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Everything posted by HSD*^

  1. see what i mean? they give it all bir rass but then they scream and cry when they see someone die. sheesh.
  2. lol! i dont think this thread will last long as most of the hippies on here dont like the idea of death and most sikhs are squeamish about death. though i thought it was amusing. god, people are so dumb.
  3. he's probably just one of those metrosexual asians who acts as if he's good looking and has a lot of girlfriends, even though he doesnt.
  4. or they might be resentful at having been kicked out and end up at another uni full of non-sikhs, where she'll end up under more hindustani influences. then she'll qualify and start treating patients. along comes a sikh with all the 5 ks.........what is she going to think? 'oh another sikh! at uni i met so many great gursikhs who encouraged me to find my roots and be a better sikh' or 'oh god, it looks like one of those who kicked me out for not looking like a sikh. see if i care how ill he is.......'?
  5. what the hell. what about boys then? eh? what if a sikh strokes his beards and some hair comes off?! do we need to perform hair checks on all sikhs, and if they fail, make their life hell? :rolleyes: now were going to get some dumbo who happens to get in because of the way they look. great. i wouldnt like to be their patient. well said. what does mone panj pyiare have to do with anything? some people are so hysterical its surprising no ones kicked them out of the panth as well.
  6. is the guy who wrote this article also the one who wrote an autobiography where he went on about some girlfriend he had called 'laura'? by the end of the book is was pretty clear he never had a girlfriend, but a massive ego and a nutty imagination.
  7. back in the 19th century the brits played on the greed of our leaders and then invaded the punjab, killing tens of thousands of sikhs. we then ended up fighting in their wars, only for them to tear up the punjab in front of our eyes, which is what my grandparents and the guy in the video had to go through. so why are we jumping up and down for them now? let what happens happen, maybe it'll teach them a lesson about what they did to us.
  8. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/8076253.stm http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/8077852.stm the abrahamic terrorists show that they cant be outdone.
  9. yeh but dont steal them, there all copyrighted! lol

  10. why do people act surprised by badal's actions? he's been doing anti-sikhi stuff for god knows how long. just because someone calls themselves sikh doesnt mean they can be called upon to help the panth. surprised no one has managed to get rid off him after all this time.
  11. wow a modern day akbar the great lol!!! seriously though, it is good that those who are well off use their money for good purposes. i just hope that you dont run it like a giant cornershop. any record of that? are the affairs of 'your' gurudwara public? and where is this gurudwara? so people who come to the gurudwara are considered as customers and staff? that's terrible. this is what i mean when i say gurudwaras are run like cornershops or businesses. absolutely disgusting. and my 'sweeping generalisations' are more like 'specific accusations backed by logic'. its not equality if those on the chair think the people on the floor are 'backward', as you said earlier. actually it was you, with your 'optimum way' that went on about health, digestion etc. also gurudwaras have to be safe for the sangat, so health and safety regulations should be followed.
  12. why do you answer a question with another question? also, what about sikh formula 1 drivers? and before you say there arent any, its not surprising there arent any if they listen to your mumbo-jumbo.
  13. who is 'us'? i'm talking to you, not anyone else. unless of course you force your views on others and make them follow what you do. and at least we know you only go to your gurudwara for langar. :rolleyes:
  14. your idea that the gurus could have invented anything, but chose not to, just so we could introduce those things at a later date after someone else invented them is the dumbest logic ever. i cant believe i even bothered discussing this topic with someone who came up with that as a point in his favour. also what historical source says they didnt have chairs? i have a sofa at home, can i have one in my gurudwara too? what about a ps3 in the langar hall for the kids? eh? no one forces you to sit on the floor. but if you want to sit on a chair stay at home. langar is not about your personal comfort, but you dont get what its about. you are a lazy fool and you have no idea of what sikhi is about. if you dont follow your religion, you are not practicing it, your just doing what makes you happy, which is usually not the right thing as the human mind is sometimes gluttonous, lethargic and selfish. geo is a classic example.
  15. does the SGGS ji literally say 'dont stir up trouble' or are the hippies improvising again?
