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  1. Although Iam joining this discussion late but will like to say that we beleive in "Shabad Guru". Purpose of these people is not to involve in scholarly discussions but to degrade other people's faith. They show extreme hatred towards hindus at this website called "jattworld.com". I personally know people, who have left islam but we don't advertise it.
  2. Once I went to gore's gurudwara and during ardas I felt some warm energy has passed through the entire room, my hair were standing on end and my body posture became erect in a second. It was a unique experience and I experienced it only once, I wanted to go to that gurudwara again but did not get a chance again. Once I went to gore's gurudwara and during ardas I felt some warm energy has passed through the entire room, my hair were standing on end and my body posture became erect in a second. It was a unique experience and I experienced it only once, I wanted to go to that gurudwara again but did not get a chance again.
  3. Hello Guys I am new here. I just saw this post and I have seen this similar kind of misinterpretition of facts by muslims on many desi websites. First I was shocked but slowly analysing everything I also came to the same conclusion as members on this website. I think muslims of Pakistan are doing some planned propaganda and we need to spread the word in gurdwaras also before they could plant misinformation in the minds of sikh youth, so when sikh youth will come across this kind of propaganda they would be able to see the truth. Everyone does not come to sikh website to find out the truth, some naive poeple may beleive such information. I agree with the members in the post that the cases of conversion from sikhism to islam are fake. They not only claim Guru Nanak Dev was musalman but they also preach that sikhs practice distorted sikhi because they dont like sipahi part of sikhi. Excuse my mistakes about sikhi if I am making any because I know only basics nothing more than that. I have seen a pattern in their anti sikh preaching, first of all they claim to like Guru Nanak's teachings then they will cliam him actual musalman and then they will go on claiming that sikhs practice totally distorted sikhi and they totally dislike Guru Gobind Singh. The reason behind this kind of porpaganda is not only conversions to islam but also they dont like warrior in a sikh because it is easy to subdue a saint then sipahi, so their aim is also to separate these two, so they are telling Guru Nanak preached something else and we practice something else. Since we sikhs have always protected Indian borders, so to weaken India this could be their cheap ploy. In one of the desi forums I saw a musalman clearly saying that if India could be islamic then they can unite and tackle western nations easily. The man preaching this sounded like a well trained propaganda machine, first I was very angry but soon I realised what and why he was saying all that crap. This propaganda has given me more strength and their insecurity has become very evident. So to tackle this we need to formulate our responses in a format, the way they have, secondly I want to know if comparative study of Sikhi and other religions has been done by some scholar, if not now is the time. We need to translate Guru Granth Sahib's teachings to Arabic Vs other languages.
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