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Everything posted by sukhmani_81

  1. it all depends on the individual what works for you might not work for others, I just go by the ACSM guidelines as I Recommend cardio before weights is so my clients gives them a full body work out , don’t forget building muscle mite look good from the out side but not necessarily meaning your healthy overall. However you should be healthier overall, and cardio helps to prevent chronic disease.. supplements and powder protein drinks don’t have any effect as its not scenically proven with the amount they recommend this is due to the amount they recommend is more likely to be not even a quarter amount needed for you to see improvement they are more of a money making shceme... . eating from natural sources is much more of a healthier option, and for carbs, depending on what type of cab, Simple carbohydrates or simple sugars – These carbs are broken down and digested very quickly, fast release energy, which means you use some of the energy but end up storing most as fat, and when you’ve used that energy you start dipping and breaking down muscle mass for energy, Complex carbohydrates The complex are a better option as they take longer to digest and are packed with fiber less likely to burn muscle for energy. Fateh
  2. Fateh all , am a sports scientist, and Bulking up is not all about going to the gym and working out you also need to be on a high protein diet and Also a good exercise plan.. I would strongly recommend you to have a word with a PT and ask for some advice, However I will help you get started. First I strongly recommend you to focus on your diet, find out your body mass index, (BMI), find out how much your recommended daily intake should be.. Secondly to build muscle and maintain weight you must eat at least four small meals a day, which has to consist of a healthy balanced diet, and this is very vital.. . building muscle takes a very long time, low fat milk and soya meat is good sources for protein, eat more fibre, and 5 fruits and 5 veg a day, cut down most fats, so less or no butter in food and plenty plenty of water... Working out at the gym: remember you need to do a full body work out, 20 to 30mins of cardio could be treadmill, skipping jogging etc, then go on to the machines and free weights, low reps and high weights. Hope this helps if you need more advice feel free to ask. Fateh all. .
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