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Everything posted by harsharan000

  1. Apart from Wahiguru, everything is "koorr", as everything is transient and perisahble. The Bani says : Koor raja, koor parja, koor sab sansaar, koor koore neho laga, visria kartar, kis nal kije dosti, sab jag chalanhaar. ... When people talk of dharam, let us not forget that, the real dharam is righteuosness, is duty also, and for each and everyone of us, our only dharam is to secure ourselves by merging our surtees in Him. So real dharam starts very much first with ourselves. We do nothing for ourselves, and we are set out to do something for our culture, our community, our land, our nation, our this, our that....when we very well know through the Bani, that all that is absolutely"koorr", which will one day pass away for sure sooner or later, so in the end it means, it is all maya.... And we proudly waste away our pricelss human life .... It is not of being coward, but neither stupid manmukh. We should definetely fight evil or unjustice if the chance arises, but being consciouss, that nothing should stop me from doing pooran bhakti of Wahiguru, through His Simran and Dhyan. If we dedicate ourselves to Him solely, then we need not being fearful of anything, as Fifth Patshahee beautifully tells us in Raag Bhairao: ayk tayk ayko aaDhaar The One and only Lord is my Support and Protection. But to get this support and protection from Him, can only be possible if we wholeheartdley devote ourselves at His Lotus Feet, without looking here or there. What the world does, matters very little. We have to see for ourselves if we secure ourselves by fulfilling our objective of coming into the human form, for His realization only. Then the other issue of malas .... I very much agree with you Gupt jee, Guru sahibans though seen in the paintings with malas, I think they did not need malas nor used them. Because malas are used to gather out sacttered attention while sitting to meditate and try to concentrate it on the Gurmanter within, and tune ourselves with the Shabad Dhun, the celestial melody of Naam within. Guru Sahibans are the embodiment of purity itself, of Wahiguru Himself, they are always in tune with Naam within, though outside they may mingle with us and look doing things like us. But there is nothing wrong if anyone needs the support of a mala to gather his/her attention and withold it with Simran, until we get spiritual maturity, and then we shall not need it anymore. Some children learn to walk by themselves, some by holding the parents fingers, and still some need the help of walkers, and so these later ones, once feel stronger and with confidence in themselves, will surely leave these walkers, but the thing is, not to depend on these walkers, but keeping in mind that it is only temporary until i learn to be confident and walk by myself Then the moment our Simran gets puccaa, we get hold by the Shabad Guru within, and our hands will automatically stop rotating the mala. This is the purpose of His Dhyan and Simran. Mala by itself is nothing more than an aid for the spiritual student, to fulfill the purpose of recollecting the scattered attention from the world, and focus within on the Gurmanter more efficiently. That is it. Sat Sree Akal.
  2. Dear Gupt Jee, in my humble opinion, one has not to be a gyani to know things, but just to pay carefull attention to what the Bani says. What is mukti? Mukti means to be free forever from the cycle of births and deaths. And this can only happen by merging our surtees in Wahiguru through His Simran, there is no other way nor shortcut. We also know Wahiguru is the only Truth, as is so His Naam or Shabad also. We also know, through Bani : Jin Har japeeya se Har hoeeya So if we do not ever use the tool of His Naam simran bhakti, how can our soul ever merge in Him? This is not a matter of beleving or debating, it is a simple perefct equation from Gurbani : He who meditates on Him, through His Naam Simran, gets united with Him, being one with Him. Now if we die willingly for any reason, in this case of Shaheeds, they will have to be reborn once again in a human form to do His bhakti of His Simran, in order to clear all karmas, whether of past, present or future, and not only that, but with this jugtee of His simran, get hold of Shabad Guru within, who will take us into His lap. There is no other way. Getting hold of Shabad Guru is only possible by His Simran, that is why in Gurbani so much stress is laid on Naam Simran, by Guru sahibans or Bhagat Janas. It is the soul which has to merge in the Shabad Dhun , and brother, this only and only is possible by fighting and winning the mind, with His Simran. The mind is knotted together with the soul, and this knot can only be broken with His Simran. No knife, no sword, no gun, no atom bomb, can ever break this knot of our soul with the mind, it is only the by the far superior power of Naam, which can release us from the clutches of the mind. I wished it was that easy to give up one´s life and merge in Him, that would be a very cheap deal to get mukti. When we die without His Bhakti of His Simran, our mind is very much with us, and there we can not go with it, we have to go as pure naked souls without any blemishes. His Simran, is the only purifier, plus we do not incurr in any karmas, otherwise without His simran, everything done, is karam, or subh karma, depends on the cases, and as such we shall remain very much in the Cycle of Eighty Four. Sat Sree Aakal.
