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randip singh

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Everything posted by randip singh

  1. Let us define Kaam first. Kaam = Lust = an OBSESSION with sex. Kaam is not sex itself or the act of procreation, but the unnatural obsession with it. How do you know your obsession is unnatural, because you see nothing wrong as seeing any member of the opposite sex as objects of sexual gratification. The fact you have sexual thoughts about the opposite sex is not bad in itself (that is natural). You must ask yourself are you obsessed with sex. Does it drive every part of your judgement. If it does (and most teenagers the urge is very strong), then you need exercise self discipline. Playing sports, lifting weights is a good way of controlling it. There are other ways too, but pm me and we will have a chat. I personally think that if you are in your teens then it is probably raging hormones...............unfortunately it will take a few years for them to settle down.
  2. Namstand is complicating things far too much. Sikh concept of God is simple.......it is around us within us. It is everywhere. It is beyond time, it is time, it beyond space, it is space. How do we realise and see this God.......we control and subdue, Kaam, Krodh, Moh, Lobh and Hankaar, and move to the phase pf the Gurmukh or God-realised. Think of a Radio station that has many stations, but there is one in a small space that is the best. Think of us as humans being radio's and tuning into that one station (God realised), and in order to do it you have to filter out the other station (Kaam, Krodh, Moh, Lobh and Hankaar).
  3. To answer the question, Nihungs have not been declared as non-Sikhs. However, there are corrupt Nihungs (just like any other Sikh group or Sant/Math Jatha followers i.e. AKJ, GNNSJ, DT etc etc). These fellows represent the core principles of Sikhism. 1) They follow the martial code. Hey are always armed. 2) They maintain and keep their bodies and mind in top physical condition. 3) In 1984, nearly an the Nihungs were wiped out (who were the the Golden Temple complex), fighting alongside Sant Bhindranwala in defence of the Golden temple 4) They believe in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji, The Dasam Granth and the Sarbloh Granth. The latter two used to be kept in Sikh temples alongside the Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji, however they were deemed as being too inciteful of martial behaviour and therefore removed from Gurudwara's by the British. 5) They don't "Wrangle over flesh" unlike many modern day Sant Jatha's (GNSSJ, AKJ, DT etc), and therefore represent Sikhism in its essence. 6) The Bhang thing started off as a thing that related to giving of small quatities before battle (like a medicine), however some corrupt people have taken this practice the wrong way and turned it into some sort of session. 7) Akali Phoola Singh is the most famous of the Nihungs and punished Maharaja Ranjit Singh by whipping him publicly for having and affair with a Muslim women. They have more positive traits than negative....but like I said there are corrupt elements to them, like all Sikh organisations.
  4. You need help my friend......you are a homophobe. :D
  5. I think this post is a classic example of Chinese Whiper.....encounter it all the time when I am reading Sikh History. Thanks for clarifying it Guru ji's Siphahi. :TH:
  6. Wrong it is the right translation: see: http://www.srigranth.org/servlet/gurbani.g...amp;p=0&k=0 and for your information: ras kas tatar paa-ee-ai tapai tai villaa-ay. Ras = juice, essence Tapai = suffer, torcher etc It is not any clearer than that. Guruji saw life at a molecular level so accept what is written. No problem my dear.
  7. I have a question....would it be Paap to killing a living, breathing, breading plant.........especially for our own gratification? i have a question.......do plants have feelings?? (watch sum1 say they do ) Guruji seems to think so: Clearly Guruji saw like in everything around........I woud say Guruji saw life at a molecular level and beyond.........so to ask whether they have feelings or not is meaningless. Some humans are devoid of any feeling or compassion.....some people I have met feel no pain (people in martials no that), the process of pain is complex....when one suffers bad pain the body goes into trauma, to prevent us feeling the pain.
  8. I have a question....would it be Paap to killing a living, breathing, breading plant.........especially for our own gratification?
