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Posts posted by DSG

  1. Guest Gurji , 

    This is a very difficult one , and really sympathise with you .  I know couples who after 17 years +  being together have split up , and its really tough for a woman, physically and emotionally. Its really hard to envisage what your a going through and dont really see it adequate to give you advice but something is telling me to share the experience of the couples who have divorced , which may help you and above all Guru Maharaj will definitely help you.

    1. Be strong , have faith in Guru Maharaj.

    2. When you come home , put on shabad kirtan , reharas paath , sukhmani sahib . Have Kirtan playing in the background. YOur saviour , person who you can talk to , to get advice will be Guru Maharaj. 

    3. Have you seeked marriage guidance ? Dont bottle in your thoughts , speak to or family and Guru Maharaj.

    3. Think about the future and be prepared . Are you working , can you pay the bills , who will look after your child . Sad but true these are things that will keep going round and round in your mind.... Be strong , dont take any rash decisions . Go to the Gurudawara once/twice a week keep up the routine , again Guru Maharaj will definitely guide you.

    I sincerely hope that you make the right decision and live a happy and prosperous life . Above all have 100% faith in Guru Maharaj ( also start reading Gurbani , read Sikh history , go to Basics of Sikhi site and view their material. Start teaching your Child about Sikhi , with Guru Maharaj ji's kirpa , your husband might see the positive energy in you and your child and realise his wrong doings.

  2. Guest Eone

    You "wanting to be with anyone"  is your choice . If you , your family , the girl and girls family all agree then thats  fine.

    However , now if the Sikh Girl and you  want to get married in a Gurudawara and partake in the Anand Karaj , then both MUST follow a code of conduct .

    Anand Karaj (blissful/joyful Union)is the most important marriage ceremony for a Sikh , and the one that counts. Basically for a Sikh you go round the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj ( Holy Sikh scrupture containing the word of God ,spoken through the Sikh Gurus and blessed Saints) four times .( each round The Guru tells you how the Union of 2 Souls can be merged with the almighty ( I wont go into this is detail , but can do if required or you can research Anand Karaj for your self and come back with any queries as there are alot of learned Gursikhs on this forum who can provide guidance) 

    Note:- Very important point, you are going around the the Guru , not each other , or family members. But focal point, center point being the Guru ( Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj) So , you are in fact binding to an agreement with your self and the Guru. Now if you dont believe this , or dont believe in the Sri Guru Grant Sahib Ji Maharaj as the Sikh holy scrupture , the word of God . Then simple , dont partake in the Anand Karaj , you can still take blessings from the Guru , have Giani's( preists) recite Kirtan(spiritual songs) , do an ardas for you ( prayers) , have a Civil registry wedding) but not Anand Karaj. As if you partake in the Anand Karaj  but not accepting the Gurus message , then it becomes false , then why do it if you have no belief. ( Both parties must agree to this)

    This is not a one day thing , taking part in the Anand Karaj  you are accepting Sikhi and its teachings and will be a life time task. Aiming to become one with the almighty. Regular visits to the Gurudawara , taking part in selfless service , listening and reading to Gurbani , helping others, bettering yourself , enhancing your spiritual journey etc..

    The best thing is , this is all brilliant , whats wrong with surrendering yourself to the Guru , and learning , bettering yourself mentally and physically , helping others . Your marriage will be amazing if both partners are on the same path ( you'll have your ups and downs) but the beauty is Guru Maharaj will guide and help you all the way.


    Please see below link to video , 



  3. I believe everyone wants the perfect partner , good looking , good character , etc... who doesnt ....but the attraction can be developed over the years and with action. Action by the way one is behaving , seeing each other as friends , sharing your experiences together , attraction will definitely come. Above all have faith in Guru Maharaj , seek guidance from Guru Maharaj , ask Guru ji this question from within your heart and your question will be answered. If physical attraction is a negative and positives outweigh the negatives , then that may be an element to consider.

    I know a friend who was in the same position as you , got married to someone he was not physically attracted to. but in his circumstances he got married had the Anand Karaj so there was no turning back . For several months . he was sad but plucked up the courage to stick to his vows. He put all his faith in Guru Maharaj , started to go to the Gurudawara , speaking to Guru Maharaj , asking for help .Guru Maharj 100% helped him . Now you cant get him away from his wife , the bond is so strong , its an inspiration. He often says he was a moorakh , but made a decision to change his mindset with Guru Maharaj;s guidance.

    Before you make a commitment , see the guy again , talk to him have general conversation and then contemplate , and decide whether , he is for you or not.

  4. The things that are not clear are :-


    1. The Mixed marriage couple were they approached by the committee or SCUK to discuss the Sikh Ananad Karaj marriage ?

    2. Did the couple and family understand , what they were doing and willing to sit down and listen  ?

    3. Did the couple agree to partake in Anand Karaj as SCUK created an Anand Karaj declaration form which both couples had to sign and abide by.

    4. Did the couple understand Anand Karaj is not a ritual ?

    5. Were other options made available to the couple and family ?

    I think based on this , judgement can be made . I am pretty confident if a learned sikh explained the concept of Anand Karaj  to the couple and family they would have a different view on the message sikhs want to portray regarding mixed marriages, assuming they want to listen.

    Education is the key , whether mixed marriage or same marriage all the sangat should make an effort to learn and educate. IF the couple/family dont agree then simple dont do an Anand Karaj . But if the committee dont want to listen either then the sangat needs to wake up bombard them with letters, petitions , rallies so that whenever they come to the Gurudawara they will automatically resign.

    The thing that I dont understand is that why is it we react when damage is done , why not act they way we do now to make them understand , we have Sikh TV channels , where news can be spread to the sangat and sangat can advise according to sikhi teachings.   