  3. ਏਕੁ ਸਬਦੁ ਬੀਚਾਰੀਐ ਜਾ ਤੂ ਤਾ ਕਿਆ ਹੋਰਿ Eaek Sabadh Beechaareeai Jaa Thoo Thaa Kiaa Hor एकु सबदु बीचारीऐ जा तू ता किआ होरि I dwell upon the One Word of the Shabad. You are mine-what else do I need? Raag Sree Raag, Bani Satguru Nanak Dev Maharaj. In this tuk above of First Patsahhee, He is telling us, that when one does His Bhakti as per means of His Simran; that is most complete Bhakti which we can offer Him. We need not do anything else. As He says: Jhaa toon taa kia hor? When Sachay Patshah Wahiguru is with us, who else do we need to please or satisfy. There is a saying: haathee ke pau meh, sabh ka pau. Let us fear none, that if I do not worship this or that, or do not do this or that, something bad may happen..., or, let me worship several, in case if someone fails, there are still some to surely assist me...what a petty or narrow minded thinking. He Wahiguru, is the adhaar of all. And all means, all deities all entities. So if anyone has anything, it is had from Him; so, is it not wise to directly worship Wahiguru rather than the lower deities or gods? We all know, we are made of 5 tattwas and three gunas(sato, rajo and tamo). But in devoting ourselves to Wahiguru or to others, there is a huge difference. For example Ravan, was asur or rakshash from mother´s side, he had much of rajo and tamo gun, and as we all know, he worshipped Brahma and Shiva very much with penance, and he had their darshan and asked for boons, and he almost became invincible.... But let us ask ourselves, did his severe bhakti ever removed the evil roots in him ? Did his kaam, krodh, lobh, moh or ahankar ever diminish? Inspite of doing so much bhakti, and having darshans of the gods,he died like a dog, as the evil in him got even multiplied On the other side, the elephant who offered a flower to Narayan, when attacked by a crocodile, had much of sato gun..... and was helped by Vishnu Jee, who took him to his abode in Baikunth So we can see, by worshipping these gods and godesses, and with any of the three gunas or combined among them, we can at most reach their abodes, which are much within the realms of Maya, and even with our deep bhakti and reverence for them, our basic nature does not change. On the other side, the Bani tells us : Prabh ka simran, man kee mael jae, Prabh ka Simran trishna sabh bhoojeeye, Prabh ka Simran garbh na baseh and so on ......with His bhakti. This makes us to think. That no matter even if we are full of sins, or nothing of sato gun , but much much of rajo and tamo gun, or even be a rakshash, then too, by the Bhakti of His Simran, all the filthy layers of sanskaras, of karmas, of desires .... upon us,. get removed and thus we get freed from the wheel of eighty four. Even if we are illiterate or donkeys, than too, by His Bhakti we become Brahmgyanis. So if by worshipping Wahiguru we attract divine virtues and ony goodness, why should we waste our time on stone worthy deities or entities in comparison with Wahiguru, howsoever fascinating they may seem to us? Who knows, what amount of swasaas are remained in our destiny.... Then too, we must bear in mind, only those can worship Him, to those whom wants to do so ... it is not in our hands at all to worship Him, no matter howsoever chaturaaee or plannings we may do .... Just to conclude, if we have even a penny of common sense, let us do the real bhakti of worshipping Him alone. None other deserve it. Only He, Sachay Patshah Wahiguru Akal Purukh. Saacha Sahib, Sachaa Nao. Only the Bhakti of the one Truthful and eternal Wahiguru, can bring in us purity, serenity, peace, bliss, and unquenchable hunger and thirst of loving Him at all times. Sat Sree Akal.
  4. Simran Pen Jee, both the videos posted by you above are just precious jewels of wisdom and of truth. Thank you jee. Sat Sree Akal.
  5. Who is a true devotee of Wahiguru? Most of us take pride and have a strong feeling that we are devotees of Guru Jee or Wahiguru, as we do this or that, or go and there, or because we are born in a particiular community, and so on........ But Dhan Dhan Satguru Amar Das Maharaj, tells us in Raag Ramkali and in a just few words about who God consideres His real lovers and devotees. ਹਰਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਧਿਆਏ ਭਗਤੁ ਜਨੁ ਸੋਈ Har Naam Dhhiaaeae Bhagath Jan Soee हरि नामु धिआए भगतु जनु सोई One who meditates on the Lord's Name, is His only humble devotee. So now let us be sincere with us, and not look around turning away our faces, by asking ourselves, do i do my own manmat, or do I implicitly follow the instructions above mentioned by Third Patshahee? Bhakti is not difficult at all, it is very simple as Guru Jee very well knows about our weaknesses, but it is we who make difficult Gurmat, by going the other way round; so in the end we achieve nothing and go empty handed from this world, as we wasted our lives after mere shadows or agyanta. There is still time to amend ourselves and retake the path of Gurmat, which definetely takes us back to Sach Khand at His Lotus Feet. Sat Sree Akal.
