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Everything posted by khalistan_zindabaad

  1. vaheguru ji ka khalsa, vaheguru ji ki fathe The topic is not about whether Sant giani jarnail singh ji khalsa ji bhindranwale is or not shaheed, it was just to let the sangat on the net know about the samagam that is taking place for the chardii kalaa of sant ji and all the other singhs that are still fighting for khalistan, wherever they may be, so could everyone who can please attend vaheguru akallllllllllllllllllllll
  2. veer ji just liked to say that, you have posted tht you would only come down to the programme if there is footage of sant ji post 84, so therefore are you trying to imply THAT you would not come to do darshan of guru sahib and would not come to do darshan of guru jees sangat. i telling you to come i was just letting the sangat who believes in guru granth sahib ji to come, as maharaj ses that a brahm giani is a roop of god, yeh, so god knows all, so if baba thakur singh ji is a brahm giani then for baba ji to say that sant ji is not shaheed, then i t would DIRECTLY mean that sant ji was not yeh, ohhh sorry i take it you do not beleve in maharaj then, any way im sorry if ised something wrong PLEASE DONT CONVERT THIS TO A 'IS SANT JI SHAHEED OR NOT' thread as its only to inform the sangat of the samagam thats taking place yeh, fathe (please dont close this thread)
  3. vaheguru ji ka khalasa, vaheguru ji ki fathe veer ji great question, why dont you and whoever you are representing come down and see, i look forward to seeing you, and then seeing your face in the future when the sant does return
  4. VAHEGURU JI KA KHALA, VAHEGURU JI KI FATHE, There is a ARDAS SAMAGAM programme at tividale gurdwara on saturday 18th june from 6 to 9pm, the programme will be for the CHARDI KALAA of SANT SAPHAI BABA JARNAIL SINGH JI KHALSA JI BHINDRANWALE, and for all the other singhs that are CURRENTLY fighting for KHALISTAN (khalsa raj), wherever they may be (jail, india, pakistan, chardii kalaa etc), there will be an ardas infront of guru granth sahib ji maharaj for the chardi kalaa of these singhs, there MAY also be a projector screen which will footage of the sant in 84 and pre 84, and also be audio when sant ji said that in his gairharjarii or if sant ji was to go anywhere baba thakur singh ji would be the carajkhari jathedar of damdami taksal (chowk mehta), IT would be great if all the singhs that still believe in SANT BABA JARNAIL SINGH JI KHALSA JI BHINDRANWALES bachan, and beleive in brahm giani baba thakur singhs ji bachan to be present, this will give a chance for you singhs to show everyone that you are standing up for whats right i would request that everyone who CAN shows up, there will be various jathe showing up and the programme is set to be one never seen before dass KHALISTAN_ZINDABAAD shri guru hargobind sahib ji (dudley road WEST, Tividale) phone number 0121 552 4828 (could admin not delete or interfere with this thread, if possible can put up as sticky, thank you)
  5. VAHEGURU JI KA KHALA, VAHEGURU JI KI FATHE, There is a ARDAS SAMAGAM programme at tividale gurdwara on saturday 18th june from 6 to 9pm, the programme will be for the CHARDI KALAA of SANT SAPHAI BABA JARNAIL SINGH JI KHALSA JI BHINDRANWALE, and for all the other singhs that are CURRENTLY fighting for KHALISTAN (khalsa raj), wherever they may be (jail, india, pakistan, chardii kalaa etc), there will be an ardas infront of guru granth sahib ji maharaj for the chardi kalaa of these singhs, there MAY also be a projector screen which will footage of the sant in 84 and pre 84, and also be audio when sant ji said that in his gairharjarii or if sant ji was to go anywhere baba thakur singh ji would be the carajkhari jathedar of damdami taksal (chowk mehta), IT would be great if all the singhs that still believe in SANT BABA JARNAIL SINGH JI KHALSA JI BHINDRANWALES bachan, and beleive in brahm giani baba thakur singhs ji bachan to be present, this will give a chance for you singhs to show everyone that you are standing up for whats right i would request that everyone who CAN shows up, there will be various jathe showing up and the programme is set to be one never seen before dass KHALISTAN_ZINDABAAD shri guru hargobind sahib ji (dudley road WEST, Tividale) phone number 0121 552 4828 (could admin not delete or interfere with this thread, if possible can put up as sticky, thank you)
