen for the establishment of a Sikh regiment because it is the stuff of their toffish upper-middle class wet dreams. Historians are especially susceptible to this imperialist nostalgia. If judges and politicians really esteemed the Sikhs so highly, they would have done more to assist us in bringing justice to the perpetrators of 1984 and the holocaust of our people.

    And didn't the British army recently cull several regiments and make a large proportion of the UK servicemen redundant? Why are they now thinking of introducing a Sikh regiment? It seems to me to be a reversion to the days when the brown man did the white man's fighting for him. Why should young Sikh men have to die as cannon fodder in Britain's illegal wars?

    As for the comparison of Sikhs to Gurkhas, the British have treated them like garbage over the years. Why would they treat the Punjabi Sikhs whom you propose to invite into these regiments any differently?

  8. I am totally against ISIS. Daish is not a muslim organization . Islam protects minorties,never kill them.

    ISIS are khawarij. They are using the name of Islam for their dirty missions.

    Islam simply doesn't protect minorities, one need only observe the treatment of non-Muslims in Muslim regimes in the modern world and throughout history to see this. As per the Quran, non-Muslims living in a Muslim state are made to choose between conversion or payment of the Jaziya:

    "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. (Surah 9: 29)"

    Occasionally, a third choice was presented. Death. ISIS is doing exactly what the Koran bids. They are following the example set by Muhammad, the "Al Insaan Al Kamil" or "perfect man", who himself ordered the beheading of hundreds Jews of the Ban-u-qurayza tribe. Except of course for the women and children, whom he sold into slavery.

  9. There's pros and cons on this. It strengthens our classification as British Sikh, and for the first time will agree with jagsaw it does give us separate identity in the eyes of India.

    Cons there could Be agenda to recruit our youth for their wars

    Brother, the entire basis for this proposed Sikh regiment is that 'the Sikhs served the Empire loyally in the two world wars and fought with skill". The only trouble is we didn't do that. We didn't fight in those two wars with skill and bravery. We have never fought a war in our lives. Our forefathers did, and we Sikhs are still mooching off their legacy, strutting about in the warrior's bana pretending we're still a martial people. That reason aside, what other need is there for a regiment composed entirely of Sikhs? Does anyone seriously think that we would be better fighters now than most other people simply on account of our ancestry? This is the martial race theory at work all over again.

    It makes very little sense. People are only talking about it because of some misplaced sense of nostalgia. That sycophant Prince Charles only wanted a Sikh Regiment because its the stuff of his toffish aristocratic fantasies, exotic Sikh warriors dying for king and country.

  10. Could I please ask what the source of the above quoted statement is?

    There is no source for it because it is untrue.

    Sikhs are required to tie their beards or make them presentable, not trim them.

    I'm no fan of the failed Indian experiment, but the baseless demonisation of India by some of our brothers and sisters is quite tiresome. Their record is bad enough, we needn't embellish it with lies.

  11. if you the only way you can find them is if you have secret inside info then there can't be that many.Southall has suffered moguliaztion, in the last 15 years. Respect to Southall and hounslow brothers for Their work in 1998 in Slough

    Plenty of whites in Southall. If you head to the Three Horseshoes Pub on the Broadway, the Red Lion near the police station, the Plough Pub on North Road, or the Plough Inn in Norwood Green, you'll see throngs of them.

    Actually if you go to any pub in Southall you'll find the whites whom you don't normally find walking the streets. They appear to gravitate towards them.

  12. Do not ever ever dare to compare your self with Guru Sahibaan, You are not even a worm as compared to Their greatness.

    Guru Gobind Singh abolished castes in Sikhs by creating the Khalsa. But their are still heaps of so called Sikhs like you who

    cannot break themselves from the shackles of the hindu caste system.

    I wasn't making a comparison between my insignificance and the Guru Sahibaan's significance, I was establishing a similarity. I have a beard. The Guru Sahibaan also had beards. In saying this, I am not saying my beard is better than or as good as their beards, only that they and Das all have beards. Incidentally, the Guru Sahibaan had caste/ethnic ancestries, and so do I. I am well aware I am a worm by way of comparison to the Guru Sahibaan.

    I also know that Guru Gobind Singh Ji abolished the caste system. You are telling me nothing I don't already know. Guru Sahib did this because caste gave one a misplaced sense of pride. I take no pride in being of a Jatt ancestry (besides which I've already said twice that Jatt isn't even a caste), I do not consider myself better than say a Tarkhan because of it, I have no objection to intercaste marriages. So please enlighten me as to how I am ensnared by the shackles of the Hindu caste system?

