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Everything posted by Pheena

  1. I think that is just beautiful, the Grace that has been bestowed upon you is beyond words. Keep the flame lit, let your Simran(rememberance) of him create more thirst, let it burn within you...pray, beg for such a pain that could only be comforted by his Love...Ask for such a Love that could only be satisfied with Meeting...Ask for such Meeting with the Divine Mother that surrenders your ego and leave only that which is True. Let Shukar Hai, Shukar Hai be your daily prayer. I am joyous for you my veer or bhen...im so joyous for you.. Wahh Guru As for your family, let them come to the path on their own. Light yourself first with love and compassion. Fill your cup first so that you may be able to share what have been given with others.
  2. Your answer is already there...trust your intuition...if it gives you peace then listen to it again and again....This Qafi by baba bullay shah is of utmost importence. try to understand the essences of it, ask yourself Who Am I? Who am I ? What is this I? Who were you before you were born? In another body, in another relgion perhaps, then again you take this body now you consider yourself what this body is, what this ego is. Baba Bullay shah is provoking you to question your identity? Your true Identity....what is it? Are you the EGO, the body, the titles this body/ego carry? Who and What are YOU?
  3. Pheena


    it is a cycle, just as the dry season and the rainy season. Sometimes we are drenched in spirituality and sometimes we are left hanging think what the heck happened. Such ups and downs are necessary as they give us refrence points to contemplate on what we have experienced, to appreciate what we had that we lost. As the two blades on a fan spin we can differentiate between the two but as our Saadhna, Dhyaan, Love, Devotion, Trust increases the faster they spin and soon it will become simply one big circle without differentiation of the 2 blades and the Wind of his Ananda is felt once more. A most beautiful way to keep these 2 blades moving or keep inspiration flowing is SANGAT....surround yourself with uplifting individuals. They can be anyone. Inspiration depends on your thirst, your vivaykness. One can be inspired from nature, through silence, through words, through observing, through Self-Inquiry, through contemplation on ones self. What or Who am I? Who or What am I Seeking? Am I Content with what I have in this world? If not then what is slowing me down from attaining that which i seek? What exactly do i need to do? Do i really want to head into this direciton of being Spiritual or Religious? Questioning ones own self is a great way to first break throught this 'down time'. When this crack appears, inspiration will automatically flow in as a rush of fresh air. We create a bubble around us that deprives us from the divinity around us. The question is why is this bubble created? Why did we loosen our grip on the Grace that was being bestowed? One thing we must realize and keep in our rememberance is that it is not Grace that has stopped flowing, rather it is our begging bowl which is either upside down or has holes in it. God is like the Father that gave us a new bike, in the beginning he taught us how to ride it and then gave us a great push in our saadhna. We enjoyed that ride as long as the momentum from the push was with us...once the bike started to slow down or came to a stop we look back and find no one there. Now it is not so that he left us, rather it is now that He wants us to start peddling. The beautiful part of this whole thing is that He has made you capable of peddling. He knew your legs would be able to reach the peddles, he did not leave you shorthanded. He did not bring you to this path without giving you the necessary tools to walk on this journey. Let us inspire each other and walk together on this path. Waheguru
  4. Pheena


    Come, come whoever you are This Caravan knows no despair Even though you have broken your vows Perhaps ten thousand times Come, come again ~~RUMI~~
  5. Pheena


    First of all how old are you? Do you eat for the Taste or simply food in general? Depending on your age and your gender sometime we go throught a 'natural' phase in our lives where we eat far more then we have previously as our body demands more intake of food to sustain its growth. It could be just a phase you are going through, not necessarily an addiction. i cannot tell you whether it is a phase or a true addiction so i'll try to balance my response. I have a cousin who is just as obsessive about food, especially chocolate and just like you she doesn't put on weight either so she just eats and eats. The thing about her is that she doesn't eat a full complete meal, so she eats in small incriments throughout her day. Although she does tend to be concious about the food she eats, so she does eat healthy food in some sense. There is a difference between in what your body needs and what your senses (in your case our sense of Taste) want. Learn to balance that requirement. Your sense of Taste might acquire far more than what your body needs which inturn makes your body work twice has hard to digest the food that you eat. Even thought you might feel you are not getting fat so its ok, it could so that you are making your body work twice as fast to breakdown the fat in your food. As you get older there is a chance that all this obssessive eating can catchup to you as your metabolism slows down. Addiction in most cases is in the 'rus' of your sense of taste, not in the food that you are addicted to. Although in severe cases of addiction people develop a Compulsive Overeating disorder which is mainly due to stress, emotional unstability etc and can lead to obesity. The food tends to block out the unstable emotional state of the mind. but i doubt you are in that state. Determine whether it is Food that you are addicted to or the Taste(rus). The tounge (which has our sense of taste) says more, the stomach says nomore. You must learn to listen to both and maintain a healthy balance. So in the meantime try and see if you can apply this: Now this doesn't mean, you eat more chocolate just to remember God, instead when you do, don't forget to remember him.
  6. Pheena