  6. VAHEGURU JI KA KHALA, VAHEGURU JI KI FATHE, There is a ARDAS SAMAGAM programme at tividale gurdwara on saturday 18th june from 6 to 9pm, the programme will be for the CHARDI KALAA of SANT SAPHAI BABA JARNAIL SINGH JI KHALSA JI BHINDRANWALE, and for all the other singhs that are CURRENTLY fighting for KHALISTAN (khalsa raj), wherever they may be (jail, india, pakistan, chardii kalaa etc), there will be an ardas infront of guru granth sahib ji maharaj for the chardi kalaa of these singhs, there MAY also be a projector screen which will footage of the sant in 84 and pre 84, and also be audio when sant ji said that in his gairharjarii or if sant ji was to go anywhere baba thakur singh ji would be the carajkhari jathedar of damdami taksal (chowk mehta), IT would be great if all the singhs that still believe in SANT BABA JARNAIL SINGH JI KHALSA JI BHINDRANWALES bachan, and beleive in brahm giani baba thakur singhs ji bachan to be present, this will give a chance for you singhs to show everyone that you are standing up for whats right i would request that everyone who CAN shows up, there will be various jathe showing up and the programme is set to be one never seen before dass KHALISTAN_ZINDABAAD shri guru hargobind sahib ji (dudley road WEST, Tividale) phone number 0121 552 4828 (could admin not delete or interfere with this thread, if possible can put up as sticky, thank you)
  7. vaheguru ji ka khalsa vaheguru ji ki fathe, singhs put your post up on the new thread started please
  8. vaheguru ji ka khalsa, vaheguru ji ki fathe, 'mann quarm layee qurbaan', which gurdwara sahib are you going to show the dvd at?, plz let me know, also the topic was not started to slander off jathebandees or certain individual (we all know that BADAL is a PRAT and others that are his dogs are even bigger prat, we all know about whos involved with the RSS etc), THE TOPIC WAS STARTED TO RAISE AWARENESS AND SO THAT THIS DVD CAN BE SHOWN MORE WORLDWIDE, and wwith guru jiis kirpa at every gurdwara sahib, therefore i would be greatful if the sangat could try to ask the comitees or whoever and start getting this dvd out there, there are always going to be allegations against everyone, however we should know ourselfs which ones are likely to be correct and which ones incorrect, the singh fdonig the seva of the cd ses at the end 'if i live or not' --- in simple terms, so he obviously knows what hes doing and ent afraid, anyway try to do your best and stay in chardi kalla akkkkkkkkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllllll vaheguru ji ka khlasa, vaheguru ji ki fathe
  9. vaheguru ji ka khalsa, vaheguru ji ki fathe, any news on anyone trying to asks the comitees at the gurdvara sahibs about showings, because there is no point of the dvd being there if its not going to be showed to all the sangat, wow we have watched it and say its good but there no point unless all the sangat have seen it and realise whats happening CAN SOMEONE DO SUMMIT Vaheguru ji ka khalsa, vaheguru ji ki fathe
  10. vaheguru ji ka khalsa, vaheguru ji ki fathe, yeh i agree that he is limiting himself, i think that he has a lot of knowledge and should produce another dvd with everything in, but I DONT thnik he is afraid as i think it was more of a time issue, as the dvd lasts two hours, he even ses at the end 'if i live or not' which seems to imply that he knows whats hes doing and knows the consiquences but still is not afraid, i think that the dvd should be well promoted and shown evrywhere at every gurdwara shaib, can someone arrange something like this ??????????? even if not know but in a month or two, but should be promoted everywhere that it is bening shown soo all the sangat can see it and may have a wakeup call
  11. vaheguru ji ka khlasa, vaheguru ji ki fathe Just wanted to know what your views are on the above DVD, cus i fink its really really GODDDDDDDDDDDDDD, andd think that we or some singhs should try to make more copies and also try to get every gurdwara sahib to have showings of this DVD, as it contains alot of good information and is a wakeup call, singhs try to sort something out cus this DVD is just too good and tells about all of the RSS activities and of other stupid groups and also touchs on that prik asho tosho or wateva they call him.
