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Everything posted by Jag_Singh

  1. Jag_Singh

    I Dont Get It:s

    It'd be cool if they could live on there own away from brothers/sisters/parents....then the mother in law has no options left hehe. Marriage is no biggi.....as long as we're married to satguru waheguru.....I don't need anything else in life.
  2. Gyiaan khand mai gyiaan parchand Thitai naad binaad kod anand
  3. Actually no it isn't. Yes there are punjabi muslims....but you do have a point. At the same time we can argue about the same thing against Britasia tv. Remember when they used to have the Keertan played in the mornings? shouldn't they change there station to sikh channel or somthing??
  4. Dharam khand ka eho dharam. Gyiaan khand ka akheyo karam.
  5. Recently I may have told 4 or 5 people (they know who they are, and I'm not going to mention any names) one or two of my problems and I believe I may have caused them dukh.....I just want to say sorry for even opening my mouth....shouldn't of even said anything to anyone about anything....sorry jeeoooo. Bad times. I know this will end up getting locked. I hope the people who I feel the need to apologise to, get a chance to read it!! Bhul chuk maaf jeeo
  6. They were not giving any anti-dasam granth parchar. It was the caller/s who was against dasam granth parkash......then of course someones gonna add some water to the milk isn't there? My point exactly!
  7. Raati ruthi thhithhi vaar pavan pani angi paataal
  8. Talking about the vikaars....when ever we watch TV, the panj doot are there.....does this mean we should completely forget TV, forget our favorite eposides, movies, etc? I mean all it is, is a kalyug da daba, yet there I am watching it, finding the jokes funny....but when the same jokes hit me in life, it's not funny anymore. krm sukrm krwey Awpy kImiq kaux AByvey ] karam sukaram karaaeae aapae keemath koun abhaeveae || He Himself causes us to do good and bad deeds; who can know the value of the Mysterious Lord? I like this pangti. Would it mean we are always prone to the 5 doot though, that we always fall right into the well straight away when we helped back out?
  9. It helped abit but I have this feeling that 'I'm the victim of hate'....all I want to do is be me...just so hard recently you mentioned: Thats where I'm collapsing. No matter how many stupid things we've done in life....all I want is guru jee's forgiveness, nothing more....we dont get this body again and agian.....we've been through chuarasi....I hate myself if I upset another over small disputes.....vaheguru save me.
  10. Thats another slap on the face....question is how can I over this heavy burden? Even if you remember guru jee 24/7, you do loads of bani's yet still have that feeling of guilt.....I need to get rid of that.
  11. Only if we'd life in a ideal world we could practise fearlessly. Do you have the source of this article?
  12. Jag_Singh

    I Dont Get It:s

    ^^^ Doesn't always mean you will live with mother in law, there are ways to sort that problem out :lol:. Anyway, I like the idea of looking after each other instead of the usual picking on each other......the most important thing I believe is the foundation of trust, once that's established me thinks any relationship will work.
  13. Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru
  14. I'm guessing the second paragraph I wrote explains why it is regarded as the most pavitar asthaan....It's only my opinion though. Sorry couldn't answer your question jeeo.
  15. Well when you look at popular Gurudwaras in India/pakistan you'll notice all are equally holy. You have Nanakana Sahib where Vaheguru himself was born...and ever since there have been many many illustriously historic Gurughar at many places. The sorurvar was first found.....back crows used to glide/dip in, coming out they were white. In those times there was so much shakti in the sorurvar....but with all the attacks, etc....it has been reduced. This doesn't mean 'teertha te naave will wash away your sins'......all I'm trying to say is the amrit is 'pavitar'.
  16. Nope didn't know about the attack....thanks for the info though.^^
  17. Wjkk wjkf It's a funny topic to talk about. We laugh when others are angry, but self torment when we are. When we do daily chores, go school, work, etc we look around and judge others.....that voice in our head says 'look at that guy, he/she thinks their the best'.....Straight away jealousy kicks in and before you know it angers staring right at you. It's one of the five powerful vices which continues to entangle our life with violence. Guru sahib explains it nicely: ਕਠਨ ਕਰੋਧ ਘਟ ਹੀ ਕੇ ਭੀਤਰਿ ਜਿਹ ਸੁਧਿ ਸਭ ਬਿਸਰਾਈ ॥ kathan karodhh ghatt hee kae bheethar jih sudhh sabh bisaraaee || The heart is filled with anger and violence, which cause all sense to be forgotten. So how can we bang 'anger' out? Well, to put it simply, by remaining calm. A very hard thing to do if your the average angry guy out there like me. There are ways to help reduce anger. This katha is mainly about 'kaam' but bhai sahib mentions alot about khoradh too: So lets all try to live along with the guru jee's shabad bani: ਕਾਮ ਕ੍ਰੋਧ ਅਰੁ ਲੋਭ ਮੋਹ ਬਿਨਸਿ ਜਾਇ ਅਹੰਮੇਵ ॥ Sexual desire, anger, greed and emotional attachment - may these be gone, and egotism as well. Only making this topic cus tuhinirinkaar asked <_< :D......someones doing 'loh' next....lol bhul chuk maaf wjkk wjkf
  18. Didn't get a chance to listen to it (broadband problems) Any chance of the Katha being recorded?
  19. The correct term you should be using is 'prejudiced'. Just to make things alot clear: The term race or racial group usually refers to the categorization of humans into populations or groups on the basis of various sets of heritable characteristics.[1] The physical features commonly seen as indicating race are salient visual traits such as skin color, cranial or facial features and hair texture.[1][2] Source
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