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Posts posted by TheLion

  1. I agree with the quote, by making everything more advanced in this modern era it requires more work to maintain. Technological advancements come with their benefits but also with disadvantages. An increasing population throughout the globe is putting a strain on resources. Instead of all these big shopping centres if we just used that land to grow food etc it would be better, considering how most things can be bought online, the actual need for shops is rapidly decreasing. Simples lives are happier lives.

  2. Hmm I feel the same way as you sometimes. Sometimes I get just so scared after thinking of narakh etc (because I think I am such a paapi person wasting my life by not taking Sri Amrit), and I do phat daily/don't cut hair/vegetarian/no drugs (not even coffee/chai lol), but I feel it is not enough and I need to take Sri Amrit. The thing is, I'm trying to still pronounce Gurvani properly, since I clearly cannot pronounce some words in Sri Gurmukhi.. I just want to be fully ready to take Sri Amrit, my biggest fear for the past few months have been that I'd die before taking Sri Amrit which is such a scary thought.. If I die right now I honestly wouldn't know what to say in narakh. Just thinking about this is freaking me out and I start doing har hare/narayan/Sri Vaheguru jaap.

    yeah exactly, I don't feel I'm ready to take Amrit and if I did I feel I'd be doing a disrespect because of my lack of knowledge at the moment about prayer and Gurbani

  3. By reading Gurbani, reciting mool mantar and prayers and contemplating upon Waheguru's name, the soul is cleansed. It is written in Gurbani (not an exact quote) that if our clothes become stained, we can wash them out and they can become clean again, but if the soul becomes stained then the only way to cleanse it is through prayer. By accepting Waheguru and his will your wordly matters come to a conclusion, the only thing your mind becomes fixated upon is Waheguru so in a way you are rid of diseases because your mind no longer cares for it. With the True Guru's help the disease can be rid completely but only with unbreakable concentration upon Waheguru. Wordly afflictions is what comes with life on this Earth, Waheguru wants us to get to a point where we only focus upon him, where we break all bonds with matters of this Earth and increase our connection with the all powerful Waheguru, something I dream of achieving one day.

  4. What will happen after kalyug?

    I understand that some of you will opt for an approach explaining how it doesn't matter and I should just focus on becoming closer to Waheguru. I agree but I would still like to get an idea, I have heard people saying it will be a world full of Sikhs and need extra opinions as to whether this is true or not.

  5. In life we all go through hard times, times where we don't know where to turn, we can't see a way out. Life is like that, a journey we take, in the forest of life we have to walk through the deep mud, the mud that can hold us back and keep us in the same place for years. When darkness falls upon that forest there is a light, a light faint to some, others a bright beacon, that light, that beacon, is God. The light is dim for those whom don't believe and it is hard to find the true path out of that forest but for those who believe, the light of God illuminates the forest, showing clearly the right path to safety. A lot of people walk amongst this forest lost, never knowing where to go and going in circles, blaming themselves, blaming anything that comes to mind. The snakes will come out, snakes lurking amongst the dusk ready to strike at your mind, these snakes are most friends in life, once you allow them to bite, their venom will poison your mind, you will lose the desire to seek out God, you will begin to doubt yourself and lose hope and once they have taken away that desire will slither away again into the dusk waiting for their next "friend". There is one true friend whom you can put your trust in, one whom if you even utter his name once will scare away the vile creatures in life, and that is Waheguru.

    Once you allow your mind to feel the power and grace of God, whatever problems you face he will show you the path you need, do not worry about others whom try to dishearten you, most likely they are also lost in the forest of life, because they can't find a way out, they try to make sure others can't get out either. Never lose faith in Waheguru, keep your faith as strong as steel and as you sing the praises of God, your troubles will fade, the name of Waheguru will wash away your fears and anxiety and will cocoon you.


  6. Running out of situation is not whatour religion teaches us..i have gone through the other posts in this site ,and I have realised the only solution to all our problems is to talk to God to do simran but then we cant turn into saint in one day aftr all we are humans and these things do shake us.so for now I am going to start path to seek God's help.all i need is constant motivation.thanks for listening to our problems.U are doing a great job.

    I'm glad to hear you're going to try and strengthen your connection with God, I hope it works out for you and thank you


  7. Yea it's deff. Some deeper stuff.


    This is in English... This book can change your life. It's not too hard to understand please make an effort to read it.

    Thank you very much for that link I appreciate it.