  12. vaheguru ji ka khalsa, vaheguru ji ki fathe, WHAt is he currently doing in taksal, i dnt fink its very panthic, dont try to big up someone just because he is the nephew of sant ji. leave it out yeh
  13. vaheguru ji ka khalsa, vaheguru ji k ifathe JUST like to add that me was der on sunday at smethwick gurdwara wen the comitee was being chosen and all me gotta say is dat it was a COMPLETE JOKE . . . another point to add is that its not only the person in the picture who belongs or attends meetings of these sooo called cults such as narakhdaris, noormaleas, darshan daasis, radha soamis, RSS, shiv sena, CONGRESS, etc etc, there are several other members of the comitee, but these members do not be pointed out at, BECAUSE they have alot of apparent connections in india and can APPARENTLY do alot of things. . . i can think of 3 at the top of my head but me dont get involved with these ppl, 'singh shromani' can probably think or know of many more, would you plz tell us about these ppl aswell because im 100% sure you know who im implying, lets giv another clue NARAKHDARI CULT meetings back in the days, meetings with currupt police officers who were respnsible for the killings of thousands of singhs in india in 1984 and after etc, you cant just mention one person and keep it at that, lets mention everyone that badd, and you should also show what else the constitution states, THE MEMBERS HAVE TO BE 100% KHALISTANI, im sure several of the comitee mebers are NOT,why dont some so called leaders just change the constitutuion, i mean change it to the following you can be anti khalistan, can have links with congress, rss, narakhdari, noormeleas, etc etc, but you have to be badly anti panthic, you cant do anything for the panth, all the gurdvara money has to go to your LINKS in india or in your pockets etc etc as im sure some of these activites already occur, whats the point of having the constitutuion if NO ones folloiwng it, anyway theres no point in discussing this as no ones gonna change it . . . or are they??????? JUST WAIT AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS IN A COUPLE OF YEARS. . . Vaheguru ji ka khalsa, vaheguru ji ki fathe
  14. vaheguru ji ka khalsa, vaheguru ji k ifathe JUST like to add that me was der on sunday at smethwick gurdwara wen the comitee was being chosen and all me gotta say is dat it was a COMPLETE JOKE :T: . . . another point to add is that its not only the person in the picture who belongs or attends meetings of these sooo called cults such as narakhdaris, noormaleas, darshan daasis, radha soamis, RSS, shiv sena, CONGRESS, etc etc, there are several other members of the comitee, but these members do not be pointed out at, BECAUSE they have alot of apparent connections in india and can APPARENTLY do alot of things. . . i can think of 3 at the top of my head but me dont get involved with these ppl, 'singh shromani' can probably think or know of many more, would you plz tell us about these ppl aswell because im 100% sure you know who im implying, lets giv another clue NARAKHDARI CULT meetings back in the days, meetings with currupt police officers who were respnsible for the killings of thousands of singhs in india in 1984 and after etc, you cant just mention one person and keep it at that, lets mention everyone that badd, and you should also show what else the constitution states, THE MEMBERS HAVE TO BE 100% KHALISTANI, im sure several of the comitee mebers are NOT,why dont some so called leaders just change the constitutuion, i mean change it to the following you can be anti khalistan, can have links with congress, rss, narakhdari, noormeleas, etc etc, but you have to be badly anti panthic, you cant do anything for the panth, all the gurdvara money has to go to your LINKS in india or in your pockets etc etc as im sure some of these activites already occur, whats the point of having the constitutuion if NO ones folloiwng it, anyway theres no point in discussing this as no ones gonna change it . . . or are they??????? JUST WAIT AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS IN A COUPLE OF YEARS. . . Vaheguru ji ka khalsa, vaheguru ji ki fathe
