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Dsinghd last won the day on August 14

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  1. After they’ve turned out on the Muslims they will turn on us as well.
  2. Yeah a false rumour but Islamists are like the English Defence League. Both these groups blaming each other. They should have a referendum on immigration rather than this mindless rioting.
  3. I was searching igurbani.com which gives correct pronunciation of Gurbani. I can’t remember all of it at once. I guess it relies on more practice, like more Sehaj Paths. The meaning becomes clearer. I have noticed slight variants in it. This could be because it’s written in old Punjabi.
  4. The Ardas is more powerful when done at Gurdwara. However Waheguru is everywhere (Nirgun).
  5. Good website. Could they post the complete Sri Sarbloh Granth. I can’t find all of it online.
  6. They are well behaved during Ramadan. A Hadith states that gates of heaven are opened and Hell closed in this month.
  7. Is it the end of SGPC? I mean there’s one in Punjab, one in Haryana and Delhi. Recently Hazur Sahib removed 2 members of it. It was a British creation in the 1920s.
  8. https://leadership.ng/canadas-province-bans-international-students-admission-to-tertiary-institutions-for-2-years/ So many Punjabis will be affected.
  9. They both believe in eye for an eye. Hamas attacks Israel and they retaliate.
  10. I’m from Birmingham and it’s a Gora area. We have the Shere Punjab group here. They should move to other areas where there lots of Asians.
  11. Indian government is responsible for this Khalistan issue. They stormed the Darbar Sahib and it won’t go away. What a mess from India.
  12. Why are people afraid of ghosts? 1) They prove death is not the end. 2) They’re supernatural. 3) They have interesting stories, many films are based on them (like Ghost) as well as books. 4) Before the age of science they were very popular.
  13. The UK was invaded by Anglos, Vikings, Saxons. It’s a island after all. Up north they are generally taller. I agree Scotland is near to them.
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