  6. Simran Jee, Wow, this quotation above is one of the best one I am reading in a long time. I say so, because now we know through Bhagat Nam Dev and His utter devotion, how to please and make happy our beloved Wahiguru. The whole world is constantly complaining and blaming Wahiguru, but a true Bhagat, a true Gurmukh, of that avastha, cares only in pleasing Wahiguru. Sat Sree Akal.
  7. Following is a beautiful prayer or poem of Bhagat Nam Dev : Always be in rapport with the Lord And enjoy true contentment This is the state of ineffable serenity There is peace, except in the Name of the Lord. Meditate on it with one pointed attention Experience the state of superconsciousness where the Lord´s love surges And you will see your own form In each particle of the creation. O Nama, the Lord will make The pupil of your eye His home And your eye will expand To contain the entire universe. Sat Sree Akal.
  8. Just as brother dallysingh 101 is sayng above, that one can not be in 2 boats at the same time ... But I would even go a step further, there is only one boat to take us across the Bhavsagar as per Bani : Nanak Naam Jahaz hae. Baba Nanak, is not giving us any other options. He is clear cut and says It is the Naam alone which is the only vessel to take us across. No prophets, no avatars, no devis, no devtas, no trinties ..... absolutely nothing . And Baba Nanak, was not any ordinary person, He was Wahiguru Himself in human form. So His words are the words of Wahiguru Himself. And if this is so, who is greater or has more knowledge than Wahiguru? Sat Sree Akal.
  9. Dear Preet Jee, let me answer some of your queries in the post above. Sorry for the delay, not that I had forgotten, but I wanted just some time to answer you.
  10. Pen Jee, I agree when life gives us blows we loose all our faith, we are all weak. Having said that, I will also say, as per Bani: aapay beejay, aapay kaae. All our destiny, however pleasant or not, it is just our own karmas pen jee. So let us stop blaming our beloved Wahiguru. It is being totally unjust with Him. And inspite of our moorakhta, our ignorance in seeing reality as it is, He, the most graceful, the most bountiful, the most soft heartened, He according to the Bani, has gblessed us with a powerful tool to overcome all our pains and miseries, and that is His Naam Simran. We have done all types of karmas, and we are responsible of them, how can we have the cheek to blame Him? Then too, He never says, you have no right to come near me and go away, rather He says, I know you are weak, but anyhow, howsoever you are still dear to me. And so, we just have to elevate our surtee within with His Simran, and place it at His Charan Kamal, and then see how much He loves us. It is said, a mother loves her child inmensely, but the love of Wahiguru for us jeevas, is just to say a bit, is even multiplied that motherly love a thousand times.... Just a request Pen jee, let us never ever be so harsh with our Sachay Patshah, Wahiguru Akal Purukh. It is the biggest mistake we can ever make. Rather love Him with all our mind, heart and soul. He, only and only, deserves to be loved. Sat Sree Akal.
  11. Brother Jacfsing2, I suggest you to not leave, cause you have done nothing wrong neither shameful, as far we all know. You are brave and a straightforward guy. Going back to the Admin, just think, he is also a human being. He can surely make mistakes as per our point of view. He has not necessarily to think like us, like what is wrong or right from our view, so give him that grace mark. As you said, you are not leaving for the people; so if your people which is a majority are telling you to stay, and as in all democracies the majority wins, this means no one can sack you out, you have our support. Of course, I have also thought many a times, why the Admin has not entered in some posts to moderate and keep a watchful eye on some, but then, I tell myself as said above, he is a human being, he maybe not necessarily seeing or feeling what I am doing, so after some time I cool down and come back with redoubled force, with the thought of my nice friends here.... with whom we interact almost everyday. Though nobody says you are my firend or you are not, but from their posts, we do get that warmth of friendship. So brother it is not the words which matter, but the good sentiments we have for each and other here. So brother do not let haume overpower you, as said, we want you, we will miss you, so reconsidere your decision, and let us see you back soon. Any how, God bless you. Sat Sree Akal.
