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Posts posted by Shaheed4life

  1. 1 hour ago, AmanSingh7 said:

    When we are reincarnated, are we reincarnated on the same planet/generation? Can we reincarnated to a previous to era? 

    also when we die, does life on earth continue or it does it stop until we come back? And how long does it take come to earth? Is the time in the afterlife the same as here?

    madd questions lol ?

    Veerji, i think life on earth continues? Vaheguru ji is timeless so dharamraj darbar shd be beyond and above time?Haha nice questions.

  2. On 5/29/2021 at 9:24 PM, Premi5 said:

    Without watching the videos I don’t see a reason for ‘UFO’s’

    just science fiction in my opinion

    Why would creatures from another planet or galaxy come to Earth ?

    Also, i was just thinking about it.It could be purely for research of exoplanets such as earth.Quite similar to how humans went to the moon and sent the Mars rover to Mars to search for life.They found frozen water and mushrooms on mars.We can only travel such distances due to our technology but other civilizations that have better tech may be travelling galaxies to search for life.So ya.

  3. 1 hour ago, Premi5 said:

    Without watching the videos I don’t see a reason for ‘UFO’s’

    just science fiction in my opinion

    Why would creatures from another planet or galaxy come to Earth ?

    True, UFOS may not always be aliens.

  4. 22 hours ago, intrigued said:

    Why are so many Sikh women wearing paghs lol I always cringe at that...

    Vaheguru ji ka khalsa Vaheguru ji ki fateh

    Veerji, Guru Sahib gave Daastar di daat to every sikh, regardless if the sikh is a male or a female.So many great examples of Singhanis who wear daastar such as Mata Sahib Kaur Ji, Mata Sundri ji, Mata Gujri Ji,Mai Bhago ji, and countless others.When we take amrit and become Guru Wale,we can all wear Daastars, regardless of Gender.

    Bhul Chuk Maf ?

    Vaheguru ji ka khalsa Vaheguru ji ki fateh

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