  9. Where who was the concept of Baba or Gyani part of Sikhism? Who says I have to believe in Gyani's or Baba's to be a Sikh? Why should I preach? I have no intention of fame. Any books I may or may not publish would never be under my real name of Randip Singh because I do not seek fame like Pakhandhi Baba's/Gyani's who are a dime a dozen. I wouldn't give such a person a second look let alone listen to them. I am constantly being asked to lecture on sikh history at temples and alike....but I refuse, because I seek no fame, and I refuse to be in the service of corrupt Baba's/Gyani's who run our temple's. Whether I have given my head or not is also none of your business. This is the way people like you exclude people from Gurudwara's.........because they are not Amritdhari (and I am not saying I am or I am not), I would not be allowed to do Sewa. How ridiculous is that.....that a person of good intention and of good charachter cannot be involved in debates around Sikhism becasue he she is not an Amritdhari.
  10. what I would suggest is make sure it doesn't sound too bad when pronounced in English too.......and make sure you write it how u'd say it. Example my name should be spelt Randip but Rhun-dheep
  11. Mate ...I know exactly where you are coming from. Studying the deeper meaning of Gurbani is essential. Understanding the metaphors is essential. Guru Nanak often spent time with Sufi's and they used metaphor's to speak to each other. Here's and example: Tie two birds together with a string...even though they have four wings they cannot fly. Sorry mate.....I don't believe in such concepts........
  12. This isn't about meat eating. If you are a meat eater, you are likely to be consuming these oestrogen filled Soya products too. Unless you are a Doctor or at the cutting edge of research you are totally wrong..........don't get obsessed with the Soya. Refute the Doctors below with a medicl artical, and we may believe you......until then........I'd rather believe the researchers. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/northern_ireland/3513607.stm Soya 'link' to male infertility Researchers investigated soya in the diet The humble soya bean may play a role in the problem of male infertility, a team of researchers in Belfast has found. Soya contains the female hormone oestrogen and too much of it is being linked to poor quality sperm. Dr Lorraine Anderson says she found the link in research carried out at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast. "What many men do not realise is that soya is not just consumed by vegetarians, it is contained in a lot of everyday processed foods. "It is contained in foods such as pizzas, any of those foods that you add hot water to, to reconstitute them, or some of the pre-packaged dinners like steak and kidney pies," Dr Anderson said. If men are consuming large amounts of soya products, for example, there is a negative relationship between that and the quality of their sperm Dr Sheena Lewis Queen's University, Belfast "You'll find that a lot of the meat is not really meat, it is soya protein because it is cheaper and soya has the highest percentage of oestrogens compared to any other foods." The director of reproductive medicine at Queen's University, Belfast, Dr Sheena Lewis, said the findings were clear. "What we have shown is that if men are consuming large amounts of soya products, for example, there is a negative relationship between that and the quality of their sperm. "If they already have a slight problem in that area, then it might be better for them not to consume so much." Dr Lewis said that the way to avoid excess oestrogen was to eat fresh produce. "In our fast food diets, we are inclined to eat lots of meals and we really don't know what the ingredients are," she said. "If we eat fresh fruits, if we make fresh food at home ourselves, which I know is very difficult in today's busy lifestyle, then we are really aware of what the ingredients are." However, the research does not simply have implications for men who wish to start a family. Dr Anderson said if boys eat a lot of soya when they are growing up, it can damage their reproductive capability. "The key time for that is when a male foetus is developing and in the early toddler years and up to puberty. "All through that period, if you alter the oestrogen that a man is exposed to, you can not only affect their sperm quality but affect the development of their reproductive tract, so that you can get an increase in structural abnormalities like undescended testes and you can also get other problems later in life, such as testicular cancer." Dr Anderson recently came runner-up in a prestigious competition for her work on the link between male fertility and oestrogen in the diet.
  13. A Great link: http://www.sikh-history.com/sikhhist/events/kabir.html Kabir Panthis believe that Kabir lived for a lot longer than he did. Factual evidence suggests he did not live that long.
