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BhaiSukhSingh last won the day on March 14 2012

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  1. Gurfateh jee I have been asked to find out when the next amrit sanchaar in Surrey/Vancouver Canada is? Individuals have requested to follow dal panth or taksal maryada. Dhan Vaad
  2. ive searched trip advisor but most places that are veg also serve alcohol.
  3. Anyone know a place to eat with family in bradford. No alcohol, no meat on premises.
  4. Very sad state of affairs parents forget they too were born to a "female" image how they would feel if this happened to their mothers. Penji probably has, but has she sat down explained how they are making her feel. Maybe speak to an older grandparent ?
  5. Just wondering what you guys have done for the panth ? Easy to point fingers.
  6. Gurfetah Khalsa jeo. Not here to debate if its correct or not. But when Guru Granth Sahib Jee is prakash with Dasam Pitas bani whats the order. I.e. Guru Granth Sahib, Dasam Granth, Sarbloh Granth. Or how are the Granths Prakash in Takht Sri Hazoor Sahib Daahn Vadi
  7. ????????? Will be in punjab later in the year rather then going looking for it thought if i had a number could get something made !!!
  8. no sri sahibs on any flights leaving India domestic or international
  9. Heres the trailor Seems like the assasin is a muslim n hes killing nihang singhs https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JapuE16BPrY Assassins Creed® Chronicles: India Assassins Creed Chronicles: India throws you into the tension between the Sikh Empire and the East India Company in 1841. When a Master Templar arrives with a mysterious item that used to belong to the Assassin Order, Arbaaz Mir must discover why hes come, steal back the item, and protect his friends and his lover.
  10. I "May" be visiting France next year wanted to ask is there any GuruGhar in Paris. Also in regards to the french people how are they towards Sikhs? Can you take your Sri Sahib when you visit the effel tower ?
  11. Khalsa Jee, I seen a short clip of Nirvar Khalsa Jatha on sangat TV. I think it was a short promo for Guru Nanaks Prakash Ustad on sangat TV It was Nirvar Khalsa singing Aayi baba nanka Tu Aaya Baba Nanaka anyone got a link to this on youtube or other internet source?
  12. Khalsa jeo. Can you confirm you have any small kirpans left ?
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