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Everything posted by MokhamSingh

  1. Imagine you are walking in one direction but thousands of people are rushing towards you from the opposite direction. You will be pushed,shoved,given dirty looks etc. Imagine if you were to pick a fight with every person. You will never reach your destination. The confrontation with these people would be futile. If you were to walk this path everyday , then eventually your journey will become easier as you will find a way to get through and plus the other people will start to realise that you too need to pass them by. When we engage in Naam Simran we are bombarded with unwanted or unsavoury thoughts. If we pay attention to these thoughts then we will never reach our destination. After a few days,weeks,months etc. these thoughts will realise that we too need to get somewhere and as such will allow us to pass them by.
  2. ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂਜੀਕਾਖਾਲਸਾਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂਜੀਕੀਫਤਹਿ http://www.scribd.com/people/documents/21511952-mokhamsingh The above link can be used for all the books. Many thanks. ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂਜੀਕਾਖਾਲਸਾਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂਜੀਕੀਫਤਹਿ
  3. Garlic is an Aphrodisiac and that may be one reason. This is my personal understanding and as such please forgive if it is wrong.
  4. http://www.proudtobesikh.com/khalsa/search/searchShabadAtPTBS.aspx By Surinder Singh or type "purkh" in the search box.
  5. As a young boy I was totally out of breath,panting and gasping for air. The Mahatma asked why I was in that state. "I am trying to catch my shadow on this lovely sunny day . I've wasted all day but to no avail" I replied. The Mahatma took me by the shoulders and made me face the sun. "Now your shadow will follow you everywhere without any effort" he said. Many years later the Mahatma remarked "I see that you are still trying to chase your shadow but this time the shadow is in terms of worldly pleasures such as a good career,health,relationships etc". He took by the shoulders and made me face Gurbani. "Look in the direction of Gurbani and the pleasures shadow will follow automatically" he said as he smiled beautifully.
  6. A totally mirrored building is entered by a dog with some food in it's mouth. The dog sees it's reflection in the mirror and thinks there's another dog there and as such attempts to fight that "dog" in order to steal his food. Since there is no dog other than himself he ends up smashing his head against the mirror wall and even loses what he already had. A small child enters the building. Sees his own reflection in the mirror with his hair open and assumes he is seeing an apparition. The child is scared,starts crying and runs away. A wise man enters the building and upon seeing his own reflection everywhere he realises that it's a mirror effect and as such just enjoys the comforts of that building. There is nothing apart from Waheguru everywhere. Under the intoxication of Maya we as humans have fallen into the trap of seeing other religions,other castes,other creeds,other people etc. Sabh Gobind Hai Sabh Gobind Hai............... Don't fall into the trap. Everything is just Waheguru. As we play games with children , Waheguru too is playing the world game. Sabh Gobind Hai.................
  7. http://uploaded.to/file/h75gmb http://uploaded.to/file/ene9wg http://uploaded.to/file/1bkt18 http://uploaded.to/file/ploqyt http://uploaded.to/file/d07xpj http://uploaded.to/file/worjx4 If the previous links do not open , please try these. Request to Admin: Would it be possible to have this thread as a sticky in order to avoid individual threads being started for down/uploads? Please.
  8. Sri Gurpratap Suraj Granth by Kavee Santokh Singh Ji. The Punjabi translations are by Dr. Ajit Singh Aulakh , Punjab University.
  9. Here are the final six chapters from the Updesh by Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharajh. Vidhant Vichar......http://ul.to/d07xpj Gurmat Sadhna Varnan...............http://ul.to/ene9wg Bramh Gyan one of three...........http://ul.to/h75gmb Bramh Gyan two of three.........http://ul.to/1bkt18 Bramh Gyan three of three...........http://ul.to/ploqyt Gurmat Gyan Nirnay......................http://ul.to/worjx4
  10. Bani that comes from the Guru. Bani that comes from the Guru.
  11. Beautiful soothing voice of Bhai Pishora Singh. 66 mp3 tracks. www.sikhsangeet.com
  12. Continuing on from Atam Darpan Vichar in this chapter Tenth Patshahi gives more updesh in the form of "Atam Vichar Darpan". http://ul.to/aqd2u6 In this Chapter Guru Ji's Updesh is regarding Yoga & Naam. http://ul.to/uxazej
  13. In this chapter 6th Patshahi explains four types of Charcha ( debate ) and which one's a Gursikh adopts. I hope you will enjoy. http://uploaded.to/file/8k5wxs In this chapter "Maya Lumbh" 6th Patshahi explains the different mind sets of Sikh preachers and Sikh Sangat. Very informative & interesting. http://ul.to/ggnkcr In this chapter 6th Patshahi explains "Shanktee Tapp". Four types of Bhaghtee. Importance of Bhaghtee in conjunction with Gyan. http://ul.to/k7l4we. In this chapter 6th Patshahi explains difference between Naam & Shaaster philosophy. http://ul.to/on006t I hope you will enjoy reading them.
  14. In this chapter Sri Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji (6th Patshahi) outlines the fourteen requirements of a Vakta(speaker/preacher) and the fourteen requirements of a Srota(listener/audience). Highly interesting and informative. http://uploaded.to/file/0k621m
  15. where did you here this? or how did you come to know about this? and is there a set number of repititions? thanks All the old Sampradha's will confirm this. The number of repititions depend on your own speed. Some take six minutes to complete one Paath where as some take three minutes. The more you can fit into the time period the better. P.S. Do full Chaupai and not abbreviated version.
  16. ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂਜੀਕਾਖਾਲਸਾਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂਜੀਕੀਫਤਹਿ In this eight page chapter Sri Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji Maharajh (6th Patshahi) gives valuable Updesh and also the importance of Santa de Seva and the attributes of a Sant. I hope you will enjoy reading it. ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂਜੀਕਾਖਾਲਸਾਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂਜੀਕੀਫਤਹਿ P.S. The display quality is better than previous files (sorry for not using better settings before). http://uploaded.to/file/h4fqex
  17. Chaupai Sahib. Spend two and a half hours a day for forty days , then see the results.
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