    Peace brother

  8. Thanks TheLion for your reply,I have tried a lot to talk to my husband but he is not ready to listen.We have some misunderstanding but he is not ready to talk about it..I dont want to lose this relation but i think instead of trying to make him understand i should seek help from God.but it s really very tough when someone you love treats you as a culprit when you are not.my day begins with proving myself innocent nd ends in the same way but my husband is not ready to understand.he is providing me everything but he dont take my services..trust me this is the biggest punishment when your husband doesnt eat food cooked by you when your husband doesnt need you.i am so troubled i wish i could talk to Babaji and seek His help.i really want to talk to Babaji..i am not able to understand and find a solution to this problem.i am ruining my life my future because whole day i am thinking about the solution to make my husband love me but day by day he is turning against me.ì need courage .i will try to do simran nd seek Babaji's help

    You know a girl waits for so long to get a life partner till her marriage she keeps all her secrets her ambitions her dreams to herself thinking about the day when she ll gt married she will share her life.but marriages now a days turn into nightmares.I need advice how to live a married life what rules and regulations we should follow bcz if we go by people everybody will advice in a biased manner.but what should be there actually no body will tell.

    Hey and no problem I'm happy to talk to you about it,

    It seems to me that you've done everything you can to try and change the way the marriage is working out but it's not working. You need to think about YOUR future, not your husbands right now because it seems to me he is being very neglectful to you for no reason. If you feel you need to leave then I think that's something you need to think about, but I'm not saying it's something you definitely should do. You need to love Waheguru and pray to him as much as you can. Wash your hands and sit in a crossed leg position on the floor, cover your hair with a piece of clothing put your hands together and just concentrate on the name Waheguru, keep saying it and don't think about anything else, forget your worries, forget your anxiety whilst you're praying. After it you should feel much more relaxed and less stressed out. Waheguru will help you as long as you seek out to grow a connection with Waheguru. If you have a dream that you feel you need to go out and try to achieve, I think you should do it, everyone deserves a chance to fulfill their ambitions and you'll regret it if you don't when you're older, the years will have gone by with your husband neglecting you unless he changes his ways in that time. You need to find out why he's neglecting you and work on it from there but it if he doesn't help you, ask God for help, ask him everyday and one day he will. There are no certain rules and regulations to a marriage, other than to stay faithful to your partner etc. Every marriage works differently and it all depends on a love that one another should share. Try and stay with your own family for a while away from him if you have to until you figure things out. Don't worry about what other people say because you need to make sure you're happy in your life, it's YOUR life and other people shouldn't dictate it.

    If you need to say anything just reply,


  9. I moved to a new city, new hopes, had such high hopes, lived on my own. Have to work 2 jobs to survive, I sometimes dont' have enough money for myself after the basic necessities. I aint looking for sympathy, but I regret I did this all to myself. I left an easy job, to find a better job, with abetter title, after years of self worth issues. Once I got the job I wanted, I couldhn\t afford the basic ammenties.

    I have hopes that I can make it, with my head over water.

    You hang onto that hope, that hope is your light and without that light shining in the darkness that this world can bring, you will fall into a deep dark path and it's going to be so hard to get out, I know because I've been through it and still am. You keep that hope and focus your efforts onto whatever you want in life. You got the job you wanted now keep it, be the best you can be at it because at the end of the day when you're older and you look back on life you can say that you never gave up and you worked to your limit to achieve what you wanted to achieve. The ones around you can look at you for hope to show them that if they want it hard enough they can do it. See when you achieve something you wanted, it's a domino effect, you inspire those around you and they inspire those around them. There is way too much hurt in this world and we need people that can do what they set out to do. Don't have "self worth" issues because no one is worth more or less than the next person, what makes us better in life is character, character is what set's you apart from other people, nothing letting that light be blown out, you protect what's yours and be thankful that you can, be thankful to God because God is the one who helps us through everything. If you put your trust and faith in God you'll be amazed at what you can achieve.

    Keep your head up, don't give up.