  12. Dear Simran Jee, as much as possible, I believe in that, wahtever one states, there has to be rationality in it. People are not folloish. They will not take anything just like that, just because one has said it. So I try my best, but it seems, even then there are people who will always have a negative attitude, and question you. And when that ocurrs, I just leave it, because there is no sense to go into arguments, and fight like dogs in a ring. People are like that. They are not satisfied with peace and politeness, they will drag you to their level, but one has to be wise, and know at all times where is one heading. Forget for a moment of this imperfect das, look at our Guru Sahibans, or Bhagat Janas, how the wicked world treated them and inflicted pain and hatred on them, except that for madness and fanatism. Past sanskaras, play an important role in an individual´s thinking and behaviour. If someone has still to go in the merry go round of the chaurasee ka chakar, no matter how logically you explain to that person, he/she will never accept or believe it. That is why I always suggest never ever to force anything on anybody. We should leave it, He the creator and sustainer, is all wisdom, He knows how to handle His creation, so let us leave it in His hands. It is just stupid to fight over these petty issuses and make a big mountain of it. When we can not even change ourselves, our mentality...how can we think even to change some one´s mentality? The best way is: just as the world is full of thorns, we can never succeed in removing them, so better to wear a strong boot, so that they will not harm you. The thorns are the negativity of the world, and the strong boot is, faith and love in Wahiguru, by staying in His bhaana. Of course, we should always have a merciful glance for all His creatures, and then leave it to Him, it is His business, ours is to be aware of, if we doing His bhakti according to Gurbani or not. Rest, nothing is important. Sat Sree Akal.
  13. This post has not much to do with the title of this thread, but as I have seen, it has been shifted to a different level. All my good brothers and sisters here, attacking each and other mercilessly, it is something which makes me really sad. we are nobody to condem anybody. We can surely disagree on some issues, but we must keep in mind, at the end of the day, each and everyone is responsible for his/her choices or destiny; and as such we should not force anything on anybody, rather we should treat with respect. Gurmat, is the only valid science which can unite criteria, if, only we follow Gurbani implictly. I too live in this world, and I do have friends who eat meat, but that should not be an hindrance or barrier to go along on common issues. They respect me, I too respect them, and believe it, respect is a very nice virtue, it makes us more human. So following are my two cents, which I would like to share with all of you, irrespective of if you eat meat or not... drink or not, smoke or not, because ultimately, what matters is if I still continue loving Wahiguru with His grace. Satguru Nanak, in Raag Gauree Chaytee, sheds some light about if we can eat meat, fish, eggs, fowl, etc ....... KAYTAY RUKH BIRAKH HAM CHEENAY KAYTAY PASOO UPAA-AY. I TOOK THE FORM OF SO MANY PLANTS AND TREES, AND SO MANY ANIMALS. KAYTAY NAAG KULEE MEH AA-AY KAYTAY PANKH UDAA-AY. MANY TIMES I ENTERED THE FAMILIES OF SNAKES AND FLYING BIRDS. First of all, He is telling us that, all life forms have souls in them, that is why He says we have been born several times as plants, trees(vegetable kingdom), animals (mammals), snakes, birds(those born from eggs) ..... He clearly states all life forms have souls. So that is why, killing them or eating them is a sin. Actaully, all life forms have souls. Even eating vegetabes create karmas, and add to our already heavy burden. This creation is so wisely designed by Kal Purukh, that he has set up this net to keep entangled souls in this part of the creation under his jurisdiction. No way to escape from it. But as we have to live here, and we can not avoid creating karmas, Gurmukhs advice us to collect the least amout of karmas. All creation is made of 5 tattwas or elements. And the amount of these tattwas, single or combined present in the living forms, is what makes heavier or lighter, to our karmas created. The first category is of the vegetable kingdom, which has only one tattwa active in them , and that is water. The second category is of the insects: in them only 2 elements are active, which are: fire and air. The 3rd category belongs to the bird kingdom, in them only 3 elements are active: water, fire and air. The 4th category belongs to the mammals or four legged animals, in them except ether or akash is dormant, the rest 4 are active. In the 5th category comes the human being, in him all the 5 elements are active, that is what distinguishes him from the rest of the creation, the element akash, gives him the reasoning faculty, known also as "budh" along with intelligence. Now this was a short and a quick description of the physical creation. Lets now take the following example, to ilustrate the topic being disscused above: Let us imagine, seeing someone pluking a flower from somebody´s garden, the owner sees him and give him a good scolding. 