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Posts posted by Dsinghd

  1. 5 hours ago, namespace said:



    5 hours ago, namespace said:

    Converts as to what?  Islam?  Of course the US will have more anything, there are a ridiculous amount of people living here 325 million on record, more like 410 million.   UK is 66 million with very few people unaccounted for, if any at all.



    But the US is a big country compared to UK.

    And the population is well spread out.

    There are big cities like New York.

    I meant converts in general.

  2. On 9/24/2018 at 1:44 PM, MisterrSingh said:

    And Russian covert statecraft, too. Under Indira it was mainly focused on internal hostile elements, but since the 90's, as with most big and diverse countries, those methods are used on their own broad population without discrimination. The media is a vital arm of these operations; the democratic choice dichotomy illusion is exactly that: an illusion. 

    The golden Indian age was under Ashoka and Chandra Gupta. I read about these 2 great kings. Ashoka converted to Buddhism.

  3. 7 minutes ago, AjeetSinghPunjabi said:

    Britishers are not trust-worthy people at all ! esp britisher politicians . I am surprised our sikh ppl are still happy being servants to britishers. I LOL'ed when I saw that video of muslim young men in arab attires chanting death threats to PM of England because of english govts involvement in middle east mess , and they did this while standing in English soil. Man those ppl have some anakh and dare, the kind of ppl the gorey scum fear the most. ours are happy being servants. 


    A Hindu in the British government banned ISYF and Babbar Khalsa.

    Hindus invited the British into India and are happy being their servers.

  4. 5 hours ago, Guest Blob said:

    At this time I feel very down , nothing seems to be working out for me in all aspects of my life.I want to ask guru ji for help and I don't know how and if guru ji will help me .

    Do WAHEGURU Simran for 5 minutes  everyday (preferably in the morning).

    Before Simran take a shower.

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