  10. I think we all need someone to share our thoughts but there is nobody in our life.I have started feeling so lonely because i cant talk to anyone.My husband feels i do drama of being upset ,my family jst wants me to coperate with my husband.We have few issues for which we dont arrive on a common opinion and just because of that my husband thinks i am mean and i dont love him truely.If I try to become strong and focus on my things even then i get a tag of selfish woman if I forget my own things even then i am left alone saying that i only do drama.Root cause i believe is that my husband wants me to live a life that he thinks is ideal.For him it s more important to love his family instead of loving him however i too have some feelings.I gt love only on conditions but then i am the one called selfish.My life is not on track.I am suffering every moment but then nobody takes it seeiously because mental health is a thing not taken seriously in our community..I have started hating everybody because everybody is fake everyone thinks for himself or herself but if you think about yourself you are tagged selfish.I hope i get a solution soon.I dont want to waste my life .when i was studyng i always thought of my future as very meaningful i never knew family politics for me life is all about doing your duties but ppl want you to do drama instead ,nothing else gets recognised here no other virtues.I believe many girls are suffering and ultimately the world is suffering because of nonsense rituals nd customs ,sacrificing your career to please your husbands family .i respect his family nd i do all my duties but dramas i cant do i am a straightforward person but i am expected to do dramas to please everybody.i know i should meditate more nd that is the only solution to every problem but at times u are so much broken that u dnt hv the courage to do anything.all i want is to have a good loving relation with my husband.i wish he understands my love and affection for him.thanks in advance for helping and showing me right path.

    First of all thank you for sharing, I know it must have took a lot of courage to do so.

    I think you need to stop caring about what other people think so much. You need to sit your husband down and explain how much you love him and say what you really want from your life and explain you're not trying to be selfish. Family and friends can say what they want but its you and your husband that are married to each other not other people so don't take what they say to heart. Develop a love for God, once you start praying with love for Waheguru you will feel more at ease, more relaxed and less worried. If you want to go and pursue a career then I think you should but ask your husband to help you with it don't abandon him because you said you love him. I can tell you now that if you carry on with this marriage in this state of mind where you're worried and not happy then it will end on a bad note. We all go through hard times where we feel alone but we are never truly alone because even if you say Waheguru once, with love and concentration then Waheguru will be with you, right next to you and the more you say it the longer he will be there looking over you and protecting you. When you are in a situation where you feel there is no way out, Waheguru will help you and he will give you that courage you want.

    I hope this helps and if you want to say anything else please say so.


  11. It's comes to trying to comprehend there is no end to the awesomeness of those who are close to waheguru.

    In this video Sant Waryam Singh Ji Ratwara Sahib has DARSHAN of Waheguru on stage specifically at 2 hours and 5 minutes. Do please try to watch the whole divan. (Sakhi Bhai Manj),

    Also these other 2 part videos are wonderful.




    PLEASE watch these.

    It is no understatement to say that they are life changing.

    thanks man but its kinda hard to understand some of it

  12. I think Indians and Pakistani's don't get much coverage in sport is because people don't really see a lot of them with great physical stature, good enough to play in big sports. I mean we have Sikhs in the NBA but that's like 2 players. Indians and Pakistani's mostly like cricket and other sports, less known than the NBA, NFL and Football (soccer). It's a shame we don't see many Indians in sport and hopefully it will change soon and you'd think a country with over 1 billion people in the population there would be enough to field good teams in all major sports but poverty etc doesn't allow for that.


  13. I like the initiative TheLion, I think its a wholesome gesture. A lot of times mental illness in the South Asian community is brushed aside as "childish" behavior or Kala Jadhu. Often even loved ones can't sympathize with those experiencing the pain because pain in society is often wrongly associated with only physical wounds or scars. Mental illness in forms of depression, bi polar disorder, schizophrenia etc. is a disease as much any other health complication and needs to be taking serious as such by everyone in order to help support and seek proper medical attention for the individual. Although mental illness is often seen as taboo I have yet to met someone who hasn't struggled or knew someone that has battled it.

    This is an enlightening TED talk about one mans experience with depression.

    Yeah man I just wanted to help some people out, granted it probably won't change their lives but sometimes having someone listen can make the world of difference.

    Peace brother

  14. Hi,

    I've seen a few topics around about people being depressed and I realise a lot more people may feel like that too but don't want to talk about it. If you have anything you want to talk about that's on your mind that's got you feeling depressed or worried post it and I and hopefully other people will try to give you advice.

    You're not alone, we are Sikhs and we look out for one another.


  15. Often in times where nothing seems to be going your way, you can lose all hope, it's happened to me, but Waheguru doesn't just up and grant you your desire like that, you need full faith, undying faith and when your faith starts to slip so can your connection with Waheguru. Don't leave Sikhism because of your troubles. The people that get in your way are the ones you need to help create that unbreakable faith by them trying to keep you away from Sikhism you need to resist. Keep your faith in Waheguru, don't get upset or feel depressed because that's what the people who want you to fail want to see. Be strong.


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