2nd case, somone kills the dog of this same fellow, the case can be reported to the police and the infractor can be fined. After some time, someone kills this man´s horse, this time the infractor can be jailed. After sometime again, some dacoit enters this man´s house and kills the house owner, this time the dacoit can be hanged, for his crime. So as we can see, for each infraction there has been a punishment, according to the degree of of the infraction commited.The punishment depends on the degree of the level of conciousness present in that particular form of life, consequently depends on the degree of the tattwas present or active in that form of life. We can not live in this creation without creating karma; and so, if we have to create karma by force, let us create or collect the least amount of it; that is why it is recomended to live on the vegetarian diet, by doing that, we collect the minnimum karma on our heads. The kiling in this creation is done on each step and is unavoidable, but by going for a vegetarian diet, killing is done to a lower level of conciousness, which means it´s effects are softer, and thus bearable. It is easier, to walk wearing a shirt, than to have 100 pounds of weight on our heads. As any normal person can see by himself or herself, in no place is written, that eating anything, like even spinachs or drinking water, killing is not involved, on the contrary, it clearly states that,life in this creation is based on life, but having said that, it is now for us to decide how much karma one wants to put on one´s head.... And these karmas collected in this way of vegetarian diet, along with a moral life ... can easily be paid, or cleared off with the help of Nam Bhakti. This is why true Gurmukhs stress upon vegetarian diet. Those who are meant to stay here, and roll up and down in the chaurasee ka chakar for quite some time, shall never accept these recomendations, they will say eat, and drink to your brim, who has seen tomorrow, spirituality is hallucination...or even go to the extent of manipulating the Bani, and say, there is no harm in eating this way or the other way, the non veg diet ..... Weak people ....justifying their weaknesses. But this weaknesses, is sure to give them pain. As it is said what you sow, so shall you reap. This is the law of karma. You sow pain, just for the pleasure of your tongue, you shall reap pain and suffering. Or, where is it seen that, you sow chilies and one reaps apples? How stupid and silly to think that way. But,even to be silly or stupid, one has the freedom to be so. But the fact is nobody can manipulate the Bani just like that, as long as His Gurmukhs keep coming , and put us on the right tracks, by giving us the right view of their predecessors, in the sacred Bani. Sat Sree Akal.
  14. Simran Jee, hats off, for this your such a beautiful and a brave question. And for it, Gurbani has still a more beautiful answer. For the Bani does not give any name or surname of anybody in particular, but definetely it can not be more clear and precise. The Bani beautifully and in simple words says: Sadh Sangat othey janeeye, jithe Iko Naam vakhaniye. That place, where the mahima is sung of Naam alone, know it to be the true Sadh kee Sangat. Pen Jee, a true Gurmukh, is someone who has realized Wahiguru within, or better said, is one already with Him. And the proof of this comunion with Him, is that, he tells us according to the Bani at all times, that withdraw your attention, and cut your attachments from this mayevee creation, which you love so much, and for which you even fight and give your life for it, or even take life in name of so called dharam... True Dharam, true karam, is only that jugtee, that bandagee, which takes us near towards Wahiguru. Not away. Killing or suiciding in god´s name, is a sin, and as such, this will pull us to the hell like a powerful magnet. Because, nowhere in the Bani is written, by killing or dying for him, will take us to His darbar, rather, only, and only if we do His bhajan bandagee. So if we die, and do not do His bhajan bandagee, how will we ever merge in Him? Have we ever stopped to think over this? You see, the manmukhs, are mixing Gurmat with dirty politics and cultural aspects, thus diverting the goal, the purpose of Gurbani, and we happily follow them, it is like blind following blind. What is the result of this? Well, a sure pifall, which will never allow us to merge in Him. Gurbani, is the most perfect spiritual science, with no failures, but only a guarantee of becoming one with Him, if only we follow it implicitly. If we feel, we are not reaching our goal, that is because we are polluted with misconceptions, by twisting the Bani to our manmat, not necesasarily done by us, but by the so called leaders. So you see, that is for which we are advised Sadh kee Sangat, not because of anything else, but because we come to understand the real value of the paviter Gurbani, and only then, we strengthen our faith and love in Wahiguru Akal Purukh, and thus engage in the true bandagee or devotion, which is per Bani: Naam sumiran. For this devotion, we do not have to do anything special, neither go anywhere, neither leave family, job, house, etc... Because the Bani says : Har mandir eheu sareer hae, gyan ratan pargat hoe. Our human body is the real temple, the real Gurdwara, where Sachay Patshah Wahiguru resides, there we knock at His door, by His Simran, and when He thinks fit for us, He opens the doors for us to enter within. Only that much is in our hands. we have to lay down as kookars at His door, when He the Malik, is pleased with us, He will let us in. We can only do ardaas in the form of Simran, we can not force Him, or manipulate Him, with our chaturaee. To do His Simran for His realization, is His hukum, so naturally there is no second way, or third way, to have his Darshan and merge in Him. Apart from this, everything else is paraphernalia. Saacha Naao, Saacha Sahib. This is the only Truth. Sat Sree Akal.
