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Heera Singh

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Posts posted by Heera Singh

  1. this is a typical case of the indian in-laws.... personally... i kno ur husband in a tuff situation (is in between his family and his wife)... but y'all have to make a choice and make it soon... u don't deserve to be treated like crap...

    so.. talk to ur husband.. tell him that if y'all don't do somethin it can risk the marriage falling a part... his family is being whack now, but after u guyz move out (considering u do) things will get better over time.. it's always like this at the beginning.. i know people who've been in the exact same situation.. and after they moved out, things actually improved...

    they're jus using their typical indian mentality and talkin smack... which is wha indian (especially punjabi people) are known for...

    so my advice.. don't take no crap, but don't argue wit them either.. dun pay them no mind... do ur thing, talk to ur husband, and move out... otherwise, i's only gonna get worse...

    best of luck..


    Vaheguru Jee Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Jee Kee Fateh!

  2. the key is not to get upset (and if u do don't let them see it)... when u get upset at parents especially over something like this, they jus get upset rite back (even if they're wrong) which makes them more firm on the "NO" answer... in due time they'll come around... jus go about your sikhi the best you can... it all happens in Guru Sahibs Bhana... do ardaas to Guru Sahib, and let HIM take care of it all..!

  3. ^ that says, Guru Nanak Sahib is Vishnu's incarnation :D

    yeh.. then it also goes on to say:

    The Guru of the prophets, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv ji is God almighty himself. This very Creator will manifest itself as a human, in the form of one whose name will be NANAK

    ... maybe there's a mis-translation somewhere along the lines too... i dunno..

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