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VJKK VJKF! Sangat Ji, are there any Singh's (or Singhia) in the GTA area (Ontario, Canada) that do shooting (airguns or guns) or are members of gun clubs? I would love to meet fellow Gursikh's in the area that enjoy shooting and know of places (indoor or outdoor) where we could shoot for target practice etc. Perhaps there is someone here that has private land or knows someone that does where Sikh's could gather and practice target shooting or even archery etc. Even an old barn. If anyone knows then please comment. Thanks. Gurfateh Ji!
Looks like things don't change in the 'Land of the Free' Sikh Uber Driver Claims Passenger Pulled Gun On Him, Said, 'I Hate Turban People' Gurjeet Singh says he is traumatized, the Sikh Coalition reports. By Carol Kuruvilla SIKH COALITION Gurjeet Singh, a Sikh religious leader from Illinois, claims he was assaulted while driving for Uber in January. A Sikh Uber driver claims he was held at gunpoint on the job by a male passenger who asked questions about his national origin and allegiance to America. Gurjeet Singh, a religious leader from northwestern Illinois, said the passenger put a gun to his head on a nighttime ride on Jan. 28 and stated, “I hate turban people; I hate beard people.” Singh wears a turban and a beard as signs of devotion to his Sikh faith. The Rock Island County Sheriff’s Office is investigating the alleged assault but has yet to make an arrest. In the meantime, the local Sikh community is troubled that the armed suspect remains free, according to the Sikh Coalition, a national advocacy organization that is representing Singh. “We do still remain concerned that no arrest has been made and the State’s Attorney’s Office has yet to file hate crime charges,” the Sikh Coalition’s legal director and Singh’s lawyer Amrith Kaur said in a statement. “Mr. Singh and the local Sikh community have the right to feel safe. The reality is that hate crimes are not only attacks on individuals; they affect the entire community. They make all of us less safe, and everybody should be outraged by this.” Singh came to the U.S. three years ago to serve the Sikh community in the Quad City area on the Mississippi River as a granthi, an individual who helps lead Sikh congregations through hymns and prayers. He’s a legal resident of the U.S., Kaur said. In late December, Singh, who has a wife and a toddler, started driving with Uber to supplement his income. SIKH COALITION Gurjeet Singh has lived in the U.S. for three years. He has a wife and a toddler. At 10:39 p.m. on Jan. 28, Singh reportedly picked up two passengers ― a male and a female ― next to a tavern in Moline, Illinois. According to the Sikh Coalition, the man started interrogating Singh about his origins, asking questions like, “Which country do you belong to?” and “Do you serve our country or do you serve your country?” Singh, who speaks limited English, was “confused and scared” by the questions. He explained that he was Sikh and that he serves both the U.S. and his home country of India, since his parents still live there. “The attacker’s behavior escalated more and more as Mr. Singh tried to inform him about his religion, about the tenets of Sikhism, why he wore a turban,” Kaur told HuffPost. “As that went on, the attacker became more and more incensed, to the point where he pulled out a gun.” The woman in the car then “forcibly removed” the male passenger from the vehicle, the coalition said. She then apologized for the male passenger’s behavior and told Mr. Singh to drop her at home and to avoid taking the same route back to eliminate another encounter with the man.
- What are your views? Should they ban AR's and other kinds of guns? Personally I agree with Jesse Ventura's views that we shouldn't ban guns as that is what the established elite want to solidify their power over the people. If you look at history in relation to gun control, you'll see a pattern of restricting guns before genocide or tyranny occurs. What confuses me is why a bunch of hippy Sikhs i.e. the Sikh Coalition support the banning of guns. I feel like the Sikhs who support banning of guns here in USA are just Sikhs for show and don't have real martial pride in them and are using their identity to further their own careers. I'm for responsible and safe ownership and intensive background checks to ensure public safety, but at the same time I don't feel like banning guns is anywhere near the option. Guns are meant for the people to protect ourselves against tyrannical governments and self defense. USA was founded on principles of freedom and individuality and that includes the right to bear arms. It's sad that the media (Piers Morgan - he's not even a US citizen) is trying to demonize guns as being something evil. A bit of incoherent thoughts above, but just wanted to stir a debate so we can have an actual discussion about this. This is an issue Sikhs are too busy with their own endeavors to even think about, let alone get into marksmanship and the sport in general.
India is a sexually repressed place, that will change with time; in the mean-while this famous saying: Gun Control is hitting where you aim or The morality behind gun control is john doe being tied to a fence post vs john doe explaining how his attackers got those holes in them. Not too long of a post, crime is reduced where there is concealed carry. US people would know that, anyone going against weapons is a wussy and frankly not a sikh. That's really the only solution while other things work themselves out, or we work them out. Otherwise, you're saying that because you don't 'like' or are 'scared' of weapons for your 'feeling of safety' 100,000's of people should be rape, killed, and etc.