  15. Just to make a point, when I was referring in a post above, of the dhoor of the Gursikhs, Gurmukhs ... it was not of the material dust or dhoor of these mahapukhs. Because this dhoor is material, is made from one of the 5 tattwas from which this mayvee creation is made. And as such is inert with no spiritual value at all. When Guru Jee, mentions the dhoor of a Gurmukh, they mean the spiritual dhoor . So now what is this dhoor or where to get it? This dhoor is obtained by keeping Sadh kee Sangat, and it is their amrit madhoor bachans, their Sat gyan of Gurbani, with which, we dye our minds in the colour of Naam and Shabad. And the more we keep their Sangat, the stronger the dyeing on us of His atee Kirpa and beant Daya Meher, which is also known as Gur Parsad. Sat See Akal.
  16. Simran Jee, let us clear some points which are widely misunderstood. Soul or atma, can never be bad, as they are the essence of Wahiguru, be whichsoever soul it may be, the souls are always good. Just as if a pure drop of rain fals in the ground, it becomes mud with its association with the dirt, in a similar way, the soul with its association with mind, karmas, vasanaas, vikaars, becomes enchained by all these dacoits, and forgtes its true Origin, beleiving to be part and parcel of mayavee creation. But then, Gurmukhs, Guru Sahibans come to our level under His Hukum, to make us aware of our true spiritual nature, that we are royal princes, children of the Royal Sachay Patsah Wahiguru Akal Purukh, and these Gurmukhs , with the power of Naam and Shabad, remove away all our dirt, make us pure, make us paviter, just as they themselves are , hold us by our arm, and hand us back safely to Wahiguru. So, the soul is always pure, it is the coverings on it which are responsible for its wrecked and pitiful state. A golden ring can fall in the gutter, not because of this its value has diminished, it just needs to be washed off, that is it. Such is the beant wadeeayee, of Wahiguru, His Naam, and His Gurmukhs. ਗੁਰਸਿਖਾਂ ਕੀ ਹਰਿ ਧੂੜਿ ਦੇਹਿ ਹਮ ਪਾਪੀ ਭੀ ਗਤਿ ਪਾਂਹਿ Gurasikhaan Kee Har Dhhoorr Dhaehi Ham Paapee Bhee Gath Paanhi| गुरसिखां की हरि धूड़ि देहि हम पापी भी गति पांहि I am a sinner, O Lord bless me with the dust of the Feet of Gurmukhs, so that I can attain salvation Sat Sree Akal.
  17. Gupt Jee Sat Sree Akal, as per my limited understanding, these screams and shakings, are not common, but when they take place, that is because outwardly we all look more or less same, but it is inwardly that we are at different levels of consciousness. You see, suppose to a person who has been operated of the eyes, you open the bandage and suddenly flash a light of 200 watts ....what will happen? He will not be able to withold that refulgence, and he will definetely shout and shake like he has been given a punch . In a simialr way, if we are not clean spiritually, that energy manifested in the inner subtle levels, forget the jot of Wahiguru which is akhoot, but even just the lower forces manifestations in the form of lights and sounds on the astral and causal planes are also very potent by themselves, so if we are not that much paviter, naturally we can not gaze at that light in the beginning stages.... That is why purity in thought, deed and speech is so much stressed on any spiritaul path. It is a must. without being good at the bottom of our hearts, it is all "dikhavat", it is all "natak", we are only fooling ourselves in the end. Without that purity, we can not move forward at all, towards our goal, Wahiguru. The Gurmukhs, Mahapurkhs, Sant Janas to which you refer above, could never ever go through all this, because they are the very embodiment of Truth and goodness. Just look at Fifth Patshaee for example... Sat Sree Aakl.
