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Today I see many people mix Punjabi culture things with sikhi. Like I personally think that Bhangra, giddha and other things like this aren’t related to sikhi and aren’t allowed for Sikh to do. People need to understand that being Punjabi is different than being a Sikh. Do u guys think that Bhangra and giddha r forbidden in sikhi?? I wanna hear sum more people’s vichar in this
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh This will sound quite petty to most people but I'm sure some kaurs can relate. I'm nineteen years old, I took amrit when I was fourteen and I tie a dastar and have always been strict with my rehat. However, I've begun to struggle. While I still religiously get up to do my nitnem and am strict on what I consume, what music I listen to etc., I'm struggling with bana. I love my dastar, but I'm falling back into my old ways of wanting to wear quirky jewellery and accessories and nail polish. I'm an artist so I am heavily pulled towards self expression, and the people I spend time with encourage me to do this, and I can't stop spending time with them because I'm at uni with them. This sounds petty, but for those of you who have been strict with your rehit and bana, you'll understand how desperately I want to keep my rehat, but I also want to express myself outwardly, not just as a sikh, but as myself, unique. I would very much appreciate any ideas, words of wisdom or little faith boosting comments from any sisters. Sorry if this sounds petty, but I want to feel expressive, unique, happy and free without giving up my rehat.
Vjkk Vjkf I just need to let the sangat know that the previous post I wrote about a bibi from east London and an engaged Singh was all false. The subsequent posts written by "SKaur" in support of the original post were also me and were not true. Sorry for misleading the sangat. Vjkk Vjkf
Why did many of the gurus keep horses. What was the reason for this. I know guru hargobind sahib said that sikhs now need horses and weapons but what was the reason
Wjkk wjkf. Is the environment more important to sikhs then to be thyar bar thyar (ready upon ready). Now it is no question every sikh, Whether they are a singh or singhni, should keep shastars on them, such as the kirpan which dasm patshah gave us, and encourage brothers and sisters to even buy a gun and be trained in the use of guns and other martial arts (including gatka). But the guru sahib also told us to keep and train in korsvari or horseback so we can use this skill in battle. The modern equivelant of a horse (because horses would be useless in todays conflicts)for battle would be a jeep. But the environmental impacts of the jeep from its emissions damage the earth and lead to global warming. So is it better to get a more fuel efficient vehicle and care for the environment and sacrafice staying thyar bar thyar with a jeep. An example of this is guru hargobind sahib ji and guru har rai sahib ji. Guru hargobind sab ji started miri piri making us saints and then soldiers. And as saints we should take care of our surrounding environment. Or the story of how guru har rai sahib jis palla hit and broke a rose head and guru hargobind sahib ji said play and walk carefully and do not destroy gods creation. I just wanted to know what the khalsa panth thought about this idea, should sikhs stay thyar bar thyar and get vehicles like jeeps even with the impact of the environment or should sikhs be more environmentally friendly with the sacrifice of being thyar bar thyar. Bulla chuka kehma muaf. Wjkk wjkf
Hello, I am a Sikh, or at least i think i am. I followed Guru Nanak all the way. I followed the 10 teachers who never taught hatred, but when the last teacher trusted us to carry on our own, i found hatred as my companion in all the upcoming years. I cannot bear someone arguing with me. I cannot be a SIKH who learns, teaches, inner peace. I am tinier than the tinniest particle when compared to the vast universe around me. My gurus showed me the scope of things but i chose to be arrogant and full of ego ignoring my small place in the universe. This could have stopped me from actually expanding my position in the cosmos. My people [correction: All people] faced adversities one way or the other at times. My Guru gave us a reaction strategy. This was supposed to be a small problem that was to be solved and we had to move on. But i mistook that skill as a new world order for my people [thats right, some people became my people now, rest were not even close to equal like me]... be continued
Vaheguru Je Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Je Ke Fateh I have been wanting to tie a dastaar for a few years now and will one day hopefully soon, but I have noticed that some Sikhs, (particularly men and aunties) see a woman with a dastaar on as ugly? I never really gave this much of a thought, however now it's making me think, how will I find a husband if everyone thinks I am ugly? I know how I sound, and I also don't really know what I am asking, but, do we really look, ugly? Do you really think dastaar on amritdhari women should not be allowed? Why is it that amritdhari men are so against having a spouse that JUST LIKE THEM, has respect for their Guru Ji and loves their crown and is made humble by their crown, and always remembers that they are representing their faith so always do good? What is the problem?
I've read a few past discussions related to this topic but what if an amritdhari had to wear a long dress or a long skirt for a formal evening of sorts or for whatever reason (with modesty of course, so not skin tight or short), where would she wear her Kirpan?
