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Tarrandeep Kaur

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Posts posted by Tarrandeep Kaur

  1. There was a little boy with a bad temper. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, to hammer a nail in the back fence. The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. Then it gradually dwindled down. He discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence.

    Finally the day came when the boy didn't lose his temper at all. He told his father about it, and the father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper. The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone.

    The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence. He said, "You have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like this one. You can put a knife in a person and draw it out: It won't matter how many times you say I'm sorry, the wound is still there. A verbal wound is as bad as a physical one. Friends are a very rare jewel, indeed. They make you smile and encourage you to succeed. They lend an ear, they share a word of praise, and they always want to open their hearts to us.

  2. If shes not interested then leave it be.

    Let your parents proceed in finding a suitable match.

    You'll forget about the other girl in time, concentrate on your jeevan.

    gurfateh jee

  3. Pheena Ji, dont take this to offence, but i dont agree with what you said here:

    ''If your mind is in doubt, then it is better to remove this doubt by attending the dance and seeing it first hand what it is like.''

    So if someone has doubts, or has feelings for someone else, they should give into their feelings and experience what its like? :6

    Our mind will always run in a thouasand directions and want to experience pleasures, but we dont just give into them. Every sikh has a daily battle with their minds, to prevent themselves from giving into their mind, following man - mat.

  4. Audio Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

    then click on "gurbani Uacharan" and then click on "bhai balbir singh (sidk)"...all the audio is on there

    OR click on http://www.proudtobesikh.com/Sikh/Download/SGGSJI.aspx

    Paaji the 2nd link dont work, the files come up, bu when i try and click on them it says, access forbidden.

    And for the 1st link you gave me, i tried following what you said, but nothing happens, its just a blank page...

    gurfateh jee

  5. Remember if we're saying dancing is manmat, dont forget every action that is not gurmat,( i.e following guru's mat) is manmat.

    I say before carrying out any action, think about what your intent is, thing about the benefit you will gain. Personally i think being around loud music, and that sort of atmosphere associated with dancing, will only bring negativity to ones jeevan.

    End of the day, its your decision.

    gurfateh jee

  6. Awsw Gru 9 mhlw 5

    <> siqgur pRswid ]

    icqvau icqiv srb suK pwvau AwgY Bwvau ik n Bwvau ]

    eyku dwqwru sgl hY jwick dUsr kY pih jwvau ]1]

    hau mwgau Awn ljwvau ]

    sgl CqRpiq eyko Twkuru kaunu smsir lwvau ]1] rhwau ]

    aUTau bYsau rih iB n swkau drsnu Koij Kojwvau ]

    bRhmwidk snkwidk snk snµdn snwqn snqkumwr iqn@ kau mhlu dulBwvau ]2]

    Agm Agm AwgwiD boD kImiq prY n pwvau ]

    qwkI srix siq purK kI siqguru purKu iDAwvau ]3]

    BieE ik®pwlu dieAwlu pRBu Twkuru kwitE bMDu grwvau ]

    khu nwnk jau swDsMgu pwieE qau iPir jnim n Awvau ]4]1]121]

    Aasaa, Ninth House, Fifth Mehla:

    One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

    Contemplating Him within my consciousness, I obtain total peace; but hereafter, will I be pleasing to Him or not?

    There is only One Giver; all others are beggars. Who else can we turn to? ||1||

    When I beg from others, I am ashamed.

    The One Lord Master is the Supreme King of all; who else is equal to Him? ||1||Pause||

    Standing up and sitting down, I cannot live without Him. I search and search for the Blessed Vision of His Darshan.

    Even Brahma and the sages Sanak, Sanandan, Sanaatan and Sanat Kumar, find it difficult to obtain the Mansion of the Lord's Presence. ||2||

    He is unapproachable and unfathomable; His wisdom is deep and profound; His value cannot be appraised.

    I have taken to the Sanctuary of the True Lord, the Primal Being, and I meditate on the True Guru. ||3||

    God, the Lord Master, has become kind and compassionate; He has cut the noose of death away from my neck.

    Says Nanak, now that I have obtained the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, I shall not have to be reincarnated again. ||4||1||121||

    vahiguroo vahiguroo vahiguroo vahigurooo

  7. Dayv-Gandhaaree, Fifth Mehla:

    God is the nearest of the near.

    Remember Him, meditate on Him, and sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe, day and night, evening and morning. ||1||Pause||

    Redeem your body in the invaluable Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.