  18. HAR IKO DAATA SEVIYE, HAR IK DHIAEEYEH ਪਉੜੀ ॥ pa-orhee. Pauree: ਹਰਿ ਇਕੋ ਦਾਤਾ ਸੇਵੀਐ ਹਰਿ ਇਕੁ ਧਿਆਈਐ ॥ har iko daataa sayvee-ai har ik Dhi-aa-ee-ai. Serve the One Lord, the Great Giver; meditate on the One Lord. ਹਰਿ ਇਕੋ ਦਾਤਾ ਮੰਗੀਐ ਮਨ ਚਿੰਦਿਆ ਪਾਈਐ ॥ har iko daataa mangee-ai man chindi-aa paa-ee-ai. Beg from the One Lord, the Great Giver, and you shall obtain your heart's desires. ਜੇ ਦੂਜੇ ਪਾਸਹੁ ਮੰਗੀਐ ਤਾ ਲਾਜ ਮਰਾਈਐ ॥ jay doojay paashu mangee-ai taa laaj maraa-ee-ai. But if you beg from another, then you shall be shamed and destroyed. ਜਿਨਿ ਸੇਵਿਆ ਤਿਨਿ ਫਲੁ ਪਾਇਆ ਤਿਸੁ ਜਨ ਕੀ ਸਭ ਭੁਖ ਗਵਾਈਐ ॥ jin sayvi-aa tin fal paa-i-aa tis jan kee sabh bhukh gavaa-ee-ai. One who serves the Lord obtains the fruits of his rewards; all of his hunger is satisfied. ਨਾਨਕੁ ਤਿਨ ਵਿਟਹੁ ਵਾਰਿਆ ਜਿਨ ਅਨਦਿਨੁ ਹਿਰਦੈ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਧਿਆਈਐ ॥੧੦॥ naanak tin vitahu vaari-aa jin an-din hirdai har naam Dhi-aa-ee-ai. ||10|| Nanak is a sacrifice to those, who night and day, meditate within their hearts on the Name of the Lord. || In this Shabad above sung by the Raagi, Guru Jee is mainly telling us, that if you want to serve, devote or love anybody as the Lord, just meditate on the One Wahiguru alone. Because if you go on begging from several doors, like gods, godesses, devtas, etc; then you shall pass with shame to the next world. Why? Because from others, you can at most get Baikunth, Swarg, Shivpuri or Brahamlok, but there is not Wahiguru, so you just waste away your golden opportunity of the human birth, for the sake of worshhiping those beings which are not more worthy than stones. On the contrary, if you worship the One True Lord Wahiguru, you fulfill your coming as human, and also quench all your thrist for all mayavee desires, which is the root cause for all our maladies, thus, cut your bonds from the cycle of births and deaths, to only become wholly pure to reach Sach Khand, the realm of utmost Truth and Love, to only merge in Wahiguru Nirankar and become one with Him. This is the wadeeayee of Wahiguru´s devotion, becoming one with Him. We must bear in mind, from Wahiguru we shall only get Him. If we expect any other thing than Him, apart from Him, then Nature in form of gods, maya... is eveready there to satsify all our wishes, with the cost of having to pay in being prisoner in the Chaurasee ka Chakar for a very very long time..... Only stupid manmukhs can do so, not His bhagats, not His devotees...not His real sikhs From Wahiguru, we can only, and only get Him. If He were to give us anything less than Him, than for sure we would be condemmed for ever, nobody could ever help us. That is why the Bani says: Jevad Aap, tevad Teree daat. And the fact is, He wants us back with Him, that is why Gurmukhs, Bhagats, Sant Janas, Guru Sahibans come time after time, to remind us of Him, and reconnect us with Him, with the power of Naam and Shabad. Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru ......
  19. Simran Jee, beautiful Shabad above of Fifth Patshahee. It is one of my most favourites. Thank you. Following is a Shabad sung by Amarjit Singh Patiala Wale. Titled: " Bin Har Simran " The voice is powerful and melodious also, and the Bani as usual is Amrit, for our souls. Sat Sree Akal.
  20. The essence, the objective of the realization of the Supreme divinity in Gurmat, is Wahiguru through His Naam or Shabad. Following are the words of Sachay Patshah Dhan Dhan Satguru Arjun Dev Maharaj in Raag Maroo, where He clearly states, that doing any other type of Bhakti or devotion, is as good as being corrupted or polluted with filth, and as such, we can never ever merge in Him, do whatever we may. ਨਾਨਕ ਵਿਣੁ ਨਾਵੈ ਆਲੂਦਿਆ ਜਿਤੀ ਹੋਰੁ ਖਿਆਲੁ Naanak Vin Navai Aloodhia Jithee Hor Khial नानक विणु नावै आलूदिआ जिती होरु खिआलु O Nanak, without the Name, other thoughts are polluted and corrupt. * One can see that Guru Sahibans , Gurmukhs, do not need to give big big complicated lectures, to convey us the simple yet profound spiritual truths. In just a line of 6 or 7 words, they disclose all the depth, all the inmensity of true spirituality ..... Why or how is that possible? Because they are the very embodiment of the Supreme Truth. Sat Sree Akal.
  21. While going through Guru Jee´s Bani, following are their beautiful and precious Satbachans, which I find are the base, for the Maryada which we are looking for. And who better than Guru Jee can guide us, to adjust and mould our lives in such a way, that while living in the mayavee creation abd fulfilling our worldly duties, we also accomplish the goal of our lives as human beings, by following Gurmat and merge our surtees in Wahiguru Akal Purukh. ਸਬਦੰ ਰਤੰ ਹਿਤੰ ਮਇਆ ਕੀਰਤੰ ਕਲੀ ਕਰਮ ਕ੍ਰਿਤੁਆ Sabadhan Rathan Hithan Maeiaa Keerathan Kalee Karam Kirathuaa सबदं रतं हितं मइआ कीरतं कली करम क्रितुआ 1)To be imbued and attuned to the Word of the Shabad; 2)to be kind and compassionate; 3) and to sing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises - these are the most worthwhile actions in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga. Salok Sehshritee, Dhan Dhan Satguru Arjan Dev Maharaj. Sat Sree Akal.