I fell in love with a singhni about 5 months ago and I still have feelings for her but I have not told her about this nor do I want to carry out my love through actions to her such as going out as sikhi and maharaj tells us not to. Please tell me if this is wrong that I have these feelings and what should I do? (She The same age as me, goes to the same gurdwara, lives in my area, and thinks the same about me about going out and we both think going out and carrying out actions in love is wrong, but dont get confused i don't know if she feels the same)
The Power of Naam Simran (Medidation) Inspiring True Story of a Singhni as narrated by Nirvair Khalsa Jatha December 2012. There’s a sister that lives in Birmingham, I won’t tell you her name as she wants to keep it gupt (she is still alive but doesn’t people constantly calling her). However, I will tell her story as it might adjoin someone to Sikhi. Shaheed Singhs and Singhnia are always with us- don’t ever forget that. This sister went to college and got her GCSE results back, she did really well. To celebrate, the sister and her friends went to Pizza Hut and the cinema to watch a movie. It was then past midnight (12.30am). As it was so late they were scared to go back home, their parents would shout at them- 4/5 girls out alone! They were afraid that they were going to be shouted at by their parents and through fear the sister switched her phone off. The sister said to her friends it’s really late so I’ll go home my way to get home quickly and you go your way. The sister decided to take a short cut through the park- her friends said, no you cannot go alone through a park at 12.30am, anything could happen. However, she refused and proceeded to walk through the park alone. She walked into the park and there was an African-Caribbean man in the park and when she saw him, she got scared. All she saw was his face. Her mother always told that if you come across a difficult time make sure you do Mool Mantar Abiyhaas (reflection, remembrance & recitation) or Jap Vaheguru Simran. The sister felt she wasn’t too religious but knew she had to do Mool Mantar or Simran just like her mum had told her; whenever you have something difficult or painful in life always Jap Vaheguru- always. So the sister starting Japping as she was about to start walking through the park to reach her house. Once she started walking, the man came towards her and then went back, he came towards her again and went back, and this walking to and fro occurred a total of 5 times. The fifth time, he ran away and she didn’t see him again. Even though he ran away, the sister was still terrified. When she subsequently reached her house, through sheer fear of the man she locked the door. She was also afraid of her parents shouting at her alongside her anxiety and fear of the man. In such deep apprehension and worry, sitting on the sofa she fell asleep. Next morning when she woke up, she saw the same man on the news (she saw his face the night before), he had been arrested. That same man had taken the honour of a white female. She was so shocked and hurt to learn that a few moments prior to the rape of this innocent white female she was the target! At that exact moment she phoned Crime stoppers who proceeded to ask her how she knew the man (is he a friend or relative?) to which she responded no this is a personal question. She visited the man in prison and sat with in front of him, viewing him through a glass pane. The man could not speak a word of English so had a translator. She had and asked one simple question, you came towards me five times, what stopped you? He responded by saying; When I came the first time I couldn’t see anything. I was looking at you but it was all a blur. So I went back to clear my eyesight. The second time I came towards you, you were saying words in your mouth which I didn’t understand. She responded by saying I wasn’t saying anything to anyone, I was just doing my prayers (as per my mum’s instructions). He went onto say, when I came the second time; the wind was so strong I had to go back. The third time I came, there were 5 people around you. (This was narrated by the sister herself). He confirmed again, there were 5 people with you, surrounding you. The puzzled sister asked if he was on drugs. She informed him that she was on her own after leaving her friends. She quizzed him on drug taking again and his vision but he was adamant there were 5 people and he was not on drugs; he was scared so stepped away. The fourth time (remember he has no idea what a Sikh/Singh is or looks like) he described the 5 people. They were wearing long blue robes and big blue cloths on their heads. When I saw that I got scared and ran back. The fifth time I came towards you, they drew their swords (Kirpans) from the sheaths. They shouted at me in my own language! They said- “leave my sister alone!” When I heard that I ran back and never came back. The sister thought to herself who could these five be? She went home and narrated the story to her mother and subsequently to a Mahapursh (wise Gursikh). The Mahapursh turned around and said these aren’t ordinary men; these are Shaheed Singhs (martyred Singhs) who are the guardians of our sisters and protectors of the panth! Vaheguru. The sister’s life has been turned around by this event; you can still meet her today. Her life has changed so much that she wakes up at 12.30am for Ishnaan (bathe) then at 2-4am sits crossed legged and does Simran Abiyhaas. From 4am onwards from Darbar Sahib (on PTC Channel- live Kirtan from Darbar Sahib is streamed) she listens to full Asa Di Vaar Kirtan. She is currently working as a dentist. She is an educated female. Previously, her mother used to complain saying she never recites God’s name but the mother now calls Nirvair Khalsa Jatha to say Beloved sons, now my daughter doesn’t stop reciting Vaheguru’s name. This is the shakti (power) of Shaheed Singhs...these Singhs are still our protectors and guardians! We all go to sleep at night (there are a few amazing Gursikhs who Jap all night), before we sleep let us remember our Shaheed Singhs and Singhnia. If we remember our Shaheed Singhs- they will remember us! "Parnaam Shaheedan Nu Jina Neh Jindri Dharam Lai Vaaree" "I salute those great martyrs who sacrificed their lives for their faith."
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- shaheed singh
(and 8 more)
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