    Im Scared

    You are afraid of what exactly? Your God is within YOU, your Amrit is within YOU, your Guru is within YOU which NOONE can ever EVER take away from YOU. So then what is it that you fear? The outside is in a constant state of flux, it is changing for today is never similar to tomrrow and so on, you are happy today externally there are no worries, but there is no guarantee tomorrow will be the same. What happens on the outside is of irrelivency, it is your inner peace, your inner conneciton that matters. Who is here to take this from you? Who here has the power to take that away from you? Forgive me my beloved but you speak of being married to a non-Amritdhari as if you are being forced to marry someone who is going to steal your God away from you. Dear one, It is YOU who will make the best of what you are given. Your attitude determines your state of being. It is your state of mind, It is your love, the key is in your hands, no one elses. If you cannot convince your parents fully, atleast bend their decision in some way shape or form. Put effort into deciding your future, it is not a time to sulk, instead take action for it is time. I thought it was tyaar bur tyaar?? are you ready? Is this statement only for War? The times have changed as have our wars, the Singhs and Kaurs do not need as much physical strength as they do mental. Ask for nothing but content in his Will, his Way. such is the thought of this <banned word filter activated>...i meant no offense to anyone. God Speed my dear and beloved Sis.
  7. the roof of your ego yes. It is not a matter of what words you choose, but its your Devotion and Love that is the deciding factor if the 'roof' gets broken.
  8. First let us distinguis what is mind and brain and who does the dreaming. You are not brain and your brain is not what we call 'Mun' or Mind. They are two different things. Your brain is a part of your body which is a physical reflection of your Mun. When the body dies, obviously the brain remains in the body, but the 'Mun' leaves along with you(soul). Just as when we feel great love, our physical heart feels the effect of Love, the whole body opens like a flower. This physical reaction is similar to the physical reaction that our Brain has when our 'Mun' is reacting. This Dreaming is done by our 'Mun', not our brain. Just as the cells in our body continue to function to a certain extent even after the Jivaatma leaves the body. The reaction in our brain could be very similar to car coming to a halt after the driver has jumped out. It is not necessarily working in the understanding that there is still someone on the other end of the brain...the 'mun' and if the mun is there then so must the Jivaatma even after the body has died. As for when exactly does the Jivaatma leave the body, i certainly do not know. As there are obvious cases of when the body has died yet the brain continues to function, perhaps not fully but to an extent and vice-versa. Afterlife or Praytjoon is the state for Jivaatma and you cannot have Afterlife when the body still contains the Jivaatma. It must die for the Jivaatma to leave and move into the afterlife. but such is my limited understanding and thoughts......it was a thought provoking question though :wub:
  9. hahahaha thanks for the correction...
  10. I don't see where morality comes into this. what is wrong with going to the Prom with a Date? Drinking and drugs i can obvioulsy understand, but when did a date become 'Morally' wrong? A date can be anyone, not necessarily a "Girlfriend", it could a good friend as well, someone you care about, respect etc.
  11. he probably just hyperactive. Stop feeding him all sources of Sweets. no more Sugar for that little guy. Is it just the Gurudwara or anywhere?
  12. Pheena


