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Everything posted by kooku

  1. God never left us. It is our bad luck that we ignore all the signs of his bounties bestowon us. The beauty of multi coloured butterly skipping and jumping fromone flower to another. A first drop of rain, that smells so ‘earthly’; The Smile of a new born child, The unsaid ‘thanks’ of beggar’s eyes; when gifted by you, The joys of helping an elder cross the road, The ever spreading ripples on a placid lake created by a floating twig, When did we last time hug and thank our parents for the cares theydo for us. All such, and many more are signs of God’s presence all around us . It’s us who have closed our eyes, and shut him out. And foolishly seekhim.
  2. Thou that has given so much;---Dear Nanak--- please give one thing more....a grateful loving forgiving heart. People causing harm to Sikhs will be taken care off by the Wahe Guru. Trust in Him . The harm causer will be diluted by the Grace of God's Love!
  3. Lets be serious on this matter of Khalistan.It was an Utopian notion that came with a bang and flickered out with blood shed and new it is dying …whimpers! And what did Punjab gain from it loss of life, property, and reputation. And once every year we recall the sacrifices of the innocent people who died for a cause….a cause, which has no foundation!! And led by political masters who till today use us like puppets Talk about it, Khalistan. But we never do any thing concrete about it. 1. How many of contributors (writers) on this page have visited the interior of Punjab villages? Have you noted the depleted and empty houses? Why are they so? Let me answer it for some of you. People have left for greener pastures- money and better life. 2. Most of these villages are without the basic amenities- proper drinking water, pakka roads, and health system and communication. So, where do we stand? The answer, my friend is our roots are weak! And, we cannot dream of creating a nation with dreams. I have met many ‘educated ‘youths from Punjab; but most are without the basic universal language English! I suggest, people with high education, and little contribution in the form of ‘time’. Yes, only time!! Visit such villages, provide good basic education. This education will lift them from the daily drudgery .And make them better citizens. A bunch of educated citizens will usher in new dawn of better and stronger Punjab….and that Punjab is the dream of all of us. Do not send cash …as it falls in wrong hands and never reaches the proper place and for proper target. Call it by any name…..
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