  16. its called an opinion. i am entitled to one right? or are only the high and mighty like yourself allowed to say things like that? go on explain the religous connotations of the divas in sikhi. how do you know that candles were used in every gurudwara before the light bulb? the gurus never said anything about lights, but they told everyone to sit on the floor. if you dont believe me, why are we told to sit on the floor by the directive from east punjab, but we have not received one on lights/toilets/fridges etc? what if they want to set up a business in the gurudwara? or eat meat and drink alcohol? or turn it into a strip club? if you want to call it a gurudwara then it belongs to all the sangat, not some comittee and their cronies. well has anyone agreed with you? the silence says it all. so those who sit down on the floor are backward according to you? and you look down on those who sit on the floor. some sikh of the gurus you are. you are a pure coconut. sod off to the church........oh wait they dont give you free food do they? its obvious you dont even understand the principles of langar or sewa.
  17. i meant there is no religous connotations with what light source/toilet etc you use. but there is with attitude in the langar hall. no it doesnt. do you have proof? dont you have arms? or are you too fat that you have to rock back and forth? it sounds like you are justifying this just for your own personal taste. which is not what langar is about. my 'version'? also how do i know its not true? we dont even know if you are telling the truth. its also clear you are following 'your' sikhi which is nothing close to what the gurus intended. yes it does. though i dont spy on people to see if they use them. what this has to do with sitting on the floor or at a chair in a langar hall, only your twisted logic knows. lol, i was being sarcastic. your intelligence fails you at every opportunity. did i say i speak for others in this forum? have i ever dictated to them? no. stop forcing your own personal choices on people who want to true to their guru. just because you cant be a good sikh, dont drag others down with you. also how is my thinking backwards? how is sitting on the floor backward? i have asked you many times but you dodge the question. also i dont know any 'authoritarian brethren'...................are they another invention of your mind to justify your views?
  18. right, calling all internet kharkus, everyone form up on me and in 3..............1............2................4 i mean 3......CHARGE!!!
  19. is there a difference between candles and light bulbs? no. is there a difference between hand written or printed books? no. is there a difference between a hole in the ground and a toilet? not quite. is there a difference between sitting on the floor and sitting at a table? YES! if its too hard for you to sit on the floor, lose some weight. seriously the panth is in tatters thanks to so called intellectuals like 'geo the tubby singh'. yeah, for some reason i dont think anyone believes you. yeah if you are obese. if you sit upright, and are fit, then no. still doesnt mean your right. and i never used that argument, but you did. never said it is. but you have no evidence either and your logic is weak. i dont. ooooh so clever, saying to me exactly what i said to you first. what a sign of intelligence! lol, i am more intelligent, so dont worry about it (worry about trying to lose some weight for your health eh?).
  20. yes you are. and i somehow doubt there is reasonable space for anyone to sit on the floor. especially when people like you look down on them if they do. sitting on the floor does not affect the 'room' needed in the stomach. if you are obese there may be discomfort whilst eating on the floor, but thats your problem. also walking and lying down are not recommended later in digestion. once again you say something about yourself but the other things you put across contradict it. and you have no proof. just like most of your points. so are you or are you not using the health argument? you should stop being a hypocrite. like a work canteen then? or a cafeteria? nice to know where sikhi ranks in your life. in east punjab they have proper toilets in houses now and some gurudwara have them. but no tables or chairs in the langar hall. so should we hire catering staff or set up businesses in the gurudwara? why should we? like i said not all gurudwaras have fridges. why no carpets? they were there is some of the oldest gurudwaras. since when was langar about convenience? is it just a fast food place for you? there is nothing convenient about the things you mentioned. its just that there are no alternatives. but we can still sit on the floor. it is. i'm more intelligent than you anyway, so stop crying. so is langar. so stop changing things to make it easier on your fat <banned word filter activated> and just be greatful. but you wont, as your so 'high and mighty' (and just because you deny it doesnt mean its not true). i never ignored it. you only asked once, and you placed your question in your post after i had responded to it. tables and chairs for the elderly and disabled? well firstly, disability is a wide description so in most cases they can sit on the same level as anyone else. as for the elderly, they are able to sit on the floor in front of the SGGS ji, so why not in the langar hall?
