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Posts posted by Harditsingh

  1. 11 hours ago, jkvlondon said:

    there is a stupid idea amongst black folks that they should reject the slave owners faith i.e. christianity and 'go back' to an african faith which they think is Islam , someone needs to educate them that islam IS the faith of the original Slave owners . The wise have twigged onto this and have become sikhs

    the guys attacking the babeh were not muslims they were typical jamaican hood rats but they have been dealt with and it was on all tape a few apneh cornered one of them and handled it/. funny thing is that the normaly social justice warriror blacks in the comments are calling foul on the apne attacking the racist kaleh cos apneh used the n word in anger

  2. 7 hours ago, MuslimNeighbour said:

    So not a single Sikh in this thread has called out OP on his way of thinking apart from jkvlondon but that was only for one thing.

    Whatever happened to all you Sikhs crying about Hagia Sofia but got nothing to say about your fellow Singh wanting to shut down Mosques or forcefully convert them to Gurdwaras?

    None of you religious Sikhs have called out your fellow Singh for using a derogatory term for Muslims, why?

    Also what's your beef with Halal meat?

    Also OP you better act on your fantasies quick, soon they'll be no Sikhs left, just an increased number of Christians in Indian Punjab.

    Did OP take in to account the Mosques in Indian Punjab don't hold any real historical significance meanwhile Pakistan has several historically very important Sikh sites that would no doubt be a target for revenge if OP's pipe dream were to become a reality.

    Think things through kid.

    we gonna start treating u like how u treat us in our countries boy. only few posters cared about hagia sofia speaking for myself i could care less about turkey or some christian church. SIkhs dont eat halal but the only reason halal  i think it should be banned is cos its requirement for u ppl hahahah speaking of dreams id love to see babri masjid incident repeated all over india

  3. 4 hours ago, Kau89r8 said:

    ADL is a website ran by them. And look at whats happening outside with all LGBT forced on kids, sex ed, femnism, economic troubles. Also who are the one people you cannot criticise its them. I know its hard to swallow but these ppl have the western world by the b*lls. They are corrupting our loved ones through media brainwashing and schools. 

    Its not just limited to the west even in india and i have  a feeling even in some middle eastern countries this disease is slowly taking root through american influence

  4. 3 minutes ago, MuslimNeighbour said:

    Hence why I mentioned the 'exact same' crime, murder being the example I gave. Are you 100% certain there is room in Sikhi for capital punishment? I've heard numerous Sikhs 'gloat' in a way, how they don't believe in capital punishment, trying to take the moral high ground.

    there is capital punishment in sikhi maybe u just talk to left wing types who try to distort religion for a wider audience

  5. ok i will try to keep this as short as possible.

    i wanted to get something off my chest and didnt know where to put it but here goes i wont mention names for privacy reason.

    my friend we will call him S. I grew up in the same street as S. We were both punjabis and sikhs and our immediate neighbourhood had quite a few punjabis and whites. I met S well playing outside when i was around 10 or 11 during grade 6. his mom and my mom became immediate friends and we would hang out. when we turned 14 he was HEAVY into khalistan movement and loved our culture and religion. he would go Gurdwara and do seva regualry at Nagar kirtan etc. stayed away from smoking drinking and girls and was a very respectable guy. Even though he was a mona he loved our community. 

    Something changed during the time we turned 17 after highschool we drifted apart but still kept in touch. He started hanging out with a different crowd. These guys werent punjabi but of another group and they got him into crime. From what I hear these guys mentally destroyed him and his self esteem. He never at the gurdwara doesn't go to nagar kirtans and cant remember last time hes even hung around us or even any other apneh for that matter, His mom cries every night and i still get calls here and there from her asking if ive seen him.  I know where he is and what hes up to but i dont want to cause his mom stress.

    it just hurts me so much what happened to S and i know that if he didn't fall  in with these guys he wouldn't turn out this way. I feel guilty because before this time i got way into the negative side of punjabi culture like partying, girls bhangra etc S was never into these things and I guess he started feeling isolated because I admit we stopped calling /hanging out with him because he would just act awkward around girls and we drifted apart and thats when he started hanging with these guys

  6. 22 hours ago, Tamansingh123 said:

    Think logically brother. If we had our raj in 1947, it would have been overthrown easily by islamists. Muslim pop of Punjab (West+East) was way higher than Hindus + Sikhs. Kashmir is a hellhole right now, and even pak govt cant control it. Pakistani Punjab gives birth to the most radical islamists of South Asia. Master Tara Singh made the best decision of that time. If we had a larger army or higher pop, we could have a slight chance of getting raj 

    i hear most pakistanis are barelvi and that the orthodox salafis dont even consider barelvis as proper muslims. its these same barelvis that give sikhs a hard time and are probably the ones who r doing this grooming crap because almost every pakistani mosque even here in canada is a barelvi one. I have only met one orthodox muslim in my life and tbf the guy was very calm and respectable so maybe these barelvis use us as a scapegoat to feel better about themselves?

