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Posts posted by Kaurr

  1. 16 hours ago, puzzled said:

    I'm hooked on this stuff! Can't stop drinking it! Started drinking it when I was 15/16 it's been over 10 years now and i drink it everyday. 

    Tried so many times giving up but the longest I last is like a week without it.

    I think you body gets addicted to it and asks for more. 

    Is it that addictive? What happens if you dont drink it for a while?

    Ive never really been a soft/energy drink drinker. I only drink a few cups (all at once) after a month or two. Probably because I'm a pretty healthy person. I perfer a cup of light Chaa.


  2. I saw on youtube this video a few weeks ago where this guy's dad got taken buy a bunch of medical guys cause apparently he had corona. Then gave them the old guys dead body. Said that do saskar and dont remove the coverings. Son got suspicious cause the height of the body was too small and the guy was apparently over 6ft. Removed the coverings and found out there was an old lady! Now the son wants to know if his dad is alive or not

  3. On 1/25/2019 at 1:30 AM, Guest Kaur said:

    I am a 20 yr old girl in US with a amritdhaari family who is very religious and respected. I fell in love with a guy who is mona, eat meat and drinks. I was never as religious as my parents but do value being a vegetarian and sikhi values. We were together for a year and half and Bc I thought I was going to spend my whole life with him we were intimate. I got pregnant and we went to many doctors appointments Bc we were going to have twins. I misscarried one baby and the other we had an abortion Bc my parents hated him and I never wanted to be a disgrace for my family. My parents explained to me so much to leave him but I can’t. I didn’t tell them anything about the pregnancy Bc I’m unsure of their reaction and how they will lose the little respect they have for me. I’m lying to them again that I’m not talking to him when I am. I don’t want to chose between my family and my boyfriend, who I was going to have babies with. I feel so guilty and depressed everyday I hate myself and think I should’ve kept the baby no matter what. I have no guidance or advice Bc I’m ashamed of my actions and can’t tell anyone. 

    I come from an amridhari family as well thats very religious and respected and if I were in your position, my parents wouldve kicked me out the house, I would have become homeless, none of my family members would talk to me and my parents would have lost all their respect.

    I know you feel like this mona guy is your soul mate and so on but youve got to realise that your not going to be on this earth forever. What actions are going to benefit you after you die? 

    Also, you should be thanking got that you were born into a very religous amritdhari family. Do you have any idea how many unborn spirits want to be in your position? Being born in an amridhari family is one of the greatest gifts ever, dont mess it up.

    And for that bf you have, you will meet many like him.

    You can go live with you bf and do whatever, its up to you- but dont go back to your parents whilst still thinking of you bf 24/7

    Also, you shoudnt have been intimate in the first place no matter what, you can think that you're gonna spend the rest of your life with someone- but your actually not. 

    Dont let these feelings make you do the wrong thing

  4. 2 hours ago, puzzled said:

    What did he mean by this? i don't know anything about physics. Was watching a show(fiction) on Netflix about these people where they are living within the past and present, parents as teenagers/kids are interacting with their adult children from the future etc  really creepy, its a thriller   and before the show started they mentioned this quote.  

    Don't know much about him but i watched a show where they said that he was trying to "decode" God through physics, though he was an agnostic i think.  


    im not really that sure but im assuming that he means is that the past present and future are the same, its only our stubborn minds that make believe- its all an illusion,       Im not really sure tho 

  5. On 7/30/2020 at 12:56 PM, Kaurr said:

    Probably not, cause it is for medical reasons

    Bro whose been downvoting ALL MY POSTS


  6. 10 hours ago, puzzled said:

    Painting of Guru Arjan Dev Ji hunting, 1760. Early painting of Guru Arjan Dev Ji from the Sikh Misl period. Its so different to how Guru Ji is painted in the art of our times, as a saintly figure, while in this 18th century painting Guru Sahib is depicted as a warrior hunting with a falcon on his hand. So different!  I would of thought it was Guru Gobind Singh ji or Guru Hargobind ji. Perhaps this is how Guru Arjan Dev ji was seen in the 18th century?  interesting. 

    Guru Arjan Dev Ji Hunting : Sikh

    where did you find this?

  7. On 10/4/2011 at 6:33 PM, AnakinSkywalker said:

    Thinking outside the box, what would be the case if you had to give a semen sample for medical reasons...for example diagnosing potential fertility issues?

    An exception to pesh perhaps?

    Probably not, cause it is for medical reasons

  8. 8 hours ago, puzzled said:

    What is the ithiaas of Dharmraj? I have read that depending on the persons actions he appears in different forms, like if you have done good then he appears in a saintly form, long white beard, white clothes, but if you were a bad person then he appears before you in a horrific form!  Dharamraj is a deity in Buddhist and other Eastern cultures too. In Vedas i think he is known as Yamraj. 

    I have read the Katha Upanishad where he is one of the main characters. I'v also read somewhere that he was the first man to die? 

    In Tibetan art

    Yama, mid-17th–early 18th century Tibet, Unknown | SlowlanderThe Twelfth Path of the Tree of Life: Lamed | The Occult Revival

    that looks like a jamdoot

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