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Posts posted by Shaheed4life
6 hours ago, CHaamCHrick said:
Thank you
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On 4/3/2022 at 9:55 PM, Guest Ruby D said:Hi can someone pls help me interpret my dream. Last night (rather I should say early morning) I had a dream of visiting a gurudawara sahib and praying there. What could this be.
Vaheguru ji ka khalsa Vaheguru ji ki fateh ji
Most probably a sign for you to go to Gurdwara Sahib and do sewa and Simran . May Vaheguru ji keep you in Chardikala.
Bhul Chuk Maf ji
Vaheguru ji ka khalsa Vaheguru ji ki fateh ji
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15 hours ago, Guneetkaur said:I cannot feel the love of god like i use to. I want it back and will do anything to regain it. Please can anyone guide me. All I need is Lil guidance, the void inside me is growing bigger each day and I have never felt this way before. I am even questioning guru, " is it even worth it ?" . IDK what to do. ?
Vaheguru ji ka khalsa Vaheguru ji ki fateh
Bhenji, what you are feeling is common. Whenever we go through bad experiences in our life we are quick to doubt Vaheguru ji. But as Gurbani Says
If the Chote Sahibzaade had thought " Is it worth it to give Shaheedi for the Panth?" Then the Khalsa Panth wouldn't remain. Bhenji are you amritdhari? Do you do your nitnem? If you're not amritdhari and do not do your nitnem, it's okay Guru Sahib will guide you towards that path soon. Meanwhile try to do mool mantar sahib. That's all you need for Vaheguru ji's kirpa. Do 1 mala a day. I can guarantee you will have your own experiences and your trust and love in Vaheguru Ji will be restored by Sache Patshah. All we need in our lives are Guru Sahib's blessing. Mool mantar is amazing and by doing it Vaheguru ji will have pity on his servants and bring us to his Path. Bhenji, you are a daughter of our Guru. Do not lose hope! Remain in patience and Sehaj. All will be good soon. No matter what you have gone through always remember the faces of our Shaheeds who embraced their death with smiles on their faces because they knew about this false world, they knew Guru Sahib Ji is Ang Sang. You may not realize it but Guru Sahib is always with his Khalsa. Even while you are reading this post, Guru Gobind Singh Sahib Jio Maharaj is right next to you! All you need to do is have Sehaj and keep trust. Once our illusion of Maya is gone, all we see is Prakash everywhere. Then we do not doubt on what is the point or whether it is worth it. We crave more Anand and long to be in the Charan of Sache Patshah. Do mool mantar, keep Simran in your heart 24/7. The rest Vaheguru ji Himself will guide you. Guru Sahib is right next to you waiting for you to realize his presence and get Darshan. Gurmukh Pyare always see Guru Sahib as Ang Sang. Have faith Bhenji, all will be good soon.
Bhul Chuk Maf ji
Vaheguru ji ka khalsa Vaheguru ji ki fateh!
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4 minutes ago, SikhKosh said:
Oh comeon, Sikhs have been crying about RSS for decades. We have become a joke because it seems we have a psychological fear of RSS just the way Muslims have one from Jews and tend to blame everything on them and fear them for their intellect and shrewdness.
Veerji I don't mean that we should fear RSS . What I meant by my above posts is that we shouldn't rely on RSS alone to handle the Gujjar problem in our Pinds and in our territory. We need to be able to defend ourselves as well
6 minutes ago, SikhKosh said:RSS is already there. They are already handling Muslims at their own level. Last time they clashed with Muslims in Phagwara, Sikhs took no time to rush to that spot to support these Muslims. Is this what you want? Embolden Muslims ?
The Punjabi Hindu does not have the spine to stand against Sikhs, therefore I do not fear them. But the Gujjar will not hesitate to attack, rape and commit mass murder of Sikhs.Thus I am asking to stop obstructing RSS when they attack Muslims or Christians. Use their cover and do what you have to do as well.
If you send Singhs to surround villages here in Punjab, expect similar reactions from Pak Muslims to Pak Sikhs. In '92 Hindus destroyed the Babri Mosque in India. But Sikhs were targeted along with Hindus in nearly every Muslim country (Pak, Afghan etc). Therefore openly doing things and especially posting about it on social media is not a good thing.
Hanji veerji I understand. I may not understand the level at which RSS is handling Muslims. The only thing I feel that we should be alert about is that we need to ensure our Pinds are in our Control
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4 minutes ago, SikhKosh said:
It is better to have an enemy you know than an enemy you don't know. While historically we know the Muslims, most Sikhs in Punjab have forgotten what Islamism looks like because they haven't had direct exposure to it since 1947. RSS, Shiv Sena is known to us because we have fought them for decades. Therefore we will ensure that the Hindu RW does not get out of control. If you let them do your dirty work it does not make them more powerful because you are not aiding them in any way, you are just 'letting' them finish of a common enemy.
Let me put it in another - perhaps controversial - way. A Sikh under the influence of RSS will not stop going to Gurdwaras, will not stop venerating our Gurus because they, but a Sikh gone to Islam and Christianity is lost forever. The son of a RSS influenced Sikh may get back to the Panth but you lose generations once one person converts to these Abrahamic religions. Therefore it is very important to limit the growth of them, Hindus we have handled well and they are under control in Punjab.
