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Posts posted by chatanga

  1. got a letter from the above name - some kinda holy man thiking he had cure problems.

    i also think he sends it out so he can try and convert.

    i also wonder how got my add- may be deatails frm airports has been passed on

    last time i got one i phoned the number and gave good old punjabi comments about <admin: profanity edited>

    any1 else get these letters

    maybe one of your relatives in india thinks you need saving....

  2. the title says it all.

    i beleive in that we have some will, but surely major events like this are already decided?

    what do u think, do we choose who we end up with or is it god???

    E.g. my uncle when he was young, got told by a pandit, that he was gona get married twice. n that happened!

    so surely it was destined who he ended up with, and itd b some1 whod die young enuf, for him 2 be remarried.

    (please no off topic discussions on pandits!)

    i promise 2 god thats a tru story.

    so obv gods in charge, but do we have some say, or it is 100% gods will on this matter??


    i dont know about about God , but i didnt choose who i was gonna marry!!

  3. akhand means uniterrupted. there has never been a time limit on the paath, however whichever family would hold an akhand paath would always try to do as much sewa as they could, and there weren't really professional readers , so the time would be much longer, but as time as gone on the actual paath has come under the control of time. Confusing?

    now very few families actually take part in the paath, and many people are "trained " to read it, so they read it mumbling missing a few words,sentecnes , pages here and there just so the bhog will be on time. God forbid the paath, run 1 or 2 hours late and the "family" had to keep there relatives in the darbar without talking to them for all that time.

    The granthis would get chhiter man!!!

  4. in panjba you can buy a good tabla for about 2500 - 3500 rupees which is about 30 -40 quid. go to dtf andf they cost double that. Im after a tabla head for the smaller one. duz anyone know where i could get one in the uk and how much is it from india? dotn wanna get ripped off by the shysters.

  5. Prem more or less all the panjabi papers do the things you want to stop. write a letter to the oldest and most read panjabi paper in the western world des pardes and ask them to stop jadu toone adverts in a paper that contains gurbani and religious content.

    start on them first plz and then turn to the sikh times. sikh times are way down the list !!!

  6. yo jassa, i don't know if you heard this, but the British are gone. just thought i'd let you know.

    so your yelling at UK sikhs for being proud citizens of eth Uk because what britain did in the 1800s, and no longer does now.

    yet your a proud indian for what the indian gov't did to you a decade ago and does to you to this day.

    brother, i don't balme you for thsi warped mentality, it's something in the water cause most indians have this mentality.

    don't worry singh ji, the british won't hurt you anymore, i promise. I know all the bollywood films about bahgat singh get you guys hyper, but remember, the british are gone now, i swear :lol:

    the sikh "relics" taken by the British can be viewed at museums. have you ever even had a chance to see the stuff the Indian army took from the sikh reference library AFTER the attack? oh by the way, i'm talking about the sikh reference library which was torched by the indian soldiers AFTER combat was over.

    I know india feeds you guys the usual mughal and british history, open your eyes and see history repeating itself. right in front of you. if this was 1947 and sikhs were proud to be british, you would have a case, but yo, its 2007, someone else has come and made you their servant.

    good luck veer ji. i know living in India, its hard to go against the majority.

    oh yeah and JAYD, no one despises India. Khalistan isn't like India where either your with them or your their enemy. That's Brahman mentality. The sikh mentality is that you have your way, we have ours. Long live India and every other nation. and long live the dream of a sikh homeland. simple as that. No hatred involved. If someone is khalistani and hates India, then they need to read what bhai sukha and jinda said in their letters.



    Well doen. those words are so true.

  7. nihungs cant get married? thats bow-locks. The nihang priority is always the Dal Panth, ie the army of the panth, and this requires great time and sacrifice. So just as a housseholder woudnt have the time to make such a great commitment tio the DalPanth, its an advantage that they are not married. However their are absoluety NO injunctions against Nihangs marrying.


  8. I feel soory for you as i have a faint idea of what your going thru, however wiv me its the other way round. I was the only mona in my family and my 2 siblings were kesadhari when we were young and in our teens. I didnt wanna keep kes then and myparents were always cross with me. Now 10 years laters i am the only kesadhari while my siblings have gone the other way ie haircut. dont lose faith whatever you do. I will advise that you keep the sangat of believers as much as you can , and also "conveniently" leave a few books/ periodicals/dvds etc about sikhi lying around where your family will see them.


  9. Bhai Sahib, to be able to meditate properly takes a while to condition yourself. It wont happen over nite. If it did we'd all be brahmgianis. Always have faith in the word. If you find it hard by yourslef, go to the gurdwara at amritvela( yes they are open) and do your medititating there with the sangat.


  10. QUOTE(Jai Tegang! @ Jun 13 2007, 10:18 PM)

    Once upon a time the khalsa had to scatter itself into the jugles and deserts in order perserve itself...after years of hardship the khalsa came back and ruled the punjab and beyond.

    today, the khalsa is scattered even further out across the seven seas. time will show what glories await.

    Guru Gobind Singh ji commanded Sikhs to learn Rajniti(not the dirty politics played out to take down other sikhs) for a reason. Common sense and knowledge of Rajniti would dictate Singhs living in the west not board the plane to india, shout khalistan slogans, get arrested and await there "delayed" trials for the next 10 years...achieving nothing.

    It is through these interent forums, marches, rallies, speeches, essays, books, posters, songs that awareness is raised and youth is prepared for the next phase of the never ending struggle that the Khalsa has had to face.

    Thankyou Tegang for finding the words my simple mind couldnt find. That is 100% correct.

  11. the thing is that SS Mann can say it and he has political clout to say it loud. However your average person in india withno political clout cannot say such things without expecting a criminal case against him and also beatings by the ravan sena. Ran-niti at this times says that because of the hypocrisy of the ravan raj govt, its best not to say anythig openly, but to keep it underground. Just like when Bhai Sukha Singh and Mehtab Singh dchanged their appearance to get close to massa. Why didnt they go in full bana? Becasue they knew they wouldnt be able to get close to massa. Ran-niti at that time was to go incognito.


  12. lol internet kids and their dreams .... keep dreaming .... jehra enna soorma india akke keyon nahi bolda ... yeah i know balls are need when going face to face which are missing among many ... " to quote jassa.

    jassa what you chatin bout? u have never read Sikh history ? when abdali came to panjab to loot/fight what did the sikhs usually do ? Vacate Lahore and go to the safety of the lakhi jungle. Where did Dal Khalsa go for safety in those times? in northern rajasthan in the jungle. Why did Guru Ji make the chamkour into a garhi? for safety. Why did Baba Santa Singh Ji have police bodyguards ? for safety.

    are you gettin my point yet? Ran-niti does not dictate that you need to put your head into the lions mouth. I thought you of all people being a Nihang would have known that.


  13. i am not even in favour of a Khalistan. The Gurus never created a state of their own, so why should we.... Sikhism is a dharm above national borders and nationalism.

    So Baba Banda Singh, the misls after him including baba Deep Singh, Nawab Kapur Singh, Maharaja Ranjit Singh and all othe Sikh kings went against gurmat by creating their own raaj?

    Having Raaj is not against Gurmat. In these days its even more essential especailly if you live under ravan raaj , like in india.

    India is the mother that kills its children.

    India is the snake that eats its offspring.


  14. in an ideal world amritdharis would only marry amritdharis. However becasue this is so rare these days, iin order to absolve their responsibility parents are marrying their kids of to anyone. My own amritdhari relatives have married thier daughters of to non-amritdhari boys

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