    What has happened has, "Jo hoya, hovat so Janay, Nanak Aapnay ka Hukam Pachanay" We all learn through our mistakens and everyone and i mean everyone here has commited mistakes. Even your parents have made mistakes. If you are honest in change, then make it a new start for yourself by bringing whatever it is you have done infront of your family if you can. Perhaps share it with someone in your family who is close and provide you a sense of release instead of keepin g it botteled up. you can try to hide it but nothing can be hidden forever. Eventually it will come out, it would be better in my opinion if you yourself let your family know then for them to hear it from someone else outside. Yes it is going to be difficult depending on the serverity of your actions. But if your parents are understanding and there is a strong bond between you and them. Then whatever this thing is certainly will not break that bond. You have a choice to make...either just ignore what happened and hope that your parents don't find out. It is possible that this will haunt you trying to protect your family from the truth, trying to make up excuses or whatnot or you can come clean and lift this weight off of your shoulders. Remember what i said in my initial post...remove this guilt or it will not allow you to make progress in bettering yourself. This memory of guilt, whatever you did, the fear will always hold you back unless you resolve the issue. We are the ones who must face the consequences and what is it that you have fear? Whatever it is, it is not something someone else has done to you, rather it is what we have done to ourselves. Fear is there becase we don't want to be responsible for our actions, if we do take responsibility then fear has no place, instead courage should take its place. Growth is possible only when we learn to be responsible for our actions and accept the consequences with courage and learn from our mistakes. Your state of mind now is not the same as it was when you made the error because you have already learned from that mistake...so then what is it that you have to fear? It is a part of learning of being a Sikh of evolving into a better person. Do not fear making mistakes instead fear not learning from them because you will make many more mistakes as does everyone else. Be firm in your Trust of God, in your Faith and he will help you through this ordeal. It is difficult to advice not knowing exaclty what the problem is, but im sure whatever it is, how horrible it must feel, there must be a healthy way out of this situation. It take courage to face the consequences and if you cannot find this courage within you then pray for such a courage for God is most forgiving and compassionate. Your Honest and Sincere prayer towards God within you will give you the necessary strength to go through this ordeal. Surrender the results to him and let him guide you through this. If a child has made a mistake if she/he cannot run to his Parents/God for help then where can (s)he run to?
  13. Pheena


    Guilt should always be proceeded with taking responsibility of ones own actions. Once this is understood, then take the necessary step to rectify your way of living. Remove this guilt from your mind or it will remain an obstruction in your evolving into a better person or use the guilt to drive you to become a more wiser individual. So move forward trying to first change your thoughts through Giaan, your habits and your way of living through inspiration of Gurmukhs, Saints, Devotees of God. This simple and a very significant realization that you need to change yourself is a great sign that you have already taken the first step which is to realize your own mistakes and that in itself says that God is Loving and Caring and Forgiving for he himself has brought you to this point of realization of your shortcoming. Be thankful to God that you are able to realize this today, it is only then that we are able to bring upon change in ourselves, through his Grace. But remember some effort on your part will be necessary. I have found this small cut from a book to be inspiring, may you also find it helpful.
  14. First of all, any educated and rational individual wouldn't base his or her opinion of Sikhs from a Fictional T.V show. Those that do, will do so regardless if they see it in a T.V show or not. The real question is would you have made this post if the bad character was a Hindu or a Muslim?? if Yes/No then why Yes/No?
  15. Pheena


    When Gurbani speaks of fearing God, Guru is speaking of a fear in the likeness that a child has for her mother/father. A fear that is intertwined with Love, Just as a Mother has immense love for her child, yet you will also notice that the child will fear her to a certian extent. The child knows that the Mother can never harm him/her, but there is a sense of fear and that Bhao is the fear that keeps the child in control of himself, that keeps him alert so that he/she does not do any wrong doings. God does not seek Fear from you, he does not seek control over you to fear him........He seeks Surrender out of sheer innocent Love. A child does not go to his/her mother out of Fear, he/she enjoys her company out of Love and the first and only connection is of Love. Fear is but a hand raised not in the intent to strike, rather just to providing discipline to the mind so that it does not get out of hand. Do not have Fear of being hurt by God if you do not do path or go to the Gurudwara, such fear will not allow love to grow, instead Fear will begin to dominate and it will rule your Saadhna. You will begin to do things out of fear instead of Love. Let Love be the Reason, Let Love be the Driver for you Saadhna, your Sikhi, your searching and let Fear be the steering wheel so you stay on the path. When you understand this intricate relationship between the 2, you will begin to seen an undertone of Love even in fear.
  16. Surely Panj Pyares should be men. Not being sexist but as Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Bhindranwale once said, the only reason being is that when the call was made back in 1699 and five Sikhs came forward, they were all men. 158801[/snapback] During the weekend at the local gurudwara a Raagi had come to do kirtan and he too brought up this point of no woman rising when the Guru asked for 5 Heads. Later my uncle brought up a point to the Raagi that Historically speaking of the time period, Women were at majority Housewifes and this role was adhered to strictly in the Majrity of the women (not forciablly) during the age of our Gurus. It was not until the 60s or the 70s (in punjab) that women actually started to work their way up visibly in the Social status of being taken as a symbol of strength and authority next to man in the Society. How valid this is historically i do not know. Considering the ratio of man to women during that day in the crowd would have been very minimal to say the least. So perhaps someone here can give some refrences as to roughly how many women were actually present on the day of 1699? Now It is obvious that the Male was dominant in the area of Spirituality for a long while and even so none of our Guru were women. There are obvious valid reasoning for this and the one main point that sticks out is the Dominace of Male in being an authority. I am by no mean saying that there were no women saints or enlightened women during the time of our Guru, but i am speaking from a authoritative figure that must be able to reach the whole of humanity and it is obvious that the Male body was seen as that figure.
  17. For one dear sis, they are married. Is marriage only a license to make babies? Should there be no Love between 2 individuals? or do you suppose they should live in seperate rooms?
  18. Thanks for that brief summery veer. Which statement are you in a disagreement with, the first line of Prophets not creating religions or the last where the Religion in this case Islam took upon the ideals of the followers and in some or most ways veered off the teaching of the Prophet? or the entire statement? if all of it then perhaps i missed the reasoning as to why you are in a disagreement. Please do share.
  19. Pheena

