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Everything posted by Big_Tera

  1. I made a topic a long time ago about how a great percentage of muslim males are impotent due to circumcision causing a loss of sensitivity in the nether regions. Yet no one took it seriously and said circumcision causes causes no issues. Now we have proof. Circumcision is known to cause sexual disfunction. Particulalry in the older males as the sensitivity gradually gets less and less caused by removal of foreskin which keeps it sensitive. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/stories-49085138/circumcision-my-<banned word filter activated>-causes-me-constant-pain No wonder muslims all over world are so full of rage. They cant even get a hard on and satisfy their partners. All that pent up frustration has to release yet they cant. So resort to other ways.
  2. Im sure we can convince the Japanese we are are similar to them in some ways. ie our views and cultural dress sence. Ie This guy could be mistaken for a japanese samarai warrior if you did not take a double look.
  3. No one is being racist here. We know there are good and bad in all races. No where has anyone said that all blacks are the same. Or that they are all bad. Africa is a continent of 1 billion people. Most are good people. Maybe one day you will marry a black woman. Would you have a issue with that?
  4. Blacks on the usa are played like puppets by the american directors and producers of films. To get the role they have to perform all kinds of stereo typical roles. Blacks in the usa are actually a very big populations. 40 million at the last count.It shows you how many slaves were brought over. by the white slave masters. They in effect created the whole problem in the first place. South asians only number about 3 or 4 million. So us desis are a minority down there. Yet blacks form the major ethnic group along with hispanics.
  5. The main reason why black and white marriages in the usa are accepted is one thing. RELIGION. Blacks by and large are christians in the usa. So whites see them as on of them. They have a similar white culture. When they have marriage its in a church so they are both singing from the same hymn sheet.
  6. You see many blacks attack non blacks because they hate the fact that other races get along with each other. While they are seen as subhuman. So they try and attack those people out of jealousy and insecurity. Many blacks have an inferiority complex. They see themselves as less then non blacks. Its leads them to become ostracized from communities. Hence why blacks are aeen as dangerous. They have no value for their lifes.
  7. You see alot of people fear blacks not because of their build or strength. Its because of the sheer notion of their skin colour and mentality. Blacks are seen as subhuman capable of the worse things. Many are suffer from jealousy and hatred of other races. .Blacks are seen as ugly, nappy haired, abnormal ape like features. such as big flat noses, big lips, big ears. grotesque. Yet somehow the white man has elevated these people to musical stars.
  8. Many people dont know the mentality of growing up in this world being a black person. You are discriminated against on a daily basis. When you go for a job. No one wants to hire a black person. Everyone avoids them and does not mix with them. All other races see you as sub human, unclean and dirty. So then thats why you get black people who have nothing to lose in life. They see their lifes as worthless anyway. So they dont care if they lose their life in a knife attack. Many grow up in households where there is no love from the parents. The only communities that are different., Are the african blacks ie from nigeria, ghana kenya ect. They are completley different as they dont have the slave baggage wrapped around their necks. They come from loving family backgrounds. There are some decent carribeans but I would say 70% have serious issues. they blame everything on race. into crime ect and think their world owes them something.
  9. You seem a little obsessed with other peoples caste. Such as your constant digs at jats and others. Have you not got the bawlz to reveal what caste your hiding behind while trying to bad mouth every other caste but your own? Im sure your type were the perfect people who did no wrong. And before you say I dont believe in caste. Just tell us anyway. Im guessing your a Dalit.
  10. Its funny how people keep saying ajeet is a attention seeker. Yet all you constantly replying to him cant get enough of him lol. You should ignore his posts and just move on instead of fueling the fire. The guy is a homo and has got you all where he wants you.
  11. According to the akal takt eating or not eating meat does not make you any less or more Sikh. So get your facts right. Eating meat. Is our right! To make us strong and feed our hunger. Carry on eating your cabbage stew. While I tuck into my Pork joint like a real man. You sissy veggie luvin softee.
  12. I think we should give ajeet break. He is a grown man and knows and realises he has made some mistakes. But why keep going on and lecturing the guy. Im sure non of us are perfect and have some skeltons in tje closet. Would we be brave enough to come online and tell all. Know we would rather hide and pretend we are perfect. Get a grip and realise that we all have done wrong in the past.