  14. Perhaps the negativity is in your mind and you do not seee the positive points.....just a thought!!
  15. True I do. ....and I really shouldn't attack him.........but again proves my point.....I'm acting like an animal......just because he has offended me in the past I shouldn't let Krodh cloud my judgement. Good point. PS I couldn't give two hoots if he's a vegetarian.......Nav Singh and other's here are vegetarians, yet we get on fine.............yet their are meat eaters like Ajat and his crew I cannot stand..........the thing these ppl (Ajat and Leeds boy) have in common..........they are extremists...........I cannot abdide extremists.
  16. Now let me explain something to you my animal loving friend. According to Bani (and I am using the quotes above), this is how life is viewed: Level 2> HumanConscience l l l l l Level 3 >Vegetable <> Animal <> Mineral When a Human is obsessed with Kaam, Krodh, Moh, Lobh, and Hankaar, a human becomes part of the lower state of existence, i.e. animal level. When a Human is obsessed with Kaam, like an animal, he/she mates with anyone, he/she is a slave to the obsession to procreate. When a Human is obsessed with Krodh, he/she like an animal attacks others mercilessly. Many animals attack others, even when they are not hungry. When a Human is obsessed with Moh, he/she like an animal is obsessed with keeping their own material gain. Examples are animals protecting terrotry or Kills, and not allowing others to come on it. When a Human is obsessed with Lobh he/she doesnt share and want everything for himself and herself. Many Animals display this behaviour, for example dogs gorge on food till they cannot walk......they will rather eat it than share. When a Human is obsessed with Hankaar, he/she is obsessed with getting to the top of the pack and being better than everyone else. Animals do this in packs, and will fight and kill fellow pack members to get to the top. So by all means love animals, but don't be so naive and foolish to think they are what we as human's should aspire to be. Bani says the opposite to what you say. Another point is conscience......animals do not have a conscience, they operate on instinct..............a great example of this is putting a mirror in front of an animal....it will always attack it..............it is not aware of its own existence. Hence...I think, therefore I am. Last point......the level 1 state of existence is the Gurmukh....or God Conscious.
  17. Yep this is for the weak minded and for those who keep no faith in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji. They do not understand the concept of Bhoot and how Guruji used it as a metaphor to describe the state of man in Limbo..........without the hand of Wahegururu to guide hiim.............. so who you gonna call..................GHOST BUSTERS! :e: :D :nihungsmile:
  18. Temperamental movie star wasnt he. Why do we need an audio tape (suspicious sounding one if i may say so) to convince people of Gurbani. This sounds like the so called "Baba" follows. "He described how prets possess people - 'like how tissue sticks to sweat on a body, the pret envelopes the human'. Prets are attracted to the smell given off by people who eat meat, eggs and drink alcohol, because their food is blood and meat - which they eat through animals. " That cracked me up.. Sangat Jio, just keep 100 % faith in Shabad Gurbani. What Sangat keeping faith in Shabd Gurbani....NO WAY....why keep faith in Shabad Gurbani when there are an assortment of Sants and crackpots to follow that I can give my money. I want to give all my money to them. and for those who dont get it.....I';m being sarcastic...................lets call Rent-a-Ghost.....or Ghostbusters!!