    Do not delay for an instant, even for a moment. Death is keeping you constantly in his vision. ||1||

    Lift me up out of the dark dungeon, O Creator Lord; what is there which is not in Your home?

    Bless Nanak with the Support of Your Name, that he may find great happiness and peace. ||2||12||

    dyvgMDwrI 5 ]

    so pRBu nyrY hU qy nyrY ]

    ismir iDAwie gwie gun goibMd idnu rYin swJ svyrY ]1] rhwau ]

    auDru dyh dulB swDU sMig hir hir nwmu jpyrY ]

    GrI n muhqu n csw iblµbhu kwlu inqih inq hyrY ]1]

    AMD iblw qy kwFhu krqy ikAw nwhI Gir qyrY ]

    nwmu ADwru dIjY nwnk kau Awnd sUK GnyrY ]2]12]

  8. ................................................................................


    One day I decided to quit...I quit my job, my relationship, my spirituality...I wanted to quit my life.

    I went to the woods to have one last talk with God.

    "God", I said. "Can you give me one good reason not to quit?"His answer surprised me...

    "Look around", He said. "Do you see the fern and the bamboo?"

    "Yes", I replied.

    "When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of them.I gave them light. I gave them water.The fern quickly grew from the earth. Its brilliant green covered the floor. Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed.But I did not quit on the bamboo.

    In the second year the Fern grew more vibrant and plentiful.And again, nothing came from the bamboo seed.

    But I did not quit on the bamboo. He said.

    "In year three there was still nothing from the bamboo seed. But I would not quit.In year four, again, there was nothing from the bamboo see.I would not quit." He said.

    "Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout emerged from the earth.

    Compared to the fern it was seemingly small and insignificant...But just 6 months later the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall.It had spent the five years growing roots. Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive. I would not give any of my creations a challenge it could not handle."

    He said to me. "Did you know, my child, that all this time you have been struggling, you have actually been growing roots""I would not quit on the bamboo. I will never quit on you."

    "Don't compare yourself to others." He said.

    "The bamboo had a different purpose than the fern. Yet they both make the forest beautiful."

    "Your time will come", God said to me. "You will rise high"

    "How high should I rise" I asked.

    "How high will the bamboo rise" He asked in return.

    "As high as it can" I questioned.

    "Yes." He said, "Give me glory by rising as high as you can."

    I left the forest and bring back this story.

    Never Give up.



    Siree Raag, Fifth Mehla:

    When you are confronted with terrible hardships, and no one offers you any support,

    when your friends turn into enemies, and even your relatives have deserted you,

    and when all support has given way, and all hope has been lost

    -if you then come to remember the Supreme Lord God, even the hot wind shall not touch you. ||1||

    isrIrwgu mhlw 5 ]

    jw kau musklu Aiq bxY FoeI koie n dyie ]

    lwgU hoey dusmnw swk iB Bij Kly ]

    sBo BjY Awsrw cukY sBu Asrwau ]

    iciq AwvY Esu pwrbRhmu lgY n qqI vwau ]1]

  9. Something i came across today:

    The four candles burned slowly, their ambiance was so soft you could

    hear them speak.

    The first candle said, "I am Peace, but these days, nobody wants to

    keep me lit." Then Peace's flame slowly diminished and went out


    The second candle said, "I am Faith, but these days, I am no longer

    indispensable." Then Faith's flame slowly diminished and went out.

    The third candle spoke, "I am Love and I haven't the strength to stay

    lit any longer. People put me aside and don't understand my

    importance. They even forget to love those who are nearest to them."

    And waiting no longer, Love went out completely.

    Suddenly, a child entered the room and saw the three candles no

    longer burning. The child began to cry, "Why are you not burning? You

    are supposed to stay lit until the end."

    Then the fourth candle spoke to the little boy, "Don't be afraid, for

    I am Hope, and while I still burn, we can relight the other candles."

    With shining eyes the child took the candle of Hope and lit the other

    three candles.

    Never let the Flame of Hope to go out of your life. With Hope, no

    matter how bad things look and are... Peace, Faith and Love can shine

    brightly in our lives.

  10. Gurfateh jee,

    I was having a conversation with my brother last night, he was saying that although the soul always stays the same whilst it goes through many different life forms, the mind changes. For example when your a human you have a more complex mind, to be able to make decisions, express feelings/emotions etc. However if you took a life form as an animal, your mind will change to fit the thinking of an animal...

    So basically at every life form you're mann changes?

    Im a bit confused, can sangat give any thoughts, and back them up with gurbani please.


    Gurfateh jee

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