  7. 9 hours ago, Jonny101 said:

    I used to think the same about this. But from my observation I've noticed men from other races such as Asians (Indians+Chinese) middle easterners and black men are not as much infected with this mental disorder. But with white men, homosexuality is as normal for them as breathing air. While for us we feel disgusted to the core about homosexuality, we can't even think about it. But white men magically turn into homos when they go to jail. It's as easy for them as flipping the light switch. And it's not just from modern times, homosexuality was quite normal among white men in ancient Greece and Rome. Christianity(which is a middle eastern religion) suppressed this but now homosexuality has come back in white culture with a vengeance. And they want to normalize this mental disorder amongst other races.

    u  can blame the J man for this they have plans for every race they want us to lose our identity and values so they can slowly rule over us read the protocol of the elders of zion and dont tell me you dont see any parallels with whats going on today

  8. On 1/25/2019 at 10:26 AM, Guest jigsaw_puzzled_singh said:

    ......apart from the 7.53 billion that you've just told now by broadcasting it to the entire world. But, it's an easy mistake to make. I mean 2 people on one hand and 7.53 billion in the other. The numbers are so similar it's easy to confuse the two.


    Hark Kaur. Jasmine Sandlas, the bombshell bandit to name but three. It's a real phenonema. If you look at the Punjabi diaspora around the world you will notice that the 3rd and 4th generation western born are relatively traditional but the new 1st and 2nd generation lot are not very good at balancing east and west primarily because they don't understand the blood, sweat and tears that it took to establish the diaspora. 

    Excellent analysis right there. The first generations of western born sikhs are very westernized but looking at more deep rooted diaspora (UK sikhs, and some canadian) the more time that passes the more they get into sikhi. I might be wrong but to me it feels that for other communities they stay religious within the first generations and either start to westernize or become more fundemental 

  9. 5 hours ago, learningkaur said:

    I’ve felt like something is around for quite a while, I only use to listen to rakhea da shabad and Kirtan sohila, but only about two days ago I started to read it. 

    I’ve heard a lot of noises, thought it was in my head to be honest, until my sister came to stay over and got all freaked out asking what’s going on what’s all these noises, whispering and breathing. Realised it wasn’t just in my head.

    Some one, actually two people have just recently told me something’s on me, that’s been put on me. So I’ve increased the bani.


    If i were you i would try my hardest to ignore this thing. they feed off negative energy like for example fear, problems in household. just start getting this stuff out of ur mind and change the enviornment buy plants bright paintings etc

  10. 8 hours ago, puzzled said:

    I had this experience at the old place I worked. I used to hear noises in the basement which was a dark grim place. Once I saw like over 50 dead flies scattered everywhere. Etc   one day when I heard a massive bang I legged it out lol. There used to be a white lady working there who claimed to be a "spiritual warrior"  we found that hard to understand so she said shes like a white witch! 

    Anyway after my horrific experience in the basement, i told her everything and I took her down there with me. She then read a spell and said the dark energy is gone. I then started seeing white orbs zooming all around me! And I saw a big white light hovering above me on the roof! That scared the sh1t out of me and I said to her what is she doing! She said what! And I told her there was a white light hovering above me and white orbs zooming around me.

    She then said that it is archangel Michael! And that he is protecting us! And I believed her! 

    That's why I know all this stuff exists.

    But anyway was that really an archangel? 

    She would never tell anyone her source of power!  And she called her self a white witch! 

    Thing is she was a bit of a slapper! And a drunk!  And always talking about s3x . Why would an angel appear to her? I'm not judging her, I liked her and got on really well with her. We had a gd laugh while I worked there. But there was nothing religious about her! 

    I dont get it. 

    I'm never gnna forget those bright lights I saw, they were white and as bright as the sun! Hovering all around me! And bigger one above my head on the roof! 

    Anyone have an explanation for what I saw and what those white lights were? And how she did that? 

    Was it even an angel? 

    Archangel Michael is a biblical character, but iv read about Angels in general and people say they appear as bright lights. 

    But after this incident I never heard any noise in the basement again! 

    I think this lady was in contact with evil spirits. The way you describe her is not a spiritual person at all. I have done research on magic and all these things back in the day and read that these witches call it white magic black magic w/e its all bad in the end. What she exposed you could potentially do u harm that reflected her lifestyle like you might start having a higher chance of having alcohol addiction or sexual related addiction thoughts. But aslong you praying and keeping strong faith you should be fine

  11. great news hindu trolls r probably downvoted LMAO maybe he'll be able to meet that kutti indra sooner then later. i hate these congress rapist so much especially when ever im visiting  india in delhi i try to look for confrontation with the hindus whenever i read 1984 stories it gets my blood boiling. theres alot of hindi speaking students in my city or atleast were before corona hit and they really piss me off sometimes how they act. whenever i read these things i feel like taking a walk to the uni district and start something but i know its not right 

  12. there are some Singh's who tell me that there is no such thing as black magic it is all fake, others have told me that it does exist but but keeping ur sikhi strong adoing paat etc always protects you from it so there is no need to worry about it. My family and i Believe in the latter. When i was a teenager me and my friends were hanging out after school in the school field. the field on the left side was connected to a back alley. while we were hanging out a car pulled up and motioned us to come close. inside were a man and lady who just told us to take this bag of samosas. we found this strange but took it. for some reason we felt wierded out and just threw them out when we saw the car leave. 


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