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Tarrandeep Kaur

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Posts posted by Tarrandeep Kaur

  1. Hmm don't think I can do my magic this time lol..

    akj.org write the names of the kirtanees but not the names of the shabads so I think it's gonna be hard to find.

    But I can find it to you by other kirtanees if you want?

    mmmmmmmm ok just post all the audio files you can of it.

    thanks anyway guys.

  2. excuse me, for the latest members as yourself, you might not be aware that me and baba ji are related, so that is allowed, and stop asking silly questions and researching my life histry, i would like to say yes, cus then you wud relaise that i am the age of ur father and u should have much more respect than wat u r curently displaying!

    u liar. You're not related to my brother. And your not 47, i think your 17/18 maybe rolleyes.gif

  3. tell ya what though, people saying things like that is what drives people away from sikhi, just because they do something they think everyone else should, not everyones the same and thats what they gota try and understand

    what did i say wrong ??? :)

  4. xkaurxx,

    thats cool, take your time. As long as you realise its something that should not be done. Make the effort, and try to change slowly in your own time. Its best that you stop in your own time when YOU feel you should, rather than being told by others. Otherwise you will just go back to your old ways.

    gurfateh jee

  5. dyvgMDwrI mhlw 9 ]

    Raag Dayv-Gandhaaree, Ninth Mehla:

    jgq mY JUTI dyKI pRIiq ]

    In this world, I have seen love to be false.

    Apny hI suK isau sB lwgy ikAw dwrw ikAw mIq ]1] rhwau ]

    Whether they are spouses or friends, all are concerned only with their own happiness. ||1||Pause||

    myrau myrau sBY khq hY ihq isau bwiDE cIq ]

    All say, ""Mine, mine"", and attach their consciousness to you with love.

    AMiq kwil sMgI nh koaU ieh Acrj hY rIiq ]1]

    But at the very last moment, none shall go along with you. How strange are the ways of the world! ||1||

    mn mUrK AjhU nh smJq isK dY hwirE nIq ]

    The foolish mind has not yet reformed itself, although I have grown weary of continually instructing it.

    nwnk Baujlu pwir prY jau gwvY pRB ky gIq ]2]3]6]38]47]

    O Nanak, one crosses over the terrifying world-ocean, singing the Songs of God. ||2||3||6||38||47||(translations from sttm)


  6. <<<Guru Mata!! Again you've shown us the light fo Gurmat!

    O wait.. you're not the Guru blink.gif >>>>

    never said anything about me being right, or suggesting i know best

    <<<Guru Sahib didn't talk about 1 lined-translations.. care to do vichaar on that ji? How about taking Gurbani out of context.. i'm sure that's naughty right?>>>

    also i havent said anything about translations or taking gurbani out of context, in fact i didnt even qoute gurbani in my post.

    <<<and i assumed you would be busy in wedded life.. surprised ur stil on the forum when you got lots of Naam Japping to do rolleyes.gif >>>>

    im sorry if me being on the forum irritates you or whatever. but everyone else posts, why have you got such a problem with me?

    actually dont reply to them questions,im way off topic. sorry.

    gurfateh jee

  7. It is my right to have freedom of speech, so i'll post if i want. tongue.gif

    nah its not my intention to wind you up, anyway. If we look back only mehtab paaji has attempted at using gurbani to get an answer. Everyone else is using there own mat. You can ask thousands of people for their advice or opinions, but ultimately only guru sahib matters. If your not sure on what to do next, think of the gurmat way to deal with it.

    I cant give you an answer, because everyone is different. You havent said if this girl is amritdhari or not. If she is, then that was all in her past, she has tried to forget about it. If mahraj can forgive us all for the countless mistakes we make day and night, why cant we try and be a bit more forgiving.


    sorry for any mistakes sangat jee.

  8. dyh isvw br moih iehY suB krmn qy kbhUM n troN ] n froN Air so jb jwie lroN inscY kr AwpnI jIq kroN ]

    Aru isK ho Awpny hI mn kO ieh lwlc hau gun qau aucroN ] jb Awv kI AuaD inDwn bnY Aq hI rn mY qb jUJ mroN ]231]



    sUrw so pihcwnIAY ju lrY dIn ky hyq ] purjw purjw kit mrY kbhU n CwfY Kyqu ]2]2]

    Guru Pyari Sadh Sangat Jio,

    Vaheguru Jee Kaa Khalsa, Vaheguru Jee Kee Fateh!

