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Respet for All

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Everything posted by Respet for All

  1. On Sunday 2nd July is 400th Anniversary Celebration for the Akal Takhat Sahib, when the first foundation stone was laid by Shri Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji. This day is being celebrated through out the world with a due respect for the Akal Takhat by arranging Nagar Kirtan and Kirtan Smagams. How appropirate is for Guru Nanak Sikh School, Hayes, the first Sikh School in UK, to have a School Mela which will include Bhangra, Gidda abd Bolian etc on the same day. The organisers should be ashmed of calling themselves Guru Ke Sikh, a much appropirate name for them should be 'tautus of BJP'.
  2. Does everyone agree with whats happening under the name of School Mela at GURU NANAK SIKH SCHOOL. Based on the last years school mela there will be bhangra, gidda, bolian etc on the school premises while Guru Granth Sahib Ji resides in the school hall. Why aren't my brothers and sisters from the Respect for Guru Granth Sahib Ji campaign taking any notice of this?????? What does this teach our children? are we teaching them Sikhi or something else...............
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