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Everything posted by Big_Tera

  1. Why should they join. We Sikhs believe every path is right dont we. even agnostic. As everyone is free to belive in what they like.
  2. Why is the Amritsar gurdwara the most holy shrine in Sikhism? From my understanding the Gurdwara itself is quite newly built. As it was repeatedly attacked several times and had to be rebuilt over again many times. hence the original Gurdwara that was first built would have looked completley different to what it is now. When it was most recenctly built by Ranjit Singh. Are other Gurwaras not more important or historical in terms of history. Also having visted the Amritsar recently. I was saddened to see shops selling hindu god pictures along with the Gurus pictures.This was just outside the Gurdwara complex. On side note I personaly dont see the point with having all these pictures of gurus. God is not contained in any picture or murti.
  3. This problem is only going to get worse unless the Sikh community do something about this. Its not not difficult to see how this can happen. We Sikhs live in communities dominated by muslim population. Young vulnerable girls are surrounded by extremist muslims. Unfortunatley if your weak minded you can end up like this girl brainwashed. Lets not blame the girl entirley it takes two to tango. This girl has been led astray by these <banned word filter activated> isis extremists.
  4. What is todays Punjab like? Is it the same as it was 20 years ago? What are the best parts. Only place I have been to is Amritsar as a kid as its my home town. Never been to any other parts apart from Jalandhar briefly for a few days. One thing I did not like about dehli was having to speak in hindi. That language is so annoying to listen to let alone having go speak it.
  5. Listen you wannabe hindu. Dont make me smack your head with a packet of toofs. To snap you out of your hindu beliefs.
  6. its wrong mate. Wake up and smell the coffee and not the toofs and mata pictures
  7. Mata pictures were removed from my house. Once I realised it was wrong many years ago.
  8. They are doing it to please Hindus also. I know many Sikhs who have mata idols up. Just as a bit of decoration around the house. They dont belive in it. But then you get those Sikhs Who have matas and all kinds if idols statues. These people are confused and genuinly belive in everything. they are hindunised idiots. Many also follow hindu rituals and customs. Discraceful. No wonder there kids end up being confused. And then they turn to vhrist or islam.
  9. Who ever did this needs to be hit on the head with every single jhooti they stole. That will teach them never to steal a shoe again.
  10. Jai mata di. Hopelly as I belive in 2 religions I have more chance of attaining salvation. And hopefully good things will happen and I will get more shakti. As I beilve in everthing. More power to me. I also have a budda statue for added good luck. Yeah.
  11. I used to think India was more better then the uk. But the fact is there is hardly any open space. Each house is like a hotel. And they are all tightly built against one another. But I guess this is not the fault of the people. with the population so high. there is no room anywhere. People are living like sardines in a can. The entire infrastructer is crumbling. pollution congestion its a nightmare for everyone. No wonder many indians want to leavr and move to the west. Yet we Indians in the uk take for granted everything we have.
  12. Having visited dehli. I am glad I do not come from this sh1thole of a city. Yes makes me appreciate being from Punjab.
  13. Dehli was so bad. It put me off the whole of india. It just seemed like one big garbage tip.Made me appreciate being born in the uk. Im sure Punjab is better though.
  14. What i noticed is that many people lack decent morals. Its all about money and status. The poor are treated badly and abused.
  15. Indian relatives can be the worst. I do intend on going back to india as a tourist also. Which will be alot more fun then spending time with money greedy relatives. I have mostly distant relations there also anyway on the nanake side.
  16. Will do hopefully one day. What I saw I did not like. Sikhs who follow alot of hinduism. Many also have to speak in the hindi language apart from a few. Who spoke in Punjabi. To be honest felt like an outsuder in dehli. Thats why cant wait to visit Punjab. Just did not feel I had any connection here. Hopefully Punjab will change my view of India.Particulaly amritsar which is my home town.
  17. There are countless shows on the telly of India. That make India out as a vibrant and beatiful country full of culture, monuments and history. Yet having visited Dehli. my views are the following. Its filthy in most places it smells badly and polluted, congested and cramped. The people are rude with no manners. Its boring and dull. Everyone seems miserable and in a bad mood. I rarely see people smiling or laughter. This is probably down to the harsh and brutal enviriment they live in. Is it the same all over? is punjab any different.
  18. I think you are missing the point mate. Is celebrating and joining in with the christmas festisvities setting a good example to young impressionable kids in the houshold? Many Sikh families have become agnostic as it is. Also it maybe harmless fun for a devout Sikh. Who is secure in his faith. but not all sikhs come from this secure background. Many will grow up thinking Sikhs will celebrate and join in with anything and everthing in the name of having a bit of fun. Such aa celebrating hindu occasions aswell. Just because 'its a bit of fun' as you say. Not to mention Sikhs who hardly celebrate their own faith occassions. Alot of people are making the mistake of saying things based on themselves. But not looking at the bigger picture based on many different types of Sikh families and structures. There are many Sikh families that hardly go to the gurdwara ot have a strong belief in their faith.
  19. Its about seting a good example to the youngsters. Kids are like sponges they absorb everything around them. If all the have is Christmas celebration and easter celebration. and no teaching or celebration of their own faith. how will these kids end up 5 10 years down the line. we are already seeing many of our youth becoming christian. yet the liberal fatsos. wont have it any other way. They want to surround the impressionable youth with Christmas festivities. then when the same kids lose all belief in their own religion and go to other faiths. they cry. What may seem harmless to an adult is completely different to a child growing up. we must not send them confusing messages at this early age. is it any wonder why alot of punjabis are the laughing stock. the have been brought up with zero knowledge of their own faith. yet plenty abut the virgin mary and jesus, presents, santa ect. its time to wake up and smell the coffee. dont bury your head in the sand. PUTARAYO
  20. Weather you celebrate it is besides the point. You are engaging in acts of another faith. You have a tree with a the star of david on it. you are eating the food and the wine. Slowly slowly your kids with becomes jehovas witness. slowlys but surely young female Sikh wen will have crosses on the knecks. dont be foolish. This is happening rigjt now. We are turning into coconuts.
  21. Today is a day many of us will be tucking into our mince pies and celebrating the Birth of Jesus. We will have christmas trees and all kinds in our homes to mark the event. Yet how many of us celebrate the Birthday of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Or even know when it is for that matter? Just one example of the white washed Sikhs of today. Who know more christmas carol songs the shabads.
  22. lol why is there ao lol why is there so much jealosy? If muslims take the jobs. then so be it. whats that got to do with us? As for islamfied. birmingham is a rubbish city that no one other then brummies go. If it is islamified. good riddence. let them live together in their muslim dirty squalid ghettos. Be thankfull that you live elsewhere. I chose to live in a affluent middle class area. where there is no riff raff and hardly much crime. Theres good schools and a good community spirit. Birmingham Sikhs should stick in their own areas. You will never be accepted in a muslim area. You will feel like the odd one out. Not to mention. Do you want to mix with these people in these areas. full of halal shops. so you wont have any decent place to eat. full of mosques, drugs, crime.
  23. Lol What a odd thing to say. Maybe they should do a documentery on dsinghdp from southall and his friends. ? We can learn about southall. This beatiful place. And maybe about the nearby airport.
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