  5. iaree Sadh Sangat ji 

    Wahe guru ji ka Khalsa Wahe Guru ji Ke Fateh

    They are at it again  . Thread on here back in 2010 

    Please see letter attached .

    Basically RST are considering in using the hall opposite the Gurudawara for Social Functions ( meat and Alcohol will be served)

    Sikh Council UK are on the case 

    We need to put pressure on the committee so that they think twice and put a stop to it.

    Please email info@rstbirmingham.com or call 0121 233 2647 /5435 and voice your concerns ( politely and peacfully of course)

    The more pressure put on the committee the better. Need to be done before 14th september

    Lets apply as much pressure as possible ( again peacefully and politely of course) so this can be stopped.



  6. Piaree Sadh Sangat Ji


    Waheguru has blessed us with a little bit of seva , which we would like to share with the sangat.

    SIKHAID charity help out people in the poorest areas around the World

    It is run 100% by volunteers form all back grounds , all funds raised are used 100% for the cause , some volunteers forsee the camps and spend their own money for flights and accommodation.

    World health organisation say :-

    there are approximately 39 million blind people in the World

    This will increase to approx 79 million if not checked

    90% of the problems are in developing countries

    80% can be cured/prevented

    SikhAID setup camps , recent venture was last November /December where a volunteer foresaw the camp , approx 500 people were screened , 119 referred for cateract operation.

    Along side the eye camp , Dental camps are run ( started in 2010) again by volunteers who have shipped over the equipment , some young kids have not even seen a tooth brush.

    Also mental health and well being workshops are being setup , last year a conference was held with NHS ( Nationla Health Service) explaining to them especially in the asian,punjabi,Sikh community theres no help availble , for example any domestic issues in the househeld our elders tell us to sweep under the carpet or tell us it will be ok ,overtime this builds up and eventually explodes and causes all sorts of mental & health problems. We are asking for help off the NHS , setup camps in Gurudawaras, visit homes etc... so that sangat and tell somebody and seek help/guidance

    Much much more can be done ..

    Piaree Sadh Sangat , lets make people aware , the more awareness the more help can be provided. Seva can be in many forms , some will donate, some will do physical seva , some inform others etc.. any which way we can please help

    On new years eve , SikhAid volunteers setup a stall at GuruNanak Gurudawara smethwick high street ,and Dhesmesh Gurudawara Lozells ..... The main point was making the sangat aware so that could make others aware . Some much piare(love) was shown by the sangat it was unbeliveable , all wahegurus dpost-21421-0-98203200-1357564242_thumb.joing.

    SikhAid are holding a classical music charity event in Birmingham Adrian Boult hall on Saturday 16th Februray 2013 start 6pm . All money raised will go the the causes .. If you can come along please do so ( if you require tickets , please let me know cost of one eye operation is about £20 , ticket costs are £15 , £20 family of 4 £40 ( 6yrs-18yrs) , snack & drink is included)

    If you want to help out, donate , please send your email address / contact details ,

    Please see poster and website below :-


  7. jag_singh , i'm all up for a joke but I didnt get it "Clickly" :umm:


    I wasnt aware of another Sikh Channel , dont know the history behind it , but they should work together , "talk the same talk , walk the same walk"

    Or even better merge together , share ideas together , broadcast together .

    If its all just about money and personal vendatas etc.. then I personally believe the mission of the Sikh Channel will be a failure , with Wahegurus Kirpa this hopefully this would not be the case .


  8. Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa Wahe Guru Ji Ke Fateh

    Piaree Sadh Sangat ji

    Sikh channel Tv on 840 are requesting sangats help , to come forward and host Sikhi programmes in the summer period ( may be longer) .

    Forget about the politics

    Forget about personal hatred

    Forget about the buts

    See the bigger picture for the future generation to come , lets educate and be educated . So sangat Ji , Sikh channel are looking for the sangat who can produce and host their own shows , help behind the scenes . ( It has to be about Sikhism)

    No "wishy washy stuff" but factual based , properly researched, not offending anyone , making the sangat aware , inspiring the sangat .

    So please help email dsb@sikhchannel.tv for further information , also if anyone has any suggestions ,improvements , material which can be broadcasted please share with us

    NB:- Going to the Gurudawara, doing darshan of Sri Guru Granth Sahib is a MUST Watching the Sikh Channel , listening to discussions, kirtan etc.. Will not replace this ,and its intentions are not to replace it , but hopefully inspire and educate the sangat to learn more about Sikhism , practice more .

    Please provide any feeback

    Kema da jachak heh

  9. Piaree Sangat Ji

    Please provide any feed back , I surprised no one as responded , this unique event which is free , sangat ji , hopefully is making people aware about Sikhism as a Christian friend at the Abbey has been asking us for a long time , in particular about Sikh Music , hence this unique opportunity to see a 1200 year Abbey and top Sikh artists perform at such an ancient place , with Wahegurus Kirpa , the atmpshere/mood will be electrifying , lets pack out the place . I appreciate and understand if sangat ji has other committments , Kema dha ja chak hay

    Wahe Guru Ji ka khalsa Wahe Guru Ji ke fateh

  10. Piaree Sadh Sangat Ji

    We are organinsing an event on 16th May 2009 at Polesworth Abbey Tamworth , Please see attached doc for details but in brief , Venue is about Healing Sounds of Sikh Tradition according to Sikh holy scriptures. Raags will be performed by Top artists from Thames Valley University and Raj Academy.

    Venue is free and food will be served aswell , due to insurance purposes and health and safety , we are only allocated X amount of seats , so if you,family,friend are interested please confirm the number of people coming

    Wahe guri ji ka khalsa Wahe Guru ji ke fateh


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