How long do we have before RSS starts calling Sikhi a branch of Hinduism and changes the plot? Our Naujawan will then be converted to Hindus which will make RSS no different than Gujjars and Christian Missionaries. We all know about their plan to make India Hindu Rashtra by 2030. Do you think they will give that up just to fight a common enemy? It shouldn't be the case that will trying to manipulate our enemy, our apney itself gets cheated.
Bhul Chuk Maf ji
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1 minute ago, SikhKosh said:
It is better to have an enemy you know than an enemy you don't know. While historically we know the Muslims, most Sikhs in Punjab have forgotten what Islamism looks like because they haven't had direct exposure to it since 1947. RSS, Shiv Sena is known to us because we have fought them for decades. Therefore we will ensure that the Hindu RW does not get out of control. If you let them do your dirty work it does not make them more powerful because you are not aiding them in any way, you are just 'letting' them finish of a common enemy.
Let me put it in another - perhaps controversial - way. A Sikh under the influence of RSS will not stop going to Gurdwaras, will not stop venerating our Gurus because they, but a Sikh gone to Islam and Christianity is lost forever. The son of a RSS influenced Sikh may get back to the Panth but you lose generations once one person converts to these Abrahamic religions. Therefore it is very important to limit the growth of them, Hindus we have handled well and they are under control in Punjab.
Veerji, I understand your point but I feel that like how if we chase the Gujjars our we will have repercussions for those Singhs living in Kashmir, similarly if RSS gets into Punjab, if we try to control them, we may have repercussions for Sikh Sangat and Gurudwaras all over India.
We have all seen the Hindu mobs in other parts of India. Gujjars can be handled quickly but if we challenge the Hindu mobs they can easily be linked to BJP.
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12 minutes ago, SikhKosh said:The easiest and best solution is to get Hindu right wing involved in Punjab. This way you get your work done (taming Christians and Muslims) and BJP center won't say anything. Remember what we were doing when RSS was crying about Sikhs converting to Christianity 20 years back ? We were attacking RSS because we prefered abrahamic missionary religions due to the false notion of being common minorities than letting RSS do their job. We were in fact OBSTRUCTING RSS when they were doing ghar vaapsi of Sikhs who had become Christians. We are a bunch of fools and know nothing about chanakya niti, we are to afraid to manipulate people, qaums or nations. This is one thing that needs to change because even people on this forum do not realize the need to play things in a smart way.
Every single action against the Muslims in Punjab will have repercussions for Sikhs in Kashmir, Pakistan etc. Hence the best thing is to covertly get things done without making too much noise on social media. But as my elders used to say, we Sikhs even take credit for killings we haven't done. That is our mentality which needs a change.Veerji, this may solve the Gujjar problem but it might create another problem. Letting the right wing Hindu extremist settle this matter may backfire on us. What happens after they make the Gujjar retreat? These same Hindu extremist groups will replace the Gujjars and will instead occupy our pind. Do you think Shiv Sena would want to leave Punjab if they can get a few Pinds as their stronghold? The best way is to not involve any 3rd party but instead settle this like how we have always done in history. Alone only with Vaheguru ji's kirpa on our heads. The best thing would be if the Nihangs and other Tyar Bar Tyar Singhs can get the Pind that we lost by tomorrow. This will show the Gujjars that Singhs are still strong and they will not be able to make advances into Punjab easily. We have to spoil their advances in the earliest stage which is now. Send a huge number of Sikhs and get that Pind back. Even if we feel 200 Singhs are enough to get the Pind, bring a thousand. Show them that we are capable of bringing the masses within a short time of needed. This will deter them from making advances and at the same time spoil the dreams of the Hindu extremist groups who are thinking Punjab will one day become theirs.
If we show those gajjars who tried to make advances into Punjab our power and chase them out, those Hindu extremist groups, who are still only dreaming about getting punjab and have not made any actual progress, will have their dreams crushed. While we have our Fateh. However, like what you said this will have some effects on our Singhs in Kashmir and other areas. But we cannot afford to let Hindu extremist into punjab as well. They are not are friends as well.
The Nishan sahib will forever rule Punjab
Bhul Chuk Maf ji
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55 minutes ago, Ranjeet01 said:If I go by what the posts are saying, people are hiding because the system is against them.
It is not because of some dwindling population but because the system favours aggressors which is why mobs are allowed to behave with impunity.
It looks like our community is trying to work within the rules when other are not.
So basically we are fighting with one hand tied behind our back.
When the system fails you then what are you left with?
300 years ago the Mughals were the system, yet we won. Why? Because our System is Vaheguru ji. We are Akaal Di Fauj not anyone else's Fauj. We only bow to Vaheguru ji not anyone else. We need to teach our youths to be Fearless so that when someone tries to attack Sikhi they will be able to look them in the eye and defend Sikhi. We should not have trust in systems. Even Guru Gobind Singh Sahib Ji Maharaj wrote in the 52 Hukams that a Sikh should always be in control of politics. Especially for Punjab.
Shabad of the day