  15. vaheguru ji ka khalsa, vaheguru ji ki fathe lads dnt HATE but CONGRATULATE, the CD is really good, all the CDs have, at least the singhs ent afraid to talk about 84, im sure they are far from being afraid, the singhs are chardii kalaa vale singhs and are doing wicked parcharr, ppl may buy the cds for the remixs, but after a while will try to pick up the wat has been sed, then it MAY be a wake up call, THE LEAFLET WITH THE CD tells everything more or less about 84 and pre 84, the tracks are dedicated to the sahibzade, and other shaheeds of our wonderful quarm, the last track on brahm giani baba thakur singh ji is marvellous, so i dnt c wats wrong with the CD, they hav a track by gursharan singh which was performed infroont of SANT GIANI JARNAIL SIGNH JI KHALSA JI BHINDRANVALE, these two have not been remixed. AT least the singhs are doing something, the way forward is there is no comprimise we want KHALISTAN, simmple as that, the singhs are doing great seva with there parcharr and this seva will NEVER be FORGOTTEN NEVER FORGET 84 LONG LIVE SANT GIANI JARNAIL SINGH JI KHALSA JI BHINDRANVALE THE ATTACK ON SHRI HARMANDIR SAHIB WAS THE FOUNDATION STONE OF KHALISTAN . . . REMEBA SARBAT KHALSA IN 1986, what was that about, the foundation of khalistan, DNT HATE BUT CONGRATULATE vaheguru ji ka khalsa,vaheguru ji ki fathe
  16. vaheguru ji ka khalsa, vaheguru ji ki fathe happy birthday 'kumi' aka 'wanna b forum bad boyyy' 'lol' ur nearly as old as me now (but u dnt look it), let the beard grow and dnt edit ur forum pictures and u may get sumwhere, nah only messin, the editing looked ok (not), say safe to 'mairy' from me, and keep it real . . . wats amazing is that u neva speak the lingo in public, but i take it its the 'WAY U TYPE' lol, safe neway hav a great day yeh, ur getting old and so is ur knowlegde so its a good thing yeh, neway safe blood . . . uuummm NO 'changa paaji', vaheguru ji ka khlasa, vaheguru ji ki fathe :e: :e: :e: :e: :e: :e: :e: :e:
  17. vaheguru ji ka khalsa, vaheguru ji ki fathe you can also buy the CD and other merchandise from www.boss-stall.com
  19. vaheguru ji ka khalsa, vaheguru ji ki fathe, jus a quick question, wat is bhai sahibs date of birth, cus sum1 that me know sed that its 7 june 1984, but i reckon they lying so jus want to know if anyone can verify this with me plz
  20. vaheguru ji ka khalsa, vaheguru ji ki fathe SInghs you can get it via the internet from www.boss-stall.com, and from shaheedi.com, im not sure if its on sale in toronto, but im sure SOMEONE will let you know (hint hint) lol, nah i try find out for ya, if not get it from the site sites stated above. vaheguru ji ka khalsa, vaheguru ji ki fathe :e: :e: :e: :e:
  22. Vaheguru ji ka khalsa, vaheguru ji ki fathe You can also order the CD online at www.shaheedi.com, and also purchase from www.boss-uk.org, (from the boss stall), the CD is REALLY REALLY GOOD, official realease on handsworth park viasakhi mela 24th of this month :e: :e: :e: :e:
  23. vaheguru ji ka khalsa, vaheguru ji ki fathe, Jus herd the CD at Smethwick vaisakhi mela, and all i gotta say is, its TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDD, me personally think its the best one probably out the 3. ITS ON SALE AT THE VAISAKHI MELA HANDSWORTH PARK, TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SIKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK, its badddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd.. :e:
  24. vaheguru ji ka khalsa, vaheguru ji ki fathe jus like to say happy vaisakhi 2 days late, as vaisakhi was on wednesday never mind, anyway happy vaisakhi.
  25. vaheguru ji ka khalsa, vaheguru ji ki fathe The CDs are going to be on for promotion at the smethwick mela, however as farr as i know not for sale, they will be on for sale at the handsworth mela, however part 2 is on for sale at the smethwick mela and with T shirts of the sant and singhs, so come down to hear the new cd, all im sayin is ITS TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SIKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK, propa badddddddddd. Please do purchase the cd and not copy, as the money goes towards doing SEVA, and if the cd is copied not that much seva can be done. for more info go to shaheedi.com or contact the singhs that are making the CD, like too see you all on this sunday and the next vaheguru ji ka khalsa, vaheguru ji ki fathe :e: :T: :e: :T: :T:
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