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Sayf Udeen

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Everything posted by Sayf Udeen

  1. Okay - as a Muslim I drink no alcohol nor do I find myself in a situation I'll be near it. I've assumed that sikhs also don't drink - but I thought I should ask. What is the Sikh school of thought on alcohol?
  2. As much as I love my Bollywood movies I'm confused as to the style of what he's wearing on his head. :S Sorry - I don't get it. He's definitely Sikh?
  3. Thanks. I'm not a Sikh and I'm a vegetarian.
  4. Is the last one the current response?
  5. No. Now in the first post the original poster noted why they used the terminology they did.
  6. Most likely a secular one...Which no two devout people would accept.
  7. Thanks, cos that wasn't uncalled for or anything like that...
  8. I agree. If not, one side would have to shirk there values and traditions to accommodate for their other half at one point. I'm a Muslim, my fiancee is a Muslim. I as a Muslim would not marry a non-Muslim. I imagine it'd be the same for people strong to any faith.
  9. I'm not agnostic. I'm a proud Muslim. I said that majority of the people there are Agnostic.
  10. *Yawn* Most of the members on that forum are Agnostic anyway, bro.
  11. Hey all. I hope I'm not breaking any rules in posting this. I had a look and it seems all is well, but if not feel free to delete this, moderators. I'm actually an Admin of my own forums and I thought I'd invite you guys. The forums are called Semiotic and we're basically a political/debate board. We also have a religion section with a very long [15 page] topic debating the existence of God, and we are yet to have a Sikh opinion in it, so do check it out. We are multi-cultural, religious and more and everyone is welcome. Do check us out; Link Removed, please discuss in this thread. Unless there's a topic that requires our attention. I know, this was kinda a blatant plug. :umm: ~BB.
  12. I would have been happy to help, but I'm all the way over in Melbourne.
  13. Thank you my tiny sister! ^-^

  14. I'm studying a Certificate III in Tourism. Gonna be a travel agent. Haha.

  15. I'm not French either... :6 Wallahe - My fiancee is Lebanese. Thus "BeirutBoy" Why are we even arguing this non-issue. So what is the consensus of opinion here. Before I get accused of yet another hatred against we all know who. Is he a thug or is he genuine. Yes I am back… I'm a thug, apparently... :umm:
  16. Oh man, haven't we all heard. The nightclub scene in London is being polluted with violence and the like. I'm not saying I support nightclubs, or even go. They are against my religion [Not sure about yours?] but even the guy from Harry Potter was killed at 20. There needs to be harsher law enforcement in the area on busy nights, I'd say. lock out time, cops around the city...Maybe even shut them all down? [Wishful thinking, I know. ]
  17. I gotta agree with Surban - that was gold. :lol:
  18. Not too much lil sis. Just been very busy with school and the like. Ugh! my course is killing me. You?

  19. Hehehe - guys. I'm not actually Lebanese. My fiancee is. I'm European. My Arabic skills are still lackuster. I am learning. A "thug" - I wish! Hehe. They'd laugh at me..
  20. Bhai jaan? What language is this? [sorry - I genuinely don't know...] *Is confused*
  21. Am alive - just got soooo busy for a little bit there. :)

  22. You like the Aussie accent, huh?

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