  21. you say that you want to sit on a chair, but what if someone wants to sit on the floor in your gurudwara? are they able to? your attitude is very arrogant, just read your posts. and the real evidence that is bad is...? i could easily say that as we are eating the blood from other parts of the body is diverted to the digestive system. sitting on a chair requires a fair amount of energy to be used to pump blood to the feet and back, energy and blood which would be better used for digestion. therefore for your health and metabolism it is better to sit on the floor. as we have no holes in the ground, we cant sell the toilets. also there are no fridges in the langar hall. i was told everything is brought in relatively fresh or stored in a larder. also why are you going on about selling? is this a money making scheme for you in your gurudwara? i said donate the chairs and tables. seriously, for a sikh you need to get your priorities and outlook straight. what about the sewa of giving out food and water? its much better if its done with people sitting on the floor. otherwise it just ends up looking like a wedding. well dont use the health argument then. you were going on about the 'optimum way'. the question is: are people allowed to sit in your langar hall? is there space to do so? for someone in the top 1% of the population your pretty bad at english. your sentence above implies those who use chairs and tables should not use toilet paper. what is so backward about sitting on the floor?white converts to sikhi dont have a problem. moneh dont have a problem. people of different sizes/castes/religions dont have a problem. should we embrace catering companies? so wouldnt it be better to use the money to help the poor rather than buy tables and chairs? or donate the tables and chairs to charities and hostels for the less fortunate? if you dont consider yourself higher than others, why do you act in that way? you can say what you want but you're judged on your actions.
  22. well if your opinion is based on no solid fact then its just garbage. also health and safety legislation says that all chairs and tables should be checked and disposed of every year if they arent up to scratch. if you have had them for 28 years then its illegal as well as stupid. also carpet is fair cheaper than tables and chairs. but even so we dont need carpet either. this isnt about what our gurus did. did i say it was? also i am not surprised you sit on a chair but dont use toilet paper. i hope you at least wash your hands before you start stuffing your face. also, how is sitting on a chair the optimum way? what is so backward about sitting on the floor?white converts to sikhi dont have a problem. moneh dont have a problem. people of different sizes/castes/religions dont have a problem. should we embrace dishwashers and catering companies? so wouldnt it be better to use the money to help the poor rather than buy tables and chairs? or donate the tables and chairs to charities and hostels for the less fortunate? if you dont consider yourself higher than others, why do you act in that way? you can say what you want but you're judged on your actions. do guests in your house cover their heads? why should what you do at home be reflected at the gurudwara?
  23. and your proof of that is? you have no evidence that sitting on a chair is better than sitting on the floor. according to your reasoning we should get industrial dishwashers for cleaning all the langar utensils and catering staff from a company to provide the food. so wouldnt it be better to use the money to help the poor rather than buy tables and chairs? or donate the tables and chairs to charities and hostels for the less fortunate? it seems that people with your attitude have become like the pompous kings of our guru's time. also what about those in the developing world who sit on the floor, and dont have anything to eat? do you consider yourself higher than others? i dont consider myself higher or lower than anyone. what proof do you have that sitting on the floor is better for consumption of food? it is much cheaper to have tables and chairs now than it was in past times realatively speaking. in my opinion people should stop looking backwards and look forwards instead. by all means sit on the floor and eat in your gurdwara in you wish. if people in our local gurdwara wish to sit on chairs and eat on tables then please let us do so in peace i asked you first. i also never said that sitting on the floor is better for consumption of food. but you did say sitting on a chair is the 'optimum way'. you also said that we were told by our gurus to invent and embrace new technologies - well i would like proof of that too. also, what is so backward about sitting on the floor? white converts to sikhi dont have a problem. moneh dont have a problem. people of different sizes/castes/religions dont have a problem. so why do you? also why do you waste money on tables and chairs again and again (you have to replace them for health and safety reasons each year) ? also please answer my other points. should we embrace dishwashers and catering companies?
  24. and your proof of that is? you have no evidence that sitting on a chair is better than sitting on the floor. according to your reasoning we should get industrial dishwashers for cleaning all the langar utensils and catering staff from a company to provide the food. so wouldnt it be better to use the money to help the poor rather than buy tables and chairs? or donate the tables and chairs to charities and hostels for the less fortunate? it seems that people with your attitude have become like the pompous kings of our guru's time. also what about those in the developing world who sit on the floor, and dont have anything to eat? do you consider yourself higher than others?
  25. bloody hell. methinks that most of the people in that video werent even sikhs. and the tubby guy is a real gimp. should we shoot him before or after the other guy in dalsingh's thread?
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