  22. Wahiguru is our paalanhaar, our sustainer, we have heard it many times. Many a times we are afraid, that if we give more time and attention to Wahiguru, through His devotion or abhyaas, who will look after our work, our family, our jobs...etc. For that our doubt and uncomplete faith, Sree Guru Arjun Dev Maharaj, assures us that, if we give our heart , mind and body without any reservation to Him, He will not leave us, rather hold us tighter like a mother to its baby child. Satgur sikh kaa, halat palat savaarai. The True Guru, arranges this world and the next for His Sikh. The thing is we profess love and devtion to Wahiguru according to our limited and polluted minds, but according to our Guru Sahibans, when we love somebody we want to please that being, by doing what it likes most.... Wahiguru, is also a jealous lover. He wants us to give ourselves totally to Him, by surrendering our ego, our bondages, our ignorance....just by only doing what He expects from us, which is to live and love Him according to the Bani. He does not wants our money, nor properties...nothing, but only our mind and soul, full of humility, love, devotion, and fear of not doing anything, which He could dislike... Toon Thakur Beant, kou virla jaane...
  23. As per the title of this thread, which is, health is wealth. So following are 10 exercises, to keep ourselves fit, mentally and physically. 1) For the eyes? See the everlasting in human kindness. 2) For the tongue? Speak from the heart, instead of the mouth. 3) For the face? Smile more often to everyone 4) For the ears? Speak less and listen more 5) For the brain? Have constructive thoughts. 6) For the feet? Walk towards knowledge and wisdom with humility. 7) For the nose? Inhale goodness and exhale the evil from within. 8) For strength? Get up after you fall down. 9)For the heart? Live in the Truth. 10) For the soul? We are never alone, walk with God. Sat Sree Akal.
  24. harsharan000

    Naam Jaap

    Dear Khalsa Jee, Nam japna is not like doing excercises for a certain time to build our bodies, rather it is a string in His hands, through which He pulls us towards Him, if only we allow ourselves through this jugtee. Isn´t Wahiguru our true Father, Mother? Does a child ever calculate the time in being with his beloved parents? So must be our attitude, our "taraph", for being away from Him. You see, the more bandagee we do, the cleaner we get from the filth accumulated on our minds. And as cleaner we become, the stronger the pull towards Him will be. The Bani says: saas saas simroh Gobind. It is not that we should run away and leave our duties and do this devotion. We have to keep a balance, cause if we do not perform our duties, we can not progress in the "marg of ruhaniyat" either. Give the world its necessary dues, and to Wahiguru everything else. How does a lover remember his/her beloved? The lover goes to work, here or there, but keeps the beloved in mind at all times. He / she, just thinks to finish the duties as soon as possible and go and meet the beloved. In a similar way, wherever we maybe we may keep Him in our mind through His chintan, and while coming back to our residence/home, find a time and be in His presence, by meditating on Him. It is not in our hands to have His darshan, but we can definetely submit ourselves to His Lotus Feet by staying in His dhyan, so that whenever He thinks fit, wash our filth with the Amrit of His Grace, and thus become fit for having even a glimpse of His Darshan. Sat Sree Akal.
  25. Brother Gurpal_1, for sure the soul will merge in Him whensoever He decides to finish the creation, for there will be no deivs, devtas, devlok, Baikunth, Swarg, Narak...etc, only He, so naturally all jeev atams will merge in Him, there is no alternative. But then , why to wait for that day? Who knows when will He choose to finish this creation? It maybe still be many millions of years... Only a fool will not mind staying until then, in this valley of pain and misery called creation. The Bani says: today is your time, today is your golden opportunity, te meditate and merge in Him, through His Shabad. Bhaee parapat manukh deh hureeya, Gobind milan kee yeh teree bareeya... Bahut janam vichurey teh Madao, ehe janam Tumhare lekhey .... Wahiguru has blessed us with comon sense, so let us not keep it locked in the cupboard, and make use of it, in order to merge in Him as you say, through His Bhakti and Grace. Things do not happen just like that, do not we go to the office to work , at schools to study and learn? So if at every step we put our will power, we put our sincere efforts, howcome, will we merge in Him just like that. If we stay idle and wait for things to happen, like merging in Him, then brother, maya kaal, vaasnas, are just waiting to hold a tight grip on us and keep us prisoners in this mayavee creation. Let us not just say Wahiguru bless me, for we are alraedy blessed, He has given us the human form, He has made us sit at the Lotus feet of our Guru Sahibans, Gurmukhs, from whom we have got the most beautiful and priceless Gurbani, to merge in Him at our own will, that is also His mahanta. Sat Sree Akal.
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