    With Akal Purakh Waheguru Ji's blessings, a Vaisakhi Gurmat Camp has been organised to commemorate the 30th anniversary since the Amritsar Saka of 1978, where 13 Gursikhs attained martyrdom and became Shaheeds of the Panth.

    WHERE: Guru Nanak Gurdwara, Edward Street, West Bromwich, B70 8NP

    WHEN: Thursday 3rd – Friday 4th April 2008

    TIME: 9.00am – 4.00pm

    AGE: 7 – 16 +

    Camp Activities will include:

    • How to tie a Dastar (Turban)
    • How to do Parkash and Sukhasan of Sahib Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
    • Painting
    • Gatka
    • Open Discussions
    • Questions & Answers
    • Gurbani Veechar
    • Keertan & lots lots more!

    LANGAR: Chips, Pizza, Beans and plenty more healthy alternatives!

    Gursikhs have been invited from across the UK and abroad to share and reflect upon Vaisakhi – The Birth of the Khalsa, and the 1978 Amritsar Saka.

    We humbly invite you all to join us in remembering the sacrifices of the 13 Gursikhs, and to celebrate the Birth of the Khalsa.

    For further information please contact Bhupinder Singh (Bass) – 07725973836

    Bhul Chuk Di Khema,

    Vaheguru Jee Kaa Khalsa, Vaheguru Jee Kee Fateh!

    myry mn lY lwhw Gir jwih ]

    O my mind, earn the profit, before you return home


  9. andm any people gotta stop keeping only kirpana,and keep some firearms

    obivusly u can get licences and stuff like tha

    but regardless shastar shud be kept

    if one day, ure gov say ok tonight everyone has o go to sleep at 10

    then they say u cant go to this place

    then they start telling u cops can pull u over without reason

    unathorized wiretaps

    if ure freedoms are being taken, wa will u do?

    throw a kirpan at an m16? ull ned an ak 47 for tha task

    kirpans and other shastar shud also be kept

    but guns are needed too

    blink.gif .................. :@ ................... LOL.gif

    hahahaha joka, sum1 needs a holiday lol

  10. Sangat ji i need help

    I am an amritdhari singh in university and i am in love wit a girl. i kno this is fake love, and i know it is all moh, as true love is only for waheguroo, but all i can do is think about this girl. she is a really good friend of mine and i just feel she would be the perfect girl to marry, she says the exact same thing about me, saying i am a perfect guy for her, the only problem is shes been in a relationship wit a guy for years now, and he is the one she is going to marry. she says i am better for her than he is, but because they been together so long, she cant end it wit him. she says if they werent together we would be. we talk almost everyday, because we are really good friends and all i want to do is spend the rest of my life with her and talk to her all day. i kno this is all stupid and i should jus concentrate on waheguroo and not worry about these things, but all i do is think about her all day and get upset becasue i cannot be wit her.i have been upset a lot lately, and see myself questioning gods plan more and more everyday. i c myself asking god y me? i am amritdhari and trying my best to be a gursikh, but god still gives me these pains? and i really kno these thoughts r bad, because god has given me soooooooooooo much in this life i cannot even begin to tahnk him, yet i find myself question him. i need help as to wat to do and how to get over these feelings...i kno people r going to say read bani and do ardas, but when i read bani she is always in my mind, and when i do ardas, i ask guru sahib to help me get over these feelings, but truly in my heart i am asking him to let me be wit her..i dont kno wat to do...please any suggestions will help


    your post is interesting. the way i see it, mahraj has and is helping you so much at the moment. If it wasnt for this girls other man, you would probably be in a physical relationship with this girl, which is wrong. So thank mahraj this isnt the case. The girl has another guy, accept it and move on. Turn these feelings of neediness for the girl into love for mahraj.

    you need sangat, go to keertan programes, find some singhs to chill out with.

    dont go down the wrong route, u'll only regret it.