    The Only Way...

    Those are beautiful quotes. But these quotes are spoke from a dualistic view, that there cannot be a Second who can be equal to the Guru. Not in the context of he who has merged with God and become one with him is not Equal to him. When the 2 have merged, there is no difference nor distinction between the 2, there is no longer the second. There is only ONE and there will be only ONE and there will never be 'another' (second) who is equal to that ONE. The word Jayvad in SatGur Jayvad Koi Nahi....the word Jayvad is implies a second, Satgur Jayvad(Varga) koi nahi...the 'likeness' of the SatGuru there isn't any. There isn't someone else who is like the SatGuru. He is ONE. The Shabads remove the notion that there must be second like The True Guru...God. He is only one and there no other like him. But when the Sikh has become one with the Guru/God, who then is the Sikh and who then is the Guru? Can we differentiate between the two. The only way a difference will remain is if the individuality of the Sikh, the Self identity remains. Or as many time it is seen in the words of Guru Nanak who himself had become one with God, but yet he still express such vairaag of not being one with him....Guru ji still spoke from a sevaks point of view. Vaho Vaho Gobind Singh, aapy Gur Chela. So Guru Nanak is the eternal Guru (God) gur goivMdu guoivMdu gurU hY nwnk Bydu n BweI] *** So according to you previous posts above if this eternal Guru who you call Nanak can give Naam to Dhru or Prehlaad and other Bhagats, then Can this eternal Guru give this Naam (and by Naam i do not mean 'Waheguru') to Jesus or Muhammed or any other devotees of God or the Saints of Christian Mysticsm or the Sufi derveshes or the Zen monks? Or is it reserved only for those on who walk the path of Sikhi?
  20. as always ms514 you've brought up an excellent point. So is the 10th master a Prophet? What is the difference a between a Prophet and a Guru or is there? I believe the statement was made from an Islamic point of view where the the title of a Prophet is given to all of the role players in the religion. Just as In Islam Jesus is termed a Prophet not the Son of God. I've always wondered what the difference is between a Prophet and a SatGuru, perhaps you can shed some light veer.
  21. Pheena

    The Only Way...

    Why can't Sikh ever be equal to his Guru? Does the Guru want his Sikh to be always lower then him? Does the Guru not want his Sikhs rising to the Level of oneness with God and themselves becoming a vessel of God? Do you think that by becoming equal to the Guru, there still is a difference between a Sikh and the Guru? Is there a difference between God and his Devotee at that stage? Veer ji Perhaps you should define who and what Guru is and who is Guru Nanak so we or atleast I can have a better understanding of where you are coming from.
  22. Beloved Veer, yes because it is easy to support every word of the Quaran as the word of Muhammed when it belittles him. Here is a quote from a Muslim Reza Aslan's, he wrote a book, No god but God. "We have this idea somehow that Prophets invent religion, that Jesus invented Christianity or that Muhammed invented Islam, nothing could be further from the Truth. What Prophets do is that they take the social, the economical and the political milieu in which they live and they reshape it and they recast it. They don't talk about the future they talk about the present. Its the Prophets followers who then take those ideals, take those words and turn it into religion and its often the case that it has far more to do with their own ideas, their own biases then it does with what the prophet said or did."
  23. why be embarrased? You are living a Grishti jeevan and such questions are as valid as any others on here. It is the thought of God that matter, that is where your mind is. Should one stop thinking about God while procreating? Isn't the act of sex also a part of your Grishti jeevan? Why can't you be affectionate towards your husband while listening to Gurbani...i think this is the most wonderful way. Where Love and God are both present between 2 individuals. Are you not asked to remember God doing your daily activites or living throught your Grishti jeevan. It is asked of you to remember him every moment...then why should this act be excluded? There is nothing taboo about it, it is a part of your living as a householder and it is most wonderful that God is on your mind even through sharing such affection. In my view if God is on your mind throught this act, then the act itself is of purity.
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