  13. Init Bro. Wagwan. But with the way you speak. Im sure punjabi will live on. Init?
  14. Although I dont agree with all your posts and topics. You have said some good things. Just like other posters on here. . People calling you all these names are self projecting. Ie its what they think of themselves so lumber these thoughts and comments onto other people Theres alot of people on here that like to jump on bandwagons and like to gang up on people. Its very childish and silly. Many are like sheep. Who will go with the crowd. To summarise Many over exaggerate comments and come out with false statements based on wrongly looking at the situation in hand without taking a balanced view. Many are not trained to give advice here so are better off not saying nothing at all. I have seen many instances such mistersingh and others spouting oral diareah when having no idea what they are is taking about and should really be banned from the gupt section for being a liability and cauing unwanted distress. For giving out unbelievable and wrong advice based on their warped mind about issues they know nothing about. While making all kinds of foolish assumptions about the advice seekers. It goes by the saying. If you have nothing good to say then dont say nothing at all.
  15. P.s if you want to learn. Go to google. I dont have te to teach you and get into lengthy debates.
  16. I am not engaging with a fool like you. Who just wants to waste time and talk over pointless things. Moderators should take note of this fool.
  17. You care to come here and quarrel for no reason other then cause arguements in threads. Do yourself a favour and get out more and seek some help for your emotional distress. I have a felling this member is pakhroo in disguise. Or a pakhroo wannabe.
  18. As I said. You have not bothered reading the thread. We dont have resources to go to every single country willy nilly you have to be selective to get the best results for your effort. Get that through your thick brain.
  19. Your talking nonsence again. You dont really have anything good to say. Apart from comming out with random silly comments.
  20. Yes of course it does. Some countries and their peoples are more receptive to parchaar then others. Ie why concentrate resources on places where people will not be that interested. ie middle east, north africa. We need to branch out instead of focusing soley on the UK canada and USA.
  21. That could be an option. We probably need to have one parcharic team in each country. Distributing leaflets and having talks. Possibly have someone that is a japanese Sikh take part in the parchaar. Only issues are funding and infrastructure of parchaar. Not sure what basics of Sikhi are doing these days. But they need to get back to doing what their good at. We have to hand select countries as I mentioned before as due to limited resouces and men on the ground we cant do all of the countries at once. Unless we can start having more paarcharic teams. So far according basics of Sikh they only have about 3-5 parcharics and that is in the whole country.
  22. That goes without saying. But with limited resources such as money and parchaarics at our disposal. We have to concentrate on key places where we can be most effective. We have to be precise and figure out which countries will be most effective and productive for our limited resources. Places like Europe and south america should be our aim and priority for now untill we can afford to and have the resources to go fully global and expand
  23. I have come across a few newly embraced Sikhs from Russia. It got me thinking. Eastern Europe could be the next frontier for Sikhs. Places like Poland, Russia, holland, germany ect. Eastern Europeans/Scandanavia are generally alot more open to Faith and spirituality and have a fascination with Indian faith and culture. Alot more then typical british goreh that are very far from faith and more into boozing and and clubbing. Basics of Sikhi could possible do some events in those countries to raise awareness about Sikhism. Ive met a few Europeans also in the uk and they really into learning about Indian faiths ect. Yet Sikhs would rather not fund these projects as they believe that all faiths lead to God. So why talk about our faith.
  24. So you want to risk your life in a fight by acting and behaving aggressively. End up in hospital or even worse Lose your life over some petty squabble with some Yob that has no life and probably wants to take someone down with him. Also your forgetting the.mentality of these people. They will comming looking for you with a gang to settle the score. If ypu give one of these a hiding. Obviously Sikhs should be ready to defend. But in todays uk lawless society when many are tooled up and ready to stab anyone that gets in thwir way. Obviously Sikhs need to stand up for themselves. Bullying only happens when we let it. Pumping weights is good. But should only be used in self defence.
  25. Toughness is a psychological thing. Nothing to do with physique. Look at some black people. Even a skinny short black dude will act tough and be feared. You see with blacks and some other marginalised youths/communities Many come from ghettos. No money or job. In and out of prison. They will fight anyone and everyone as they have nothing to lose in life. You want some law abiding hardworking Sikh to become like a ghetto thug. involved in crime and knifings and stabbing to be feared? Sikhs need to use their intellect rather then their fists.
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