  13. Over the internet you've pretended you're someone else (a Sikh...with Sikh values of tolerance and respect) whilst feeding an intellectualy immature youngster in another country (ghettosikh) lies about Muslims in the UK. He, being young an' all, is not able to see how he is being groomed by members and supporters of groups akin to the Ku Klux Klan. Therefore, not yet knowing his lefts from his right, he falls for evrything hook line and sinker.

    I'll tell you what, if this was a plan by some of you UK based facists to expose the workings of internet peado grooming than I have to salute you guys for your masterplan. It was brilliant.

    I find it horribly ironic that you are accusing your Sikh brothers of being fascists, in defense of Islam, an ideology which embodies so many of the principles of fascism, namely:

    The suppression of free speech and thought.

    Radical authoritarianism.

    Totalitarianism (other creeds not tolerated)

    Violent imperialism and expansionism (the caliphate)

    The reduction of women to broodmares of the state.

    Hatred for homosexuals.

    Hatred for outsiders.

    Among other things.

    Sikhi teaches us to stand against tyrants. Islam is the very highest form of tyranny that I know of.

  14. ^Bro, our Guru Sahib were not Khatri as they had no caste + they hated the caste system.

    Our Guru Sahibaan all emphasised repeatedly on "kul nash" = the importance of having no lineage pride.

    I believe that u are an honest Gursikh and don't see yourself as superior to any other Sikh.

    So i can understand that u view Jatts as an ethnic tribe as opposed to an occupational caste.

    But tribe (if u don't mind me saying as I like most ur posts) still comes under the radar of being destroyed by kul nash.


    I agree entirely. I take no pride in or place any stock in my being a Jatt, I just acknowledged that I am of Jatt ancestry, as the Guru Sahibaan were of Khatri ancestry. This is not an opinion, just a fact. I couldn't change it even if I wanted to.

    But I'll be damned if anyone tells me I should stop calling myself a Khalsa, as a brother above did. It is my right.

  15. http://www.getwestlondon.co.uk/news/local-news/tory-councillors-outrageous-southall-slur-5978511

    Sikhs are the second most segregated religious community, after Jews.


    Also, lol @ thinking Pakistani and Romanian immigrants "account for a disproportionately shocking amount of crime"..not compared to other immigrants



    That table of yours only accounts for foreign citizens. It barely accounts for 1/6 of the 1.2 million strong Pakistani community in the UK, most of whom it seems have acquired citizenship. There simply aren't 424 Pakistani criminals in the whole of UK, there are almost that many people involved in the Pakistani paedophile rings alone (whom we have caught, to say nothing of the hundreds still at large). Pakistani youths, most of whom were born here, do account for a very high level of crime.

    Romanians and the Romany gypsies are not the same thing. The Romanians, typical of Eastern Europeans, despise the gypsies who are overwhelmingly involved in criminal pursuits. Disproportionate does not equal scale - for such a small community, the level of crime perpetrated by the gypsies is something to behold.

    Segregation isn't the same as integration. More Sikhs may live within largely Sikh areas, but we conform to the wider British culture far better than the Muslims, who insist on concessions and changes to the areas in which they live. There are many more Muslims than there are Sikhs, and they have spread themselves much further around as a consequence.

  16. Stop calling yourself a Khalsa if you are still a caste ridden individual.Quite shameful of you following double standards.

    I just demonstrated to you that 'Jatt' is not a caste. It is an ethnic group.

    And even if it was a caste, the Guru Sahibaan, who abhorred the caste system, still said they were Khatris and described themselves as Khatris. Are you going to accuse your own Gurus of following double standards too?

  17. Just find a jatt keep your parents happy. Problem solved there are many other fish in the sea. Even though sikhs dont believe in caste but a lot of people still do. Your parents been with you for so long by your side allow making them sad.

    Jatt and Juliet all the way!!

    Yes OP, just follow this sound advice.

    Marry a Jatt in order to appease your casteist anti-Sikh relatives, shun the man you love because he is a Ramgharia, and spend the rest of your natural life screaming on the inside.

    A recipe for true happiness.

  18. 'Jatt' and 'Ramgharia' are not castes. The term Jatt simply describes the amalgamation of rural peoples who existed outside the caste system of the Hindus and were animated by some sort of tribal nationalism rather than caste loyalties. It is an ethnic group. Likewise, a Ramgharia is a descendant of a member of the Ramgharia misl. Most Ramgharias happen to be Tarkhans, but they don't have to be.

    Perhaps a more learned member of the Sangat could clarify why exactly these two groups appear to have become known as castes when in fact they aren't?

    My digression aside, a Jatt Sikh should still be allowed to marry a Ramgharia Sikh.

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