  11. Penji are you talking about kabeer jees salok;

    kbIr lUtnw hY q lUit lY rwm nwm hY lUit ]

    kabeer loottanaa hai th loott lai raam naam hai loott ||

    Kabeer, if you must rob and plunder, then plunder the plunder of the Lord's Name.

    iPir pwCY pCuqwhugy pRwn jwihMgy CUit ]41]

    fir paashhai pashhuthaahugae praan jaahi(n)gae shhoott ||41||

    Otherwise, in the world hereafter, you will regret and repent, when the breath of life leaves the body. ||41||


  12. please take some time to read this amazing shabad- dont just skip it becuase you think its too long! :@

    Prabhaatee, First Mehla:

    To chant and listen to the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is my Support.

    Worthless entanglements are ended and gone.

    The self-willed manmukh, caught in duality, loses his honor.

    Except for the Name, I have no other at all. ||1||

    Listen, O blind, foolish, idiotic mind.

    Aren't you ashamed of your comings and goings in reincarnation? Without the Guru, you shall drown, over and over again. ||1||Pause||

    This mind is ruined by its attachment to Maya.

    The Command of the Primal Lord is pre-ordained. Before whom should I cry?

    Only a few, as Gurmukh, understand this.

    Without the Naam, no one is liberated. ||2||

    People wander lost, staggering and stumbling through 8.4 million incarnations.

    Without knowing the Guru, they cannot escape the noose of Death.

    This mind, from one moment to the next, goes from the heavens to the underworld.

    The Gurmukh contemplates the Naam, and is released. ||3||

    When God sends His Summons, there is no time to delay.

    When one dies in the Word of the Shabad, he lives in peace.

    Without the Guru, no one understands.

    The Lord Himself acts, and inspires all to act. ||4||

    Inner conflict comes to an end, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord.

    Through the Perfect True Guru, one is intuitively absorbed into the Lord.

    This wobbling, unsteady mind is stabilized,

    and one lives the lifestyle of true actions. ||5||

    If someone is false within his own self, then how can he be pure?

    How rare are those who wash with the Shabad.

    How rare are those who, as Gurmukh, live the Truth.

    Their comings and goings in reincarnation are over and done. ||6||

    Those who eat and drink the Fear of God, find the most excellent peace.

    Associating with the humble servants of the Lord, they are carried across.

    They speak the Truth, and lovingly inspire others to speak it as well.

    The Word of the Guru's Shabad is the most excellent occupation. ||7||

    Those who take the Lord's Praises as their karma and Dharma, their honor and worship service

    their sexual desire and anger are burnt off in the fire.

    They taste the sublime essence of the Lord, and their minds are drenched with it.

    Prays Nanak, there is no other at all. ||8||5||

    pRBwqI mhlw 1 ]

    AwKxw sunxw nwmu ADwru ]

    DMDw Cutik gieAw vykwru ]

    ijau mnmuiK dUjY piq KoeI ]

    ibnu nwvY mY Avru n koeI ]1]

    suix mn AMDy mUrK gvwr ]

    Awvq jwq lwj nhI lwgY ibnu gur bUfY bwro bwr ]1] rhwau ]

    iesu mn mwieAw moih ibnwsu ]

    Duir hukmu iliKAw qW khIAY kwsu ]

    gurmuiK ivrlw cIn@Y koeI ]

    nwm ibhUnw mukiq n hoeI ]2]

    BRim BRim folY lK caurwsI ]

    ibnu gur bUJy jm kI PwsI ]

    iehu mnUAw iKnu iKnu aUiB pieAwil ]

    gurmuiK CUtY nwmu sm@wil ]3]

    Awpy sdy iFl n hoie ]

    sbid mrY sihlw jIvY soie ]

    ibnu gur soJI iksY n hoie ]

    Awpy krY krwvY soie ]4]

    JgVu cukwvY hir gux gwvY ]

    pUrw siqguru shij smwvY ]

    iehu mnu folq qau ThrwvY ]

    scu krxI kir kwr kmwvY ]5]

    AMqir jUTw ikau suic hoie ]

    sbdI DovY ivrlw koie ]

    gurmuiK koeI scu kmwvY ]

    Awvxu jwxw Twik rhwvY ]6]

    Bau Kwxw pIxw suKu swru ]

    hir jn sMgiq pwvY pwru ]

    scu bolY bolwvY ipAwru ]

    gur kw sbdu krxI hY swru ]7]

    hir jsu krmu Drmu piq pUjw ]

    kwm k®oD AgnI mih BUMjw ]

    hir rsu cwiKAw qau mnu BIjw ]

    pRxviq nwnku Avru n dUjw ]8]5]


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