  19. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/northern_ireland/3513607.stm Soya 'link' to male infertility Researchers investigated soya in the diet The humble soya bean may play a role in the problem of male infertility, a team of researchers in Belfast has found. Soya contains the female hormone oestrogen and too much of it is being linked to poor quality sperm. Dr Lorraine Anderson says she found the link in research carried out at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast. "What many men do not realise is that soya is not just consumed by vegetarians, it is contained in a lot of everyday processed foods. "It is contained in foods such as pizzas, any of those foods that you add hot water to, to reconstitute them, or some of the pre-packaged dinners like steak and kidney pies," Dr Anderson said. If men are consuming large amounts of soya products, for example, there is a negative relationship between that and the quality of their sperm Dr Sheena Lewis Queen's University, Belfast "You'll find that a lot of the meat is not really meat, it is soya protein because it is cheaper and soya has the highest percentage of oestrogens compared to any other foods." The director of reproductive medicine at Queen's University, Belfast, Dr Sheena Lewis, said the findings were clear. "What we have shown is that if men are consuming large amounts of soya products, for example, there is a negative relationship between that and the quality of their sperm. "If they already have a slight problem in that area, then it might be better for them not to consume so much." Dr Lewis said that the way to avoid excess oestrogen was to eat fresh produce. "In our fast food diets, we are inclined to eat lots of meals and we really don't know what the ingredients are," she said. "If we eat fresh fruits, if we make fresh food at home ourselves, which I know is very difficult in today's busy lifestyle, then we are really aware of what the ingredients are." However, the research does not simply have implications for men who wish to start a family. Dr Anderson said if boys eat a lot of soya when they are growing up, it can damage their reproductive capability. "The key time for that is when a male foetus is developing and in the early toddler years and up to puberty. "All through that period, if you alter the oestrogen that a man is exposed to, you can not only affect their sperm quality but affect the development of their reproductive tract, so that you can get an increase in structural abnormalities like undescended testes and you can also get other problems later in life, such as testicular cancer." Dr Anderson recently came runner-up in a prestigious competition for her work on the link between male fertility and oestrogen in the diet. Fatboy Dr Weir seems to be the Ying to Skinny Boy Dr Mercola's Yang!
  20. I love humans, I love humans if u ask me wat i say, i love animals Part of the problem in society today is that people value animals more than humans.........I find that incredibly short sighted and callous Friend again.....that is not the point.....is your killing based on Kaam, Krodh, Moh, Lobh or Hankaar......or is it the roghteous thing to do? Sikh's are Sant-Siphahi................all this talk of Animals being the same level as humans is nonsense.............its gonna lead us to become animal worshippers like some Hindu Cults. Guruji infact states: if you can go from rock >>>>>to>>> potential human>>>>>>to>>>>plant>>>>>>to>>>>>human according to Guruji.....then the plant is closer to humanity.....we should be feeling guilty when we kill plants too!!!
  21. Yes the processed stuff will lead to lower fertilty and female characteristics. Part of what Mercoal is saying is right.
  22. Err, If you are a Gurmukh the implication is that you have realised God....so how can it be against God's will? Are you killing based on Kaam, Krodh, Moh, Lobh or Hankaar.....or because it is the "Just" thing do do? Ofcourse you can become a Vet, and you won't be affected Karmicly. anyway Bani seems to suggest that Human life is the most precious of all and places animal life alongside that of plants and minerals. So I suppose that killing a plant would heap Karma's upon us............NO........this Karmic business is dangerous and we have to be sensible or we become Hindu Vaishnav's or Jains.....something Sikhs clearly agree not and teachings our Guru's rejected. Important thing is you live a just life.
  23. Actually Soya is not that a good source of Protein. It can cause high levels of Oestrogen and also is difficult for the body to assimilate. You'd be better off with dairy based proteins. On a side note this Mercola is a pro-Meat nut.........he is obsessed with meat eating.....much like some of the idiots here are obsessed with vegetarianism. Both idiots and fanatics. :D
  24. Hi friend. Unfortunately we have some religious extremists here who seem to equate having a girlfriend with Kaam or Lust. Unfortunately, these people themselves have dirty filthy minds. Nothing wrong with having a female friend whom you want to marry. These religious fanatics seem to confuse the Indian custom of arranged marriage with Sikhism. The two are not interchangable. Custom has dictated that we follow arraged marriage, and not Sikhism. Sikhism, states so long as you are not guided by Kaam, Krodh, Moh, Lobh and Hankaar, you are free to make decisions and will be guided by Waheguru. As for her parents....they sound pretty narrow minded to me. If they think you are too religious, then that is their problem. I hop you both have a happy life together......God has brought you together, and you must together make a sensible decision for your next step. Best of Luck
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